Jupiter high episode 19 & 20


šŸ« HIGH šŸ«

šŸ’ž(A high school r0m@nƧĀ£)šŸ’ž

Episode 19


“I’m so stupid, why would I forget my book?” I berated myself as I ran back to clas-s.

I got there only to see a lot of students surrounding our clas-s, wondering what was going on,I walked throu-gh them only to stĀ©p when I saw Max holding Jack by his shi-t.

What’s wrong with them? I thought as I went towards them.

“What are you two doing? stĀ©p!”I shouted.

“Speak of the devil and she appears”Jack said and Max pu-ll-ed him r0Ć»ghly again

“You both should stĀ©p.”Rose said as she walked towards us

“You just resumed today and you are causing problem and you, I thought you knew how to control your temper”She said handling the situation well.

I felt kind of bad, I could do nothing to stĀ©p them and if Rose hadn’t shown up some thing worse would have happen

“What are you looking at, go home, there is nothing to see”She said to the students who had been watching.

They began to leave and she turned towards Max

“We have to talk Max”she said

“We have nothing to talk about and you! You have been warned, don’t mess with her, I mean it”Max said to Jack and then he left.

I wondered what Max meant by Jack not messing with some one.

“You shouldn’t have meddled Rose” Jack said

“I couldn’t stand by watch you two, isn’t it time you two forget what happened in the past? “Rose left that question hanging as she walked off.

“What brings you back Andrea?”he asked as he finally gave me a glance

“I c@mĀ£ back to take my book”I said as I went into the clas-s.

“You could have come for it tomorrow”

“I have to do my as-signment “I said as i found the book, I turned about to leave when I decided to ask him the question that have been troubling me

“Have you and Max always been like this”I asked

“Been like how?”She asked

“Always fighting ” I said

“No, we were once friends but some thing pu-ll-ed us ap@rt” he said

“Would that be Rose?”I asked

“That’s all I will be telling you, now shall we head to your p@rty”He asked putting his arm around me

“We will head to my p@rty and you will see for yourself that am not lying when it comes to being rich”I said

“Really? We shall see”he replied having a smile on his face

Angrily I pushed his hand off and began to walk fast.

“What a beautiful house you have” Beatrice yelled as I took her and Brenda on a tour.

I stood starring at the house, I never would have thought that Max villa would be this big and beautiful.

I didn’t want them going to the house, so I decided to set the p@rty outside but Beatrice and Brenda insist on wanting a tour, I had no option than to oblige them

“Miss Andrea, would you like us to serve more drinks to your guest” one of the maid asked as she walked in

“Sure, but don’t serve much, they will be leaving soon”i said to lady and she left.

It had been a surprise when we arrived only to see a long line of maid waiting to serve us.

I knew that it could only be Max doing, he did not only let me borrow his house, he also hired maid to make it all real.

“Am so full, I can’t possibly eat more, is this how they feed you Andrea”Brenda asked

“Of course, they feed me well”I replied

“We better head downstairs, now that we have seen your house, we can be more at rest” Beatrice added

“Why do you say that?”,

“You are our friend Andrea, more like a sister, Brenda and i both know each other homes just to keep in tĀ©uƧh and be of help to one another and now that you are in our midst, we had to know where you live, in the future if you nee-d our help, we will know where to find you”Beatrice said and I felt so bad for lying to them

“Brenda, Beatrice I………” I began only to stĀ©p when I saw Geoffrey going up the stairs.

“You guys should go ahead, I join you in a bit”I said as I ran after Geoffrey

“Where are you going?”I asked as I caught up with him

“Checking out the house, this is great, your house is magnificent, your parents have great taste”he said

“Thank you,let’s go back, the p@rty is down stairs” I said

“What! Are you sĀ£nding me out?” He asked

“No, am not , it’s just that mom doesn’t like people roaming around the house, it’s best that you go back outside”I said

“Well if you say so, I will leave but I saw the clas-s rep and some of our friends heading upstairs a while earlier”Geoffrey said as he left the house

Oh no, why won’t they stay outside, they might see some thing that they should not see, I thought to the empty room, looking for them.

But I found no one, is Geoffrey even sure, I thought as I ope ned the last door only to see Jack in one of the rooms.

“What are you doing in here?”I yelled at him.

I went throu-gh the guest at the p@rty but I couldn’t find Andrea amongst them

Where could she be? I thought as I head into the house

I was heading up the stairs when I ran into Geoffrey

“Oh its the great Max, the only handsome guy at our school” Geoffrey said

“Are you drun!k?”I asked

“Just a bit?”

“How did alcohol get in here?”I asked thinking of Andrea

“Where is Andrea?”I added

“Well I pla-yed a prank on her”he whispered softly

“What sort of prank?”I asked

“Well I told her that the other students have gone up to the room upstairs but that’s a lie”he said laughing

“What did you do Geoffrey?”I asked getting angry

“Well the students are not the one upstairs but it’s Jack, I set her up with Jack, aren’t I a genius?”he asked and I pushed him out of my way, heading upstairs.

The other rooms were empty, the last room at the end of the hall was the only room that I haven’t checked yet.

As soon as I got there, I saw Jack starring at Andrea, though Andrea is un aware of him watching her

“Have showed you that am not a liar and that am rich, so now you can feel as-sured and I hope that you transfer out of Jupiter high”she said

“Why should I? ”

“You said you only transfered there to know what am hiding and now that you know that am not hiding a thing , you can leave” she said

Jack was speechless for a while, judging from his expression, he didn’t know what to say.

Just then he looked up and saw me standing there, then he stared at Andrea and at me again.

He gave me a dubious smile and moved towards Andrea

“I can’t leave”he said as he faced Andrea to him

“Why can’t you?” she asked

“Because I think that I want to know more of you” he said looking at me

“I think I will be having a whole lot of fun” just remembering his words made me clenched my hand in anger

“What are you say……….” Andrea could not finish her word because he pu-ll-ed her to him, hvgging her ti-ght

“I want to know more about you Andrea and that’s because I like you” he said this looking straight at me.

I took a step, wanting to go in but I stĀ©pped, what’s going on with me? Why Am I acting this way, it’s not like Andrea belongs to me, she is just some one am helping out, so why the hell am I getting jealous.

Taking a step back, I left as quietly as I c@mĀ£.

I stood still in his arms still not sure about what Jack meant.

I pushed at him and he let me go immediately.

“What was that for?”I asked

“Sorry,I just said it out of impulse, don’t take it to heart” he said

“You are totally crazy”I said and left the room in a rush.

I didn’t feel like going to the p@rty, so I went to one of the empty balcony.

What’s happening to me? First it was Max and now Jack.

Max had been an accident, I tr!ppĀ£dand he caught me but Jack?

” That’s because I like you”

Remembering what he said got me having goose bu-mps.

Just then my phone rang and I answered because it was my mom.

“How is the p@rty?” She asked softly

” Good” I replied

“Hope they aren’t ma-king you feel uncomfortable “she asked

“No they aren’t mom”I said

They didn’t make me uncomfortable, instead I was the one feeling uncomfortable, Because I was the one lying to them.

“Are you sure, if you are, just come back home, I don’t want you to be amongst them if they arent treating you right”she said

“They are mom, I mean it”I said softly

“Fine then, get back home safe and plea-se don’t drink any thing alcoholic”

“I won’t, I promise”I replied and cut the phone.

I stood by the balcony gazing out at the sky and I didn’t when the tears began to fall.

“Where could Andrea be?” Beatrice said as they all stood by the entrance, re-ady to leave.

I stood there with them too but my mind wasn’t really with what they are saying.

I was still thinking about what happened earlier.

Jack had returned to the p@rty but Andrea never did, could some thing be wrong? I thought

“I will go get her”I said and went back to the villa.

She wasn’t at the room where she was with Jack

Where could she be? I thought as I began to head outside but I stĀ©pped when I heard some one sniffling.

Followed the voice only to see Andrea crouched on the floor crying.

I didn’t know why but it break my heart to see her cry.

“Andrea?” I called softly

She looked up at me ” Am a loser Max, a real loser and it hurts, it hurts just knowing that”she said crying ha-rder

I went towards her and pu-ll-ed her up and Then I gave her the only thing she nee-ded at that very moment and that is a shoulder to cry on and also a ti-ght hvg.

šŸ« HIGH šŸ«

šŸ’ž(A high school r0m@nƧĀ£)šŸ’ž

Episode 20


“Where could she be?”I muttered to myself as I also went in search of Andrea.

I don’t know why am bothering to do this but seeing Max going in to look for her also got me moving.

Just where did she go to ? I thought as I went to the room that we had been in earlier

I found myself remembering what had happened in the room.

It was worth seeing that look on Max face and it was worth having Andrea in my arms

What did I just think of, I thought as I began to head out.

Just then I heard some one crying, I followed the sound and I saw Andrea crouched on the floor crying.

This is the first time that I will see a girl cry, well it’s not like have never seen a girl cry but those were all crocodile tears and it had always pissed me off but seeing Andrea now got me feeling different.

Some thing in me wanted to go to her, to give her comfort and to make her smile again.

I was about to do so but I stĀ©pped when I heard Max call her name.

“I’m a loser Max, a real loser and it hurts, it hurts just knowing that” she said as she cried ha-rder

Max went to her and pu-ll-ed her into his arms, seeing her in Max arms got me feeling furious.

“It’s okay.” Max consoled her

“I must have seem pitiful to you right?”She said as she kept on crying

“No you didn’t, you don’t seem pitiful to me “he replied softly

“Yes I am Max, if you hadn’t help me with your house and your maid, I would have been busted, the students would have known that am nothing but a poor devil”she said sniffling

I stood still listening to what she just said, So my as-sumption was right, she is poor but claims to be rich but why would she lie about it?

“You have your reasons for lying to them Andrea”

You are right I do have my reason and it’s all for mom and also because I don’t want to be bullied, not again”

She had been bullied because she was poor, I thought as I stared at her

“You won’t and no one found out your secret right? Every thing will be fine”Max said as he held her to him again.

I left as quietly as I c@mĀ£, i c@mĀ£ to Jupiter only to find out Andrea secret and also to expo-se her and now that I know it, I don’t think I can expo-se the truth.

“Jack, where is Andrea?” Beatrice asked

“She has some sort of head ache, I think it’s best that we leave, we will see her at school Tomorrow”I said

“But we …………”Beatrice stĀ©pped when she got a text

“It’s from Max and he says that Andrea is fine and that we should leave on our own, that rude punk, I wonder what he is doing with Andrea?”She said

“It’s none of our business, so let’s just go, let’s all leave”I said as I pushed Beatrice and Brenda off


I stood by the balcony watching Andrea as she tried to make herself look presĀ£ntable again.

“Why bother doing that when it’s night”I asked

“If you think am doing it to look good for some guy then you better erase that thought” She said

“Then who are you doing it for?”I asked feeling happy with what she said.

“Mom, if my mom sees me like this, she will be worried and I wouldn’t want that” she said

“You must really worry about your mom a lot” I said

“Of course I must, she works her back off just to sĀ£nd me to a rich school, though she tries to hide it, I know that she gets tired from working too much”she said and I remembered when I had seen her mother at the kitchen the day she got drun!k.

I doubt if her mom told her what happened,should I tell her or should I just keep out of it

I wasn’t able to think further because she turned to stare at me having a smile on her face

“I’m all done, we can leave now”she said

“Are you okay now?”I asked

“Yes, I must be okay, I ha-rd ly cry Max, so keep this a secret and I promise you that I wont bother you whenever I want to cry or any time I feel down”she said

“It’s not a bother to me “I found myself saying

“Don’t try to make me feel good, I know that my crying was too much for you and am really sorry for that” she said still looking a bit pale and sad

“What do you do to lift up your mood when you are sad?” I asked


“You heard me perfectly, just tell me”I said

“I doubt if you will like what am about to tell you ” she said

“Tell me Andrea “I said and she gave me a smile.

A while later we stood at a field and I smiled just thinking of Andrea had told me

“You don’t like it right?”she asked suddenly

“I do like it, i mean who wouldn’t like soccer but am quite surprised that soccer is the only thing that keeps you from being sad” he said

“Well not soccer alone, if I can also get a large bar of chocolate, it will definitely kill the sadness” she said

“You are full of surprise Andrea ?”I said as I took the ball from her and kicked it into the net.

“Wow, that is amazing ” she said

“You haven’t seen me pl@ysoccer for real, if you do you might just faint ” I said as I kicked another goal

“Never!”she said

“You will, that happens with other girls”

“But am not other girls and I can also pl@ysoccer well enough” She said as she kicked the ball from me

“Try getting the ball”she said as she began to head off with the ball.

I followed suit and began to fight for the ball, I didn’t know if it was my fault or Andrea’s but the next thing I knew was that I tr!ppĀ£dand fell on Andrea.


One minute we were pla-ying soccer and another i was on the floor with Max on tĀ©p of me.

It had been embarras-sing when I cried in his arms and it’s much worse now with him on me.

“Max I…..”I stĀ©pped when I felt a sneeze coming

Max wasn’t even trying to get up, instead he kept on starring at me, I couldn’t hold back the sneeze and i sneezed right on his face

“Ahhhhhhh! that’s disgusting Andrea” he yelled as he sat on the floor.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t hold it back”I said smiling a bit

I still can’t believe that am here having a talk with the cold-hearted Max.

Well he is not really cold like every one thinks, what he did today have made me realise that he is nothing but a gentle person and his offer to make me feel good again just gave him a perfect 100 from me.

“Is this really funny Andrea?”he asked

“Am sorry, I didn’t mean to and you tr!ppĀ£don me and wouldn’t get up on time” I said

He didn’t bother to give me a reply , he stood up and I knew that he was angry.

quic-kly I got up too and when I would have tĀ©uƧhed him, he turned suddenly and pu-ll-ed at my hand

I lost my balance a bit and he caught me by the w@!st, staring down at me.

Then he began to bend over me, bringing his face closer to mine, was he going to k!ssme, I thought as I stood rigid in his arms.
To Be Continued