In love with a naive ghost episode 20/22

(Is this Faith or Joke?)


By, Authoress Fãvy💫

‼️ Don’t copy or repost plea-se‼️

“Cara come back to me!, am…am really sorry!”
Cara was sitting at the street bench with her head down, as the words Dave said to her keeping flooding on her head non-st©p including his expressions

“Am I really a bad luck?
Do you keep bringing him down?” she asked herself why fondling with her Sk-irt

“Inna where are you?, I nee-d you now”she said again when she noticed that her hand is invisible, No is disappearing!

“What’s going on?” she asked herself with a panic as she stood up

She looked down at herself and saw she was vanishing, a sad smile pla-yed on her face

“Seems there are different ways to travel to the after life, Inna was taken by a wave, Now am vanishing”

“Well this is all I have been praying for, after all I will meet Inna again, but why I do feel sad about it” she said as tears stream down her pale white face

“Dave I hope you will be happy, don’t worry I will be watching you from heaven” she said as she looked at herself which was completely vanishing

She looked up and her eyes wi-de-ned on whom she saw was approaching


“Cara, what’s happening to you?” Dave asked with shock approaching her from the dark

He felt relieved to see her, but was also shocked on the state he is seeing her now

“Dave am finally going to the after life, but…but…I will… I will miss you Dave to be honest” Cara said with a cracking voice looking down at herself

She doesn’t want to see Dave’s reaction

Dave shook his head, No this can’t happen not now.

“No No No, not now” Dave said approaching her with a slow pace not believing what he is seeing

“Good bye Dave do have a great life, My wish is that in my second world I want to be…to…be with you” Cara blurted out

Just then the whole of her vanished instantly

“No!” Dave shouted as he ran wanting to get hold of her but it was too late

He quietly sat down on the bench with his head down, completely exhausted and broken

He couldn’t get a chance to at least apologize to her

How could she go like that, he now believe he felt something for her

It was like one p@rt of him has been taken away from him

“Dave?” someone called tapping his back

Dave quietly raised his head

“Nick she is gone, I couldn’t get a chance to tell her how I felt, I know it sounds stupid but…”

“Shhiiii, I warned you not allow that right?…that a ghost and human can’t be together” Nick said looking at him with his dark eyes.

Which was filled with things he doesn’t want to relate to Dave

“I couldn’t help it Nick, love is something you can’t control, you won’t un-derstand because you haven’t been in this situation before” Dave said

“Really?” Nick said with a sparkles in his eyes as he looked away…just then someone’s face appeared on his head

His heart skipped a bit

He quic-kly shook his head, reminding himself that he is a Grim reaper

“Let’s go now Dave, this area is dangerous, am speaking about you, you won’t like what you will see if I Leave you here”

“Inna!” Mrs Kira called out

“Yes mom, am coming…give me a few seconds”Inna answered immediately

A surprise and satisfying smiled pla-yed on Mrs kira’s face, seems God has answered her everydays prayers for her daughter’s behavior to be changed

She couldn’t believe that this is her Inna, the lonely and quiet girl is now a chatty type, always ma-king her happy

ma-king her to forget her past
She even get herself a p@rt time job at a bar in other to help the family.

“Yes mom, am re-ady to go to work now”Inna said smiling

“Good… tomorrow we are going to visit your sister at the hospital” Mrs Edwards said

“Sister?, Do i have a sister?” Inna asked with a confuse face

Mrs Kira was shock, well Inna’s elder sister was a chatty type and Inna was an introvert ma-king the two of them not to get along well

But inna’s question and reaction is really kicking her off the hook, she smiled and walked up to Inna holding her two hands as she said.

“Inna I know you and your sister doesn’t get along well but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t visit her, come on she is has been in the hospital for so long now”

Inna was confused, why can’t she remember her own sister, she smiled to her mother, in other not to make her annoyed or worried

“Okay Mom, we will visit her, what’s her condition?” Inna asked

Mrs kira’s eyes wi-de-ned at her question, what the hell is wrong with her daughter.

“She has been in the comma for more than three months now”

Inna eyes wi-de-ned and a tear dropped down her face.

“Don’t cry okay, she will soon wake up, we have been praying for that” Her mother as-sured her cleaning her tears

“Okay Mom, I have to run now before am late”

“Okay dear, becareful”


Inna smiled as she stood at the front bar, her new working place, she can’t wait to start working her, she giggles and smiled

Immediately she stepped foot inside it, a memory pla-yed on her head, a little girl and a young lady walking inside the bar.

Inna screamed as she held her head in pains

“Are you okay miss, come and sit down” someone ran to her as he helped her sit down

Another memory pla-yed on her head, when the lady was ma-king a guys bottle of drinks to fall down and break into many pieces, why the small girl was trying to st©p her

Inna screamed again as she held her head, she shut her eyes closed

Tons of memories started pla-ying on her head, non-st©p.

When it st©pped she quic-kly fli-pped her eyes open as she called


“Hmm she has finally dominated her” Nick said as he was watching the scene at the bar

He made himself invisible, not knowing if Inna would see him and recognize him.

When Inna eyes fli-pped open, Nick’s eyes met hers

Just then his heart skipped a bit, he held it with his eyes wi-de open

“What was that?” He asked himself and disappeared immediately

“Good morning Dr. Stan” Mrs Kira greeted as she saw the doctor approaching them with a smile

“Good morning Mrs Kira, you c@m£ to see her today?” He asked


Good morning Doc” Inna greeted

“Good morning Inna” Dr Stan replied with his eyes wi-de open as he looked at Mrs Kira, who gave him a smile

He couldn’t believe the quiet girl greeted him today

“Surprise huh?” Inna asked

“Yes am more than surprised Inna” Dr Stan replied in which they boast out of laughter
They walked into the ward where a young lady was lying on the sick be-d with an oxygen supporting her

Inna’s eyes flewed to the face of the lady as her eyes wi-de-ned in shock


(Is this Faith or Joke?)

(EPISODE 21 & 22)

By, Authoress Fãvy💫

‼️ Don’t copy or repost plea-se‼️


“CARA?”Inna called, she was more than shocked

“Your sister has been like this for more than three months now” Mrs Kira said with a sad tone

Inna quietly walk over where Cara was lying as she thought

‘Cara…miss…miss Naive, I can’t believe this…damn, you are my sister now, faith has really bless me, plea-se wake up now’

h0t tears started dropping from her eyes uncontrollably, Mrs Kira walked over to her she place her cheek on Inna’s shoulder, stro-king her back with her hands, consoling her

“Is okay sweetheart” Mrs Kira said as Inna placed her cheek on her hair, as her tears flood like a river.

Mrs kira was sitting on a chair behind Cara’s be-d, watching her so quietly and the place was so quiet only the beep of the oxygen can be heard

Inna has went out to get some snacks for her mother and herself

Just then cara’s soul appeared inside the ward

“Where am I?” She asked herself looking around the quiet room

“Who is that?” She asked again as she started walking to where a woman was sitting down staring at someone on the sick be-d with tears on her cheeks

“O.M.G, this is me!, Am on a sick be-d, wait am in the hospital!” Cara said in shock immediately she saw the person on the sick be-d.

Her golden eyes diverted to the crying woman and she immediately felt a sting in her heart

“She is my mom, Know doubt about that” she said as she walked over the woman and bend down studying her face, tears started dropping from her eyes

She stood up immediately as she sniffs

“Mom am sorry for ma-king you cry, but…” She couldn’t finish her statement because a f0rç£ carried her immediately

She flewed and entered the unconscious Cara.

“Mom” Inna called immediately she entered inside, she had some sacks in her hand.

“Yes baby, you…you are back” Her mom said as she cleaned her face immediately

“You are crying?”

“No am not” Mrs Kira denied

“Of course you are” Inna said
Cara’s heart beat started beating , as she raised her index f!nger slowly

She slowly opened her eyes, in which she found her vision blurry

As she was hearing sounds in her background, she turned her head towards where the sound was coming from, she saw two people talking, but couldn’t see them very well

She closed her eyes and opened them again, just then her vision started becoming clear, a smile pla-yed on her face as she called lazily

“Mom, Inna”

“O.M.G, she is awake…Inna go and call doctor Stanley now” Mrs Kira said immediately as she rushed and held cara’s hand as she ru-bbe-d it so gently, it was like her hand is some kind trophy that nee-d to be taken care of

“Doc Stan! Doc! Doc!” Inna called as she ran off

Few weeks later Cara is re-ady to leave the hospital, but money was the problem

Her mother couldn’t gather all the money the hospital required, well she has been gathering the money since but is not complete, and the hospital can’t re-lease Cara if the Money is not completed

“Unni (A Korea word that means sister) how are you feeling today?” Inna asked Cara who was sitting on the hospital be-d with her back against the wall

“Am fine Inna, damn I can’t believe this, you have changed so much, you are know longer the introvert girl, well I love that” Cara said with surprise and care, she couldn’t believe her sister has changed, in space of a little time she was in a coma

“I know miss Naive” Inna muttered silently to herself

“Huh!, What did you say?” Cara asked because she couldn’t hear Inna

“Oh! Is nothing” Inna replied shaking her head

“I thought you said something”

Just then there mother entered inside with a young handsome man, as she was grinning from ear to ear

“Girls this man offered to pay our hospital bills” their mother said smiling all over, she was really greatful to the young man

“O.M.G thank you so much sir, we are really greatful” Cara said bowing her head slightly

Inna was mute, she couldn’t believe her eyes, of all the people in the world it has to be this person they would recieve help from.

Her mother glance at her to thank the man

“Thank you sir” Inna said with a shrug without bowing down, she despise this man before them.

“You are welcome girls, don’t worry is nothing, My name is JOSH EDWARDS” Josh said smiling

“Wow you mean the Edwards family” Mrs Kira said in amazement, is such a great to recieve help from the Edwards

“Yes ma, you must be Cara?” Josh asked looking at Cara

“Yes I am, nice to meet you Mr Josh”

“Nice to meet you too”

Josh eyes couldn’t get off her, which he found so werid

‘She is so pretty’ he thought to himself, still looking intently at her

Inna saw the way Josh was looking at Cara

‘What the fv¢k is that’ she thought as she g@sps for air

Inna was coming back from work in the night

She immediately halted when she saw someone sitting on the street bench

“Nick!” She called

“Yes little chicken, come sit down” Nick said tapping on the bench for her to come and sit

“Really!, Am no longer a little chicken” Inna said pouting herl-ips, in which Nick found so cute

He couldn’t get his eyes off those pinkl-ips, he heaved a sigh looking away

“What’s wrong?” Inna asked

“Nothing, how do you feel on your new b©dy?” Nick asked

“It felt great, but wait how did you find me?, like in this new b©dy of mine” Inna asked with curiousity

“Is a grim reaper’s thing”

“Oh!, I can’t believe she is now my sister, we are together again” Inna said smiling, but Nick didn’t reply her

She turns her head towards him and found him looking intently at her, she shudders… what’s that look on his eyes

“Do…you…you un-derstand what I…I meant” Inna said stammering

“Yes of course” Nick replied with a sm-irk without getting his eyes off her face

“Does Dave know?” Inna asked, she too was looking intently at him, just then Nick looked away immediately

“No he doesn’t”

“Why?, He suppose to know that Cara and me is still alive, like am in another b©dy”

“That one he knew of” Nick said


“I told him you are still alive, that your soul is dominating another person’s b©dy, and he said he wishes to see you”

“Wow, me too I can’t wait to see him”

“But am not seeing the little chicken in you” Nick said as she stared at her face, this person here is not really acting like his little chicken

Well maybe little Inna’s soul didn’t fully take effect on this girls b©dy.

“Really Mr r@p£R” Inna snapped as she draws the r@p£R with a sm-irk

“Damn! Little chicken” Nick said as they boast out laughing

Inna looked at him with amazement, this is the first she has seen him laugh.

“I wish to see your face one day Nick, like without a mask” Inna said looking intently at him with seriousness, Nick paused immediately as he stared at her intently

This Inna is really driving him crazy


Dave c@m£ to a shopping mall with mary, well he has agreed to go out with her after several persuasions from her

Well he couldn’t deny his childhood friend of that, even though Mary keep ma-king advances towards him, after the day she confessed her undying love for him.

Dave decided to go out with her, to see if he can clear his head

Since Cara’s dep@rture, he has become a shadow of himself, nothing seems right in his eyes,it was even affecting his work, he bec@m£ his own darkness

He was sitting down on a chair with his hands on his jaw, as Mary did her shopping, she has asked him to do the shopping with her but he refused, insisting to wait for her why she do her shopping

Mary agreed, at least he c@m£ with her

Dave was just looking when someone walked pas-s him, he was not the type to look at people and the worst is that he was not in his right frame of mind

But something urge him to look, he lazily turned his head, just then a brown hair caught his eyes, his eyes wi-de-ned, he doesn’t want to believe it, maybe he is hallucinating

It was like he doesn’t owned his b©dy again, because he stood up and walked straight to the brown hair girl who had her back against him as she was picking something from a shelf

Getting near to her he felt his heart beat accelerated, he immediately turned the girl around.

Dave’s eyes wi-de-ned at the person he saw, he couldn’t believe it.

“Who are you?” The girl asked

Dave immediately hvg her so ti-ght, pressing her tiny b©dy against his

“I can’t believe this, Cara is this you” Dave said hvgging her so ti-ght

The girl struggled and re-leased herself from the insane man who just hvgged her


She gave Dave a thun-derous sl@p on the face

“Are you stupid, how dare you!”


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