I love you but episode 37 & 38

p@rt 37



Ajoke got to the Village as early as the Word “Early” meant in her hometown. The farmers were going to their farm and the local food sellers were cooking the food for the day…

“Mama Pamilerin, did your daughter s£nd you away?” Iya Rolake mocked Ajoke. She was Ajoke’s sworn enemy and she was not discrete about it. The reason was obvious; the two had been best of friends and they both had s£nt their daughters to the city to be maids.

Pamilerin concentrated on her purpose of being a maid, but Rolake c@m£ back home with a pregnancy. She
had s£dûç£d her boss’ husband, who denied her pregnancy when everything
c@m£ out in the open.

Ajoke started b!owing her daughter’s trumpet in the village as a disciplined
child. Iya Rolake hence made it a duty to always taunt Ajoke at every given

“One would have thought, with the disciplined child you have, you won’t live in this village again, but behold, you are still struggling to share the village with us, and even when you want to ru-b it in our faces that you have
a child in the city, you don‟t even spend two days there before they s£nd you away. At least, we are not trying to live a fake life.” Iya Rolake said out loud as Ajoke past her house.

“You are going there again… Juju woman” Iya Rolake said as she noticed Ajoke going to her Herbalist friend’s house instead of entering her house.

Ajoke was not in the mood for any fight, she had more serious issues to deal

“Ajoke, your daughter has eaten a love portion.” The herbalist told Ajoke.

“What do you mean?”

“Go di-p your hands in that pot, wipe your face with the water from the pot.” He instructed Ajoke.

Ajoke did as she was told.

“Look into the mirror and see what happened.”

Ajoke fixed her gaze into the Mirror and saw Winter ma-king a call to Baba Shagba.

“I nee-d you to prepare me two portions, the portions are to be used on the
man. The first portion, should make him hate his wife with all pas-sion.
While the second portion should make him love me.” Winter had said.

“When the portion is re-ady, let it be well packaged. I will s£nd you a package you will use. I want it to look like a company product. Thereafter, you s£nd it throu-gh a dispatch rider.”

Ajoke watched as Pamilerin received the package. She kept in a very hidden place in the Kitchen.

Some hours later, Pamilerin had poured the first portion of hate in the food, but as she was about to put in the second portion of love in the meal, it fell from her shaky hands, when she heard Remi approaching. Pamilerin‟s
f!nger had mistakenly t©uçhed a p@rt of the love portion, coincidentally, she
put her f!nger in her mouth as a sign of regret of the accident.

Unknowingly, her ton-gue had contacted the love portion on the ti-p of her f!nger.

“My God!” Ajoke shouted.

“Which of the gods are you calling?” Aremu, the herbalist tea-sed her.

“Any of the gods that can save me now”

“I am sorry Ajoke, none of the gods can save you now. Unless your daughter
takes the antidote, that is the only way she can be free. I don‟t know what kind of portion she used or the ingredients used in preparing it, if I know the ingredients, I may be able to find the antidote to counter what has been done.”

“Find out throu-gh the Mirror, what the herbalist used.”

“You can’t access another Herbalist’s secret room. He would have covered his Secret room with dark curtains. If it was easy to access other Herbalist‟s
room, herbalists would have been killing themselves. Once you know a
man’s secret, or his room of power, you have brou-ght that man down” Aremu said

“So, what are you saying?

“As your friend, do you want to know the truth?” Aremu asked frankly

Ajoke nodded in the affirmative

“Cases like this can only be solved by the INVISIBLE GOD, who is the
IRREVERSIBLE REVERSER, only Him can reverse this. You know what I
mean Right? Go and meet Mama Church to help you talk to God… “ Aremu

“Mama Church? You know the power of the Church can be slow. I want
something that will answer now. So Aremu, you mean you are not capable, I
will go to Odo Eran, I heard there is a new herbalist that is full of power…” Ajoke said angrily.

“Ajoke, let me give you the wisdom I can lend you, I am a herbalist and I know how things work, if you go somewhere, they won‟t let you in on this truth. They will tell you they will take away the effect of the Love portion, but in actual s-en-se, what they will do is make your daughter fall in love with her husband back, hence she will become confused. The love portions will be pu-lling her into two different directions. To love her husband and to love
the woman. In the Long run, it will run her mad…”

The mention of insanity did not go down well with Ajoke. If her daughter ran mad, the likes of Iya Rolake would mock her and make the noise around the village of how she was right about Ajoke being a witch.

Freeman struggled with sleep, he didn’t want to sleep, he was too dazed to
sleep, but Nature couldn’t be cheated.

He dozed off in the Living room…He saw a woman fighting with her daughter who had offended her, the
woman was so angry with the daughter she was using all her strength to fight her. She fought her so much, even though the child kept apologizing…

Eventually, when the mother was exhausted from the fight, she stepped away from the child. To the utter amazement of the Mother and Child, the mother had sustained so many wounds. She had a lot of holes in her b©dy, the holes looked like someone had cut p@rt of her flesh out.

Instead of the child to suffer any injury, it was the angry mother that had all the injuries…

Freeman woke up from his nap…

“What kind of dream is this?”

p@rt 38

Beauty heard the cry of the baby far away from the room where she sat with Lara.

Lara had been cleaned up and she la-id on their Mattress, while Beauty
sat thinking about her misery.

The cry of the baby st©pped suddenly…

Lara sighed de-eply… the child had been killed…

Beauty felt firsthand what the term “Heavy Heart” meant. It felt like a stone
had been placed in her che-st.

“How can humans be wicked and selfish? “ She said thinking about Baba
Shagba and Winter…

“You were also wicked, you were d@t!nganother woman’s husband. Were
you not selfish and inconsiderate? d@t!nganother woman’s husband is equivalent to killing the woman, because you rob her of her full Joy.” Beauty heard the words in her heart as a reply…

“Most Wickedness is born out of selfishness… When a person de-sires to make themselves happy at the expense of another person’s unhappiness, they are wicked.” Beauty could tell someone was ministering to her soul.

“Good Morning, beloved of the Lord, I am here again to bring you good tidings from the Lord. I was here yesterday and I can tell you Heaven was happy because some people c@m£ to the Lord yesterday. Are you p@rt of those people? I say big congratulations to you, because you have taken the
wisest decision of your life. Welcome to the family of God… I celebr@te
you… Congratulations because you are coming out of that poverty soon, you
are coming out of that depression, you are coming out of that debt, you are
coming out of that captivity… Hallelujah…” Timothy preached with excitement…

Beauty remembered the voice from the day before. She wasn’t sure she wanted to hear anything the man had to say. He Said God was going to bring her out of the Captivity, but here she was with no hope of coming out.

“Coming out of Captivity doesn‟t happen overnight, so don‟t be disappointed if God does not show up as early as you want, one thing
however is sure, He will Show up. It may not be at your own timing, but He
will bring you out at the right time. Joseph was in the pit for a while. Guess who put him in there? His own brothers. God brou-ght Him out of that Pit, throu-gh the hands of those who put him there initially. Our God is very Mysterious, do you believe God can use your Captors for you. God can do all things in unbelievable ways to bring you out of your Captivity.

Do you know God can put your fear in the heart of your Captors like he did for the Children of Israel, in a way that your Captor will re-lease you in a rush ? These two examples I just gave you bu-ttresses my point about
Timing. Joseph was in his own pit for hours before God brou-ght him out of the Pit, while the Children of Israel were in Egypt for years… One thing was however sure, God brou-ght them out…

I don‟t know who I am Speaking to right now, but know that your Captivity
will soon be over. Get busy in your Captivity, grow in the Lord, serve the Lord. Remember, when Joseph was in Prison, He still interpreted dreams.

Don‟t let your Captivity swallow you, draw closer to God and soon you will
have a beautiful song to sing.” Timothy said.
Beauty had listened and she wept so-re. She knew without a doubt the Word
was for her.

What broke her was the fact that the preacher had told her the truth—She didn‟t know when her Captivity would be over.

“God, I want to draw close to you in this Captivity, I know someday I will come out from here”

“Where is this place and what are we doing here?” Pamilerin asked the man
in the tree next to her.

“We got high and they have captured us?”

“High? As in?” Pamilerin asked as she was confused

“Don‟t tell me you were a victim?” the man asked with pity in his voice

“plea-se, You are not ma-king s-en-se,” Pamilerin said

“Did you take Leary?‟

“What is Leary?”

“The new ha-rd drug in town”
Pamilerin tried to cast her mind back. The Beach House…She didn’t take
any ha-rd drug at the beach house. She was sure of it!

“You look like you have never heard it, hope it wasn‟t put in your drink?”

“My drink?” Pamilerin echoed thinking about the Beach house.

“Winter!” Pamilerin remembered Winter handling her a drink.

“Oh my God!, I remember, it’s possible my friend drugged me. But I still
don’t un-derstand the correlation of the drug and this place?”

“I have been here for 3 years, I am add!çted to Leary. I come in and out.The
Creators of Leary are highly occultic people, who de-sire to use the souls of men to do Spiritual tasks. We have Spiritual Mines, and the Occultic people nee-d workers to mine people’s lives of their virtues. They decided to find ways to tra-p the souls of men. Hence, Leary was created. Leary makes one’s Spirit to travel out of their b©dy, therefore, as people take Leary
everywhere, there are demons commissioned to track down Leary users.
Once anyone uses Leary, the demons track the person down and captures
them.” The man explained to Pamilerin.

“So, are you saying, it’s my Spirit that is here, my b©dy is somewhere else?”

“Exactly, as a dummy”


To be continued