His personal maid episode 9 & 10


# Episode_9




( Painful past )

Grayraud’s POV

I can’t believe Oprah took the bullet for me, I swear if I set my eyes on Gautheir, I will happily kill him, with a song in my mouth and a joy in my heart.

Gautheir has done nothing than cause me pain, he is the sole reason I turned into a cold being.

When we were still in high school, I loved Gautheir so Much that, I always do everything to make him happy. But he’s so different from me, I remember when I got my first girlfriend Elena in high school, Gautheir was jealous and anytime I asked him what the problem was, he would say that he can’t approach a lady, and told me that he liked Elena

Because I wanted my brother to be happy I told him to befriend Elena, at first she was angry but later accepted him. I found my self another girlfriend Lena

Gautheir wanted me to hand over Lena to him but I refused, because I cherished her alot and even planed a future together, but all of that was shattered by Gautheir.

I and Lena went to Hawaii for summer holiday, we had lots of fun until we were attacked one night. It turned out to be Gautheir and some bad boys.

I was surprised that my brother was a thvg while Lena held onto me so scared.

So Lena you think that you are too beautiful that I cant have you? he gro-an ed

Gautheir what is the meaning of this? I asked with a ti-ght£ñed fist

Before I could say duck, Gautheir’s boys dealt with me mercilessly, blood was oozing out from every p@rt of my b©dy. They tied me to a chair and was made to see how Gautheir R@p£d the life out of Lena.

After they were done, Lena was bleeding real bad, I didn’t know how to loos£n the ropes talk more of saving Lena.

Our neighbors hurried to our house, we carried Lena to the hospital and the doctor said that a lot of damages where on her pri-vate p@rts and would have to un-dergo surgery.

After everything the operation was a success but sooner Lena died as a result of shock.

I couldn’t take the shock, I ran out of the hospital to God knows where and out of no where a vehicle ran over me and I lost my memory . Some years later I recovered my memory and found out that it was Gautheir that ran over me with his car.

Now tell me why I should forgive Gautheir, he just reopened the wound by hurting Oprah.This time I will make sure I kill him.

I will be the one to proudly say I killed Gautheir Le Bon. No one can st©p, its time I put him in his place and that’s 6’ft below….


( Sli-pped into a coma )

Madam Marguerite POV

The director of our hospital called me to tell me that Grayraud’s girlfriend was sh0t and is un-dergoing surgery right now.

My phone fell from my hand, I couldn’t bring myself to call Alvira. She’s has high blood pressure, I wouldn’t want to put her in harms way.

I knew that Grayraud won’t call me, but I have to be there. Oprah is a daughter to me. I quic-kly rushed outta the house and my driver drove straight to the hospital.

All the staffs bowed to me, while the as-sistant director followed me to where the surgery was taking place.

I got there and saw my son crying and pacing round the hall

Grayraud” I called audibly. He looked at me with a blood sh0t eyes and I can’t figure out the expression on his face.

He rushed to me and gr@bb£d my shoulders. I was scared to the marrow of my bones, why is he behaving like this?

Why did you do this to me mum” he yelled

I…I..i don’t un-derstand” I stuttered

Why did you give birth to Gautheir?, and why did he have to be my twin?” he yelled again. honestly I almost pas-sed out

What did he do this time? I asked getting furious alre-ady because that j£rk has always hurt Grayraud and I’m ashamed to say that I’m his mother.

He c@m£ to attack me, but instead Oprah took the bullet for me” he managed to say

Oh my goodness” Gautheir wants to hurt Grayraud’s girlfriend again

Soon the doctor c@m£ out of the theater, we both ran to him hoping for positive answer.

Doctor how is she feeling? can we see her now? is she awake?” Grayraud asked

Can we plea-se go to the office”the doctor said

Shut thefu-ck up, you old man,just tell me how my wife is doing” he yelled

Now the mean Grayraud is back, and no one can st©p him from doing what he wants to do now. I just pray the results are good.

Sir, ma’am the operation was successful but she sli-pped into a coma, and we can’t predict when she’s gonna wake up. It is impossible to predict when she will wake up because she’s pregnant and if she doesn’t wake up on time, she and the baby might die” he said

Grayraud fell to the floor and I could see the terror rising in him.

Gau……….their, I’m coming for you’ he screamed with so much energy and tears just kept running down his face…..


( Beginning of war )

Grayraud’s POV

I went to Oprah’s ward and saw her beautiful face now turned into a pale face.

Babe why did you put your life at risk just to save me?, I’m the one supposed to save you not the other way round.”

do you know how much I miss you? seeing you like this is killing me, plea-se I can’t loose you and our baby at the same time.”

Babe plea-se wake up alre-ady, I can’t live without you. If you leave me how are we gonna have kids and a happy family? I know its all my fault but forgive me. I really nee-d you ” I cried my eyes out.

I haven’t felt this extreme about any girl not even Lena.

I just pray Oprah gets better so I can have the chance to deal with him but for now, I will make him have a little taste of pain.

I put a call across Kelly, my devilish thvg

Hello Kelly

Good day boss,

I want to get back at Gautheir

What do I do then?

Burn down his houses, his music industries and cars. Does he have a girlfriend?

Yeah, her name is Cherry

Which cherry are you talking about?

Cherry Gibson?

yes sir, your wicked ex girlfriend”

You mean the same girl that poisoned me?

Yeah and I’m sure she’s working with your Gautheir”

oh I see, now I want you to r@p£ the hell outta her, till she dies. Then keep her corpse at the front of the press firm”

Kelly laughed out loud, because he likes such dirty jobs, I only give him these dirty jobs once in a blue moon. Consider it done within the next one hour” he said and hung up.

That’s why I like Kelly, he doesn’t waste much time in carrying out a task.

Its just a matter of time before the news spre-ad like wild fire. Even thou he finds out that I’m the one he will surely want to do the same thing to me, too bad my houses, industries and cars are all fire proof.

Now I still nee-d to pray, so Oprah can survive this. Babe I promise to avenge your pain, Gautheir must pay for his evil deeds.

Grayraud is back to his cold and wicked self.


Gautheir’s POV

I was still at the roof t©p when I received a call from my employees and servants at my different houses, that all my properties are on fire. I ran out of the hospital, I got to my industries. My car c@m£ to an halt and i saw my industry everything has turned into ashes.

No……………..,Gray…… raud” I yelled as tears rolled down my face.

I nee-ded no one to tell me its all Grayraud’s doing. I knew he will hurt me but I never expected him to do this…


# Episode__10
( He was sh0t )
Gautheir’s POV
My phone beeped and it was Maurice, I answered it and couldn’t believe what he said that cherry was R@p£d to death. I knew he will hurt me but I never expected him to go this extreme. I still have money in my accounts but my properties all together worth billions of dollars, Arrrrgh…. Grayraud this is too much for me to bear.
The servants in all my mansions s£nt me the ph0tos and it wasn’t something to behold.
Within few minutes the journalists arrived and walked towards me to interrogate me.
Leave me alone, all of you should get out” I yelled and they all flin-ched in fear. One of them wanted to prove stubborn, he walked up to me again
Sir, you have to say something” he said
I brou-ght out my gun and blew off his skull, with that the rest ran off.
I nee-d to kill him now’ I yelled and drove back to the hospital.
Grayraud’s POV
I was talking to Oprah despite the fact that she’s still unconscious. Then I heard some one screaming my name, I knew at once that its Gautheir.
This is time to kill this j£rk, I went back to Oprah and k!$$£d her hair. I wanted to leave when a hand pu-ll-ed me back and it was Oprah, she’s awake.
I couldn’t contain my joy meanwhile Gautheir is still yelling for me to come down.
Babe you don’t have to face him right? she said softly
Babe at least I nee-d to make him quiet, I promise not to hurt him” I lied and left.
I jogged downstairs and saw the fool filled with rage but that doesn’t compare to the on I’m feeling. I’m sure he’s going down.
So you have the nerves to destroy my properties, huh? he gro-an ed
And you have the effrontery and audacity to hurt me all this years.” I half yelled
You destroyed my properties and now, I will destroy you for ever” he yelled and pointed a gun at me while I brou-ght out my gun and pointed it at him.
Right now its all about life and death, and I choose life while you are gonna die” he said
And how are you so sure?” someone said, we turned and saw Oprah pointing the gun at Gautheir. Her eyes were blood sh0t, she was angry.
The moment Gautheir saw her he bec@m£ kinda sad and I don’t know why.
Babe don’t do anything stupid, you know I love you and I want to get rid of this s¢v-mbag referring to me, so we can live happily’ he said
Say that to the devil” Oprah gro-an ed and sh0t him on his two legs…..
( He’s the one )
Oprah’s POV
I know you all are surprised, well after the surgery nothing went wrong. The doctor wanted to inform Grayraud that I was awake but I pleaded with him not to say the truth. Luckily for me he told them I sli-pped into a coma.
The major reasons I did that is to see Grayraud’s reaction, I wanted to see if he has true love for me.
I know he is rich and will also inherit his parents wealth when they pas-s away, so I don’t think he love my money. Besides he fell inove with me thinking I was a pauper.
When he talked about having babies, I almost ruined my plans by laughing but I tried to suppress the laughter and keep a straight face like a person who is really slee-ping.
Then I heard someone calling his name violently, maybe its his brother, Gautheir. In their family they don’t talk about him.
I remember when sir Sanchez referred to him as a demon, well that means he’s evil.
My mind then drifted to the event earlier. Who was that man and why did he wanted to kill Grayraud or is he keeping a secret from me?
I left the be-d and went to the window, then I saw someone threatening Grayraud. The boy looks like Gary, I took my binoculars and looked at the person.
But I wasn’t sure. There’s a scorpion tatoo on his n£¢k colored red, behold he has the tatoo and since he called me Oppy when I was sh0t that means he the one.
My suspicion was right, Gary is the one that calls me Oppy. So he’s even Grayraud’s twin, he’s so different and he’s from the Le Bon’s family.
I remembered how he killed my dad in cold blood. I couldn’t tell mum who the person was. He killed my father and now he wants to kill my b©yfri£nd, I won’t allow it.
Whatever might have gone wrong, I know its all Gary/ Gautheir fault. My b©yfri£ndis too gentle, tho he’s good at taking revenge but will never start a fight.
I took the gun that my right hand man brou-ght for me last night. I didn’t even know why I told him to bring it, but now its gonna be of great use to me.
I ran out of the room, throu-gh the hall and c@m£ out and stood at Gautheir’s back. I’m sure everyone is surprised that two brothers are behaving this way towards each other.
Its all about life and death, and I choose life but you are gonna die” I heard him say. For sure I recognize his voice.
And how are you so sure? I asked with so much anger. While the boys looked on…
( More evil than I thought )
Grayraud’s POV
Can someone tell me what’s going one? i yelled.
Well your broth…..
He’s not my brother” I yelled again
Okay, Gautheir is the Gary I told you about. He’s the demon, that murdered my father” she yelled in tears
OMG !! so why did he lie to you that he’s Gary? I asked confusedly
I don’t know why he lied to me, maybe he never loved me instead c@m£ into my life to destroy my family” she yelled out in tears. I walked up to her and hvgged her ti-ghtly.
But babe you just woke up, why did you come downstairs? I wanted to be the one to kill him” I said in a low tone.
I wanted to avenge my father’s death”
Meanwhile mum begged me to allow Gautheir be treated because at first I warned no one to treat him.
Dad later arrived and was sad to hear that his beloved friend late sir Hewitt, was murdered by his own son. Dad really felt sorry. I and my parents begged her for forgiveness for the pain she had gone throu-gh.
Instead she said she doesn’t hold any grudge against us that Gautheir is the one to be blamed.
Oprah insisted that she want to go home, so we went home, including Dad and mum so Gautheir is the only one left at the hospital.
Oprah’s POV
I really wanted to kill Gautheir, but mum wants him alive. We got home and Grayraud is the best b©yfri£ndever. He’s the type that’s so rare.He’s handsome, kind, joker, good cook, and soft hearted.
At first I thought all men were the same, but I got it all wrong. I never believed that I will find true love again.
Its also wrong for us to judge others by the experience we had with some people.
Right now we are in the be-droom watching a Ko-rean drama. The characters in the drama are so funny. He was feeding me with pizza.
cu-pcake what really transpired between you and Gautheir? I asked and he frowned.
Its okay if you don’t want to talk about it” I said in a pathetic voice
Common babe, I don’t like seeing you sad, okay I will tell you and I beamed with smile. Before he told me anything, he stole a k!ssfrom me.
He settled and told me all the horrible things that Gautheir did to him. For a while I was speechless, I labelled him a bad boy for what he did to my dad. But I just found out that he is more evil than I thought….
To Be Continued