his ballerina episode 2


THEME: {what the heart sees}

✍️Written By Precious Pinky✍️

?Chapter Two ?



~Five years ago~

“I can do this aunt. You don’t have to get so worried about me and my well being.” Ballerina said, grabbing a mug filled with hot chocolate from the dinning table.

“You don’t get me, do you? You are a princess for Pete sake!”

“And aren’t princess meant to dance on stage?” Ballerina questioned as she set the empty mug back on the table.

Claire let out a sigh of frustration as she ma-ssages her temple for the tenth time this morning. “What if someone out there recognizes you as the princess? what if_”

“What if you just stop thinking about the negativity and focus on the positivity?” Ballerina cuts in. “This is my dream, aunt Claire. I’ve been dancing on stage for a pretty long time and no one recognized me to be their princess. They don’t even know what I look like.” She smiled. “You don’t need to get so worked up over nothing.”

“I don’t know…i just have a bad feelings about this show.” She said, lowering her gaze on the empty plate on the table. They had just finished eating when Ballerina brou-ght out the topic of her upcoming show. Claire is very happy for her niece. Like seriously, after losing both her parents at the age of five, she still get to live her life to the fullest.

She was broken at first but ballet was her saving grace. When ever she thinks about her parents, she just begin to dance. Ballerina started dancing at the age of six. She love dancing. Dancing was like her life. It helped her forget about her past and move on. It helped become the better person she was now.

But Claire still have a very strange and uneasy feelings about this show. It was the same feeling she had felt the day she lost her sister. She doesn’t want history to repeat itself again with her niece.

“Come on, Aunt. it’s just a show. There’s no big deal in it and besides I won’t be the only one dancing on stage.” She said, trying her possible best to convince her aunt that everything would be fine but it seemed like her persuasion were falling to deaf ears.

“You are a princess.”

“You’ve said that earlier but I see nothing wrong in a princess dancing on stage. And this isn’t also my first time dancing on stage.”

“Royals have lot of enemies, you know that right?”

“Nothing will happen to me, aunt. I a-ssure you.” She reached out to her aunt’s hand across the table. “I’ve been waiting for this show all my life and now it’s finally here. I don’t want anything to stop me from being a part of the show.” She squ-eezed her aunt’s hand gently. “And if you like, you can come along with some guards. I mean, that will calm you down a little.”

Claire hesitate for a moment as she just stared at her niece, saying nothing. After a moment of silence she finally spoke. “Alright then.”

Ballerina squealed. she got up to her feet and ran towards her aunt, then engulfed her in a big hug, grinning from ear to ear.

“Thank you so much aunt. Thank you!”

Claire smiled, wrapping her arms around her niece. She was happy with the fact that Ballerina is happy. Ballerina is never the dull type. She was always bubbling, playing and smiling. She makes people around her happy even without trying. Most people would be sad after losing a family but Ballerina lost both her parents on the same night and yet she didn’t make that affect her in any way. She still stood strong and fought for her happiness. Well, thanks to ballet also. It added to her improvement and bubbly personality.

“As long as you are happy then I’m happy.” Claire said.

“Thank you. This means so much to me.” Ballerina said, sincerely.

“I know.”



She should have listened to her aunt. She shouldn’t have gone for that show. Because if she didn’t went for that show…she wouldn’t be blind. And even if time is being reversed, she will still go for the show. Ballet was her life. And now she wouldn’t be able to…

“You need to stop thinking too much, my princess. It’s not good for your health.” Her personal maid, Heather said, bringing her out of her thoughts and world of darkness. Heather wasn’t just Ballerina’s maid, she was also a friend. The only friend Ballerina have ever since she lost her sight.

“Not dancing isn’t good for my health also.” She croaked out. Her voice were as dried as a sandpaper.

“You will be able to dance, my princess.” Heather said, sitting down on the bed beside Ballerina.

“I’m blind, Heather. And even the doctors can’t help.” She said.

“They can.”

Ballerina sighed. “Help me stand up, Heather. I want to take a stroll out of my room.”

“Sure.” Heather held Ballerina’s hand and pulled her up. She wrapped her arms around her wa-ist and shoulder and started leading her out of the room.

“Are you with my helping stick?” Ballerina asked.

“I will be your helping stick.” Heather said.

“No. I want to be left alone. Just get me my walking stick.” She instructed.

“Okay.” Heather grabbed the stick and handed it over to Ballerina.

“Thank you. You may leave.” Heather bowed her head before walking out of the room.

Ballerina let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. She walked out of the room, using her stick to find her way around.

She got in front of the room she was looking for. She slowly wrapped her hand around the metallic knob then pushed the door open. It opened with ease and she walked in, slamming the door shut from behind. She might be blind but she knows this room by heart.

She slowly walked to the center of the room. She couldn’t see a thing but she still remember where and where everything were kept in the room. It was her dance studio. A place were she dance and learn new moves.

Ballerina walked over to a rack and ran her fingers throu-ghthe wall, in search of a rack where she always hung her ballet shoes. She finally found it and her li-ps stretched into a smile. She grabbed a shoe and walked back to the center of the room. She sunk into the floor and helped herself in wearing her shoes.

She slowly got up, walked over to a rail, still using the stick to find her way over to the rail. She dropped the stick against a wall as she got to the rail.

She was blind but her legs were very much fine. Yeah, after that little accident when she couldn’t move her legs and became so afraid…Doctor Charles came in and helped her with it. It turned out to be that she only she needed some ma-ssage.

Ballerina held unto the rail and started doing some simple moves.

She might’ve stopped dancing on stage but the moves haven’t left her. She pirouette once and stood firm. She pirouette twice and still stood firm. She did it the third and fourth times and just when she was going to go for the fifth round, she lost her balance and fell.

She was already sweating. She was breathing heavily as she tried regaining her composure and strength. It’s been a while she danced so it was quite exhausting for her now.

She stood up again, still breathing heavily. She wasn’t going to stop. She is going to keep dancing. Not every blind person is meant to be useless. She doesn’t want to be useless. Never. She will prove to the world that even the blind should be given a chance to dance on stage. Not everyone is meant to be perfect. There might be hidden talents in those handicap that people never pay attention to. _why? Because they were handicap. Life shouldn’t be treated that way. Everyone deserve a chance.

She held the railing and continued the routine of just doing simple moves. She didn’t practice for five years and that’s because she thought being blind has changed everything. She thought being blind meant no more dancing for her. But enough is enough. She won’t let her predicament be an obstacle to her happiness.



“Are you busy?” Mrs Cathy asked, walking into her son’s room. He didn’t say anything, he Just stared at her like she was an alien who had just invaded his world. “Ace, we need to talk.”

“We have nothing to talk about.” He said.

“We have a lot to talk about, Ace. I mean, look at you. Look at me. We aren’t acting like a family. It feels like we are strangers.” She was scared of losing her son just as she had lost her dear husband.

She knows her son suspect her of killing his father, her husband but that wasn’t true. She loves her husband so much and won’t do anything that would be harmful to him talk more of killing him. But Ace wouldn’t believe her.

Well, can she blame him? He always watch them right all the time. He never saw them as a happy couple but she truly loved her husband.

“Family? What does that even mean?” He raised a questioning brow at her.


“That word is bullshit!” He got up to his feet and towered towards his mother, making her feel so intimidated and nervous. “If you really cared then you would have told the cops what you saw that night!”

“I told you. I can’t remember. Everything happened so fast for me to remember.” She cried out.

“Really?” He scoffed. “Listen, there are two options in this, it’s either you know who this killer is and you are only just protecting them or you are the killer. But trust me I’m going to get to the bott-om of this and fish out this murderer. i won’t hesitate to put them behind bars and make sure they suffer for killing my father. And mind you, I won’t hesitate if you turn out to be that killer.” His gaze were hardened as he glared at his mother.

Her eyes were clouded with unshed tears as she stared up at her son. The child she carried in her w-omb for nine good months. She opened her mouth to talk but no words left her li-ps. She was speechless.

“Get out.” He ordered.


“I SAID GET OUT! LEAVE!” He yelled at the top of his voice.

She quickly turned around and left the room without saying anymore word.

Ace slammed the door shut and locked it. He fell flat on his bed, staring up at the blank ceiling. Tears rolled down to his face as he slowly shut his eyes closed.


“Look over there, what can you see?” His father asked, pointing at the sky filled with stars.

Ace was just seven years of age.

“It’s a star.” Ace replied, grinning.

“Is it just a star, son?” He asked again.


“Look de-eply, son. Doesn’t it form a unicorn?”

Ace furrowed his brows in confusion. “A unicorn?”

“Connect the dots and you will see the unicorn staring right at you.”


Ace snapped his eyes open, sitting up in his bed.

*Connect the dots and you will see the unicorn staring right at you.*

That’s it. He has to connect the dots to see who might be related to his father’s death and by doing so, he needs to do one thing…

He grabbed his phone and dialed his friend’s number, Paulo. The line rung for while but was finally answered.

“What?” His friend’s voice filled the other line.

“Let’s meet up and when coming bring my dad’s phone along.”





#To Be Continued….