High school r0m@nç£episode 11

🎸🎼 HIGH SCHOOL r0m@nç£🎼🎸
🍜Day 2🍴
Author Viola
It’s the second day with Angelou and five days to Glamour Diva. I really missed Glamorous and my friends and I really hate this stupid training.
It’s not like we’re even training.
I tossed my book un-der a pillow and got out of be-d.
“Kalonia!” Angelou called knocking on my be-d
I sighed in exasperation “What’s do you want?”
“Can I use your music book?”
I slid my hand un-der my pillow and retrieve the book then walked to the door
“Here” I stretched out my hand and he collected the book then I walked back to my be-d
“Uhm… Koinonia” he called again
“It’s Kelanie” I shouted
“Sorry… Kelanie could you sing it again so I can get the tune?”
“Wait for me in the music room, I’ll be out in a jiffy”
I sighed and fell on my be-d
“Keloina” he called again and this time I didn’t answer.
Last time I checked, my name is Kelanie not Keloina.
“Keloina!” he called again and I ignored him
“are you doing this on purpose to piss me off?” I yelled
“Listen, it’s just for NYN and besides your name is quiet difficult to pronounce”
I huffed and walked to the door “What do you want”
“The key to the music room”
“I don’t have it”
“But you left the music room last yesterday”
“But I don’t have it” I yelled and shut the door at my face
I heard him scoff then muttered un-der his breath “Witch”
“Did you just call me a witch?” I asked and opened the door but he was gone.
I have to tolerate this cause of New York Night.
🎶🎤 My heart will beat only for you
“That was great” I giggled when we finished singing
“told ya I had better ideas than you” he boasted
Great! The song was his idea and so?
“Have you tried reaching the others?” he suddenly asked
“Yea but there isn’t any service here”
“Same fate” he sighed “I really miss Lisa”
“Who’s Lisa”
“Do you know of any way to sneak out of here?” he asked ignoring my question
“No” I shook my head “We aren’t allowed to leave till the ten days are over”
He said in a whisper “It’s more like a tra-p”
“It is a tra-p” I agreed
“and it had to be with you” he said in a low tone but I heard him
“Not like am enjoying it either”
He scoffed but didn’t say anything and walked out
“Am starving” he said walking back
I took in a de-ep breath and suddenly bec@m£ nervous. Last night, I had escaped cooking cause we had a little fight but not today and there’s not way out to buy anything nor is there a way in to order.
“Go cook something” I said
He scoffed “Are you kidding me?”
“Look Angelou I nee-d to practice more just cook for today”
“Just cook for today” he mimicked mockingly
“as-s-hole” I muttered un-der my breath but lucky for me he didn’t hear it
“you’re cooking today” he stated and walked out
“what next?” I asked myself as a large pot of spaghetti was boiling on the cooker.
I took a large bowl and combined beef with bre-ad crumbs, parsley, permasan, egg garlic.
I looked at the mixture and something I didn’t know was missing.
Angelou walked to where I was and added a teaspoon salt and red pepper flakes.
Oh! Exactly what was missing.
Why did I forget.
“I didn’t ask for your help, I know what am doing” I br@gged and he walked out without saying anything.
Great! Now that I s£nt him away, what do I do next?
I paced about not knowing what to do with the mixture then Angelou returned.
“am starving, that’s the reason why am helping you out” he said as he formed ba-lls with the mixture.
This time I didn’t say anything, I just watched him till he was done then heated oil in a pot and added the meatba-lls. He turned it occasionally until it browned on all sides then he transferred the meatba-lls to a plate.
He checked the spaghetti and brou-ght the pot down.
“help me with the onion” he instructed and I nodded.
I took an onion and started slicing it.
“be careful” he said
“am good with this, I always help… ” the knife cut into my skin and I yelped in pain
“look what you’ve done” he scolded and gr@bb£d my bleeding f!nger
“does it hurt?” he asked and I nodded then he took the bleeding f!nger into his mouth. My eyes wi-de-ned in shock and I looked up to meet his eyes peering into mine.
We remained in silence as we stared at each other till he withdrew.
“It would be fine now” he said and hastily dropped my f!nger. I stood transfixed watching him. I couldn’t even feel the pain from the cut, I just watched him slice the onion then added it into the pot. He added crushed tomatoes and bay leaf then he seasoned with salt and pepper and brou-ght it to a simmer.
“it would be re-ady soon” he said after adding the meatba-lls to the pot again then covered it
I looked down at my injured f!nger and that was when I realized it wasn’t bleeding again.
“Thanks” I said but he was gone
🎻 BLUE 🎻
“Girls keep practicing” Ms Chantel urged
“We miss Kelanie” I sighed
“Kelanie is practicing, you can’t waste her effort of being locked up for ten days”
“She’s not locked up” Fiona said pointedly “She’s with my dream b©yfri£nd”
“Don’t start now Fiona, Angelou is mine why can’t you un-derstand that?” Zion fired back
“can you both st©p being crazy for my man?” that was Phoebe
“He’s mine…”
“I mentioned it first…”
“He’ll never notice you…”
“Girls!” Ms Chantel called and they kept quiet “Can you three st©p being crazy?”
“Fiona and Zion stated it” Phoebe accused
“Don’t call my name” Fiona retorted
“Quiet!” bellowed Ms Chantel
“Angelou doesn’t even know your names? Why fight over him?”
They didn’t say anything but their silence was threatening.
“One more mention of Angelou, you’re out of The Blooms for good” Ms Chantel threatened “You have to be focused, no distractions”
I sat on Lancelot’s l@ps while Ms Morgan was teaching the others a new song.
“Shouldn’t you be learning?” Lancelot asked me
“Is it a crime that I chose you over learning?”
“It’s not a crime but this is for NYN”
I chuckled “you think your ex will win right?”
“It’s not just Kelanie what about Shayne Gold?”
“I’ll handle her”
He stared at me wordlessly
“What?” I yelled
“I don’t want you to do anything wrong cause of the competition”
“Am not doing anything wrong okay, am just insuring my victory”
“Do it the right way”
I rolled my eyes then said sarcastically “Yes sir”
“Mabel!” Ms Morgan called and I whirled around to face her
“I think you should return to clas-s now”
I scoffed and turned to Lancelot
“You should go” he said and pu-ll-ed me to my feet
“C’mon Lance, this is the only time I have with you. You don’t let me visit you and you don’t visit me”
“I’ll visit you today, I promise” he pe-cked myl-ips and walked out
“Lancelot is becoming a hvge distraction to you” Ms Morgan said when I joined them
“Is it that obvious?” I asked chewing on my gum
“you don’t focus on anything again ap@rt from him”
“I know Ms Morgan and am not willing to change”
“What has come over you Mabel?”
I shrugged and blew my gum “Dunno”
she sighed then placed her hands akimbo “do you really wanna win NYN?”
“Of course”
“Do you wanna be Glamour Diva?”
“Of course”
“Then you gotta give Lancelot a break”
I chuckled “I don’t think I can do that Ms Morgan and besides I don’t nee-d lectures to sing”
“Kelanie never felt above lectures and that’s why she always wins and…”
“Don’t compare me to her” I cut in
“But you’re scared of her”
“I ain’t scared on nob©dy Ms Morgan”
“Oh really?” she scoffed “What if Kelanie shows up Sunday night?”
“Am gonna defeat her” I said confidently staring into Ms Morgan’s eyes but de-ep down, I knew Kelanie is my worst nightmare.
“… Give me an A”
“Give me a L”
“The homecoming game is gonna be dope” Orlando said on our way to the basketball court
“I wonder the team that’d win?” Stephen asked
“Of course the Whales would” I said then joined the cheerleaders to say “That spells WHALES”
“SHARKS won last year” Paris said
“WHALES won two years ago”
“DOLPHINS won three years ago”
We all bur-st into laughter
“It keeps revolving round and round” I laughed
“Hi Stella” Paris waved to a member of the cheerleaders squad
“What you doing here?” she asked walking up to us
“We’re going to the court” he replied
“Hi guys” she waved at us
Stella is one of the most beautiful girls in school and she’s Paris’ hvge crush, member of Rock Of Ages and a transfer student
“See ya around” she said to Paris with a wi-nk then walked out
“Did she just wi-nk at you?” I asked Paris tea-singly
“My lucky day” he said and we all laughed
I sat on the floor carving floral chains and colouring them. Lisa loved them and she always wanted us to make some for our babies when we were grown.
But now, she is no more and there would be no more babies.
“Can I come in?” Kalonia asked and popped her head into the doorway
“You’re alre-ady in” I said then she chuckled and walked in fully
“About the…”
“If it’s about the morning incident the forget it” I cut in “Don’t thank me”
“I wasn’t going to thank you” she said
“Seriously?” I asked and looked up from the papers I was cutting
“You cross your f!ngerswhen you’re lying”
she looked at her f!ngersand her index and middle f!ngerswere crossed. She quic-kly separated them.
“It’s okay, you’re welcome” I said and went back to what I was cutting
“What are you doing?” she asked and sat beside me
“Floral chains” I replied and st©pped cutting
“Did you st©p cause am here?” she asked
I looked at her and she had this pain in her eyes
“No I…” I trailed off not knowing what to tell her
“It’s okay I un-derstand” she said and walked out shutting the door behind her.
I inhaled de-eply and continued cutting. I wasn’t comfortable around her nor anyone. I just wanted the ten days to be over so I can go back to being me.
Just me
I dropped on my be-d answer $h!t my eyes ti-ghtly. Why does Angelou act like he’s allergic to people?
How do I survive these ten days? It has just being two days and am alre-ady dying of loneliness.
I brou-ght out my music book and a paper fell out. It was neatly folded and kept in between the pages.
How didn’t I notice it?
I opened it and it re-ad
📄 In all the friends I’ve met, you’re the one I won’t forget.
Who dropped this in here?
I did a little thinking and it was only Angelou I’ve given my book since we got here but Angelou wouldn’t had dropped it.
And the paper must have being there for days now cause the flowers beside it had alre-ady withered.
That means whoever kept it, did that before I gave Angelou the book and that was before this ten days in the jungle.
Who is it?