Heart of a beast Episode 22 & 23

Not edited..
(Love is the word💓)
🍥Kayla’s POV🍥
I stared at my reflection in the mirror, tears dropping from my eyes.
I can’t believe I fought?! Like I fought and defended myself and the hell.. How was I able to see throu-gh that girl’s bag.. It wasn’t even transparent..
How did that happen?
And why did I suddenly feel like a different f0rç£ was taking over my b©dy.. I knew it wasn’t me back there, I possibly can’t have that much morale..
Something else led me and as much as it bit more at my curiosity, I still couldn’t help but feel proud of myself.. That will be the first time in many years that I’ll have been so fierce or should I say self-defending.
But still..really, how did that happen??
I looked at my reflection and ap@rt from the crystal blue color my iris had become, I noticed the cut on my face start to close up, it wasn’t too surprising tho..
Melvin had told me that the n£¢klace bears all my pains now and-
Wait.. Could it also have been the cause of my b©dy being controlled or the fact that I see throu-gh things?
Wow.. What if it is. What does it even mean?
Could it be good or bad?
Well whatever it is, I don’t think I’m comfortable around this new changes.. Everything comes with a bad side right, what if this one Is worse than the good one..
What if?
And why’s my eyes now blue, I could see the resemblance from it in Melvin’s and the n£¢klace I had on, so it has to be from the n£¢klace..
I stare at my eyes from the mirror.. True it’s strange but at the same time beautiful..
I’ve always liked a blue colored eye and it looked good on Melvin too.. I just hope there’s nothing more to this.
I heard the bell go off from where I stood and I quic-kly dabbe-d my tears, rearranged my hair and head to the exit.. I opened the door and my eyes collided with Clara’s, she was obviously just coming in and..
Is she also just coming to school?
“Hey,” she called, coming toward me and I gradually close the door and caught up with her. “I heard about what happened. Are you okay?” She asked and I nodded, taking in a quic-k sniff.
“I’m good now, thanks” I said.
“You should be. You did a great job defending yourself, I could see the surprise on everyone’s face” she said, with one of her cute smiles on.
“You think so?” I asked and she nodded. “Well thanks” I added.
I was taken by surprise too!
“Okay, next period’s on. Let’s go in, just wanted to be sure you were okay” she said and I nodded before following her.
“You’re just coming in, aren’t you?” I asked her on our way to clas-s.
“Yup. Had to take care of something first” she answered, giving me a c0cky smile.
“And you were allowed in by this time?” I asked.
“Of course. Let’s just say the authorities were un-derstanding enough” she said and I nodded, the rest of the journey was made in silence.
School ended that day, with me getting most of the stares and caring less about it. After exchanging byes with Clara, I hit the road to the bus station.
“Kayla!” I heard my name from behind and immediately I knew the caller, I could hear his feet running to get to me.
I sighed inwardly and kept walking, he reached me and I turned to him.
“What p@rt of stay away from me do you not un-derstand?” I asked. He stared blankly at me and it took a while for me to see what it was.. I gave him an eye roll and began walking..
“Your eyes..” He started but his voice trailed off.
“They’re blue. I know” I told him plainly. “It’s from the n£¢klace, isn’t it?” I asked and he nodded slowly. “And everything that happened earlier today?”
He nodded again.
“It might look strange at first but you’ll get used to it”
“Get used to it?” I repeated “Like I’ll be stuck with it for life?”
“No, not for life. It’ll disappear once you’re able to take the n£¢klace off” he said.
“And when will that happen?” I asked and he shrug.
“I don’t know” he replied and I sighed. “But your eyes will be back to normal by tomorrow” he added and I sighed again.
And the good thing goes.
“So I get controlled by something every now and then?”
“Only when necessary” he said and I gave him a confused look. “Look, because of the n£¢klace, you posses a p@rt of me now and it’s more like a connection cos a p@rt of my life is with you. And it makes you defensive, it helps when it feels you nee-d it, gives you strength and informs you when there’s trouble” he explained and I nodded.
Well, that isn’t so bad but I can’t un-derstand why I still feel uncomfortable about it.
“That explains why my cut earlier healed up” he said.
“Yes. And can I ask you something?” He asked.
“What?” I asked.
“The guy that offered to help you after the fight, I saw how you stared at him.. You were angry and I was just curious.. Who is he?” He asked.
“Well, yes. I was angry and who he is.. Well, it’s um none of your business. Keep staying away and I’m taking the bus…So Bye” I rushed my words and quic-kly hopped into the nearest bus, it began driving and I saw Melvin staring at me from the window. I sighed and pushed my gaze off.
🍥Melvin’s POV🍥
I made my way to the cave.
Seems my guess is right after all, that guy didn’t seem like a friend. He’s probably a rival according to Kayla’s reaction and during the fight I couldn’t help but see the surprised look on his face..
He obviously haven’t seen her that way before and with the way she rejected him, he must be more like an enemy.
But still I’m curious..
The n£¢klace reacted pretty quic-k,I didn’t expect the signs that quic-k but it did well all the same..
I got to the cave and Belle was in the position I had left her in the morning. She suddenly turned after I entered.
“So,” she asked with so much curiosity.
“Good afternoon to you too Belle” I said with a bit of humor and she smiled.
“Well son, if you know how serious it is, you’ll save that greeting first” she said and I frowned.
“Is something wrong?” I asked.
“It’s about Lucinda, tell me Mel.. Did you see the mark?” She asked, etches of curiosity in her face.
Oh that is it.
“Yes Belle, I saw it. It was right behind her n£¢k,” I said and she froze..
“So shes-” she stuttered, gulping her words.
“Lucinda? Yes” I said and her eyes popped wi-der..
“What!” She j£rked, shock evident in her face..
🏂 🏂 🏂 🏂 🏂 🏂 🏂 🏂 🏂
📌Kayla’s POV📌
I got home and met mom in the kitchen cooking.. After a brief usual greeting, I head to my room and freshened up.. Recalling the fight, I settled to having a shower and as I washed up I suddenly felt a striking sharp pain at my forehead, it was so painful, it made me m0@n loudly and gr-ab the faucet for support before I could fall..
I su-cked in my breath and tried to breath in slowly with my eyes shut and just as I opened them the pain flew away with a snap, it was as if I had felt nothing initially and at first it felt strange.. I placed a palm on my forehead to see if I’d feel anything but I felt nothing.
I c@m£ back to normal..
I finished up with my shower and walk back to my room, I put my clothes on, properly hiding the n£¢klace in it before ma-king it back to the living room. Mom was busy setting the table.
After dinner, I head back to my room and re-ad myself to sleep and when I woke up to knocking on my room door, it was morning.
Mom dropped me off at school the next day and drove for work. I sling my backpack across my back and made it for the school building. I got to my locker, exchanged my backpack for my books and snap it shut and almost immediately I saw his face, he was leaning on the lockers wall and staring at me.
I tear my gaze from his, balanced my books on my palm and made to walk away when he stepped into my front.. I gave him an angry stare.
“Kayla, we nee-d to talk” he said.. Every single word re-leasing a sort of anger and uncertainty in me.. I maintained my blank look on him.
“I saw you come in and I followed you here so-
“There’s absolutely nothing for us to talk about Jake” I dig into his s£ntence and made to walk past him but he blocked it. Sighing, he ran a palm over his curly dark hair.
“Look Kay, I know I’ve been more of a d!¢k to you and yeah, I totally deserve this attitude but I’m here to make things right. plea-se let me” he said, his voice sober.
“Let you do what exactly, Jake? And yes, you’ve not only been more than a d!¢k, you’ve been worse than that and you still are so plea-se stay off” I said angrily.
Wow.. I really let that out pretty loud and ha-rd .. I think this new me sure has it’s advantage.
Well who the fv¢k does he think he is to stroll in and off my life like I’m some thing. And what does he mean by ma-king things right? Definitely not bringing us back, is it?
“Wow.. You’ve truly changed” he emphasized.
“You don’t expect me to remain that girl you knew from months back or lose focus cos you broke up with me. You made it clear then and I perfectly un-derstood-
“And I made a mistake then. I’m truly sorry for what I did, honestly, I didn’t mean to end us that way or hurt you. It was none of my intentions, I-I just don’t know why I did it” he said and I sighed.
“Well guess what, I don’t care anymore and I have a clas-s now if you don’t mind” I said , re-ady to walk past him but he gr@bb£d my wrist. I couldn’t help but feel the s-en-sation as our skin met.
It’s strange that I still feel something for him even after months..
My b©dy weakened but I didn’t lose my grip, I carefully yanked my hand off his and I saw the hurt in his eyes.
“I want you back Kayla” I heard him say un-der his breath and I gave him a shrewd look, his eyes bearing every epitome of seriousness.
“Like I’m a liability or something you can go back to whenever you want.. Sorry Jake, but that time’s past now” I said and moved past him, heading swiftly to clas-s.
One thing I’m sure of is that if at all I’m going back to Jake, I’ll make it ha-rd for him and be sure that I wasn’t about to be pla-yed again. Truth is, he still had the looks and charms and it’s kind of surprising that they didn’t have the hype they normally have on me then but a p@rt of it was still pres£nt.
I made it to clas-s and met Clara alre-ady on seat and su-cking on a lolli-pop, we had a brief greeting and I settled on my seat. The day’s work began.
After few more lectures, we had lunch break and Clara had to go alone cos I was busy with my note; after promising to get me lunch of course
I suddenly felt pressed, so I jammed my note shut and stood up from my seat. I head to the bathroom, did the stuff and walked out. I was going down the hall when he suddenly appeared in front of me.
With a frown, I made to brush past him but he gr@bb£d my wrist again, I faced him with a glare.
“What’re you doing Jake?” I questioned, ignoring the tingling feeling and showcasing my irritation.
“Kayla plea-se, just listen to me!” He begged, we-tting his lowerl-ip.
“Listen to you say what?”
“I want you back Kayla, I mean I want us to go back to how we used to be. I’m in love with you” he said calmly and slowly and I gave him a muted look. My mind beating fast at his words in skepticism.
I was literally speechless.. I took in a slight gulp.
“I’m sorry Jake but I don’t think I’m interested in this again” I said and tried pu-lling away from his grip but he ti-ght£ñed his grasp.
“I un-derstand that you’re probably still mad at me but I’m serious this time I swear,” he pleaded,letting go of my wrist. He took out a card from his pocket and stretched it to me.
“My mom’s having a p@rty tomorrow night, I want you to come. I want to introduce you to her as my girlfriend and prove to you how serious I am” he said and I bec@m£ confused..
Is he being real..
I wanted to ask, I wanted badly to inquire more about this. To be sure he’s being serious but instead, I find myself taking the card from him.
“Thank you” He smiled at me.
“I’ll see you later” he said and bent toward me, I realised he was about to k!ssme so I pu-ll away and he immediately stood upright, ru-bbe-d his nape nervously and bitting on his lowerl-ip.
Really isn’t that too quic-k??
I walked away, heading back to clas-s.
I got to my seat and left the card in my backpack, I’ll decide on my attendance later. I opened my book and almost immediately it was dragged from me and slammed to the floor, I muttered un-der my breath and looked up to see the Tina girl staring at me in anger..
“You really have guts, don’t you” she said, fuming and I shook my head at her.
“Look, I’m not in the least bothered that you’re sneaking up on my ex cos he’s like dump to me now but trust me I can get him crawling back to me anytime I want so enjoy it while it lasts!” She said and walked dramatically away.
Okay she c@m£ all the way here to tell me that?
And by ex.. Does she mean Jake?