Healer – Episode 9



Kendra was beginning to smile again. Alex
had counted how many times she had
smiled before him and hr had made a
calculation of twenty in just three weeks.
That was a good start for someone who
ha-rd ly smiled at all. And her beauty was
returning to normal again. The beast was
still calling her and he knew that Kendra
hadn’t picked any of his calls. That Sunday
he c@m£ over to visit and met them about to
have dinner again. He had joined the family
to sit beside her at the dinning as he
watched her laughs at something his
mother said. She was becoming free with
him and with his family like they were hers.
After that dinner he had followed her to her
be-droom with his mothers eyes giving him
the warning look.

“I went to Church today with your mother
and Lisa.”.
She said to him when she stood at the
balcony of her be-droom with him leaning
against it, his arms folded on his che-st. She
smiled up at him.
” It was wonderful. Did toy know that I
haven’t been to the church in three years?”
He heard her chuckle. “Funny because,
Connor never allowed me to go. In fact he
forbade me to go to the church. But I had a
wonderful time today.”
Her eyes were out in the dark if the night
and she stared out in space, smiling. He
studied her for a while.
“I’m glad you had a great time.” He said.
She smiled up at him again.

Number twenty one.
“Thank you,Alex. Thank you so much for
helping me.”
“Its nothing.”
“And I didn’t know that you are the owner
of that big hospital. See why I said that you
ate so full of surprises?”
He laughed out loud.
“Well, I’m not really the owner. It belongs to
my stepfather. He’s dead so I’m the owner
“I’m sorry.”
She said. He nodded, he was still studying
her. Then she looked up at him.

“Something tells me that you knew all along
that u was going throu-gh hell with Connor.
Why didn’t you say anything? How did you
He grinned. “Because I’m not stupid.”
He turned and leaned his hands against the
railing, facing the dark night. “I
knew,Kendra. I always knew something was
wrong with you. Odd, but I don’t know how
but I just knew. And I was sure if it because
I’ve been where you are. My mother
suffered the same thing with her first
husband. That’s why she took a liking to you
easily. Because you remind her of how she
was able to leave the b—–d called my
father and meet my stepfather.”
Kendra looked down at her hands resting
on the railing. “Oh. It must have been hell for

“It was. She almost lost her life. Lisa.is my
stepsister. She was born after my mother
married my stepfather.”
Kendra smiled. “I’m glad that she was able
to pu-ll throu-gh, Alex. Your mother is a nice
He smiled. Her phone rang again and she
looked up at him. Connor.
He gave a wicked grin and snatched the
phone from her,She g@sped and raised her
hands to get it back but he was much taller
than she is.
“Alex. St©p. You can’t pick the call.”
“I can give him something to dream about.”
He said grinning.
She laughed. “Don’t be ridiculous, Alex. Give
me the phone.”

She towered for it again and he held it away
from her reach as she raised herself trying
to match his height. The act for to him and
he bent and caught herl-ips with his. She
nearly fell backwards because she was
caught off guard just that his hands held
her w@!st pu-lling her b©dy to his and k!ssing
her like never before. When he was sure
that she had calmed and he heard her
m0@n , he brou-ght down the hand that held
the phone which had st©pped and started
again, using that hand to wra-p around her
completely. And they stood at the balcony
like two secret lovers, k!ss!ngwhile her
phone rand and rang and kept ringing…

Aliyah stared at the unwanted visitor at her
door. Connor stood there like a drenched
puppy looking at her. Then she smiled at
him. Let him pl@ythe fool, she thought.
“Connor! Hello. How have you been?”. He
gave her that innocent smile that could
make a priest ask God for mercy.
“I’m good, how are you?”
“Never better.”
She stood looking at him and he looked
back at her not that she didn’t know what
to do next but she just wanted to make him
look like the fool for coming here.
“Oh, sorry. Come.on in.”

She said when she was satisfied that she
had made a fool of him. He nodded like an
idiot and stepped in with Aliyah staring at
his back as if she had seen a vision about
how he would die in her hands.
Her husband stood at the end of the living
room but he was the one who could hide
his feelings. Aliyah was trying so ha-rd to but
she just couldn’t. Connor sat himself down
and both couple stared at him as if they
were expecting to see the mad man instead
of the saint….

To be continued

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