He R@p£d me Episode 15 & 16

( He R@p£d me)😔
Episode 15
♨️ Olivia ♨️
” What’s happening here and what are you all doing in my mansion?” Ethan asked coming in ..
I just hope there shouldn’t be any problem here. He might get angry and do something crazy
” Uhhmm, they just c@m£ ” I said trailing off
” Yes to apologize ” dad added and I fidget with my f!nger
” Oh really? That’s what I always wanted. I’m glad you all realized your mistakes before it will swallow you ” he said sm-irking
” we have and we are de-eply sorry Ethan I know she listen to you plea-se plead with you her to forgive us ” mum said and I sighed ..
Not that I don’t want to forgive them but its just ha-rd
” Olivia darling, plea-se forgive them and me too. We are all sorry ” Dad said pathetically
” We are truly sorry Api” Sophia added and I almost smiled, it feels good she called me that.. She now refers to me as her sister.
How much I have longed to hear that ….
Ethan turned to me giving me the most s£dûçt!velook ever …
He’s surely up to something .
He can closer to me and held me
” Babes, mi angel. You can see they are changed and re-ady to treat you well. They deserve another chance and I know we’ll that my baby isn’t ha-rd hearted so she will forgive them . plea-se for my sake and your daddy babes ” he said huskily .
His voice is enough to melt my heart .
I glanced at mum, Sophia and lastly at Emily .
They are still the family I’ve gotten .. if God can forgive us why won’t I ?
I went to mum and hvgged her. Even if it’s not for anything, just for the reason that she brou-ght me up.
The way she brou-ght me up actually favoured me and I’m grateful..
” I forgive you mum ”
” Thank you so much Olivia, I have always known you are a soft hearted person. Thank you and from now on, you are my first daughter after all I brou-ght you up ” she said and we laugh
” Come here witches ” I said pla-yfully to Emily and Sophia and engulfed them in a warm embr@ce ..
” Thank you Api I’m so happy right now ” Emily said and I chuckled…
” You know we never spent time together as sisters , I want us to strengthen our sibling hood and become the inseparable sisters and most talk about. We want to spend time with you plea-se ” she said
” Okay, I wish to but where should we visit, like amusement park, the beach, eatery or ..”
” Just the kitchen ” Sophia interrupted and I rolled my eyes
” Kitchen? To do what ?” I asked narrowing my eyes at her while she eye communicated with Emily and she nodded
” Yeah we want to learn how to cook from you starting from now ” Emily said and we all laughed.
I totally forgot they don’t know how to cook ..
I will gladly teach though
” That’s not a problem let’s go alre-ady, we can spend some quality times in the kitchen ” I said gr-abbing their hands while they giggled
” You are ignoring us for your sister’s ? That’s unfair ” Ethan pouted and I chuckled..
” I’m always here with you Ethan and they will be leaving in the evening. You can stay with mum and Dad and have some conversation with them ”
I said throwing a flying k!ssto him ..
Thanks might be fun , I’m sure I’m going to enjoy this …
♠️ Ethan ♠️
” What the hell are you doing in my house? I thought I warned you clearly about it Anna ” I said clearly pissed.
Can’t she un-derstand a simple language? I don’t want Olivia to see hee here, she might get the wrong idea ..
” That’s not how to welcome a visitor Ethan ” she said chewing like a slut
” what are you doing here Adrianna ” I asked again
” Well thank you for giving me a sit ” she said sarcastically sitting comfortably while I turned around like a wanted criminal.
Who let her in in the first place?
” I won’t ask you again Anna what the hell are you doing here ?”
” St©p being angry Ethan, the way you rant won’t make me leave this mansion because I’m here to stay ” she crossed her legs using her hand to dress her hair without sparing me a glance .
What did she mean by that ?
” What are you insinuating ?” I asked and she smiled at me
” Well, I’m saying that I’m going nowhere Ethan. This are my bags, plea-se do me a favour and show me where I will be staying in this house ” she said nonchalantly.
I’m glad Olivia’s mum and dad are gone but Sophia and Emily are still with her in the kitchen..
I’m really scared to death..
” Are you out of your mind ? Stay in my house for what ? Get the fv¢k out before I sl@p the devil out of you ” I said angrily
” That’s if you will be able to prove this wrong ” she said searching her bag for what I don’t know..
♨️ Olivia ♨️
” You will first ground the beef and shape the patties like this. That’s the first step ” I said to them who nodded and jotted down some things, they are really serious about learning how to cook..
” Then you warm the pan. I’m sure you both know how to do that ”
” Of course we do ” Sophia said placing the pan on the g@s
” Good,the next step is to toast the buns then you increase the heat to medium so it won’t get burnt ” I said and did just that
” Then you cook the burger for 3 to 5 minutes and lastly, you fl!pthe burgers and cook for it another 3 to 5 minutes ” I said as we waited for it to be re-ady and in no time. It was done…
” Wow! I’m very excited to learn this, I will do this more often. It’s yummy ” Emily said cl@pping her hands and I smiled
” Now it’s practical time, Emily you should use this g@s while Sophia use the other g@s ” I instructed.
” All the things are re-ady so you should prepare same burger for me but in small quantities ”
” Okay chef, we will ” Sophia said and we laughed
” I’m sure I can prepare it more than you ” Emily boast and Sophia shut her a glare ..
Drama queens
” Anyways, I will be back in a few. I nee-d to go check on Ethan ” I said and they nodded while I dashed out of the kitchen ..

I was almost at the sitting room when I heard voices ..
Ethan’s and a lady’s voice. I peeped throu-gh the door and he was talking with that lady, the same lady I saw with him at the p@rty…
What’s going on?
” What is the meaning of this Anna ? ” Ethan asked
” You can re-ad right? I’m sure you know what’s written there Ethan plea-se st©p blabbing ” she said rudely and I steadied in my hide out
” I don’t get it Adrianna what the hell did this result means ?” He asked again
” It means one thing Ethan, I’m pregnant with your baby ” she yelled and I almost coll@psed..
Pregnant? With his baby? This isn’t happening…
” W….w..hat did you mean? .. pregnant for me? ” He asked
” You heard me right, plea-se the baby nee-ds rest so lead me to my room. I don’t want him to start kicking ”
Tears flows down my cheeks. Just when I thought everything has ended ..
I stood up with tears and my shoe made some noise ..
They both glances at me while I ran off to my room..
” Olivia ” Ethan called but I didn’t reply..
I sat on the floor crying my eyes out..
I thought he said he loved me but all I could get is another lady being pregnant for him ..
How could I have been so foolish to allow myself wallow in blindness ?
Why am I always a victim of circu-mtances?
( He R@p£d me )😔
Episode 16
♠️ Ethan ♠️
fv¢k! Can she be really pregnant for me? But the result says it all. I can’t doubt a doctor can I ?
God! How do I handle this mess?
I stared back at Anna who doesn’t seems to care about this whole thing then running after Olivia.. She over heard our discussions and I know it will hurt her
I never wanted this to happen …
” Olivia plea-se open up I can explain ” I said bagging her door but she wouldn’t say a word nor did she open the door.
What do I do? Allow Anna stay in this house? It will cause more trouble but where will she stay ?
If the result is true then I can’t deny the pregnancy, she’s really pregnant for me ….
” Olivia plea-se, I’m sorry ” I said inaudibly. Tears was beginning to form in my eyes ..
She’s gone throu-gh a lot and I’m adding to it..
She was crying because I can hear her sniff
Her sisters are still here, it will be worse if they get to know about this ..
How do I explain this to mum and dad? They will be very mad at me ..
I think I know what to do..
She has to leave , Anna has to leave ..
I stood up heading back to the sitting room..
” I know you will come back so I was waiting” she said as she sighted me
” Anna… ” I called and paused
” Yes baby ” she replied dramatically while I sighed
” plea-se I want you out of my life, I’m engaged and I can’t accept this pregnancy.. I will pay you any amount you want, just leave plea-se ” I pleaded and she scuffed
” What are you saying? You think you can s£nd me away with money? Then you must wake up from that dream because it’s not happening. Even if you give me this whole universe, It’s you I want ” she replied
This isn’t helping…
” I’m engaged Anna ”
” And you should be re-ady to engage me too, I can’t give birth to a bastard ”
” You must be crazy Anna, that’s never happening. ” I yelled angrily..
She just created a riff between Olivia and I and she wants me to marry her before she gives birth? Impossible ..
” Maybe that will happen in your grave ” we heard a voice behind us and I froze
Sophia’s POV
” maybe that will happen in your grave ” I spat angrily
Well we heard their noice from the kitchen and we actually eavesdrop on their conversation
” Yes because we are going to kill you, you can’t just come from nowhere and claim our sister’s position ” Emily added and the Anna lady bec@m£ frightened .
And Olivia? Where is she? I thought she said she was coming here or did she over heard them too?
We pounced on her before Ethan can intervene. The pregnancy must ab-ort with full f0rç£ ..
I can’t let my sister go into any more pain .
” Ouch.. my stomach, my baby , ouch! Ethan you are allowing them to hurt our baby ” she said and I sl@pped her as Emily sat on her ..
Ethan didn’t say anything but watch in amazement.. seriously? He was trying ha-rd not to laugh
I don’t believe the baby is for Ethan, I have this bad feeling about her …
We continue hitting her till he st©pped us ..
” Awwn Anna wants me but she can’t fight for herself, look who’s bleeding. I wish you have a miscarriage, I don’t want a baby from a slut ”
” You both should leave her before she dies here, I will handle it ” he said and we re-leased her .
She looks badly wounded and was about to cry ..
I’m happy Ethan doesn’t want the baby also …
I think it’s time to find our sister, this lady have to leave
♨️ Olivia ♨️
” Open up Api it’s us ” I heard Emily’s voice. I quic-kly wiped my tears away, I don’t want them to have any idea of what’s going on. I believe I can solve it myself…
I hope they aren’t with Ethan, he’s the least person I wish to see right now .
I stood up and let the door opened giving them space to come in
” You don’t look fine Api ” Emily said and I faked a smile
” I’m fine baby sis, just have a slight headache ” I lied and they both shook their head
” When will you st©p trying to be all strong to take in whatever comes your way sis? ” Sophia asked and I narrowed my eyes at her .
What’s she saying?
” We know you are not happy and that idiot is the cause but trust me she won’t go away with it ”
I snapped my head at her …
” H…how ..”
” We eavesdrop on them ” Emily cut me off ..
” Don’t worry sis, Ethan isn’t doesn’t like her even with the pregnancy so she will shush ”
” You believe so ? ” I asked skeptically
” Yes I know so , don’t be angry with Ethan, mistakes do happen ”
I pray things turn out good , the thought of that lady never crossed my mind till she showed up …
Is she his girlfriend? What if he chose her over me?
The pregnancy is his that means I have rare chance of being with Ethan ..
I’m not the only one with pregnant for the billionaire ..
How will it look when the media gets to know of this ?
Sighing, I let the thought off my mind before lying on the be-d
♠️ Ethan ♠️
” And she is?” Mum asked staring at Anna irritatingly …
I wonder why she has to come unannounced when I have a big problem at hand
” Uhmm mum , she uhhmm ..”
” Can’t you talk Ethan and you, what are you doing in my son’s house ?” She asked pushing me to see Anna clearly.
She has no manners at all
” Oh Mrs Edmund, I’m Adrianna but you can call me Anna for s…”
” Cut the cra-p! Don’t you have respect? Introducing your unwanted self without greeting? ” Mum said angrily cutting her off ..
” Sorry my bad ”
” I don’t nee-d , what are you doing here?”
” Well I’m pregnant for your son ”
Mum’s bag fell off her hand as she stared wi-dely at me ..
I looked down nervously not knowing what to say
” Ethan, is she saying the truth ? ” She asked half yelling while I shook my head in embarras-sment..
I know this will happen sooner or later
” Uhhmm mum, it’s uhh complicated ” I said scratching my head
” What’s complicated? How sure are you that she’s carrying your baby? She looks like a slut who’ve sle-pt with different men. The baby might not be for you, I can’t have a grandchild from her ” she stated clearly and I realized that the baby might not be for me truly..
How can I be so foolish?
” The baby is for him and he knows it ” Anna chirped
I nee-d to take her to the hospital myself.
” I think you have a point mum, Anna you have to come with me my hospital so we can conduct another test ” I said and her face went pale ..
” Y..you w ..want me to run..another..test ?” She ask stammering..
If she’s sure why will she stammer?
” I want this lady out of this house before I’m back down here, if you might excuse me, I nee-d to see my daughter In law and trust me Ethan, you won’t like I what will happen if I finds out this issue made her sad ” she said and walk to the stairs

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