He is my Golden Key the 28

🔑 His is my Golden Key 🔑

Brou-ght to you by choice novels 💎

America with a t©uçh of 9ja💋💋💋

The BA🔪SH war

💎Diary of solex💎

Comment 💬and share before re-ading 📖

🔑 twenty eight 🔑



🔔The wedding bells🔔 p@rt 2❤👰🤵
😔Sita birth story 🤧

~Authoress ~

Meanwhile, during the wedding, crim’s mum was seen in a t©p mountain climbing rocks upon rocks

No one could guess where she was heading too…

She look so tired but still determined and focus….

~Serena ~

I wipe the sweat on my forehead with my hand as I kept climbing…

Sometimes I wish I never birthed crim…
He is no only a coward like his father…. but also my takes pride in his cowardness

We were supposed to go on this journey together yet the idiot left me for the sake of his useless best friend wedding

Now he acts like a saint….

We are in grave danger and yet he is busy un-der the moonlight enjoying the danger, leaving me all alone to find solutions

What a wonderful so i have 🙄
I wouldn’t be going throu-gh this stress if I had just avoided sita the day she c@m£ to me…

Now the bit-ch is dead and am left to clean up her mess

I can’t believe Sophia’s daughter will be that powerful that even my own mother fears her….

I nee-d to kill that girl….
Am determined, I must kill her…

If goldlex ever gets to find out the truth then an doomed….
Both I and my son will be hanged without a second thought

Even though he treats crim like his brother, he still hates betrayal

I climbe-d the last step of the high mountains and sighed in relief

Coll@psing gently on the ground, I struggled to crawl over to the beautiful house across .

With the last energy in me, I was able to make it and hit the door gently…

The door flung open and a cold shivering air pas-s throu-gh me…

The night was a bit h0t and dark, but inside the house was very cold and darker

“Hello! “I called out softly but my voice echoed throu-gh the house

“Is any one here? “I asked again but no reply…

I stepped into the house and immediately the door flung shut!

I yelled in shock, trying ha-rd to control my pounding heartbeat

This place creeps me out! it really creeps me out….

Sita was the one who gave me directions to this mountain…

According to her, she said that whatever answers or questions or solutions I nee-d, I could find it here

The darkness was too thick but immediately I thought of sita, the room litted up with different flames…

It was bright and I could now see….
I g@sp in shock taking the house all in…

The house was extremely beautiful…
It had everything perfect thing for a good home

Even mum’s home couldn’t be compared to this one….

“Come sit! “Immediately I heard a voice, I yelled in shock

A young beautiful woman was seated on a crooky chair in front of the fireplace, sipping something out of a coffee jug…
Must be a coffee, I think

I walk quietly towards the woman and sat two miles away from her

“You knew sita? “She asked with a sweet voice ma-king me gulp ha-rd

Although she was acting sweet and all, I felt very much scared and conscious of her…

“Yes! “I wisphered and she smiled a little

“She was my sister! “She said causally leaving me speechless

I never knew sita had a sister

I thought she was a evil demon with no life or soul

The woman gave a short creepy laughter

“Although sita was cold and heartless, she was still born of a human! ” She replied and I frown

“Can you re-ad minds? “I asked and she nodded

“Tea or coffee? ”

“Tea plea-se! ”

She poured me a cu-p of black tea and added two cube of sugar, before handling it over to me

“Thank you! “I said taking the tea and I took a sip

It was extremely delicious and nutritious in the mouth

“Not just the mind…. but also the b©dy too! ” She added and I nod

“Tell me about sita…!”I requested and she smiled

“Am sure you didn’t come here to ask about my sister? “She said and I frown

“No… I actually c@m£ here for something else, am just curious that’s all! ” I replied causing my smile to wi-den a bit….

“Alright then… tell me what you want to know about her! ”

“You said she was born of a human??? “I asked and she shook her head….

“How come she she is a ghost??? how come she can posses a soul and even do things human cant?”I asked and she sm-irk sadly

“Hmm, sita like I said is a human…. , we were born in America, my father and mother were just poor farmers but we were a happy family
Me, and my two elder sisters…! “She sighed sadly as if remembering the past…

“My elder sisters were isa and sita and I was named Stella….
Yes my parents had a thing for name with S”She laughed and I smiled

I could see she loved her family so much…

“Yes… I did love them…. we were not rich but we lived in peace. My parents loved us so very bad so did we….
We were happy and contentended until one cloudy night….! “Her expression changed to that of an angry own

I shifted uncomfortably because her eyes were giving me the creeps

“I was just eleven, when a knock was heard on the door….
No one was home expect me and sita…..i quic-kly rushed out thinking it was my parents and elder sister, when I saw the village council…. he delivered the news of my parents and sister been crushed by a train! “She explained while I breathed out heavily

“I was shock, speechless….at eleven I knew that my parents were dead ,I cried heavily that night…. but unlike me, my sister sita, didnt take it so well like I did…. that night she ran out and never c@m£ back! ” She sighed heavily

“Wow! “I muttered but she smiled sipping her coffee

“Did she tell you where she went too? “I asked but she shook her head

“No…. when she eventually returned 6 years later, my sister was no longer my sister, she was dubious, crazy and now had a bad aura around her! ” She said shaking her head In pity….

“She was furious when she found out I was married with kids, she killed my husband and kids right before my eyes! “She responded causing a loud g@sp from me

How could sita be so heartless and wicked….

“Am sorry…! “I said softly and she sighed sadly

“I couldn’t do anything to hurt her…. she was my sister and I couldn’t hurt her… I left for the hills and luckily I was able to build a home here,! “She said smiling softly

“This home and memories of my family is all I have left! “She replied and I smiled warmly

“Hmm so….??! you are here to find out who the little girl is?? “She asked and I nodded

I must admit, am a little impressed that she knew my reasons for coming here….

“Hmm I advise you to better not find out….. that girl isn’t someone you or anyone else should mess with….. even I don’t know who she is….. she is many things, but trust me even though she has human flesh, that girl is a goddess, spirit and angel at the same time! “She replied and I sulk in my frustration

How will I find out who she is now???

My life is so so messed up….
I regret ever following the footsteps of sita…

I turned to Stella who just smiled and shook her head

“Thank you for ur hospitality, I will be leaving now! “I said politely standing up and she smiled

“No problem…! “She responded as I headed to the door

“Ohhh, one more thing! “She called out and I turned to her

“the girl’s mother isn’t dead….. in Fact she is heading to her husband’s wedding right now ..”She said and I froze….

“W….. ha….. t….???????” I asked shaking in fear….

“Why don’t I transport you over to the wedding so you can see her urself! ” She said and I shook my head in disbelief

No….. no… no….
It can’t be…..

Sophia can’t be alive…. that is impossible…..

My heart was racing and my kneels felt weak…. I stood ha-rd ly stand….

“Transport me there! “I wisphered ba-rely hearing myself

She smiled and waved her hands and we both vanished

*The authoress, takes the explanation from here

~Meanwhile, back to the wedding hall 💒

The priest cleared his throat and begin

“Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the pres£nce of these witnesses, to join lord goldlex and lady Jane in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, pas-sionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this – these two persons pres£nt now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together – let them speak now or forever hold their peace.” He said and the hall went silent

“I repeat…. is there anyone here who doesn’t want these two to be joined together?? “The priest asked again looking at the audience

Goldlex had a cold look on…. Jane appeared to be nervous but one could tell she was excited

Crim was very nervous looking at the little girl seated across the ball who kept sm-irking….

Silver also had a soft look on but didn’t say a word….

“Well in that case then, we proceed to…… “He didn’t finish his statement when a woman barged in…

“Crim!! crim my child….! “She yelled running towards crim as everyone stared at her with their eyes wi-dely opened

It was Serena
Crim’s mum…..

Crim appeared to be even more shocked that he couldn’t blink

“What is she doing here!??? “Goldlex screamed in anger

The sight of the woman irritated him….

He hated her with pas-sion for taking half of his life away from him….

“Crim my child…. we nee-d to go…. we nee-d to go now, hurry child!! “She yelled in tears as goldlex glared angrily at crim

“I thought you said you lost contact with ur mum? ” Silver asked trying to control her anger

She hates her mother in law more than her brother even did…

“I did… honestly I don’t know what she is doing here! “Crim replied staring angrily at his mum

Why would she barg in when she knows how much goldlex hates her and want her dead….

Was she trying to destroy his life???

“She is alive…. she is alive!! “She cried while everyone kept staring at her…

Was this woman running mad??
Why did she kept screaming she is alive… she is alive…??

“Crim get this disgusting thing out of my sight right now before I kill her!!! “Goldlex yelled leaving fear in everyone’s heart….

He looks so so angry and honestly, just looking at his face would make you want to k!ssthe floor he steps on just to spare ur life….

“Mother plea-se get out and never see me again, stay away from me…! “Crim yelled pushing his mother far away from him…

She almost landed on the floor due to the heavy push but a soft have held her. ..

Silence linger on the air as Serena tried to get up….
The lady helped her up and when she turned to look at the lady, she froze on her sp©t

Her face immediately turned white and pale as she felt the blood from her b©dy been su-cked out

Her heartbeat was beating so loud that one could fear it will bur-st out any seconds

“You….. you……! “She stuttered in fear looking at the sm-irking lady…

“Hello Serena,! “The lady replied softly before raising her head up to give people a glance of her face

Serena fainted due to much shock….

People pres£nt g@sp out loudly when they saw the black girl…..

Their face went pale just like Serena as everyone couldn’t believe their eyes…

Silver was in so much shock that she almost trip on her toes…

Jane was even in more shock…..her new husband dead fiancee was back???

Crim’s expression could not be defined
Just like his mother, his face went pale and very very white

He suddenly look so thin and weak like someone that was about to die

Goldlex move back in shock with his eyes wi-de-ned staring at his dead but Alive wife….

“So…. ph…. ia….?? “He also called out stuttering

“Hello hubby, miss me?? “She asked wi-nking at him with a devilish grin on her face….

That’s right…..
Sophia Williams is back from the dead…….




Sophia is back…..

Kia I wish this was a movie, I would have shown u guys crim face…. 🤣🤣🤣

Poor Serena
She couldn’t handle the shock 😁😁😁😂

Hmm the return of Sophia Williams….
omo fasten ur seatbelt…., we are going for a ride….