He is my alpha episode 3 & 4

***(he’s cold but she changed him) ***

Genre : r0m@nƧĀ£

***Krystal writes***

Episode 3

***( the torture room) ***

You might be wondering about the torture room. But yea some few years back when Lance bec@mĀ£ the alpha, he created this room because of issues like this. If a rouge was caught and thrown into the dungeon for questioning but refuses to talk or pas-s any information, he would be transferred to the torture. Believe it, no one would dream of going there, all sought of unimaginable things happens there. Even his own pack members are not left out, anyone caught trying to betray the pack or going against any of the pack rules would be taken to the torture room and such people never live to tell the story…….

On getting to the room the rouge was kept, the guards bowed their heads showing respect to the alpha and his beta. The torture room was very dark but immediately the alpha c@mĀ£ in, the lights were turned on revea-ling a man placed on a metal table bound in silver chains, the clothes he wore were soa-ked in blood, his own blood. His face was swollen due to the excessive beating he received, two of his f!ngershad been cut of and from the look on his face you could tell he has been throu-gh something much worse than hell.

The alpha moved slowly towards where the man was la-id, his eyes suddenly glowing bright red to show that his wolf was also presĀ£nt.

“speak up”. He said, his voice was calm but also cold.

The man raised his head up a bit struggling to get a good look at the “cold alpha ” he’d always heard about. But then getting a good look at him was proving to be difficult since one p@rt of his eyes has been badly injured by these ruthless werewolf guards. He could feel the strong aura radiating from the alpha and he couldn’t help but feel terrified. He had a guess that the alpha would never spear him no matter what.

He tried so ha-rd to resist but just like a spell was being cast on him, he found himself talking not knowing if it was from fear or what.

“plea-se alpha, I beg you, spear me. I was ordered to get some information about your pack “. He said,his voice shaking with fear.

“what information “.

“some information on the routine of the pack, everything the pack does and something about your schedule”.

“keep talking “.

“an attack is being launched against your pack, I have no idea when as I wasn’t given much details about that but it’s going to be sooner or later. The leader, he is coming, and he wants to kill you at any cost “. He replied feeling even more terrified than before because the look on the alpha’s face told him that he’s been really angered.

“who is the leader “.

the man was busy thinking if he should reveal this p@rt of the information when he heard low growls coming from the alpha.

“you’ve been dealt worse, but I’m sure you wouldn’t want to experience what I would do to you myself “.he said having an evil sm-irk on his face and the man immediately revealed who the leader was.

“he’s the alpha of the shadow moon pack”.

hearing this, Lance face immediately held an expression of shock,pain and anger but he was quic-k to hide it. But then it wasn’t just him, his beta also couldn’t believe his ears and the shock he felt.he looked at the alpha noticing that his face was backed to being cold and also noticed the look of bitterness his face held.

“I’m sure you know that you made a really bad decision when you decided to come into my territory and didn’t you think of the consequences if you were to be caught or wait, you didn’t think you would be caught did you? “. He said giving a bitter laugh.

the man knew too well what is about to happen and he tried struggling to break free but with each move he made the pain he felt increases due to the silver chain binding him.

“plea-se alpha, I’m very sorry, plea-se spear me “.he said, his voice shaking as h0t tears fell from his eyes.

“hmm… Well it’s too late to beg “.he said bringing out his claws and immediately r!ppĀ£dthe man’s heart out of his che-st. Blood spluttered staining his black tee-shi-t as well as his face. He then let out a satisfied growl.

“clean up this mess “.he said to the guards who could only nod their heads in fear as they knew how their alpha could be when angry.

he left the room with his beta who wasted no time in going after him. But the look on his face tells that he is in some de-ep thought.

“why after all these years “.he said in a low voice but his beta heard it clearly and he let out a sigh before hurrying to catch up with the alpha…………

*** (he’s cold But she changed him) ***

Genre : r0m@nƧĀ£

*** krystal writes ***

Episode 4
Grrrrrr…… Grrrrrr. That was the sound Of gwen’s alarm, she woke up feeling startled by the alarm and felt like smashing the s**pid alarm for disturbing her sleep But then she remembered How she struggled to save some money to get it, she then hissed in annoyance and was about to go back to sleep when she remembered her mother and then it struck her.

“Oh No, my mother “. She said before checking the time to see it was still 7am in the morning. Normally she would have loved to go back to be-d since she was feeling Very tired from working too much yesterday But Man Who was she kidding, her mother would have head served on a silver plate for that. Not having much time to think too much she hurried out of her room to see If her mother was awake because something feels off. For the first time, she woke up without her mother barging in to wake her up with a bucket of cold water.

She went downstairs to check for any sign of her mother, But she wasn’t there.

“hmmm….. Strange “. She muttered to herself having a thoughtful look on her face.

” should i go check in her room “. She said to No one in p@rticular.

After thinking about it for a while she decided to go check If her mother was in her room. Having a feeling her mother isn’t home she went upstairs heading to her mother’s room, a great p@rt of her Wishing for it to be true. On getting to her mother’s room she placed a knock on the Door waiting patiently If she would hear her mother’s voice, she waited for a while But heard Nothing. Then she decided to go inside. Gently she pushed open the door and stepped in, her heart pounding in her che-st.

She noticed that her mother’s room would have been completely Dark If not for the window curtain that was pu-ll-ed back a little to let in a bit of sun light. She took her time in studying the room since her mother ha-rd ly let her inside. Nothing seems to pick her Interest except for the hvge mirror that stood at one p@rt of the room, the sides were made of pure Gold and it was indeed a beauty. She couldn’t help But move closer to it.

She stood fully in front of the mirror staring at her own reflection. But she could only see a thin and fragile lady whose eyes held No spark in them, just agony and pain. She wanted to see someone different from the person she was looking at right now And So she tried smiling But failed at the first attempt. She took a de-ep breath then tried again. She Smiled showing her perfect set of white teeth, she truly loved her Dark long hair that stĀ©pped at her w@!st, her gray eyes were beautiful even if it only seems to Hold too much pain in them.

She couldn’t remember the last time she Smiled and yes she was Very beautiful. She only wished for happiness, she wants to be happy and live a normal and peaceful life like Most Ladies her Age. There were lots of things she would love to Do but then life has it own plans for her. Trying ha-rd not to cry thinking about How miserable her life was now she decided to just enjoy the little peace she would have now since her mother wasn’t home. And she guessed it might take a while before her mother gets back. With this thought in mind she Smiled genuinely this time.

“What Do you say gwen, let’s have some fun eh…… Hahaha “. Gwen let out a little happy dance and she was still in her happy Mood when she heard a knock on the Door downstairs causing her to freeze immediately with a look of fear on her face…….