he fell for a klepto episode 46 & 47

?He Fell For A Klepto ?
?She stole his ❤️ heart ?

Forty – Six
**** **** **** ****

Unknown pov
“Please sir. I’m very sorry I b-umped into you… Please don’t do this to me,” the nurse pleaded as Louis pulled her into the room and locked the door. He pulled her closer and began to ca-ress her b©dy.

“What do you mean? We are doing each other a favour,” he moved closer to ki-ss her but she turned her face away. Being close to her now makes him see how beautiful she really is. He felt an irresistible urge to claim her.

“Sir, I can’t do this. I only came to the hospital to learn not to sleep with guys around. My aunt is gonna kill me,” she answered still struggling to escape from his ti-ght embr@ce.

Louis ignored all she had just said and breathe in the fresh scent coming from whatever hair cream she used. “What’s your name?,” he asked. “Amaya,” she replied.

“Maya do you know who I am?,” he asked cutting her name short. The nurse shook her head sideways. She really doesn’t know who Louis is. She had only started training to be a nurse today.

She’s actually supposed to be in college but her aunt decided not to pay the fees anymore. So she had to find a way to take care of her fees and her sick brother.

“Louis… Louis Lincoln and I have an offer for you,” he said still sniffing her hair. Amaya is alre-ady shaking from fear wondering why she had to meet a psycho and a pervert on her first day at training.

“Mr Louis I’m not interested in any offer, please let me go. My boss will be mad at me if I stay much longer in this room than expected,” she tried to free herself.

“Be my pla-ything for just one week and I’ll settle whatever bills you have to pay,” Louis said totally ignoring her words. Amiya sighed thinking that his offer is really tempting but she’s not the one to give up her vir-ginity for a piece of paper.

And since this psycho won’t let her go nicely, she will have to free herself for-cefully. Louis gro-an ed in pain letting her go. She hurriedly took the chance and ran away.

“Shit! Shit! Shit!,” Louis said to-uching his precious dic-k. That lady is crazy. She actually had the guts to kick his precious dragon. Now he’s more determined than ever to get her.

He brou-ght out his phone about to call his P.I when a call came in.
?I was just about to call you. I nee-d all the information you can get on someone.
?Boss you should forget about that information right now cause there’s a bigger problem.
?What is it?
?Boss the men you @$$igned to watch Brian just informed me about something important. You remember that your mistress from Australia.
?Which one of them? Can you be more specific?
?Mr Park’s daughter… I don’t remember her name. Apparently she offended Brian and he ordered his men to torture her. Just now they suddenly dumped her somewhere beaten beyond recognition. Luckily our men were around to save her.
?So… How does that concern me? You saved her… Then find a way to se-nd her back to Australia. She was never meant to be here in the first place. And get me the information about this….
?Boss, she’s pregnant- he cut my statement short.

I stood frozen in shock. Susan is pregnant?

? Where’s she? Tell me right now. I swear I’m gonna kill that bastard if anything happens to the baby!
?Boss come over to your mansion.

I quickly cut the call and walked out. If that baby turns out to be mine and something happens to it. Brian is gonna pay. He alre-ady told me earlier that he’s waiting for when what happened to him happens to me…

Tonia stared at the man in shock as fear gradually fills her heart. The deadline isn’t over yet so why is he here. The man smi-rked at her

“Honey, who is it?,” Tony asked wondering why Tonia is taking so much time to check who is it at the door.

“Hmm honey… That’s a nice name… But you prefer me calling you darling, right? Darling long time no see,” the man whispered smiling softly. Only Tonia knows it isn’t a soft smile rather it’s a dangerous one.

“What… What… Are…you…doing…here?,”she stammered in fear. “I gave you enough time now your time is up. You are gonna pay for that after I kill that bit-ch. To make things fas-ter I’ll just have to kill that bit-ch myself,” he answered lowly.

Tonia shook in fear. He would really really make her pay like he just said. Meanwhile Tony couldn’t take it anymore so he stood up and went over to the door.

He was worried at first to see Tonia looking pale then when he turned to look at the person at the door all his worries flew away.

“Kelvin… Kelvin… It’s really you… Where have you been all this while? Do you know how worried your brother was? I couldn’t sleep for days. Why would you do that to me?,” Tony said happily looking like he’s about to start crying.

As Tonia g@sped , I’m also g@sping ? The man that killed Ivy’s mom, that has been slee-ping with Tonia and even has a child with her, the man that wants Ivy dead, that Louis suspects to be his sister’s murderer is actually Tony’s brother.

He’s a bastard. He killed his sister in-law, wants his niece dead and had illicit affairs with his brother’s wife to the extent of having a child with her. What did Tony ever do to him? Tonia is such a bit-ch slee-ping with two brothers.

Tony hu-gged him and said,“ After Anabelle died I really regretted what I said to you that day. I shouldn’t have believed it when she said you tried to ra-pe her. You were my brother and I chose a lady over our brotherly bond.”

Tonia g@sped again. How many more things does she not know about Kelvin?

“It’s alright brother. I alre-ady let bygones be bygones. I’m here to stay now. And I want to see my niece… What’s her name?,” Kelvin answered.

“Ivy. She looks just like Annabelle. Come in and I’ll tell you all that have happened during the period you were not around,” Tony uttered leading his brother in happily.

They left the still frozen Tonia to shut the door. She closed the door and starts to think. How do I save myself from this devil? Why did I even get entangled with him in the first place? Tony isn’t even aware of what kind man his brother is?

He actually tried to ra-pe Anabelle. He’s so wicked. After killing her, now he wants her daughter.

Tonia looked at her hands and stared at her fin-gers. ‘I helped him with his dirty deeds. I didn’t even help her when she pleading on the behalf of Ivy who was five months old then. I feel like my days are numbered,’ she thought silently.

Brian ?
I walked into the pla-yroom and just as I’ve expected, br@d is pla-ying a video game and Zara is typing something on her phone. Why is she smiling sweetly while typing? Hmm, that’s suspicious. I sneakily went to her back and peep into her phone.

She is chatting with Mr Adonis. Who is Mr Adonis and why will she even save his name like that? I was only able to see,’ I think I lo…’ before she looked up and hurriedly switched off her phone. If I’m not wrong, that was I think I love you.

“Cousin it’s rude to re-ad people’s chat like that,” she said. I narrowed my eyes at her,“Zara who were you chatting with just now?
“No one. You must have seen the wrong thing cause I wasn’t chatting,” she answered. “Zara stop fooling around. Who were you chatting with?,” I asked again looking serious this time.

Before she could reply, I heard munching sound like someone was eating something. We both turned to look at br@d. Sure enough, he has ? popcorn in his hand as he’s staring at us keenly. Where does he always get the popcorn from?

“Go on brother. I’m not disturbing you. Carry on with your show,” he said excitedly like a fool. I walked over to him and he quickly protected his popcorn like I was gonna snatch it away from him. But instead I carried his game console and before anyone could blink I smashed it against the wall.

“No!!!!!!!! My poor baby!!!!! Wahh! Wahh!,” he cried like a baby before pretending to faint out of shock. I rolled my eyes and walked back to Zara.

“Give me your phone right now.”
“No, I’m nineteen. I have the right to chat with whoever I want,” she replied hiding her phone.
“Zara you are still too young to date. I don’t want those young immature guys to deceive you and leave you heartbroken,” I tried to tell her gently.
“I don’t care. Why are you with cousin in-law then? She is also nineteen,” she asked.
“That’s different she is alre-ady my wife.”
“So… You can also get divorced.”

br@d hurriedly stood up not pretending to faint anymore. He stared at me fearfully then at Zara cause she just said what I don’t want to ever hear in my entire life.

“Zara!!!,” I shouted my voice expressing the rage I feel in me. My eyes turning red in anger.

Louis ?
As my chauffeur slowly drove away, I turned back to look at the hospital. I can’t help thinking about Maya. I to-uched my dragon. Jeez! It still somehow hurts. I can’t believe she actually rejected me and even had the guts to kick my precious dragon.

She’s feisty and s@$$y but she also looks innocent. Her entire b©dy screams innocence. I want her and I must have her.

I was still thinking about Maya when we got home. The driver had to tell me we have alre-ady reached home. As soon as I walked into my room and saw the ba-rely recognizable Susan on my be-d, thoughts of Maya immediately flew away.

“What did the doctor say? Is the baby alright?,” I asked anxiously.

?He Fell For A Klepto ?
? She stole his ❤️ heart ?

Forty – Seven
**** **** **** **** ****

I breathe in dee-ply feeling relieved as I watched the pervert leave. If I close my eyes right now, I can still see him standing in front of me whispering directly into my ears. I can still hear his low husky voice.

Why is the room suddenly so hot? Or am I the only one feeling hot? I shook my head lightly and said to myself,“ Focus Maya. You are here for Alec. Don’t get distracted.”

I carried the medicine tray and walked to the head nurse office quickly. As soon as I got inside, she hurled insults at me. “ You lazy bit-ch! You have ba-rely started your training and you are alre-ady slacking off. How do you want to learn!?…”

She continued ranting and I just stood there watching her silently not even saying a word. I’m alre-ady used to receiving insults everyday so it doesn’t affect me anymore.

She stopped, taking dee-p breaths and finally noticed that I didn’t say a word but only stood silently. “Take these medical reports and go to the ward describe-d on it,” she said and I nodded collecting the file.

I was almost near the ward when my phone vibr@ted. I quickly looked around and thank God that it’s on vibr@tion cause it’s against the hospital rule to bring phone during work hours.

But I had to take the risk before of Alec. I quickly walked to an empty ward and picked the call.

?Maya what’s going on? Why isn’t your aunt here yet? You know you have to pay for the oxygen otherwise the doctor will remove your brother’s oxygen mask- tears slowly escaped from my eyes. It’s my brother’s nurse calling.
?You have to help me. Please Mary, you have to do something. I can’t lose my brother now. He was there for me when our parents died. Please do something- I pleaded crying quietly.
?I can only pay for today. You know the oxygen is very expensive and I can’t afford to help you everyday. You have to raise money quick if your aunt isn’t willing to help.

I cut the call and bent down sobbing quietly. I stayed there for a long time before I finally stood up and noticed the medical reports. I knew it right then that I’ve lost this job. I gently re-moved my nurse uniform and quit. I don’t want to hear more insults or worse still receive dismissal letter.

As I walked out, I turned to look at the hospital. I’ve been surviving all alone. I’ll survive this time. I’m just a nineteen years old who has never been given a chance to enjoy the world. Struggling all alone to cater for myself and save my elder brother from his coma state. Always maltreated by my aunt but can’t do anything to defend myself.

That’s ?my story.

Unknown pov
“Zara!!!,” Brian shouted and she shook with fear on the sofa. She clamped her hand on her mouth before saying “ Cousin, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to….,”

“ Give me that phone right now!,” his hand outstretched towards her. She didn’t even argue and just gave the phone to him. “ You are grounded Zara. And you are not allowed to leave this house until school resume,” he said angrily

“Cousin I’m not nine anymore so you can’t ground me. I refuse to…,” she couldn’t finish her statement as Brian interrupted her.
“And don’t even think of asking for your phone until I’m re-ady to give it back!,” he shouted and turned around to leave.

br@d felt that Brian is really acting too extreme this time so he tried to plead on her behalf,“ Brother it was just a mistake. Zara wouldn’t say that on purpose. You shouldn’t…”

He immediately shut up as Brian turned to look at him, the anger still evident in his eyes. He gulped in fear as Brian walked towards him.

“Another word from you and I’ll freeze all your accounts. You’ll also be grounded alongside her if you keep defending her!,” Brian said lowly before finally leaving the room. Zara bent her head and began to sob quietly.

br@d prayed silently to God for saving him and went over to Zara,“ Don’t cry okay. Brother is just angry right now but he’ll calm down. Please don’t cry. Even though you are very annoying, I hate to see you cry.”

“ I didn’t mean to say that. I would never wish for cousin and cousin in-law to get separated. I…,” she burst into tears not completing her statement.

Did I go overboard just now? I’m only protecting her. I don’t want a foolish immature guy to just deceive her and leave her heartbroken.

I looked at the pink coloured phone in my hand. I really wonder who she was chatting with. She might think she’s in love right now but trust me, she’ll be thankful I did what I did now when she later realizes that she was only infatuated.

I sl-ipped the phone into my pocket and walked into my room. I panicked a little discovering that kitty is not in be-d anymore. I left her lieing there so where is she.

I was about to start searching for her when she walked out of the shower in just a towel. I gulped as my erection slowly formed a tent in my trouser. Don’t blame me. My wife is always breathtakingly beautiful everyday.

I can’t help but feel arou-sedfrom just looking at her na-ked flawless b©dy. She looked up and saw me. Then smiled sweetly at me. Does she realize what her smile does to me every time I see it?

“Kitty I’m glad you are in a better position than when you just came home,” I said walking towards her.
“Hubby I’m still ill. Don’t go on @$$uming things. Right now, I want to eat barbeque that has alot of onions on it. And I want it specially prepared by my darling hubby,” she said smiling mischievously.

I was smiling before when I heard she wants to eat barbeque but as soon as I heard the word ‘ONIONS’, the smile on my face was immediately replaced with a frown.

“No, the doctor said you should only eat porridge for now,” I answered tactfully forgetting a moment ago I would have gladly given her the barbeque.
“No, I don’t want to eat that tasteless thing again,” she pouted cutely. I’m glad my kitty is finally back to me.
“The doctor’s order, remember? Who was it that said no s-x for four months,” I uttered pretending to be thinking.

“Hubby is so mean!,” kitty answered instead knowing what I’m trying to do. She really made me suffer during that period claiming no s-x for four months now it’s my turn.

Few minutes later, I walked into the sitting room and saw only br@d. Zara isn’t there. She didn’t come out for dinner also. I sighed. Maybe I should really go and see her. I was on my way to my room when my phone rang. It’s from my P.I ?Sir I’ve found out who killed your unborn baby. It’s…

“What did the doctor say? Is the baby alright,” I asked nervously barging into the room. “The baby is perfectly fine,” the doctor answered. I didn’t even notice him when I entered.

I shook his hands and looked at Susan. What did she do to Brian to make him order his men to beat her up like this? What is she even looking for here? Why didn’t she stay in Australia?

“Sir your wife should quit taking harmful substance like liquor and cigarettes that can harm the baby. She should also take care of her health,” the doctor said and I turned to him about to correct him that Susan isn’t my wife.

I was about to correct him when he dropped a bombshell,“ She should have started prenatal care since she is three months pregnant now.” I stood frozen in shock. Three… Three… Three months.

I looked at Susan. When we had se-x in Australia, it hasn’t even been up to two months yet and she’s three months pregnant. That means this baby is not mine. Jeez! I almost killed myself because of someone else child.

As soon as the doctor left, I told my b©dyguards,“ As soon as she’s awake and she’s alright. se-nd her back to Australia immediately. I have to go somewhere important.”

As I walked out, none of us noticed Susan discreetly opening her eyes or staring at me with a vicious expression. I walked out with one intention in mind and that is to find Maya.

?Hello you have to help me find all you can about Maya- I told my private investigator.
?Sir what’s her last name?
Shit! I forgot to ask for her last name. I’ll have to go back to the hospital. I quickly cut the call and rushed back to the hospital.

On getting there I was told she quit. “ Please check for her last name on your staffs information. I’ll reward you handsomely,” I pleaded. The receptionist nodded and checked before shaking her head negatively.

“Sorry sir. Just Maya. No last name. No address,” she answered breaking the tiny piece of hope I had left. I walked out of the hospital feeling dejected. Why do I feel this way? Like… like I’ve lost something important. Where are you Maya? Where are you?
