He bought me Episode 36 to 40

He bought me
Written by OS Feathers
Episode 36
“Dead” I shouted.
I just nee-ded to do something to st©p them from shooting Donald.
I’m so sure they heard my words so I ran and hide beside a car at the compound of the house.
Just as I expected , someone walked outside in search of who made the sound.
I do not really know how many of the men are inside , I do not want to take any reckless action but I still had to do something to st©p them real quic-k.
I brou-ght out the knife I hid at my back pocket and threw it at the guy darting his face around in search for me.
The knife hit him by the side of his n£¢k and he fell to the floor choking.
I kept watching for any more silly moves from any of them. I crawled as fast as can to where the guy l@ydead or unconscious at and dragged him away from the entrance to the side of house.
“George! George!” I heard someone call from inside. i knew at once that the guy I had just taken down is Geroge.
Two men c@m£ outside holding their guns like they suspected that something is wrong somewhere.
“Boss , we can’t find the guards and George ” One of the two men that just walked out said.
“Something is wrong somewhere ” the second man said.
“An enemy must have infiltrated ” The first man said and a man c@m£ from inside the house with two men guarding him by the two sides.
“Where is George?” The man I as-sumed to be their boss asked.
“Can’t find him boss ” One of the men replied while I just stayed hidden behind the car. I wasn’t peeping cause I know they might see me that way.
I only inclined my ear to what they were saying.
Now that I know that the men left are five. I should strategize a better plan to take them down.
“Search everywhere” He commanded.
“Good! This is exactly what I had being expecting. I wanted them to disperse.
Two of the men began to search while the boss stood still with his two guards standing in his both sides.
I brou-ght two knives out of the pack of knife I had kept with me. I peeped to target the two men behind the boss but one of them smartly saw me.
” Here she..” Before he could complete his statement , I s£nt two knives into the men’s che-st.
The boss looked to the left and right and saw that the two men are down.
He looked towards my direction and I smiled at him.
I ran to where he stood and he hurriedly rose his hand in surrender.
I commanded him to move inside and he obliged.
“Boss ” I heard the remaining two men called from outside.
” Tell them to wait for you outside ” I whispered into the boss ear and he did as commanded.
“I knew you wanted him dead cause of his father , not fair ” I said and the man just kept looking at me.
“Loos£n him” I commanded the man and he went to the chair that Donald had being tied too. He loos£ned him and Donald stood watching me in utmost surprise.
I knew he wasn’t expecting me to come for him.
“Command the two men to come inside ” I said and the man obliged.
The two men outside c@m£ inside ignorantly and I leverage on that to s£nd a bullet each to their l@ps.
They fell to the floor and before the boss himself could run out. I s£nt him a bullet at the back.
I held Donald by the hand and we both ran out of the house. I st©pped a cab and we hopped in.
It drove us safe to his house and we stepped down together.
“Bye, sir ” I said and lowered my head gently then ran back to my new boss house.
Episode 37
I pas-sed the backyard of the house thinking of a loophole to pas-s inside but I’m sure he would have known that I went out.
I was staring around for what I could do to safe myself when I heard a cough from behind me.
I turned knowing fully well that it’s Kim.
“Hello! May I know why you went out without informing me?” he asked.
“I’m sorry , Sir. I nee-ded to safe Donald ” I explained.
“And were you able to safe him?”
“Yes , I was ” I replied as he nodded.
“I hope you know you disobeyed my rules?”
“Good , follow me ” He said and I followed scared of what he is about to do me.
We finally got inside and he suddenly turned at me. He looked intently into my face and brou-ght his face closer to mine.
He smiled faintly and lowered his eyeba-lls to myl-ips.
“Be careful ,I wanna k!ss you” He said and I furrowed my brow.
“K!ss, why k!ss?” I asked and he sm-irked.
“That’s the punishment ” He said softly and brou-ght his face closer to mine.
I moved my head back and express my dissatisfaction.
“k!ssis for people who are in love ” I said.
“Like you would have k!$$£d Donald ”
“Huh! I’m not in love with Donald ” I said.
“A lie. You are. And guess what? I think I like you ” He said and finally moved back.
“You are mine alre-ady. Let me confirm very well if my heart is not just pla-ying a game on me. I might marry you” He said and went to sit.
I stood dumb founded.
“Nevertheless , I should still punish you for disobeying me “He said.
” plea-se ,forgive me ” I pleaded.
“‘Forgive’ is not a word in my dictionary. Now , come and sit on my l@ps ” He said and I furrowed my brow.
“I do not think I can do that sir ”
“Are you disobeying my command?”
“Only those in love does that sir ” I replied.
He faced me and smiled.
“If Donald told you to sit on his l@ps , would you say NO?”
I furrowed my brow and thought for a while.
I do not think I can reject Donald’s offer. Oops!
“Speak up?” He asked but I didn’t know what to say.
“You do not know what to reply with cause you will definitely oblige without thinking. Don’t you think you are in love with him?” He asked.
“I do….I do not think so. He’s just my boss ” I said.
“We shall see ” He said , stood and walked away.
I exhaled and felt happy that he didn’t punish me.
Hey , but common? Do I love Donald?…
Erm…I do not think so. I’m just kinda caring.
I went to sit and feel so sad that I’m not in Donald’s house. I miss him.
I wish he did not have to sell me.
Episode 38
Following Day.
It was noon. Kim had invited me to a very large room in the house. It was filled with all sort o fighting kits.
“Wanna teach you some stuffs that you must know about fighting. ” He said and I nodded.
I’m tried of being defeated most times. Jessica bullies me often when I was in Donald’s house and he defeated me easily when I arrive at his house too.
Oh yeah! I wanna learn.
He taught me the theoretical aspect of the fighting first after which we began practical.
It was very tiring but I’m not gonna give up anytime soon. I must know how to fight as much as possible.
We suddenly heard the visitors bell rang and we paused. We were both sweating in our fighting wears.
“I can’t remember inviting someone over today ” He said and I just watched him.
“Anyways ,let’s check ” He said and I followed him. We both walked to the entrance and he opened the door.
Behold ; it was Donald.
“Donald , how are you?”He greeted ” Can’t remember inviting you over ”
“Yeah ,I nee-d to discuss something urgent with you” He said.
“Urgent? You should have called to inform me at least. I have plan for every days and I don’t just allow abrupt visit ” He said.
“I’m sorry. Can I enter ?” Donald requested.
“Of course. But plea-se inform me before coming next time ” Kim said and we all went to sit.
“So Donald , what’s the urgent information?” Kim asked Donald.
“It’s simple”
“Maybe ,tell me ?”
“I want Jessica back ” He said and Kim giggled.
He paused the laughter and continued laughing again.
“Are you sure you are alright?”
“I know what I’m saying. Jennifer is ma-king life hell of a living at my place. She’s suffocating me. She had even neglected her primary mission of saving me. I would have died like a chicken if Jessica had not come to safe me ”
“Story for the gods. Do you have anything else to say ” Kim demanded.
“I c@m£ for that purpose ”
“Were you slee-ping when you sold her to me plus this girl over here is now an as-set to me. I’m not selling her to you or anyone. She’s mine forever. Selling her back to you is an absolute impossibility ” Kim said.
“I’ll pay double of the amount you paid ” Donald offered.
“You could pay times 10,Donald. Jessica is an as-set that I’m not selling for any reason. ”
“Why? Why is she an as-set to you. You could just buy any other girl ” Donald pushed further.
“I do not un-derstand what you meant by other girls. Jessica is my property and there is nothing that you can say that can ever make me sell her. ”
Donald sighed and lowered his head. There was a brief moment of introspection while I just watched the two men without expressing any emotions.
“Jennifer , do you wish to come back to me ?” Donald asked me.
“Yes” I said in my mind cause I really want to go back to him. I have a special soft place for him in my heart. I do not want him to be hurt.
“No” I said. I nee-ded to let him realize his mistake
“You see that. You sold her and now you want her back. Even the girl likes me that he does to you” Kim said and I could see pain written all over the face of Donald.
Tears dropped from the corner of his eyes as he stood.
“I knew I make one of the biggest mistake of my life by selling you to him. But Kim ,if you do change your mind ,inform me ” Donald said and walked out.
I feel like running after him and going with him together to his house.
“Amazing. Why did you safe him then since you are not willing to go back to his house ?” Kim asked.
“Cause I do not want him to be hurt ” I replied
“Hum! I really thought you love him”
“I did not ” I replied and I felt a tingle in my heart. I can’t explain but the words I just profess made it look like I betrayed my feelings.
Do I really love Donald?
Episode 39
^Jessica ^
I heard a knock on my door the following morning. I dragged my heavy foot to the door and opened it to see Kim.
“Good morning , Sir”
“How are you. Sorry I interrupted your sleep but I’ve got a very important message to tell you” He said and I stood very well re-ady to listen.
“While surfing the camp’s website yesterday. I noticed that they hosted a fighting competition among masters that had graduated from the camp” He said and I could ba-rely un-derstand a thing of what he said.
“Camp graduates! What does that mean?”
“Every one buying and selling men and women as property must have gone to school at Camp must have collected license to do that , otherwise , when caught , they will be jailed with no one to help” He said
“Oh! Does that imply that you went to school at Camp?”
“Yes , including Donald and every other masters in South and North America”
I nodded my head in un-derstanding.
“I know you are still learning but if we win , you will have the opportunity to actually meet many t©p officials in the business word ”
“But I can ha-rd ly fight. You are just teaching me. Why don’t you fight yourself since you are very good in fighting”
“It doesn’t work that way. We the masters are to pres£nt our most skilled property to take p@rt in the fighting competition. ”
I sighed and wondered how the competition would be. I can fight as much as I wish and I’m just learning.
“When is the competition commencing?”
“In an hour time. It’s going to be in stages. Three stages for the first three days.
If you could win those three stages. Then you will fight throu-gh the next stages of Quarter final and semi final till you meet the best fighter on the other end to fight with at final. ” He said.
“You are saying it like you are so sure that I would get to final ” I said.
” I don’t fail and you shouldn’t. Believe in yourself ”
“I’ve always done. ”
“Good of you , get dressed and let’s move” He said and walked away.
I hurriedly went inside and went to take my bath. I dressed in my blue jeans , blue polo T shi-t and a white trainers.
I walked to the sitting room where he leaned by the edge of a chair and he smiled on seeing me.
“You look fit and beautiful ” He said.
“Thanks , sir ” I replied and he suddenly s£nt two kicks to my che-st that s£nd me knocking to the floor.
He walked towards me and shook his head. ” Always be prepared. First lesson” He said and stretched his hand to pu-ll me up.
I stood and we both walked out. In about thirty minutes , we had arrived in his car at the Camp.
There were a lot of audience , just too many hanging around and waiting for the show to commence.
Those guards were not allowing people in yet but Kim and I entered freely to the empty stadium and he led me to some people sitting afar in the left side of the stadium.
On getting there , I saw Donald and Jennifer.
Kim and Donald shook while I just lowered my head a bit to greet Donald and totally ignored Jennifer.
“Jessica is fighting for me ,you?” Kim asked.
“Jennifer is ” Donald replied.
Kim sm-irked and said ” Good luck to the winner in advance ”
Kim and I walked away from them.
Episode 40
Kim and I sat at a edge if the empty stadium.
“See this ” He said and showed me who I’ll be fighting with today on his phone.
It was a fat woman who was said to have entered the quarter final twice.
“She’s very good. I hope you will be able to defeat her ” Kim said.
“I won’t disappoint you sir ” I said and crowds start entering.
We went to sit at the special sit made for camp masters.
Time for Jennifer to fight her first round finally clocks and it was with a very hvge man.
In thirty eight seconds ,she s£nt the man to the floor breathless. She received rounds of applause and loud cheers from the crowds as she walked away from the ring Victoriously.
My time to fight finally clocks and I walked boldly to the stage. While staring around and raising my two hands up to appreciate those who are in support of me ,my eyes with that of Donald and he lowered his head gently.
I feel like running to him and hvgging him saying ” I really want to fight for you”
But I can’t.
The bell rang and I began fighting with my opponent.
I was able to defeat him in three minutes.
I received cheers and cl@ps and walked victoriously away from the ring.
Just before I stepped down the ring , Jennifer’s face and I met and she sm-irked.
I walked to Kim and he praised me. “Three minutes is much. I wish you can start defeating people in seconds. Jennifer seems to be so skilled. Very skilled. If you do meet her in final ,she might easily defeat you ” Kim said.
“I nee-d to work ha-rd ” I said.
“I will help you” He said and we waited to watch more fights till the programme was finally over.
Series of fights ensued over the days and luckily for me ,I made it to the final.
But who I met at final gave me goosebu-mps. It’s Jennifer.