Gentle tiger episode 15

šŸ’•šŸÆ Gentle Tiger šŸÆ šŸ’ž

Chapter 15

Young hee’s pov


I stared at Yoo nah for minutes and she did hers too.

“Tell me what that teacher said was a lie ” I asked blinking my eyes.

“Yeah, plan b failed. See let’s take a break now ” Yoo nah said and I nodded.

She’s gonna p@rticipate in that contest. gosh! Am such a failure!

Ara’s pov

Two days later…..

It was the last day at the camp, I woke up from my mattress. My head was spinning like hell.


I remembered how I spilled milk on one of the junior’s shi-t. But today I feel light and good.

I turned to see Soo bin still slee-ping. I walked out of the tent to see the sky.

I heard that the contest has been postponed till next Monday.

Thank God! At least I will have time to rehearse.

Everyone has been packing their bags to get re-ady.

“See her, is like she’s still mad “šŸšŗ

“Am sure she was drugged “šŸšŗ

“She look calm to today but tomorrow phew crazy! “šŸšŗ

The last words made me stĀ©p and faced them.

“What are you saying? Am not mad! ” I yell and moved forward but they ran back.

Gosh! What have I done?

4 hours later…

We were inside the plane easy to take off. Everyone has been avoiding I and Soo bin, only Ha rin was the one who sit beside us.

“Am not mad binnie, why are they running from us? ” I asked.

“Don’t know too, maybe it because of what happened in the camp. You how crazy we behave there.

I wasn’t crazy like this, I can’t even control my self.

I feel dizzy, everything was doubled. God! This is getting out of hands ” She replied.

“sĀ£nior Ara, are you sure you weren’t drugged? ” Ha rin asked.

“Drugged? How? When? Hmm….. I was thinking of that too. ” I said.

“AnybĀ©dy that did this, I will make sure he/she pay for this ” Binnie growled.

The plane took off and soon it landed after 3 hours.

We took the school bus, and it stĀ©pped right at school. Some had come down on the way.

I hail a taxi and it took me home.

“ baby girl is here! ” I heard my mom squeaked as she c@mĀ£ down to hvg me.

“Sis, how’s the camp? ” My brother asked.

“It fine, brother.”

“My lady welcome ” The ear- problem- woman greeted.

I don’t want her trouble.

“Yeah.. ” I faced mom. “Mom am hungry ”

“Ohh… Come in, MI Ho take your sister’s bag inside ” Mom said and gestures me to the dinning room.

I ate and retired to be-d..

Tomorrow is Thursday.

I don’t feel like going to school but I have to.

I log in on the school website but no new upd@tĀ£s. I sighed and before I knew it I was slee-ping.

Tae’s pov

“They had to postpone the contest? ” Seo asked.

“Yes, for no reason but I think that’s good ” I said and re-move my snickers.

“Hmm.. Good? How? ”

“We will have time to rehearse well. ”

“That sounds good, I still can’t forget what happened in the camp ” Seo said and smiled.

“Gosh! I can’t believe you still remember that incident even when they almost beat your life out ”

He gave me a dead glare and I chuckled.

Soo Bin’s pov

I got home and went straight to my mom’s room, she was slee-ping.

I turned back and walk to my room and got my dress changed.

“Soo bin? Is that you? ” I heard my mother’s voice.

“Yes mom, am back ” I replied as I walk to her room.

She cried immediately I entered, ” What’s it mom? Why are you crying again? ” I asked worriedly.

“Your.. Father.. c@mĀ£ here ” she answered and my eyes nearly popped out of my socket.

“What?! How did he know we are leaving here?”

“I don’t know, he c@mĀ£ alone. He didn’t even say anything. I tried talking to him but he ignored me ”

” You mean you saw him around here? And he left like that? “I asked and she nodded.

What the hell is he doing here? How did he know this place? I thought he had left the country with his stupid wife and son.

“It okay mom, don’t panic. Have you eaten? ”

“Yes I have. ” I stood up and l@yher on the be-d well.

I walk to the kitchen to prepare food for myself.

Ara’s pov

Next morning…..

I got to school with Soo bin, and walk to clas-s. Everyone stared at us like we’ve grown two heads.

The lesson began and soon it was break.

I got to the cafeteria and sat beside Ha rin with Soo bin in front.

Ha rin had been going with pleading to be my friend. Wait? I thought the rich don’t pl@ywith the poor.

I smiled at that thought. “Thanks for paying my camp fee, sĀ£nior Ara. You are God sĀ£nt ” Ha rin said thankfully.

“It okay, forget it and let’s eat ” I said.

We began eating and I stĀ©p when coffee was poured on my salad unexpectedly.

What the fvĀ¢k!

First I thought it was Tae or one of his brothers but it was the crayfish of the school.

“Hi, Pumpkin ” Young hee said and she waved her hands across my face.

“You know Young Hee, I wanted to ask how she paid for the camp fee and even her ugly friend.

Wait! Or did they do the job? ” Yoo nah said and giggled at her words.

“Oh you mean prostitution? I think so too ” Young hee replied and they both laugh.

I felt angry immediately, “Don’t you dare call us prostitutes again else you will regret it ” I snarled.

“Else what? You know have been thinking why that principal had to admit you into this school,

or did you bribe him with those things un-der your uniform? ” She said and I gave her the ha-rd est sl@p she will never forget.

“You don’t know me right? Am sure if you know who I am, you will surely scream your lung out” I answered.

“Who are you? A girl with no future? Am sure your parents can’t even feed themselves not to talk of you. You this slummer ”

“Don’t you dare call me names ”

“Ara it okay, calm down ” Binnie said trying to calm me down but I can’t.

She has been stepping on my toes since I step into this school but have been too gentle. fvĀ¢k!

“You sl@pped me? ” She asked and I nodded.

“Yes, I did and if you don’t watch your mouth, I will do that again ” I yell.

“Hey! Everyone she’s mad again! Stay away from her and her friend don’t let them bite you. ” Yoo nah said and the students began pointing.

“She has started again “šŸšŗ

“She wasn’t shouting like this in the camp “šŸšŗ

“Don’t let her bite you”šŸšŗ

“plea-se guys, we aren’t mad okay. We didn’t know what c@mĀ£ over us at the camp to make us behave that way. ” Binnie said trying to shut everyone up.

Soo bin moved closer to them but they stepped back almost crushing on themselves.

“She’s mad look at how they look like, mad dogs ” A students yell and I turned to her.

“fvĀ¢k you! ” I cried.

“Am not mad, tell them we are not mad. Tell them ” I cried.

“So you can cry like this, fool and you are claiming super power ” Young hee spat and scoff.

I wanted to gr-ab her hair and punch her damn mouth but I was held back. Not from Soo bin. Not from Ha rin but Tae!

” Tae, leave me let me punch the daylight out of her ” I said angrily but he held me ti-ght.

“Calm down! You are causing a scene ” He said calmly but I could s-en-se anger in those words.

“okay, tell them I and Soo bin are not mad! Tell them, see I don’t know what control me at the camp.

Tell them plea-se ” I said almost bur-sting into fresh tears.

“Fine, I will tell them ” He replied but I wasn’t satisfied.

“They are mocking me and Soo bin, we aren’t mad! ” I yell this time and I could tell he was frustrated.

He wanted to drag me out of the scene but I stood still.

“Am not going anywhere until you tell them am not mad okay? ”

“Ara, calm down you are getting on his nerves” Soo bin said, looking de-ep into my eyes.

“No, they won’t believe us, until Tae tell them something. You know they worsh!phim like gods. Tae tell them plea-se. ” I faced Tae with pleading eyes.

“Just calm down…. ” I interrupt him.

He should just tell them right now. I don’t nee-d to calm down. Am gonna run mad real if he doesn’t tell them.

I hate it when they say am mad, if they call me crazy it fine by me but mad.

“Tell them…Soo bin tell him to do what I ask for.. Tell h…..” I was shouting and shaking my head when I suddenly stood still.

My eyes went wi-de.

Myl-ips! I g@sped when I realized Tae’sl-ips was the one on mine ownl-ips.

Whaaaatt? He k!$$Ā£d me?

What did I do to deserve a k!ssfrom him? My first k!sshas been taken!

I wanted to push him away but I couldn’t. My hands had become still.

The k!sswas just few seconds, he look up at me and sighed.

“Calm down, calm down, calm down and listen to me ” He said and continued.

“Am sorry, but you are frustrating the hell out of me. You didn’t even want to hear what I was going to say ” He said finally.

I tĀ©uƧhed myl-ips with my hands and turned to Soo bin, she shrugged and smiled then a wi-nk followed.

For real?

All the students were with their phones. Oh don’t tell they videoed us k!ssing.

“OMG! Tae k!$$Ā£d her”šŸšŗ

“Pinch me, am slee-ping “šŸšŗ

“He was supposed to k!ssme “šŸšŗ

“Tae should I bring myl-ips too so you can k!ssthem “šŸšŗ

“He even apologized! šŸ˜± First time! “šŸšŗ

“Awwn, so lovely. sĀ£nd me the video after school hours “šŸšŗ

He said I was frustrating him? I wanted to sl@p him for the k!ssbut I couldn’t. I just can’t.

p@rt of me love the k!ss, p@rt of me hate the k!ss.

I couldn’t look at him. “Am sorry okay? I nee-d to go now ” He rushed his words and left immediately.

“You!! Don’t you dare take Tae away from me. I can’t believe he k!$$Ā£d your uglyl-ips. Prostitute! “She yelled almost crying.

I re-moved her wig and sl@pped her bald head then a h0t sl@p on her face that sĀ£nt her staggered.

“Fool! Don’t dare me!” I growled and walk out of the cafeteria.

Many thoughts filled my mind. He k!$$Ā£d me. Why? Was he that frustrated? Gosh!
