First love again episode 13 & 14

šŸ’ FIRST šŸ’


AGAIN šŸ’žšŸ’ž


After a week, logan, Rosalie and I were all re-ady to fly to England and find my brother. We planned on ways on how to find him and where to start. It might seem really impossible to find him but we’ll try our best anyway.

Logan and Rosalie lied to the King and Queen and logan’s parenls that they were going on a vacation in England because they miss the place.The King didnt like the idea at first but said yes anyway, He insisted to set the pri-vate plane and guards for Rosalie but she refused. She told him she would be fine and she will just contact one of her as-sistant for help.

NobĀ©dy knew that I was going with them since the King and the Quueen didn’t like me because of the scandal that happened between me and Logan. So we had to be super careful.

“Be careful out there. “Sally said pu-lling me into a ti-ght hvg. I told her about our plan and about Tristan and she wasn’t happy at first knowing that I had to leave. But aferwards, she just said okay and that she would see me in a month. Yup, we only had a month to try to find Tristan which was kind of impossible. I mean, where are we going to start? England is a pretty big country.

“You tlo, Sally. I’ll call when we land.” I informed her hvgging her back.

“Logan, take care of the ladies for me will ya?” Sally demanded as logan nodded and look my hand interlwining them together.

“And Kosalie,” She said facing Rosalie. “Never lose hope on love. I’m sure you’ll find him.” Rosalie gave her a smile as Sally pu-ll-ed her into a hvg.

“Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Sally stiffened. Hmmmm, I wonder Who might be at the door?

“I’d get it.” Logan insisted walking towards the door. Sally pu-ll-ed away from the hvg and I scanned her face and surely, her checks reddened like tomatoes.

I wonder who was at the d0or thar she was acting like this.

“Chase?” “Logan?” I heard both Logan and Chase said at the same time. Chase? Wait. why was Chase here?

“What are you doing here? You said you had to leave early because you have plans.” Logan asked eyeing him Suspiciously from the doorway.

“Yeah About that ..” he said sheepishly ru-bbing the nape of his nĀ£Ā¢k. Whoa! Were Chase and Sally going out. “Roses? Chocolate?” Logan noticed What Chase were holding.

“Okay. What’s going on?” He asked looking at Sally.

“Yeah. I would like to know as well.” I nodded puting Sally on the spĀ©t. I tapped my foot on the floor impatiently with my arms crossed across my che-st.

“Okay, so we kinda sorta started going out.” Chase cxplaincd as we turned our eyes at him.

“What ?! Since when?” Logan and I asked ow unison it was just creepy.

“Well We started texting esch other when we first met and everything just kind of happened.” Sally stated shyly letting her hair fall in front of her face.

“How could you not tell me about this sooner!” I squealed happily. “I’m really happy for you guys.”

“Hey guys, as much as this conversation is getting we really should go or we’ll miss our flight.” I suggested.

“Right. But this conversation isn’t over yet.” Logan glared at Chase and Chase just laughed at him.

“Whatever you say bro. Have a safe trip and take care of Bella and the Princess.” Chase said patting his back ha-rd .

When we got to the airport, we still had an hour left before the takeoff so l decided to call amber. I haven’t talked to her for a while and i really missed her the phone rang three times before she answered it.

“Bella!” She chirped from the other line excitedly, “I haven’t talk to you for so long Where have you been? I haven’t seen you at school lately.”

“Look Amber, I’m really sorry I haven’t been around lately. I know I’m being Such a terrible friend right now”

“Hey, you’re not a terrible friend, okay. You’re my best friend Bella. We’re practically sisters. So why’d you call anyway?”

“I’m going to England.” I mumbled.

“What ?Why ?! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Well, I found out from Rosalie about my brother and that he’s in England. So now, we’re an the way here to find him” I explained.

“Listen, I know this is too much for one day but I promise to explain to you when I get back. I’ll tell you everything. But promise me you’ll not tell anyone that I’m going to England with Rosalie and Logan. The King only knows that Rosalie and Logan are going because they wanted a vacation there before their marriage. plea-se promise me.”

“I promise. And promise you’ll explain everything to me as soon as you get back. I miss my best friend.” She said over the phone sadly. I could picture her with her teary eyes and poutedl-ips.

“I promise. I love you, Am.” “Love you too, Belles. I’ll see you soon, right?” “You will. Bye.” I said hanging up the phone.

“Hey, everything’s going to be all right.” Logan said startling me wiping the tear that slid down my cheek. I didn’t even know that I was crying. I just really missed Amber. She was the only person who was there for me since then. She was the only person who never left my side even though she knew how messed up my life was. And I loved her for that.

“I hope so.” I smiled at him as he pe-ck myl-ips completely catching me off guard. It was a quic-k k!ssI felt like I was only imagining it happen.


When we arrived in England at 10 pm, Rosalie contacted Fred one of her trusted as-sistant who was fired by the King but they kept in tĀ©uƧh. We will be staying at his ap@rtment for thc mean time.

Good thing he had two spares be-droom for boardcrs. Rosalic took the smaller room and Logan and I took the biggcr one. When we settled down, I unpackcd my stuff and shoved them in the drawer and closet.

“Are you sure it’s okay for you if we sleep on the same be-d? I can always go to the couch if you want.” Logan asked for the millionth ru-bbing his nĀ£Ā¢k nervously.

“Would you relax, Logan. It’s fine by me, okay?” I as-sured ru-bbing his shoulder. “It’s not like we haven’t sle-pt on the same be-d before.”

“True.” He nodded k!ss!ngthe tĀ©p of my head.

“Let’s go get to be-d. We nee-d to wake up early tomorrow.” He demanded as he sn-ked his arm around my w@!st pu-lling me to his side. I placed myself on the left side of the be-d and Logan took the right side.

“Don’t dream about me too much.” He sm-irked as I faced him. “You’re way too c0cky. You know that?” I raiscd an eyebrow as he gave me one of those boyish grin.

“Only to you. my lady. I love you, bella.” He admitted his face turning into a serious one.

“I love you too.” I announccd and I was shock by my sudden confession. Logon’s eyes wi-de-ned as well but it quic-kly turned into soft ones and he beamed at me. He leaned closer and crashed his softl-ips onto mine with pas-sion. I k!$$Ā£d him back, I love him too much I didn’t know if I was re-ady to stĀ©p this k!sshe slowly pu-ll-ed away.

“We should really get some sleep. Tomorrow’s going to be a long day” he said p@n-ting as I tried to catch my breath as well from the long pas-sionate k!sswe just had.

I closed my eyes wishing none of this will ever stĀ©p as the darkness drifted me to sleep.

*šŸ’ FIRST šŸ’

LOVE šŸ„°šŸ„°

AGAIN šŸ’žšŸ’ž


It was past noon when Logan and I decided to go gr-ab some lunch. We’ve been asking people around if they saw my brother from a picture of Tristan that Rosalie kept with her. Some people said no some completely ignored us, and some just wallked past us not even caring what we were about to ask. People these days.

Logan and I ate some sandwiches from a fast food restaurant and started our search again. We’ve been asking people for the whole day but nobĀ©dy seemed to know where Tristan was. What if this happens everyday and we weren’t able to find Tristan? When it was started to get dark. Logan called Rosalie infurming her that we were heading back home and they said they were too. It was most certainly a very long day. When Logan and I arrived at Tred’s ap@rtment. we plopped ourselves down at the couch exhausted and sleepy. Logan let out a de-ep sigh and closed his eyes.

“Do you think we’ll ever find him?” I asked as Logan opened his eyes to stare at my own.

“This is just the first day. I’m not giving up. I’m doing this for Rosalie and especially for you. I know you want to find your brother.”

“Thanks for doing this. I know I didn’t mention my brother to you and you don’t even know him but here you are trying to find him”.

“I’d do anything to make you happy”

“Suddenly there was a knock on the door ma-king us both startled.

“That must be Rosalie and Fred.” I as-sumed as I stood up and made my way to the door. I unlocked the door and opened it revea-ling to no one. I furrowed my eyebrows together. Was it a prank or somehing? I looked down the hallway seeing no one in sight. I closed the door again and locked it. I glanced down at my feet seeing a note. I bent down and picked up the note. I fli-pped the paper and there was a message on it. StĀ©p searching for something you’ll never find! ‘The note said as my breaching stĀ©pped and my heart pounded ha-rd in my che-st.

“Is that Rosalie and Ired?” Logan asked. I made my way back to the living room my eyes never leaving the paper.

“What’s that?” Logan questioned. I sh0t him a nervous look before handing him the note takin the seat beside him.

He re-ad the note and his eyebrows knotted together.

“Where’d you get this?” He asked gazing at me.

“I found it by the door.” I shruged.
“Did you see who put it?”
“No. When I opened the door nobĀ©dy was there,”
“Who would write this?” Logan questioned more to himself. He looked back at the note and examine it.
“Do you think they’re talking abuut Tristan?” “Possibly.” “Logan. What do we do?” I asked worriedly.
“Let’s just wait for Rosalie and Fred to Come back.”

“Where exactly did you find it?” Fred questioned as he examined the note once more, When he and Rosalie arrived, we told them about the note right away.

“SomebĀ©dy knocked on the door but when I opened it nobĀ©dy was there. Then I found the note by the door when I closed it,” I explained. We were gathered in the dlining table discussing about the note for about an hour now and we couldn’t think of anyone who would write the note. Rosalie had been quiet ever since she saw the note. She stayed silent and she hasnt talked since then. I was starting to think that she knows who exacty wrote the note but she was just too Scared to tell us who.

“Rosalie, do you know someone who might do this?” Logan asked her SIapping her out of her urance. She glanced at everyone until her gazed dropped to table.

“Rosalie, you nee-d to tell us if you know anything” I said softly using trying to Convince her to tell us something, She looked up at me staring into my eyes de-eply like she was trying to figure out if I was really sincere.

“plea-se.” I added and her eyes softened.

“Tristan was an ex-gang mermber.” Rosalie blurted her eyes starting to turn to crystal.

“He tried to quit but the leader didn’t want him to go. He said once you’re in the group. there’s no more turnin back.”

“So, whoever’s doing this doesn’t want Tristan to be found? But why ?” Logan questioned. “I don’t know.” Rosalie answered.


“I don’t know.” Rosalie replied. I was confuse why someone threatened us of trying to find Tristan, Why would they want us tu stĀ©p searching for him? Why would they hide hirn? I didn’t un-derstand anyuhing and I was bewildered.

I had a feeling that Rosalie might know something but she didn’t want to tell us anything, I had a feeling that she knew more than just Tristan being involve with a gang. She was hicing something that she was too scared to say. I could feel it.

“Why don’t we just continue this conversation tomorrow, okay? I’m sure everyone’s tir-” Fred said but he was cut off by shooting guns.

“Everyone duck!” I yelled throu-gh the noise as we all ducked un-der the table, We were all startled by the noise and I could hear Bella’s sobs. The shooting continued outside the ap@rtment as the windows shattered into pieces.

“Shhh, everything’s going to be alright.” I as-sured her ru-bbing her shoulders. I looked at Rosalie and Fred seeing that they were fine. They were just covering their ears.

After three more seconds, the noise stĀ©pped and I got to my feet and went to the window which were now broken.

“Logan no!” Bella whimpered puling me back down.

“I have to see who they are. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” I said as I ignored her and made my way to the window seeing no one in sight. I tried to look down the street but there weren’t one person in sight,

“Are they gone?” Fred asked holding Rosalie and Bella at each of his side ru-bbing their backs. “Yeah.” I sighed pu-lling Bella into my arms as she cried to my che-st,

“Shhh, they’re gone.” I whispered to her ear.

“It’s fine.” I told Rosalie who had the most terrified expression on her face as she nodded at me.

“I’ll call the police.” Fred announced as he placed Rosalie down the couch and pu-ll-ed his phone out.

“Why don’t you go to be-d? Fred and I will handle this, okay?” I told Rosalie as she nodded and went to her room shaking a little bit. I turned my head to Bella who was still sobbing on my che-st. I cu-mpped both of her cheeks and made her look at me,

“It’s going to be alright, okay? You just nee-d to rest, C’mon, let’s get you to be-d.” I informed her wra-pping my arm around her shoulder.

“I’ll be back, Fred.” I told Fred as he put a thumb’s up and talked to the police.

I took Bella to the room and tucked her into be-d. She stĀ©pped crying and I was relieved. I k!$$Ā£d her forehead as she sleeps. I was almost out when she called me back.



“Can you stay with me I’m scared?” She whispered. I nodded in response and la-id beside her. She wra-pped her hands around my w@!st.

“I’m here everything is going to be fine” I k!$$Ā£d her forehead as she drift to sleep.


The next morming, I woke up with Logan beside me his arm dra-pcd around my shoulder. His head was still resting on the headboard so I was guessing he fell asleep last night while he was watching me sleep. Me, being terrificd was an un-derstatement, I couldn’t believe someone might actually want to kill us just because of longing to find Tristan.

I slowly got up not wanting to wake Logan up. He stirred a litle but he didn’t wake up. When I looked at my outfit, I wasn’t on my same clothes last night. My eyes wi-de-ned! That only meant one thing: Logan changed me to my pajamas. I scanned my un-derwear and to my relief it hadn’t changed yet so Logan mustn’t have seen anything. I gr@bbĀ£d some clothes firom the closet and went to the bathroom.

When I was done, I made my way to the kitchen pas-sing the living room. I saw two police with their nocepads asking Fred questions on what happen. When Fred noticed me, he gave me a small smile and turned back to the officers.

I studied the living room and the only thing broken was the windows. There Were some holes in the walls as well but there were only a few. Suddenly. the event flashback in my head and I wanted cry. Thinking I nee-ded some fresh air. I dccided to go out and walk for a bit. I know I should not go out for it might be too dangerous but it was still morning.

There were people walking around and cars on the streets. Nothing will happen. When I was at the park, there were children pla-ying around with their parents and friends. I decided to walk around when suddenly; someone gr@bbĀ£d me by the shoulder. They put a hand covering my mouth and the other across my che-st. I struggled un-der his hold trying to wiggle out of their grasp but they wouldn’t move.

He twirled me around ma-king me face him. He looked like he was in his mid twenties. He eyed me up and down. I tried to run but he was fas-ter and gr@bbĀ£d my wrist ti-ghtly.

“Let me go!”

“Listen….. I just want to remind you tell your illiterate friends who don’t know how to re-ad, so stĀ©p it right now! Stay out of my way or else….. He warned and took something out of his pockets and threw it at my face. “Remember, I’m watching you all!”

When he was out of sight I took the paper from the floor and opened it. The image made my heart beat ten times fas-ter. This can’t happen, anything but them.


When I got back to the ap@rtment Rosalie and Fred were on the couch dialing their phones while Logan was pacing front and back. Logan immediately wra-pped his arms around me.

“Do you know how worried we were, where have you been?”

“Relax, I just wanted some fresh air so I decided to take a walk”

“Short walk! Are you crazy Bella? We were almost killed last night and you left the house without telling any of us. What if they had kidnapped you?”

“I’m fine Logan, I’m safe and nothing happened yet…

“What are you talking about?” Fred asked

I narrated everything to them and brou-ght out the paper. He gave me this.

Logan snatched the picture from Rosalie hands and was shocked.
“A picture of Chase, Sally and Amber? What does this mean?” He asked

“Don’t you get it, they know where we are and they’re using them against us”

“What do you mean?” Rosalie asked

“It means that if we don’t stĀ©p the search they’re going to hurt them. We can’t let that happen we have to stĀ©p the mission” I announced.

“What? We can’t stĀ©p now!” Rosalie screamed. “We’re here in England there is no turning back. I thought you wanted to save your brother?”

“I do, I want to save him but if it means loosing three innocent lives then I rather not. Rosalie I know you want to find him but we can’t risk the other lives”, I paused.

“We are not continuing the mission. I’m sorry Rose but we don’t have a choice”.

A tear sl!pout of Rosalie eyes as she ran to her room. I felt guilty, I really don’t want to hurt but I don’t know what to do.

