Fated To The Masked Alpha prince episode 69 & 70

🌺🌹 Fated To The Masked Alpha Prince 🌺🌹

🔥Collision Of Two Worlds 🔥

✍️Iyanuoluwa Akinniyi ✍️



Yeona got home late in the evening and quic-kly join the maids in the kitchen, They started preparing dinner, Dae Hyun mother tried to offer a helping hand but she st©pped her and told her to go take a rest or sit down on the chair and inspect them as they cook the food.

After three hours, They were done with the household food and The maids went to serve it.

Yeona felt quiet nauseous immediately the aroma of the food hit her nose.

Her face got crumpled and her small mouth form a cute pout, The Queen look at her suspiciously and chuckled.

“Is there a problem?” The Queen asked suspiciously and she shook her head.

“I’m fine, I just don’t feel like eating anymore,I’ll be in my room” She mumbled childishly and Dae Hyun opened the door to the kitchen and she walk back in surprise.

What’s he doing here?

“Welcome My King” She greeted respectfully and walk up to him, Dae Hyun pe-ck her on her hair and greeted his mother.

“Welcome, How was your day?”

“It was fine mom, Thanks” He replied with a smile, His hands not leaving Yeona’s w@!st.

” What are you doing here?, you ought to be in the chambers”

“fu-ck Chambers”He mumbled un-der his breath but Yeona heard it clearly, She chuckled lightly and his mom sighed.

“I’ve told you to st©p using the fowl words when you’re with me, I don’t tolerate such”

“Sorry “He mumbled.

“Yeona, I nee-d to show you something outside, Mom can also come along”

“Is there a problem?, Have I done something wrong? ” She asked in fear and Dae Hyun chuckled.

“Far from that, I just nee-d to show you something outside, Let’s go” He urge her and they both walk out of the kitchen.

They got outside the palace and Yeona couldn’t see anything special there ap@rt from three exotic cars which she hasn’t seen in real life before, The car are expensive and very rare, She didn’t even know the name.

“Why did you bring me here? ”

“Did you like the cars? ”

“Yes, but…, Why did you…..”

“They are all yours”




Nana got home late in the evening and after taking her lunch, She returned back to her room and placed a call at Duri.

He picked it up at the first ring and place it on her ear.

“Duri” She called impatiently and Duri scoffed.

“Is there a problem?” He asked in surprise, She seems restless and inpatient which made her wonder what could be wrong with her.

“I’m not fine, I think we have another solution alre-ady, Can we meet up and discuss?”

“Sure, where can we meet up?”

“Let’s meet at the usual restaurant, I’ll be there shortly, plea-se don’t take time before coming to meet me there”

“Sure, I’ll be there soon” He said quic-kly and hung up in the call.

Nana quic-kly get dressed and gr-ab her phone on the be-d and rush out of the room quic-kly.



“Duri” She called immediately she set her eyes on him and Duri turned to her, she wave her hands and walk up to her.

“How are you?”

“I’m good” She answered quic-kly and Duri pu-ll-ed out a seat for himself and sat down in front of her.

“Yeona c@m£ to the school today, After closing, I thought she will go home immediately but she told me she planned to re-ad in school for today and tomorrow, She will be staying back at school Monday and Tuesday of the week so why can’t we mapped out our plan tonight and get everything done?” She asked and Duri cli-cked his ton-gue trying to as-similate what she’s saying.

“I think your idea is good but are you sure that she will be staying back tomorrow or not?”

“”She will be staying back, I’m sure of what I’m saying Duri,plea-se believe me”

“Of course I believe you, I’ll plan it with my boys and you should always let your phone with you everytime, Don’t try to drop your phone anyhow in school tomorrow because I’ll be calling you from time to time okay ”

“Sure,it’s fine by me, Don’t worry, I’ll always be at alert, plea-s try to make everything perfect without any trace ,You know Dae Hyun cherished her a lot, I don’t want to fall into any trouble okay, plea-se”

“Sure, I’ll try my best, Just make sure you are at alert”

“No problem” She replied with a smile and they both took show few cu-ps of jui-ce before dep@rting.



Yeona mouth fell in shock and Dae Hyun smiled.

Three cars for her, In a day, At once, From Dae Hyun!!!.

“My…. King” She mumbled in shock and he smiled.

“Say no more” He mumbled and Yeona jump on him immediately.

He wra-p his hands around her w@!st and she cried on his shoulders.

“Thank you so much, Thank you, I can’t appreciate you enough, Thanks so much” She mumbled and interwined theirl-ips in a snogging k!ss.

Dae Hyun eyes wi-den in shock as she took over the k!ss, Even though she’s not a good k!ss£r, He felt something different in the k!ss, A new feeling, Excitement running throu-gh his veins and his heart felt at peace.

What’s he doing to her?

“Yeona, It’s okay” He pu-ll out of the k!ssimmediately he realized she’s crying again.

“Thanks so much, I can’t appreciate you enough for all what you’ve done, Thanks a lot”

“You’re always welcome”

“So, you guys are going to ignore me here? “The Queen suddenly said and Yeona pu-ll away from him but his hands still on her w@!st.

“I’m sorry My Queen” She mumbled in tears and they both walk inside the house.

Yeona continue crying as they walk into their room and Dae Hyun sighed.

“Will you st©p crying?” He cooed and pe-ck herl-ips and she nodded but the tears keep falling.

This is the first gift she received from a man without asking for it.

Even the car that do take her to school was for her mom, More if the reasons why she doesn’t go out often because Yeona do use the car almost everyday.

Dae Hyun bought three expensive cars for her without asking for it?

“Thank you so much Dae Hyun, I really appreciate, This made me feel so special and happy, Thanks so much”

“I told you it’s fine alre-ady, Don’t cry anymore, Or else I’ll sp@ñk your as-s ” He joked trying to light up her mood but she smiled ruefully.

“Will you go take your bath now so you can eat?, I prepared dinner alre-ady”

“Have you taken your own bath as well? ”

“No, but I’ll take it after eating, Don’t worry about me”

“Let’s bath together, I’ll call the maids now and they will bring our dinner here so we can eat in the room ”

” We should bath together? ” She stuttered in shock and Dae Hyun scoffed.

“Yes , you have a problem with that? ”

“No, just that….”

He shut he rip with a k!ssand lift her legs up to his torso and k!ssher pas-sionately.

He walk to the bathroom with his hands not leaving her fat a*s and use his legs to push the door, He walk to where the shower is and turned it to their direction ma-king it pour on them heavily, Soon, their clothes got we-t and Dae Hyun took time in putting off her clothes, She di-p her f!ngersinto his hair and fondle it carefully.

He pene-trateinto her de-eply and a g@sp escape herl-ips.

She didn’t feel much pains just like the first times, Just a little contraction mixed with plea-sure.

He continue to thrû-st in and out of her and the rest of the night was fun.


