Faceless demon episode 85 & 86

(A Life For A Life)
© Chidimma Christine✍
Episode 85đŸ”„…..



I woke up to the sound of my ringing phone “Gosh… Who’s that” I asked to no one in p@rticular reaching for my phone.

I stared at the screen… It was an known number but it kind of look Familar to me…. I sighed answering the phone.

I waited for sometime for the caller to say something but nothing was coming forth, no sound was coming.

“Hello….” I finally said and the caller scoffed. I was amazed, is that really all I get.

“Who is this plea-se” I inquired.

“Who do you think is calling” I heard the very last Voice I would forget in my entire life.

“Chief Varma…..” I called suprised….. How did he escape from jail.

“You are very good at guessing old friend…. It has really been ages and I have missed you” He said and chuckled.

“How did you get my….” I was saying when Someone cutted me short.

“Spear me the long talks and put Rocky on the phone” I heard a famine voice say…

It was Andris… Rocky’s supposed wife, Am sure she was the one that helped her father out of jail but how… How was she even able to do that.

Oh… I don’t care, I really care to know how she got her father out of jail, I have to fix it and put Chief Varma back to his rightful postion.

“I should put Rocky on the phone…. Tell me, are you ordering me” I fired at her but she bur-st into laughter.

“Do you have a choice…. I have Rhea with me and the sooner you put Rocky on the phone… The better for all of us” She said.

I sighed and ended the call… Rocky wasn’t home yet and I won’t want them to know he had gone to look for the so called Emperor Bhalladev.

I quic-kly dialed the police number… I have to confirm if Chief Varma actually excaped from prison or Andris is just trying to blackmail me.


My heart was beating heavily as we drove to Mrs Blake house to inform her.

Siddarth said he received the news on his way to Chennai so he decided not to bother Mrs Blake with such news.

The thought of what chief Varma and Andris would do to Rhea kept popping up in my head.

And all the thoughts were all scary ones.

“Just calm down Shiva… No news has been heard so I think everything is still un-der control” Siddarth said trying to calm me down but I wasn’t buying any of those talks from him.

“Shaina…. Hope she’s fine” I asked.

“Yeah… She’s fine but she sometimes look worried” Siddarth replied.

I exhaled de-eply, she must be having issues with her mission.

Siddarth drove into Mrs Blake parking slot and parked at a very good sp©t….We both alighted and walked into the house.
“Unbelievable…. You knew about Chief Varma’s escaped and you kept it to yourself Siddarth” Mrs Blake yelled.

“I didn’t want to bother you… You are alre-ady handling alot of issue, besides……” Siddarth was trying to explain when Mrs Blake’s phone interrupted.

Everyone kept quiet immediately Mrs Blake signaled us… “So you actually hanged up the call on me” We heard Andris say… The phone was actually on loud speaker so we could hear everything loud and clear.

“I would just let that slide… A single mistake from and I would sÂŁnd Rhea’s corpse back to you” She threatened.

I wanted to talk but Shaina st©pped me, I sighed… Mrs Blake had warned me not to say a word until she permits me to do so.

“Put Rocky on the phone” Andris said.

“No… It shouldn’t be Rocky but Shiva Phogat” that was chief Varma talking.

Andris must have told him everything and he now know my true identity… Well am glad he does, at least he would know the very reason why am doing all this.

Mrs Blake signaled me to talk, I sighed “Shiva speaking” I said and Andris bur-st into laughter.

I was amazed, there was nothing funny so I wonder why she laughs at everything.

“It took you so long my king… Your team must value you” She finally said.

“Where is Rhea….” I asked getting really impatient.

“Oh… She is right here with me, your darling sister is here with me” She said but I didn’t hear any sound of Rhea.

“Should I prove it” She asked… It was as if she re-ad my mind, I didn’t reply… I alre-ady had my investigations and I know she is the one keeping my sister hostage.

“I guess I don’t nee-d to… Now Listien and Listien carefully Shiva…. I will text an address to you, when coming with your team make sure…. Make sure you don’t come with any police, not even a notice to them….”

“Also I want the original doÂąv-ments of all the property my father gave to you and the treasure doÂąv-ments as well…, you have only but thirty minutes after I sÂŁnd the message to come….”

“If I don’t see you all, or if you come in the company of any police or sÂŁnd them notice…. I believe you would be glad to receive Rhea’s corpse” Andris said.

“Don’t you ever hurt Rhea….” I yelled angrily and disconnected the call.

“You shouldn’t have done that Shiva….” Mrs Blake said.

I didn’t say a word to her, she is right… I shouldn’t have disconnected the call but I was just too angry.

The phone beeped and Mrs Blake reached for it “She s£nt the address” She said.

I turned sharply, “So… Should we call the police” I asked.


There was absolute silent, it was as if everyone was thinking about Rocky’s question and looking for a perfect answer as well.

It would be dangerous if they don’t go with any police and even more dangerous if they go with police.

“No… We won’t call the police… We won’t, let’s handle things ourself” Mrs Blake finally broke the silence.

“But…..” Rocky tried saying but Mrs Blake cutted him short.

“No buts… We defected them without the police help the first time and we would do that again….”

“We can do this… Calling the police would endanger Rhea’s life so let’s just do it our own way… I know chief Varma and I know what he can do” Mrs Blake.

I kept wondering why mum always use that word “And I know what he can do”… Yes I knew mum once investigated Mr Phogat’s Death but that’s not enough reason for her to say that she knows what chief Varma can do.

I sighed… The thought that Rocky would finally face the man he want dead so much began to disturb me.

What if he mistakenly kills him… No that can’t happen… I would have to follow them just to be sure.

“Uhm.. Hope you guys are not planning on leaving me behind” I asked.

“You can’t come with us Shaina… Its dangerous” Rocky said holding my hands.

“But I don’t want to stay here alone either…. plea-se, I will stay in the car” I pleaded.

“No Shaina… Its dangerous, just stay here, we would be back very soon” Rocky said.

“Come let’s go, we don’t have much time let” Mrs Blake said and they all left leaving just I and Odeya at home.

(A Life For A Life)
© Chidimma Christine✍


I sat down near Odeya feeling uncomfortable and unusual…, oh how I wish I was able to follow them. Just how I wish.

“Don’t over think your self Shaina….. They will come back victorious” Odeya said.

I smiled at her, She just doesn’t know what would become of me if Rocky hurts a single soul.

“Uhm… Odeya, you really don’t want to go see what’s happening” I asked.

She stared at me for sometime, I know she must be wondering what has come over me buy seriously, nothing has come over me…

“No… Mrs Blake warned we shouldn’t come so let’s just stay at home…. Besides its way very dangerous” She said.

I sighed, it obviously… Convincing its going to be very ha-rd , I nee-d to come up with a plan Immediately.

I sat down for close to thirty minutes silently, thinking of the next word to use on Odeya but none was forthcoming.

“Or… Should we inform the police” She asked.

I turned sharply at her… “Calling the police is not a very good advice… what if Chief Varma kills Rocky’s sister Rhea.

Rocky would never forgive me for it.

“No…. Let’s just go there and watch, I bet chief Varma won’t notice we were there and would just focus on just the three of them.

It took Odeya some few minutes before she agreed… I was very happy, at last, I would be checking on my Rocky.


I packed inside the uncompleted building and we all alighted.

I looked around, the house seem a little deserted as if we were the only people inside.

“Shoukd we go in” I asked feeling kind of scared and confuse. Andris is such a Jezebel and Chief Varma is a complete devil… Only God knows what the both of them are up to.

“Come in….” We heard Andris voice so loud, it was as if she used a gramophone which she did use.

“let’s go in… We can’t keep them waiting” Mrs Blake said and made the first move inside, I followed suite before Siddarth said.
“You all are fifteen minutes late… Tell me what Should be your punishment” Andris asked.

She was satted close to Rhea and a gun on her hand…. Omar was right beside her likewise Chief Varma.

“The traffic was bad but we are here… Let the poor girl go” Mrs Blake said and Andris bur-st into laughter.

“And who said am going to let her go… No no no, she is a very big weapon and I think am going to keep her” Andris said.

I folded my fist, calming myself down as I watch Andris laugh at her stupid self after calling my own sister a movie.

“Did you call us here to say those words.. I thought you were going to re-lease Rhea once we come” Mrs Blake reminded.

“Yeah.. The doÂąv-ments I asked for” She said nonchalantly “so.. Do you have all of them….” She asked.

Mrs Blake stared at me and signaled me to pas-s the doÂąv-ments to her, even though it was extremely difficult for me to do so but I have to… If its the only price I have to pay so I would spend more time with my sister.

We stood there silently for close to five minutes as She was going throu-gh the doÂąv-ments, maybe to check if they were actually the original doÂąv-ments.

“Good… Thanks so much but I can’t give Rhea to you… I can’t do that” Andris said.

I wasn’t suprised one bit… I had expected such talks from her, that’s how greedy Andris can be.

“You dare not… We fulfilled our own p@rt of the deal so you should fulfil yours as well” Mrs Blake fired angrily.

But Andris mind was made up, she didn’t say a word to respond, that’s why she won’t be available.

And that was even I noticed Two armed men walking behind us… They were Andris men.

“And this too… I thought this should be a pri-vate discussion” Mrs Blake asked referring to the armed men working at notice.

“You know Mrs Blake…. Sometimes I do pity you… After everything you pas-sed throu-gh, no no no… Not you, not you because if you had gone throu-gh those pain, you won’t have the guts to ever challenge me” Chief Varma mocked.

“Don’t you dare speak a word about my daughter here….” Mrs Blake fired.

I could s-en-se a raising anger on her tune, she must be really angry on chief Varma.

“At times when I remember how she pleaded and pleaded for her dare life, how she asked for just an hour to see her parents and friends and say goodbye to them but I refuse…. I killed her” Chief Varma said.

I stared at Mrs Blake, she was in tears… “So Chief Varma was actually the person behind her daughters deat, she actually lost her daughter while investigating dad’s death” I thought.

“And now it makes s-en-se… No wonder she refuse to help the First time I c@mÂŁ for help… No wonder she sÂŁnt Siddarth and Odeya out of the house that day… She just can’t imagine loosing them to chief Varma again”.

“Hmm… It just seem like yesterday, I wanted to maybe chop off her two legs and hands they sÂŁnd her back to you half dead but on a second thought I decided to sÂŁnd you a burnt offering” Chief Varma and bur-st into laughter, like wise Andris and Omar.


h0t tears rush down my eyes… I just couldn’t believe all that I was hearing, I wished it could just turn into a nightmare.

“So he was the one… He was the one that sÂŁnt me to my early grave… He was the one that made me pas-s throu-gh such pain… He was actually the one” I thought.

“I guess you must be happy… You must be very happy for sÂŁnding a little girl to her grave and fulfilled as well, you was able to shut everyone’s eyes from the truth and you actually gave birth to your ideal kind of daughter” Mrs Blake cried.

“Offcourse…. Am my fathers daughter after all” Andris boasted with a chuckle.

I sniffed trying to endure the burning pain and hatred in my heart for Chief Varma but it was just impossible.

All this years I’ve prayed to the deity to grant me the wish of saying my killers… I wanted to ask what I did wrong to deserve such painful and horrible death.

I guess the deity must have answered my prayers by giving me Rocky as my mission and today I won’t let this opportunity slide.

I took in a de-ep breath and tried leave from our hiding place but Odeya st©pped me.

“Hey… You promised you weren’t going to leave, just stay calm… Everything is being recorded and the police are on their way” She said.

“Am sorry but I have to do this…. I doubt if I would ever get any other opportunity to do this” I said withdrawing my hands from hers.

“No Shaina don’t…..” She said after me but my mind was alre-ady made up…

“So it was you….” I asked and all eyes fell on me.

“Shaina..Odeya…” Mrs Blake and Siddarth called in unison.

“Shaina.. I thought I told you to say at home” Rocky said but I ignored them all and walked towards Chief Varma whom I guess didn’t know the question was actually for him.

“I said so it was you” I asked again, now standing and staring into his face.

“Hey… Aren’t you my daughters nanny… Tell me what do you want” He fired.

The anger in my b©dy kept increasing…. “I asked so it was you” I repeated.

“Was me that did what??” He asked.

“You were the fool that killed me… You killed me so you could get back at my mother” I cried.


Everywhere began quiet like a graveyard… Yes Rocky has always known that Shaina died before she eventually bec@mÂŁ an angel but he never thought Chief Varma was her killer or that she was actually Mrs Blake’s daughter.

Seriously none of this makes s-en-se at all to him at all.

Mrs Blake and every other person must especially Chief Varma was as suprised as Rocky..

“You are my daughter” Mrs Blake asked trying to un-derstand what Shaina was saying but she got no response from her or anyone else.

“What do you mean… If I killed you, why are you still here with us” Chief Varma asked nervous, he was nervous, what if Shaina was actually Mrs Blake’s daughter, that means all those he had killed might come hurting him just like Shaina did.

Shaina bur-st into laughter which eventually turned into tears

“Really…” She said inbetween tears and snapped her f!nger, a loud sound of thun-der was heard followed by lightening….

That was when she went back to her old childhood self… The little girl she was before Chief Varma murdered her.

“My child….” Mrs Blake said and tried running to her but something st©pped her.

She tried to get closer but it seems as if Shaina created an invisible wall to prevent anyone from coming close to her.

“Now I want you to answer me this question… The question that has been bothering me… why did you kill me.. Why did you allow me die that way” Shaina cried.

Everyone else had pity on her well aside from chief Varma whom was nervous and scared of what might happen

And also Andris whom found the whole thing funny
“Do you think those angelic trick of yours fear me… No it doesn’t, I have known for quite sometime now that you are an angel Shaina and I must say… Its a great news that you actually died because of your mother’s carelessness” Andris said with a chuckle.

“Carelessness of my mother… Really, that was the reason he killed me” Shaina asked.

“Whatelse… So if you have any questions direct them to your stupid mother” Andris snapped.

Shaina couldn’t control her anger anymore… She used her eyes to search for a weapon just then she saw Andris gun on t©p of the table close to the sit where Rhea was tied to.

She quic-kly collected it even before Omar whom was close to the weapon noticed anything.

“Drop it or I would……” Omar was saying when Andris cutted in.

“Save your self the stress Omar, from what I heard about angels, they are not meant to hurt human… If they do, they would depreciate into thin air” Andris said demonstrating it with her f!nger.

“No… plea-se Shaina, don’t do anything funny plea-se” Rocky plea-sed.. He too knew what would happen to Shaina if she pu-lls the trigger on Chief Varma.

After Shaina died… All she could ever think of was going to paradise but now… All she could think of was killing Chief Varma.

That was when Shaina finally un-derstood what Arch angel Deves£na meant by ‘Before you are able to teach someone something, you must first have been a master in it’.

Arch angel DevesÂŁna didn’t mean in the aspect of love… It was in the aspect of forgiveness and its obvious Shaina hasn’t forgiven Chief Varma so how did she expect him to forgive him.

“I might depreciate but at least am taking him with me” Shaina said and pu-ll-ed the trigger even before Rocky could say something.

The bullet went straight into Chief Varma’s heart and he fell down.

“Nooooooooooooooooo” Rocky screamed on t©p of his voices running towards Shaina.

Her powers were alre-ady depreciating so he was able to walk pas-s the invisible wall Shaina had created.

He knelt beside Shaina whom was in tears… “She couldn’t fight the zeal for revenge in her heart… She couldn’t forgive, she did something she shouldn’t have”.

“Am sorry…” she said to Rocky.

“plea-se don’t go… We would find a way don’t go plea-se” Rocky plea-sed but it was alre-ady too late.

Way too late… Very late, Nothing could be done.

Shaina Depreciated!!!.

To Be Continued…….
😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
Shaina is gone
😭 😭 😭 😭 😭