Faceless demon episode 18 & 19

(A Life For A Life)
By Chidimma Christineāœļø
I froze in fear unable to un-derstand what just happened

“Did he just say I should stĀ©p following him” I thought as I watched him leave

“How then will I get my mission done ah….. This isn’t going to be easy at all”

I paced around thinking of what to do… I can’t lose today.. Its just two days to the d@tĀ£ and if I don’t get my mission right I won’t be going to paradise.

“Yes…. That’s it…. Arch angel” I said and disappeared
“A change of mission” She asked, her eyes buried in her book as usual

“Yes…. Am not sure I can teach him how to love and forgive…. He is so mean like very mean and he doesn’t even want me around”


“So…. I want another mission, this p@rticular mission is impossible”

“That’s not true Shaina, every mission is possible, none is impossible” she said now looking at me

“I doubt” I snapped

“You have just been lucky to get missions that doesn’t require much effort and thinking….. That’s why”

“I don’t un-derstand”

“Off course you don’t…. You have to un-derstand him and get to know him that way it would be easy”

“I just have two days…. Like two, two days” I said showing her two f!ngers

“I know… But that doesn’t still matter, you can’t get another mission”


“You get a mission at a time and you just got yours….. You should be thankful you know”

“Thankful…” I scoffed “well am not, the diety should give me a more easy mission than this piece of trash” I said raising the leaf up

“Talk to him yourself”


“You heard me Shaina… Talk to him yourself” she added now looking at her book


“Is that all” she said sharply

I sighed and left her office, straight to Bhavna’s work place — the restaurant

I walked for a long distance, I still couldn’t remember where I was…. I began to doubt if I was actually born in Mumbai

Or maybe I wasn’t born in that p@rt of the city…. Everything looked different from what I could remember

Bawa was right after all, Mumbai has really changed beyond recognition

My stomach grumbled with a slight itch, I gro-an ed in pain and quic-kly dashed into the nearest restaurant

*I have to stay alive to defect my enemies*

“What’s your order sir” the waitress asked staring at me from hair to toe

Well I wasn’t surprise, everyone I walked pas-s stared at me the same way.. Some even went to the extent of abusing me and laughing to my hearing

I ignored her stares, I can un-derstand she was surprise at the type of clothe I was putting on, it looked so different from what they were actually wearing

“Anything edible” I said

“Huh… Anything” she asked surprised

“Yes…. Anything” I nodded

She hesitated for a few minutes before she actually left and c@mĀ£ back with a tray filled with food

“It costs three thousand paisa” she said dropping the food

I di-pped my hands inside my bag and brou-ght out some of the money Bawa had given me.

She stared at the money for a while and then to me… She bur-st into laughter

I bec@mĀ£ confuse wondering what was actually funny

“Seriously dude.. You are so funny” she said trying to control her laughter

“Funny” I asked surprised

“Yeah very funny…. Do you seriously think we are still in the 90’s….. Its funny enough that you are dressed as if you just c@mĀ£ out from the 90’s and you are even having old currency” she said

“Gosh… I forget, Bawa had told me to go to the exchange office…. Dammit am so hungry”

*I guess you aren’t hungry yet” she said when she noticed I wasn’t ma-king attempt to speak

“Welcome to the 21st Century” she added packing the food

“Hey Mira” I greeted immediately I entered the restaurant

I noticed an usual kind of environment between Mira and whoever she was talking to

I just hope I didn’t come in at the wrong time

“Hey Shaina…. Bhavna stepped out for a moment but she would be back soon” she said just then the person she was talking to turned

“It was him….*

“Are you following me” he asked

“Following you jeez no way, I c@mĀ£ here to see a friend” I said

“Your friend is quite funny, he c@mĀ£ to eat in the 21st Century with a coins from the 90’s” Mira said as she walk pas-s me with a tray of food

I wanted to laugh but just can’t afford to miss this golden opportunity, he seems very odd… Even his clothe is from the 90’s

*Very strange*

“Don’t worry Mira…. I will pay” I said

“Really Shaina…” Mira asked

“Yeah…. Bills on me” I said sitting down at the wine bar

“I would pay you once I change my money” I heard him say

I turned to him “like seriously… A thank you would have been better” I wanted to say but when I opened my mouth “Okey…. I will take you to the exchange office” c@mĀ£ out of my mouth

I watched him as he devour the food like a lion, he alre-ady re-moved the nose mask so I took my time in accessing his face

He was so handsome like crazy handsome, I wonder why it would be ha-rd for someone that look pure, innocent and above all handsome love and even forgive

He looks as if he can’t even hurt a fly… “Ohh…. He is cold hearted…. Hmm this life isn’t fair at all”

The door opened and Bhavna walked in “Hey…. You are back alre-ady” she asked sitting close to me

“I guess you alre-ady gained the batch… Congrats dear” she said beaming

“What batch, he is over there” I said staring at him

“He is so cute…. Am sure he is h0t as well, you know with abs, muscles everything intact”

“You are so lucky Shaina… You got a cutie as a mission”

“Snap out of it Shaina…. What’s wrong with you” I asked, she was alre-ady drooling

“So…..sorry” she stuttered

“So what else happened” she asked

Nothing…. The fool doesn’t even want me around” I said signing


“But not to worry Bhavna… I have a perfect plan”

“A plan….”

(A Life For A Life)
By Chidimma Christineāœļø
“What….” Bhavna shouted immediately I whispered the plan to her. “Shush….” I whispered “this is a perfect plan and am sure its going to work”

“And what if it doesn’t work” she asked

“There is always going to be a plan B but it would work…. Just picture it yourself and see”

“It sound very disturbing”

“Just watch and learn Bhavna” I said

“Am done Clumsy” I heard him say “like seriously clumsy…. Do I really look clumsy to you” I asked

“Let’s go…. I don’t have much time to waste” he said leaving dragging his bags along

“He got an attitude” Bhavna said

“The worst of it….”

“Break a leg….” Bhavna said as I leave, running after him
“So… What actually brou-ght you to Mumbai” he stĀ©pped and stared at me for a while before he continued moving without saying a word

“Actually…. An introduction would be better” I said

“Am Ang…. I mean Shaina and you are” I asked

“Rocky…..” He said not looking at me, his voice seems kind of unusual and a little bit familia but that isn’t my business

All I nee-d to do is to make him forgive his enemies and fell de-eply inlove and off to paradise I go

“Rocky… Nice name, so what brou-ght you to Mumbai” I asked again

“Unfinished business….” He said

“Unfinished what…..” I asked suprised “that sounds really strange” I added but he didn’t say anything

“So… What do you like, you know like sports, food….” I was saying when he suddenly stĀ©pped and turned f0rƧĀ£fully at me

“Are we not there yet…” he asked

“Yes… We are there” a replied with a shaking voice…. He sounded damn rude and serous

I wonder why Lord Ganpati gave him to me

“Where….” He asked “there…” I replied without hesitating pointing at my right, he shaked his head negatively before walking towards the direction of the exchange office

“Gosh…. I can’t believe he is this rude with that killing face”

What a lady… I just pray I pay her so she can leave me alone for good…. She is like a hindrance to what I c@mĀ£ to do…. Or is she a spy

She better not be, if not I would strangle her go death and feed her flesh to the wild animals

“Hmm… Where did you get these from” the administrator at the exchange office asked examining it with a microscope

“Actually this would explain better” I said giving him the doĀ¢v-ments Bawa had given me

He went throu-gh it nodding his head at intervals….. I wonder what was written, I didn’t have much time to go throu-gh the doĀ¢v-ments

“Okey… You have a nice prof” he said dropping the doĀ¢v-ments on his desk
“Its exchange for 500 thousand Rupee” he added

“Just that” I asked “do you want more” he asked staring at me

“Never mind…. can I have it” I asked
“offcourse we would just transfer it to your account…. What’s your account number” he asked picking up a pen

“Account number… What’s that” I asked confused

Shaina chuckled like wise the administrator whom was staring at me

“Really Rocky… Are you trying to be funny now” she asked

I didn’t say a word to her…. What’s there to say “Are you just coming from the 90’s” the administrator asked

“No…. Is there no other way to get the money” I asked

“Don’t worry we would just open one account for you” he said opening his drawer

“Here… Fill this form and make sure they are accurate” he said giving me a form

I took it from him and filled the form, it wasn’t ha-rd at all just my name and few other things

He uploaded the information in his computer and excused himself for a while

“Gosh.. Its taking alot of time” I signed getting impatient

“We are having a little network problem here” the administrator said immediately she c@mĀ£ back


“It would soon be done…” She said looking into her computer

It took till fifteen minutes till she was done with whatever she was doing

“You have to come back in two days time for your ATM card” she said “And its very important for withdrawal” she added

“So I don’t get any more like now” I asked

“You get only this….” She said giving me a big brown envelop “its 30 thousand Rupeeā€ she said

“Thanks” I said and left
ā€œfor the first time I am seeing someone with no account” Shaina said immediately we left the exchange office

“Welcome to the world of technology dude” she added

“How much do I owe you” I asked facing her “its nothing…. Its for charity” she replied

“Good, thank you but you have to stĀ©p following me okey” I yelled and left

I was like 50 kilometers away from her when I suddenly stĀ©pped looking around

I was lost and didn’t know where I was actually heading to, I turned and saw her still standing at the exact spĀ©t I had left her

“Looks like I would be nee-ding Clumsy’s help after all…. She seems to be the only one interested in helping me” I thought

I signed going back to her, “Hy…. How long have you been in Mumbai” I asked

To Be Continued…….