ever been in love episode 35 & 36

story by Deborah Paul
ever been in love?
episode 35

Kimberly and Clarissa talked about other things till it was time for Clarissa to get ready for her date and it was time for Kim to go home too since she didn’t plan on spending a night at her sister’s place.
Kim was surprise when she saw clarissa dressing, she couldn’t help but feed her curiosity.

Going somewhere special?
my sister is going out on a date, that’s cool….with who?
I think is best if you don’t know.

how do you mean?
(She sighned)
look, I’m going out on a date with Benjamin, he asked to see me, the pressure was too much I could not refuse him.
Kim found her fingers ti-ghtening against her skin, she was spoiling in anger and was trying to control herself.

Really? the pressure was too much and you had to give in?
let’s not do this please, I already accepted to go out on a date with him and you know I’m one who doesn’t go back on her word.
(She smiled)
I never asked you to cancel your date sis, in fact I want you to go out there and enjoy your night with Benjamin.

I gave him my number yesterday and you almost brou-ght down the entire building, why ain’t you reacting I’m going to see him?
(She laughed)
Are you kidding me? you want me to fight you, yell at you because of someone who will still break your heart? common sister I think I’m bigger than that shit…. Here is what I’m going to tell you, be ready to cry again, be ready to have your heart broken again … Benjamin is just attra-cted to your new look.
she pause for a while and smiled, knowing that her sister was new in the dressing and fashion sense, she knew her sister was going to ruin her own dressing and makeup.

You know what? have a lovely outing darling…..i will be going now
she said and turn to walk out of Clarissa bedroom but she quickly stopped her.
Ain’t you going to help me with my makeup and how to dress?
Common, I’m sure Benjamin will like you anyhow you appear before him, beside you ain’t the makeup type, so just pick any dress and go, you will look perfect.
Kim said and walked out of the room, she picked her hand bag in the living room and came out of the house, she was about climbeding down the stairs when she heard a horn at the gate, she rushed to open it knowing it was Marcel since he drove out earlier.
Marcel drove to his garage and parked his car before he came out to meet Kim where she was standing.

(He gave her a quick hu-g)
Hi Kim
Hi, welcome back
Thanks, you are leaving already?
Yeah, it’s getting late I should head home now.
Do you want me to drop you off?

no, thanks you have done enough for one day.
But I’m not complain…..
(She cut him short)
I know you ain’t complaining, thanks for the offer, I can find my way.
Alright, if you insist
I insist….i should go now
Kim, are you alright? you don’t look too happy?
(She quickly switch to her crazy self)
huh? don’t mind me, I was seeing a movie earlier and my favorite actor died, I feel so sad.

(He chuckled)
you are like this because an actor died in a movie?
His not just any actor, his my celebrity crush.
Don’t worry, his not dead, you will see him in another movie
I know but why would he have to die in this particular movie?
(He smiled)
Are you sure you can go home like this?

(She smiled)
sure I can.
Clarissa who was done dressing for her outing was about heading out when she heard voices outside, she looked throu-ghher window to see her cousin and Marcel talking, it was the first time she was seeing him since yesy after she asked him to go away….”come to think of it, why hasn’t he come to look for me? it’s unlike Marcel, I asked him to go away he should know something was bordering me, why hasn’t he come back to ask me what was wrong”? she asked herself.
her phone started to ring, it was Benjamin calling, she picked it.

Hello Rissa, I’m at venue now
I’m done with my dressing, I will join you shortly.
Alright, I will be waiting
she hung up and put the phone in her bag
she waited a little for her cousin and Marcel to go their separate ways, but it seems like the more she waited the more they enjoyed each other’s company.
Benjamin got impatient and called her again and she told him go give her some minutes that something was delaying her but she will be with him shortly.
After she dropped the call, she damned waiting for Marcel and Kim to go, she picked her hand bag and car keys and opened the door. Immediately she opened the door, Kim and Marcel turn to look at her, Kim couldn’t hold her laughter she had to laugh because her sister look ridiculous.

Kim, you are still here?
obviously, I’m guessing you are going out on a date like this?
See you when I see you.
she said and entered her car without saying a word to Marcel.
she started her car and drove to the gate, she came down and opened the gate for herself, she drove out and came out to lock it again before she drove away.
Why did you let your sister go out looking like a masquerade?
(She laughed more)
you won’t un-derstand.
What is there not to un-derstand? she’s getting back with her ex so what? you should let the dude show his true colors not for-ce him to
(She stopped laughing)
how did you know……oh Derrick told you I guess….look Marcel I’m not the bad person here, I know Benjamin only want my sister back because of the way he saw her yesterday, trust me if he sees her like this he will never call her again.

What if his now a better man? what if he still calls her after tonight?
Then I will let them be.
I’m not really please with what you did if I must confess.
I’m sorry but you have to un-derstand I’m doing this to protect my sister from getting hurt again…… talking about my sister, what’s going on between you two?

How do you mean?
since I came you didn’t come to see my sister, she came out and drove out without you two sayinga word to each other.
Nothing is going on okay, maybe she isn’t in a good mood
(he defended)
I know you are lying but it’s okay….i will find out the truth soon……goodnight Marcel.
she said and headed to the gate while Marcel headed to his door.

story by Deborah Paul
ever been in love
episode 36
Clarissa was almost close to the restaurant where Benjamin was waiting for her when her fuel started reading that it was finishing, she had to manage it to a near by fuel station to refill it.
she parked her car and came out, she told the lady to fill up the tank for her.
the lady selling for Clarissa couldn’t stop starring at her, she wondered if clarissa didn’t look at the mirror before leaving the house.

Clarissa opened her car and brou-ght out her hand bag, she took out some cash and gave it to the lady and was about to enter her car.
excuse me ma
(She turn to look at her)
yes, what is it?
My name is Jane, and I work here…..hope you won’t feel bad if I talk to you about your dressing?
Okay, so what is wrong with my dressing?
ma, this makeup is too much, beside the color is too much.
you think so?
yes ma, beside your hair, you didn’t even arrange it, it looks like you just woke up from the bed
I’m going out on a date, do you think he might feel bad if he sees me like this?
honestly ma, only a man that truly loves you that will see you like this and not react, but a man who is after your body, he would run without letting you see him because he will see you as an embarras-sment.
(Jane told her truthfully)
Clarissa got her answer from Jane, it was time to know if Benjamin actually stopped her because of her dressing or because he was actually sorry.
I guess I have to find out if he truly loves me then.
she said and entered her car, she drove away, her eyes were filled with tears, she hope and pray that Kim wasn’t right about Benjamin.
she arrived at restaurant and called Benjamin that she was outside, Benjamin asked her to come inside.
she took her hand bag and step down from the car.
Clarissa walked into the restaurant and all eyes were on her, she didn’t care, all she cared about was Benjamin she wanted to see his reaction and like Kim and Jane said his face changed the moment he saw her.
Hey, Ben
Hi clarissa…. please seat down
(Seating down)
you look eeh….you look good
Thank you….can we order for food? I’m starving.
Sure, waiter
He called and a young man came to meet them with a menu……they both place their order and the waiter left, not without taking a glance at Clarissa for the last time.
So, tell me, how has life been with you?
No, the question should be…where were you for good six years that’s if my calculation is correct.
I was out of the country, you know how bad I wanted to leave the country, an opportunity came, I couldn’t miss it so I had to leave.
Wow, without putting a call throu-ghor even come to see me before you left?
the waiter brou-ght their order and dropped it on their table.
Honestly I didn’t think of all that
(She giggles)
you didn’t think of telling your girlfriend you were traveling? how much did you even love me?
(she yelled)
That broke the camel’s back because people turn to look at them before they faced their table…..ben got pissed because he felt clarissa has embarras-sed him enough for one day.
I didn’t border telling you because I didn’t see a future with you, your way of life, your style and mine was different, we were world apart….I didn’t see myself coming back to spend the rest of my life with you….the worse part of it is, you enjoy this stupid life style of yours.
Do you know how many times I try to fix you but you kept going back to your dress code like a dog that return to it’s vomit? common Rissa, don’t make it look like I am the bad guy, I tried to make you my clas-s but you wouldn’t stop being you.
(he spilled out and drank his wine)
(She started to chuckle then she burst into a de-ep laughter)
you tried to fix me? like a broken plate? isn’t it so? the truth is you never loved me Ben, to think Kim was right all along, to think I was happy that you want to explain why you had to leave me for years…..you weren’t trying to make me come to your level, you were trying to fix me like a broken object….now I’m sure you spoke to me yesterday because of the way I dressed and walking throu-ghthat door looking like a masquerade tonight, you couldn’t control your anger and you spill it out…..i’m glad I just confirmed whatever it is I wanted to comfirm…..it was nice seeing you again Benjamin.
she said and got up, she picked her bag and walked out of the restaurant without touching her food or drink.
she entered her car and cried for some minutes before she started her car and went home.
she got to her gate and was too weak to come down from the car to open the gate, that moment when wished she had listen to Marcel when he suggested they nee-ded a gate man, but she told him she like her privacy and won’t bring any strangerto her home.
She started to horn at the gate but Marcel didn’t come out to open it for her, she didn’t stop either she kept horning and crying till Marcel woke up from sleep and decided to go check who was horning…..he ran to the gate with no shirt on, he opened the small side of the gate to comfirm who the person is before he opens the main gate.
After confirming it was clarrias-s he opened the gate for her and she drove in
he locked the gate back and went back into his room without asking clarissa the reason why she was crying.
Clarissa felt worse, she expected him to ask her why she was crying but he didn’t, he walked away like he didn’t see her or like she didn’t matter.
She took her hang bag and went into her room, she sat on the floor in her living room and took off her shoes, she remembered all that took place at the restaurant and she started to cry again.
Clarissa couldn’t stop herself from crying because she felt like a fool to have quickly believe Ben, she blamed herself for not believing her sister, she should have listened when Kim warned her.
she felt so stupid and alone but she couldn’t call Kim because she was sure Kim would only laugh at her and tell her “I told you so” she cried till sleep finally set in.
Marcel on the other hand felt bad that he didn’t ask her why she was crying but from the look of things her outing didn’t go well “besides, who will see his date dress like that and not freak out”? I’m sure her date went bad.
he blamed himself for not showing her care but at the same time he nee-ded to prove to her that he matters too, and that he can live without her friendship
“if every time she get pissed off and she me out of her life, and I try to push myself to her, she will get use to pushing me out of her life because she will feel now matter what I will always come back…if she care for our friendship she will come to me”
he said and return back to bed.

to be continued