Ethereal beauty 2 episode 11/12




Minho pov
Jessica called me and told me that they are all in Seoul and when I l asked them why, they told me that kimkim was kidnapped by tyson.

$h!t, this is all my fault.
I betrayed them now all this.
Will they ever forgive me?
Tyson, you will pay for this. I won’t forgive him if anything ever happens to kimkim.

Getting to their formal house, I parked my car and entered the house.

“Jessica.” I called.
She c@m£ out of a room, “Minho.” She called. “Thank God you are here.”
“What really happened?” I asked.
“Well, that crazy Tyson kidnapped Kimkim.”
“But how did you know it was Tyson?”
“We confronted him and he told me the only way to see her again is to bring our father to him.”
“I even went to the police but all they told me is that they can’t do anything cause the Lee family are rich and powerful.” She said and sat down. She looks so worried. All this is because of me. “My poor sister, who knows what she is going throu-gh right now. I wish I have powers. That Tyson will surely pay for this.”

Jessica pov
“But how did he find out? Thought he left with you after the student day celebr@tion, so how did he find out?” I asked.
“Well………… Well…….. I have something to tell you.” He said.
“Ok go ahead.”
“I am the one.”
“The one who did what?” I asked.
“The one who told tyson where kimkim was.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Am really sorry Jessica. I was confused. I wanted to st©p my girlfriend from coming so I told him.”
“What? You told him about kimkim? Thought she is your friend?”
“Yes she is but I betrayed her. Tyson also betrayed me cause he allowed my girlfriend to come. I am so foolish. plea-se forgive me noona.”
“I can’t believe this. You did it for your girlfriend? Why?”
“She is carter’s daughter. I promise you she don’t know anything about what happened. She is Tyson target now. He want to use her to get her father. He gave her a job here in Korea. I tried st©pping her but she refuse to listen me. Tyson refused to st©p her from coming. He said until I tell him where kimkim is. I was so confuse especially when her father called and threatened me so I told him. Am so sorry Jessica.”
“Am so disappointed in you.” I sighed, “but what can I do? You where tra-pped in between your family and your love. So you picked a choice. And now the both of them are tra-p.” I said.
“That is what I caused. I just wors£n everything.” He said.
I sighed and stood up, “we will do all we can to get her back.”
“I will help Noona. I will help in any way I can.”
“Ok. But don’t let Lisa, Rose or grandma know cause they will kill you.” I said.
He smiled a bit, “I won’t sis.”

Minho pov
I left the kim’s house and drove to a restaurant. Elisha texted me that i should meet her there. I really miss her.

When I got there, I parked my car and entered the restaurant.

“Babe.” I called when I saw her.
She smiled at me standing up. I walk up to her and hvgged her.
“Baby am so sorry, I c@m£ here without telling you. I was curious to know why you won’t allow me to come. You and father.” She said.

I can’t remain angry with this sweet baby dace forever.
“Babe, I should be the one apologizing. You had a dream and when that dream was coming to reality, I told you not to achieve it. Am sorry.” I said and hvgged her.

I will protect you with my life Elisha, that is my promise.
“Babe let’s sit down.” She said.
I nodded and we both sat down.

Tyson pov
I have been delaying in my plan.
I nee-d to start my plan now.
I picked up my phone and called Elisha.

“Hello.” c@m£ her voice.
“Hello Elisha Carter, this is Tyson Lee.”
“OMG. Good day sir.”
“We have a meeting now. So get here immediately.”
“A meeting?”
Questions. But I should not lose my cool. Calm down Tyson.
“Yes. Its about the job.”
“I will be there immediately.”
“Good.” I said and disconnected the call.
Such a good girl. ma-king my work easy.

Minho pov
“Babe, am sorry but I have to leave now. Mr. Lee called me and told me to come cause we have a meeting now. It’s about the job.” She said.
“Ok babe but I am coming with you.”
“No babe, I don’t want you to bother so just stay and enjoy your meal.” She said and left without giving me a chance to say any thing again. What is Tyson up to now? It better not be what am thinking it will be.

Kimkim pov
I stood up from the be-d. I am strong now. And that means time to escape.

I opened the door, thank God its opened. I peeped outside to see if anyone was around but no one.

I ti-ptoed to the door. I smiled when I got there.
I held the doorknob about to open it when I felt something hit my head.

It hurt.
In no time I felt blood gushing out.
I fell to the floor.

“What did you do? Boss is gonna kill us.” I heard a voice said before I closed my eyes.



No pov
Elisha sat down opposite Tyson who was typing down some do¢v-ment in his computer.

He looked at her and close his computer.
“So miss. Elisha Carter, about your job.”
‘yes sir. You called me for that.”
“We are having a p@rty soon and your first work is to be the organizer.”
“Sir? Organizer?”
“Wow!! thank you sir. I will try my best.” Elisha said.
“You better should.” Tyson said.
“I will s£nd you the details later. Make l sure you start planning immediately.”
“Ok sir.”
“You can leave now.”

Tyson pov
She stood up and left.
Sweet Elisha, you will have no choice but to see me everyday.
My phone beeped. A message.
I picked it up. Its from Jeff.

“Sir come back. There is a bit problem.” It re-ad.

I stood up and left my office. Hope nothing has happen to kimkim.
I drove back h0tel with a lot going of thoughts on my mind.
When I got to the h0tel, I went immediately to my room.

Kimkim was lying on the be-d with her head bandaged.
“What happened to her?” I asked but they were all silent.
“What did you do to her.” I shouted.
“Sorry boss. She was about escaping when one of my men hit her.”
“Hit her? She would have died.” I said angrily. “Who is the idiot who that did it?” I asked.
“I am boss.” The youngest among them replied.
“You are.” I said and sl@pped him. “How dare you hit her you fool? I gave the instruction that nothing should happen to her now see what you did.” I said.
“Boss its my fault punish me instead.” Jeff said.
“I will cause you are responsible for this.” I said.
I should calm down.
Tyson calm down.
“Get out now. Leave all of you.” I said they obey and left.
I sat down close to kimkim.
I hate seeing her hurt. Those crazy men.
“Kimkim am so sorry for what you are going throu-gh. It is all my fault. Am sorry.”

Jessica pov
“What are we going to do now? Where the heck is father when we nee-d him? Kimkim won’t be re-leased unless he comes.”
“Kimkim will be re-leased without father that I believe. We don’t want to have anything to do with him.” Lisa said.
“Why don’t we look for him. He cause all this so he should suffer for it.” I said.
“But where are we going to find him?” Rose asked.
“Minho. Minho will be of good help.” Lisa said. “He has connections.” Lisa said.
“You are right.” Rose said.
“Then we should start looking for father.” I said picking up my phone.

Minho pov
After waiting for her call, she finally called.
“Hello babe.” She said.
“Finally, I have been expecting your call. What happened?”
“I had a meeting with mr. Lee, he told me to be an organizer for a p@rty he is organizing and I have been working on it.”
“Where are you now?”
“At the h0tel.”
I sighed, “you should live with me. I have enough rooms here.”
“I thought of that too, I will come over to your house tomorrow.” She said.
“Great. But I am coming to the h0tel now. I can’t leave you alone. You will be bored.”
“You know right. Come now plea-se, I will prepare something to eat for the both of us.”
“Ok. Can’t wait to get there.” I said. A call c@m£ into my phone. I re-moved it from my ear and after seeing the caller’s name I placed it back to my ear. “Babe I will call you back. I nee-d to answer a call.” I said.
“Ok. I will be expecting you.” She said and disconnected the call.

I picked the incoming call. “Hello Noona.”
“Minho can you come over immediately, we nee-d to talk on how to rescue Kimkim.” Jessica said.
“I will be there in ten minutes.” I said and disconnected the call. I picked up my car key and left.

Tyson pov
Kimkim is still unconscious. It hurt to see her like this.
I can’t bear it.

plea-se wake up, I can’t think straight with you like this. Just open your eyes and talk to me.

A doctor c@m£ earlier and treated her, giving her a drip and some injections.
Even though he as-sured me that she will wake up soon, I am still worried.
She should wake up now not soon.

My phone rang. I picked it up from the be-d. Mother.
“Hello mother.”
“Son. Haven’t heard from you for a while. Hope you are okay?”
“Yes mom.” I said with a sigh.
“You sound worried, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing just tired.”
“You should get some rest cause of the big events coming soon. You know what I mean, our revenge plan. But how is it going now?”
“Still looking for Seokmi but have tra-pped carter now.” I said.
“Good son.”

Maya pov
Good to hear he have tra-pped carter, but Seokmi, I will have to help him with that. He told me he was going to kidnap Kimberly but am not sure he have done that yet.
I should do it my self.

I dialed a number.
“Hello stone, I have a job for you. Come to my office immediately.” I said and disconnected the call.
