Elena’s journey episode 53

Elena’s journey episode 53


Martin: Helen, where are you always going?

Helen: Martin….

Martin: You know you can tell me anything.

Helen: I went to the serial ra-pist in jail.

Martin: What serial ra-pist?

Helen: The one we saw on TV the other day, that got arrested after ra-ping an old woman.

Martin: Oh, yes. I remember. Why did you go to see him.

Helen: Because he’s the one who R@p£d me. I’m very sure of it

Martin: Helen, I don’t like this. I alre-ady told you I accepted you alre-ady and I’m now the legal father of Nicholas. Besides he’s alre-ady paying for his crimes

Helen: I’m sorry. I just wanted to know if he was the one so my mind will be at rest.

Martin: You didn’t have to do that. I love you no matter what.

Helen: I love you too Martin

(Helen and Martin k!ss)

(At Vincent house)
(Cas-sandra is watching TV and Vincent mother comes to change the channel)

Cas-sandra: What the… Changing the channel without asking is rude!

Vincent mother: I don’t nee-d to ask you because this is my house

Cas-sandra: Old witch! You’re so mannerless! No wonder Vincent is the way he is, abandoning me for that stinky fisherwoman!

Vincent mother: (gets up from her the sofa and charges at Cas-sandra) I’ll teach you some manners today!

(Luckily, Adrian, who was having lunch in the kitchen sees this and separates them)

Adrian: Mrs Manuel plea-se…

Cas-sandra: Old Witch! You call yourself a mother but you don’t act like one, your son is in the hospital, Aren’t you supposed to be with him 24/7 till he gets better?

Vincent mother: Be quiet!

Cas-sandra: You’re so evil, your son is in the hospital and you’re here watching TV. Old Witch!

(Vincent mother pushes Adrian aside and charges at Cas-sandra and a fight breaks out between them, She pins Cas-sandra on the sofa and hits her mercilessly, Cas-sandra is defenseless due to being subdued by her weight, She eventually bites Vincent mother wrist and she gets up from her and Adrian separates them before it gets intense again)

Vincent mother: (looks at the bite marks on her wrist) Oh my God! This sea witch bit me, I nee-d to go and get my wrist disinfected.

Cas-sandra: Yeah! You better go!

(Vincent mother goes into her room)

Adrian: This is why no one likes you, you’re too insolent and arrogant!

Cas-sandra: (scoffs) Ugh! I’m just over confident! Its their insecurities pla-ying on them. I’m not going to give anyone the chance to step on my toes, Not Orora, Not that stupid fisherwoman or even that old hag!

Adrian: (shakes his head) You nee-d serious help.

(Adrian leaves Cas-sandra alone in the living room and she continues watching TV)

(In Metroville)
(At Harrison house)

Harrison: I’ll be going out now, Elena, stay safe

Elena: I will

(Harrison k!sses Elena on thel-ips but she stylishly pushes him away)

Harrison: I’m sorry, Shouldn’t have done that without your cons£nt.

Elena: Its fine. You should be leaving now

Harrison: See you later

(Harrison leaves the house)

Elena: (to herself) Harrison says I’m his girlfriend but how come I don’t love him. I don’t have any feelings for him at all. I’m just confused. I just wish there was a pill, potion or a magic spell to make me remember my past

(Just then, Felicia enters the room)

Elena: Oh, its you again

Felicia: Yes its me. I saw what you and Harrison did. Why did you k!ssmy b©yfri£nd

Elena: (sighs) He k!$$£d me and besides, I broke the k!ss

Felicia: Liar!

Elena: I thought you we’re here for two days, why haven’t you left

Felicia: Because this is now my home. I’m here to deal with you

Elena: (laughs) Look, I don’t have time for all these drama. I’m hungry, I nee-d to go and get something to eat, Excuse me!

(Felicia violently pushes Elena back when she attempts to leave the room)

Elena: (angry) what’s the meaning of this haras-sment?

Felicia: You s¢v-mmy Fisherwoman, you don’t walk out on me whenever I’m talking to you. Is that clear?

Elena: Don’t test me Felicia!

Felicia: (hits Elena’s shoulder) What are you gonna do?

Elena: Hmmm… Let’s see
(Elena looks around the room and sees b©dy spray)… Ahah!

(Elena gr-abs the b©dy spray and sprays it in Felicia’s face)

Felicia: (screaming) Ahhhh! My eye! You bit-ch! What have you done?!

Elena: (laughs) I told you not to test me

(Elena leaves the room,leaving Felicia wallowing in pain)

(At the hospital)
(Vincent re-ads Elena’s diary)

Vincent: (re-ads) “Dear diary, I’m Elena, well, I don’t know my last name because I don’t know who my father is, All I know is that he R@p£d my mom which led to her mental illness. I’ll have to strive and work ha-rd to make enough money so I can take her to Mexico City, where she’ll be treated”.

(Nurse Mia enters his ward)

Vincent: Hi

Nurse Mia: How’re you doing dear?

Vincent: I’m good. Its Nurse Mia right?

Nurse Mia: plea-se, Call me Mia.

Vincent: (smiles) okay.

Mia: Yeah, so what do you want for lunch

Vincent: Hmm.. I like tacos, that’ll be okay

Mia: Okay. I’ll get you some tacos.

(Mia leaves his ward and Vincent continues re-ading Elena’s diary)

Vincent: ” Dear diary, Today was fun, I’ve started working for Mr Leon, the rich man who lives uphill here in Seattle with his two daughters, Orora and Helen. Orora is hostile towards me but Helen seems nice. I’m being paid $800 dollars every month which is so much money for me. I also met his brother, Mr Gilbert, I feel like we’ve connected alre-ady and I’m happy about that. Dear diary, today wasn’t fun at all. Orora ruined my day. Its like she s-en-ses my happiness and uses every opportunity she has to ruin it. First she poured coffee on my shorts, Next, she warned me to stay away from her b©yfri£nd, Simon, Now she attacked my grandma and I had to retaliate and sl@p her even though it took a lot of courage for me to do that, I still feel bad. I’m not happy at all. Orora’s behaviors towards me might make me quit my work despite the pay. I just hope God helps me”.

(At the hospital)
(Vincent continues re-ading Elena’s diary)

Vincent: (re-ads) “Dear diary, Today was the best day of my life, I met Vincent Manuel, the most handsome man I’d ever seen. I saved him from drowning due to sadness and depression over the death of the woman he was once in love with, later today, to my biggest surprise, he c@m£ to Mr Leon house and shockingly he remembered a s¢v-mmy Fisherwoman like me, And he’s really friendly,my day just got a thousand times better “.

(Vincent mother enters his ward)

Vincent: Hey mom

Vincent mother: Hello dear, how’ve you been?

Vincent: I’m okay mom. I want to ask, Is Cas-sandra at home

Vincent mother: Yes, that sea witch is still in the house, why’d you ask? Do you want me to kick her out

Vincent: (smiles) No, I was asking because she never c@m£ to visit me

Vincent mother: You’re talking like you don’t know her, she’s all about herself, if it doesn’t affect her badly she wouldn’t bother, she’s so self centered and selfish.

Vincent: Typical Cas-sandra

Vincent mother: Let’s not talk about that sea witch plea-se

Vincent: (notices the food flask) Wow, you brou-ght me food.

Vincent mother: Yes dear. Its spaghetti.

Vincent: Thanks mom, I love you so much

Vincent: I love you too honey. Eat up. Let me leave you to eat.

(She leaves his ward)

Vincent: (re-ads) Dear diary, Today I went to Vincent house, and its hvge and beautiful and we had dinner and it tasted great. Everything was going well till a fight broke out between I and Orora. I left his house in anger and he followed me, we talked and he accompanied me to my house on my boat and then we k!$$£d, that was the highlight of that day, I was so happy, I told my grandma and she was happy for me as well. The next day at Mr Leon house, he brou-ght me gifts and later that day we went to many places till we ended up at his house, in his swimming pool and we k!$$£d and almost had S-x till his mom interrupted but she did a good thing anyway. I couldn’t believe a rich and famous person was falling in love with me”.


Elena: Hey Mrs Patel.

Harrison mother: Hey Elena. You’re not fishing today?

Elena: Actually I am. I was just coming to let you know that

Harrison mother: Okay dear. Stay safe. There are sharks in the sea

Elena: Trust me, I can handle sharks. Bye

Harrison mother: Bye.

(Elena leaves the house to the sea)

Fisherman 1: Elena hey, I thought you weren’t coming today

Elena: Why wouldn’t I? Fishing is what makes me truly happy

Fisherman 1: Okay, we’ll set out together, I want to go get my hook

Elena: Alright, I’ll be waiting for you.

(The fisherman leaves and a young man walks up to Elena)

Man: Hello sunshine

Elena: Uh, Look, you’ve approached me many times to d@t£ you and I turned you down many times, isn’t that supposed to tell you I’m not interested?

Man: Well I’ll keep asking you out till you accept

Elena: That ain’t gonna happen

Man: You’re so beautiful, Damn! Can I have a k!ss?

Elena: (confused) What?

Man: I want to k!ssyou

Elena: You’re crazy, just stay away from me

(The man viciously gr-abs Elena and k!sses her but Elena breaks the k!ssand uses her elbow to hit his nose f0rç£fully)

Man: (shouts) Owwwww! fv¢k! My nose!

Elena: Next time, you wouldn’t try that

(Elena leaves the man wallowing in pain)

(At the hospital)

Vincent: (re-ads) “Dear diary, Today I received flowers from Vincent but they we’re daisies which I’m allergic to. My face swollen up and I blacked out after sniffing it. But Vincent apologized, it wasn’t his fault tho. I wonder why he apologized and the next day, I received flowers from him again, at least that’s what I thought, but before I could sniff it, Mr Gilbert alerted me and told me they were daisies and I had to throw it away, I was wondering why Vincent s£nt me daisies again knowing well I’m allergic to it until I saw Orora smile and I knew she had to be the one who s£nt it while posing as if it we’re from Vincent, she told me if I didn’t quit my work, she was gonna make the house a living hell for me and she retired to her room but Mr Gilbert as-sured me that everything will be fine and that I shouldn’t be worried and I was happy “.

(Doctor Larabee enters his ward)

Doctor Larabee: Good news Vincent Manuel, your treatment is almost complete and you’ll be discharged soon.

Vincent: That’s good to hear Doc.

Doctor Larabee: Though you’ll still nee-d Nurse Mia to look after you till you recover fully

Vincent: No worries

(Doctor Larabee leaves his ward)

Vincent: (re-ads) “Dear diary, Today is one of the worst days in my life, my sadness started when I saw Vincent mas-saging Orora and she saw me and called me and accused me of spying on them which I politely denied and she sl@pped me and asked me to go and get a cold drink for her which I did. When I brou-ght it, By reflex, I poured it on her but I wasn’t sorry I did it and she sl@pped me but to her greatest surprise, I sl@pped her back twice and we got into another hvge fight and I ran off. And when I went to Vincent house that evening, he was nervous and panicking, asking me to leave his house, I knew he was up to something till a tall, pale skinned, red haired woman c@m£ out of the room”.

(Cas-sandra goes to meet a thvg)

Cas-sandra: Hey George.

George: What do you want?

Cas-sandra: I have a job for you (she brings out her phone and shows him a picture of Orora and Ted) You see these two?

George: Yeah I’ve seen them

Cas-sandra: Their names are Orora and Ted. I want you to trace and track them to wherever they go and once they’re in a deserted place or you can lure them to a deserted place, I want you and your boys to beat them up to the extent they’ll ba-rely be able to recognize each other.

George: Ok. But that’s gonna cost you

Cas-sandra: How much

George: I’m not taking anything less than $100.

Cas-sandra: Fine. Just do what you know how to do best!

(Unfortunately, Orora and Ted follow a dark alley that evening)

Orora: I’m scared Ted. We shouldn’t have followed here.

Ted: Well its the only shortcut to the house

Orora: Luckily there hasn’t been any crime in this alley

George: (from the shadows) Till now

Orora & Ted: Huh??!!

George: Get them!

(George and his boys ambush Orora and Ted and beat them up, But they focus their attention on Ted who they punch, sl@p and injure)

Ted: Ahhhhhh!!!

Orora: (while being held back by another thvg) Ted!!!… Let me go! Ted!!!

(The thvg holding Orora brings out a small knife from his pocket and slashes her across her face)

Orora: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Ted: (sees this) No! Orora!

George: (to his boys) That’s enough! Let’s go!

(The thvgs leave after beating and inflicting injuries on both of them)

Ted: (Looks at Orora’s bleeding face) Oh no!