Diamond in the rou-gh episode 32 & 33

💎Diamond In The rou-gh💎
💎Episode 32💎
I yawned and opened my eyes slightly but closed it back due to the lights,I opened it slowly and I turned my head to see Romeo slee-ping peacefully,how can one be so handsome in his sleep jeez
I tried to stand up but I couldn’t because I am caged in Rommy’s hands and legs,I smiled lightly and pushed my f!ngersin his hair fiddling with it
“Rommy”I called tapping hisl-ips
He gro-an ed and I laughed,this guy surely wants me to get to school late today
“Romeo,I nee-d to go prepare”
He sm-irked and pouted pla-yfully ti-ght£ñing his grip round me
“Dude”I yelled hitting him on the che-st but I was the one that got hurt in the process,his che-st is as ha-rd as a rock
I hissed and my eyes went to my tatted name on his che-st,I blu-shed and I ran my hands on it before I k!$$£d it
“You know r@p£ is a punishable offence by the law right?”he asked and I darted my eyes to his face,he still has his eyes closed
“Rommy,do you wanna be late today?”
“I don’t care,let’s skip school today”he whined with a pout still closing his eyes
“No,you find skipping school fun,I find it as truancy”
“Romeo open your eyes”
I reached for his eyes and tried to open his eye lids with my hand but he was closing it so ti-ght
“Romeo come on”
He smiled before he opened his eyes slowly,the way he opened it was like a rose flower blooming un-der the sun,he finally opened his eyes and he batted his eyelashes ra-pidly before he glued his gaze to my face
“Hey pumpkin”
I hissed and glared at him ma-king him to laugh
“You know,glaring doesn’t fit you”
“Yup…you look ugly when you glare”
“Whatever,look at the time”
I pointed to the giant love shaped wall clock and he shrugged
“Dude,its 6.20am”
“I ask again…so?”
“Let me go”I whined and he gave a babyish cry
“Lemme go”
“Not after you give me a good morning k!ssprincess”
I rolled my eyes and placed myl-ips on his but that was my worst mistake because he rolled me over,pinned me on the be-d devouring myl-ips like its some kind of food
“Romeo,this early”
“What?”he whispered k!ss!ngmy n£¢k to my collar bone
“Rommy come on”I whined pushing his head away from my n£¢k
“Are you really gonna do this to me?”
“We’re gonna be late”
“Who the hell cares about that”
“I do dumdum”
“plea-se..just a quic-kie plea-se…pretty plea-se”
I looked at him and I bur-sted into laughter,I can’t believe this guy,I can’t believe he’s on his knees with his hands clasped together,begging like a 2year old begging for candy
“Are you serious right now?”he asked with a glare and I laughed again,getting up from the be-d
“plea-se…just a quic-kie pretty plea-se”I mimicked him and I laughed again
“See what S-x has turned you to”I laughed again and he sat on the be-d with his arms crossed and a glare plastered on his face,I’m sure if he should catch me right now,it’ll take God’s miracle for me to escape
I stuck my ton-gue out to him and he looked away,is he mad at me right now?Well,who cares,it fun taunting and ma-king fun of him
“Awwwn my Romeo is mad at me”I said childishly
“Don’t worry tiger right now,I’ve got a kid to dress for school,and I’ve got stuff to do,calm down..I’m not going anywhere am I?No,all these…”i t©uçhed my bo-ob s and wiggled my bu-tt to him”all these are all yours so you’ll surely get more than a quic-kie from me but right now..its a no no”I said and he hissed falling back to the be-d
“I nee-d to go prepare okay,make sure you’ve taken your bathe before I come back or else..”I made a gun with my hand and I sh0t him with it,I c0cked my h!ps and made a pla-yful bow before I exited the room,I’m sure 7 would have clocked right now and its all because of Romeo
I went to Mitchell’s room and I climbe-d on his be-d,like father like son..what I’m I even saying,Mitch is not officially Romeo’s son right?
I t©uçhed his cute little nose and he shuddered before sneezing
“Wakey wakey sleepy head”i said running my hands un-der his foot-that’s his tickle sp©t
“Wake up”I increa-sed my tickling and he giggled out turning to the other side,
“Morning baby”
“Morning mama”
I picked him up from the be-d and made for the bathroom
I bathed for him and I dressed him up,Romeo wanted to change Mitch’s school but i didn’t allow it,he’s gonna change his school but not now,he has a lot of friends there and its gonna be ha-rd for him to adapt to his new school..He’s just 2yrs old you know
I brushed his hair and I applied gloss
I took him to the kitchen and I placed him on one of the chairs
I served him his sandwich and h0t coco-his favorite breakfast
“Hey buddy”I heard Romeo call and I turned from the sink to meet his eyes,they did some crazy handshake before Romeo sat down
I shook my head and I served Romeo his own best type of breakfast-beacon and eggs
“Mitch your mama did something to me today”Romeo said and I arched my brow
“What did mama do”
“I told her to give me something,but she didn’t give me..it made me sad”he feigned a sad face and Mitch awwwned sadly
“Mama..give ancle Romeo what he wants”
“Well,here’s the deal baby,I told him I’ll give him what he wants when the thing is re-ady but no,he wants it when it isn’t re-ady”I said with a glare
“Is it a must for it to be re-ady”Romeo asked
“Yeah..its a must”I said throu-gh gritted teeth
“Mitch,I told her its not a must of it to be re-ady,I’ll male it re-ady but not..your mama is too selfish..she even has it now”
“Now?..mama where is it?”
“It there”Romeo said pointing
“There..look there”
I trailed his hands to where he was pointing and…
“Romeo”I yelled picking up a spatular
“She wants to kill me”he yelled running away from the kitchen with me running after him with my spatular
Mitch watched as we ran round the living room and he couldn’t st©p laughing and giggling
I finally caught up with him and I gave him a sp@ñking of a lifetime,I dropped the spatular in the kitchen and I took the stairs
“Make sure you wash the dishes after you’re done with your food”I yelled as I walked up the spiral staircase
I got to the room and I went to the bathroom straight..I took my bathe and I dressed up
I walked out of the room and I went straight to the driveway
“Took you long enough”Romeo said and I rolled my eyes
I entered the car and he drove out of the compound,I re-moved my phone from my bag and I went to my call log,I stared at the unknown number that called me yesterday and I couldn’t st©p wondering who it could be..the person sounded as if she wanted to call me urgently but then the person cut the phone,who could it have been?I’ve been trying to call the number since but its always saying switched off
“Seriously,you won’t hold my hand just because of what happened this morning”
“You know you’re acting childish right?”
I hissed and I walked ahead of him,Romeo is such a character…I walked to clas-s and I went straight to my seat
“Hey girl”Bianca said as I sat down
“Hey B,watsup Crystal”
“What’s with you and Romeo,he has a mad expression on”Crystal said
“Well,Romeo he’s just acting childish”
“What happened between you two”Bianca asked and I explained to them
“Wow..Romeo and S-x”Bianca said
“I know right”
“But still,your b©yfri£ndasked for an early morning quic-kie,that’s like the best quic-kie ever and you declined?”Crystal asked
“Well,durr,we were alre-ady late”
“Who the hell cares about that”Bianca screamed
“Now you’re starting to sound like Romeo”
“He might be acting all fine but de-ep down,He’s mad”Crystal said
“Yeah..but he won’t show it,that’s Romeo for you…find a way to make it up to him”Bianca said
I didn’t think it’ll hurt his feelings that much,I glanced at him and I see he’s truly hurt,He’s pla-ying with his pen with a sad pout,he looks like a baby deprived of his favorite candy
I turned my gaze to Abby’s seat and I sighed,she’s laughing and giggling when I’m here?After what she did this morning?Gosh,I’m pissed off
“You look like you wanna murder someone”I heard Ken say beside me
“Are you okay”he asked in between chuckles and I hissed,I turned to face him and he has this unusual happy look,nigga is all happy now cos he k!$$£d his long time crush..idiotic human being
“I’m fine”
“Let me guess,she deprived you?”
“Yes..and I’m really pissed off”
He bur-sted into laughter and I scoffed,I knew that would be his reaction..I say again,idiotic human being
“pvzzyfreak”he tea-sed and I scoffed.
“I st©pped being that a long time ago..I’m now a committed b©yfri£nd”
“Indeed,when you were d@t!ngTania,you had more concubines than Solomon…dude,you still had flings now you’re saying you’ve changed?”
“Well,I can’t do that to Abby you know,she’s different”
“Shut up my friend,I’m sure you’ll still cheat on her,that stupid thing between your legs can’t be controlled”
“I think that statement belongs to you”
“Me?..naaaaah,i can’t promise of not cheating but believe me,I don’t wanna cheat on her but….there’s a possibility I’ll have flings”
“Idiotic human being”
“Whatever,no matter how many flings I have,it doesn’t change the fact that I love her and it doesn’t change the respect I have for her,look,from the very day I met Crystal this respect for her just grew in me,believe me”
“If you really respect her,you won’t have the motive of having flings dumdum,use your br@in”
“Whatever..I can’t wait for tonight”he squealed like a little girl and I hissed,such a dumdum
We had a lot of things to do at school,the board of directors visited today to enlighten us on what we should be expecting on the day of the competition,I’m always thinking…this isn’t the first time this competition is holding so why is there an orientation..maybe because of newbies like me,anyways we were taken to the venue the competition would take place and I’ve even forgotten the name of the place,its one big stadium just in the middle of Texas,its very far from school,like a 3hrs drive so due to that,no student except the team would come to school on the day of the competition,its just your house straight to the venue except those that wanna follow the bus
I saw the picture of that Franco guy today and…hmm,truth be told he’s hella handsome…I can see why he competes with Romeo,He’s almost as handsome as Rommy-i said almost-i’m still searching for the person that is as handsome or more handsome that my baby..I’ve not seen anyone
Romeo told me he wants to go visit mum so he went straight after he dropped Mitch and I home
Right now,I’m famished,I nee-d to eat
I got down from my car and I went into the CIA building..that’s where my pri-vate investigator works
“Get me Stone”I said to the receptionist who kept throwing s£dûçt!veglances at me…she looks disgusting whenever she does that
She put a call throu-gh Stone and he directed me to his office,I went to his office and he stood up as j entered
“Sir…I’m sorry for not s£nding…
“Its okay Stone..do you have it now?”I asked as I sat on one of his cushions
He pas-sed some do¢v-ments to me and I went throu-gh it
Jackson Salvador
Age 22
Occu-pation unknown
“This says he was living in New York until he disappeared for two years”
“Yes sir”
“And he c@m£ back three months ago..hmm”I ran my eyes round the do¢v-ment and I narrowed my eyebrows,something is fishy about his disappearance
“Any past relationsh!ps?”
“Um yes sir and I think this guy has something to do with ma’am Abigail”
“Yes sir,he once d@t£d her”
“Wait..his name is Jackson..could he be…
“Oh my God”I exclaimed
“Is everything okay sir”
If my guess is right,this is the Jackson guy that Madison once d@t£d and also the motherfv¢king bastard that leaked her nûd£s and now she’s seen with Tania and Tania is bad news..the only explanation for this is either that Jackson guys is teaming up with Tania or he’s d@t!ngTania
But there’s a high possibility of my first guess
“We nee-d to pay this guy a visit”
.💎Diamond In The rou-gh💎
💎Episode 33💎
“You don’t get it Tania,I killed her..I killed Clara”I yelled throwing anything my hands can reach away angrily
“Dude,you’ve got to calm down”
“I didn’t mean to kill her,I just picked the knife and stabbe-d her without knowing,i didn’t mean to”I said slumping on the sofa with my head bowed in regret
“There there Jackie,look…”she sat beside me and sighed”you didn’t mean to kill her but the deal is done,what has happened has happened,yeah you’ve killed her and so what?You didn’t like the girl in the first place so st©p acting all worked up,what matters now is that we’ve got to know if anyone say you dispose her because its ha-rd to tell”
“Shh..”she placed her index f!nger on myl-ips and she smiled se-ductively
“Don’t think about it,I’ve gat your back..right now,I nee-d you”she whispered s£dûçt!velyand she bit my ear-lobe,I gr@bb£d her by the as-s and I turned her to lie on the couch
“Make me forget about everything”I whispered huskily and she giggled before pu-lling me close by my collar and crashing herl-ips on mine,maybe,Tania is right,I shouldn’t be bothered
(Let’s start singing Jackson’s burial song..🎶ati gbe baba rele🎶💃🏼💃🏼)
I sat in front of my dressing mirror applying little t©uçh ups on my face,I sighed and I hvgged myself dreamingly,I can’t wait to hear what Ken has to say..I squealed and covered my face shyly,Ken will soon be here I guess
My phone dinged and I checked it
📱i’m outside of your house📱
I quic-kly brushed my straightened hair and I win-ked at my reflection in the mirror
I’m wearing a black long sleeved turtle n£¢k crop t©p and a high w@!st leather b©dy hvg mini Sk-irt…with white sneakers,I don’t wanna dress too formal and at the same time too casual so I chose this combination
I grinned before picking my white purse and exiting the room
“Oo ohh…looking good my dear”my mum said with wiggled brows and I smiled
“Thanks mum”
“Don’t keep the young man waiting..go go go and don’t forget,you’re giving me the full gist when you come back okay”she said and I nodded with a wi-nk..mum can be so dramatic sometimes
I walked out of the house and I smiled at Ken who was leaning on his car busy doing stuff on his phone,he’s wearing and black and white str!pped shi-t with black jeans and white sneakers and also a black bandana tied on his head
He looks so h0t
“Umm..”I cleared my throat and he looked up from his phone,his head st©pped mid way with his mouth hanging in the air,his eyes roamed round my b©dy and I tucked my hair behind my ear shyly
“I’m..um..I’m sorry but I’m uh…I’m here for Crystal”
I smiled and walked to him
“You’re staring at her dumdum”I said and he wi-de-ned his eyes
“Crystal?Oh my God..you..you look different”
“In a good or bad way”
“In a very good way,you look so..so alluring and beautiful..gorgeous is an un-derstatement”
“Well thank you,I must say you’re looking handsome yourself”
“Thanks…um,let’s get going”he opened the door for me and I went in the car,he got into the car and he drove off,I kept stealing glances at him and whenever he caught me,I always blus-h and look away
We got to our destination-a restaurant to be precised,he got down and opened the door for me,I stepped out of the car and he wra-pped his left hand round my w@!st as we walked into the fancy restaurant
“Mr.Anderson good evening sir”a man greeted an Ken smiled
“Our reservation plea-se”
“Oh yeah,right this way sir”he led us to our reservation and I kept admiring the place
“Isn’t this place like a rooft©p or something?”I asked
“Yeah it is”
He pu-ll-ed a chair for me to seat and I mouthed a thank you,the jazz band pla-ying in the background added to the ro-mantic scenery
“Yes plea-se”
I poured the wine into our respective glas-ses and we cheered
Our orders were brou-ght and Ken ti-pped the waiter
“Ken this is amazing”
“Yeah,like..I didn’t even know you could do all these”
“I guess I had it in me then”
“Yeah..don’t feel too good about yourself”I said with a pla-yful eye roll and he chuckled
I noticed Ken’s eyes was on me throu-ghout the time I was eating and I’m getting a little bit uncomfortable
“What is what?”
“Why are you staring at me like that?”
“I don’t know…I just find my eyes glued to your beautiful face”
“Oh really”
I placed my elbows on the table with my f!ngersintertwined un-der my chin
“Yeah..you know what?”
“I don’t even know where to start but..I think I’ll start like this..um Crystal,I really like you..like..like like you,I started liking you the very day you spilled h0t cocoa on me in 10th grade and I actually bullied you just so I could get close to you,well,it worked I got close to you and you annoy me a lot which I liked,I loved how you get angry anytime I tease you and also,I loved ma-king fun of you because it made me like you more,I was so obsessed that I made sure I threatened any guy that has a crush or is ma-king advances towards you..that’s why most guys fear you and that’s because of me,I really wanted to tell you how I felt but I couldn’t and when we graduated from highschool and you left for about 1 year,I really missed you..i st©pped all my bad boy ways because of you..I thought calling and texting would work but it didn’t,I yearned for you..slee-ping with other girls didn’t work,it was like I was glued to you especially that day after we both got drun!kand we had um..S-x,you thought it was just a normal S-x but to me it was more,I took your vir-ginity for God’s sake its not just normal…I wanted to make it up to you but I didn’t know how to,so when you c@m£ back and resumed at our school I was overwhelmed with joy,I was so happy you were back
And as usual,we fight a lot but that made me drawn to you more,it got to a point where i thought my feelings were to a waste because you didn’t show any affection towards me…it was like you hated me,because you know..I always find every minute to annoy and taunt you so I actually gave up…maybe being best friends with you so I went back to my,previous life,I went back to being a pla-yboy but to my disappointment it didn’t work
And when you began to give me attitude,when you began to shut me out,I thought,does she hate me that much?Believe me I was more than depressed,I drank myself to stupor that very day I c@m£ to school with a bad vibe,because it was so ha-rd for me,when I pu-ll-ed you into the janitor’s closet,my very motive was to slam your back on the wall and k!ssthe hell out of you not minding your reaction but when you said you were looking for me because of how I was,I had this slight hope that maybe you feel something for me too so I had to k!ssyou…I’m sorry if that made you angry but I just want you to see that I’m not a j£rk,I’m not,I’ve been acting like a j£rk so I could get close to you…I didn’t mean to bully you and I’m not some bad boy,yeah I was but I’ve changed,I changed because of you..if only you can let me prove it..plea-se Crystal..let me prove myself to you”
The fork I was holding fell from my hands and u gulped,I was sweating from beneath,I feel like pu-lling off my clothes right now,He’s whole confession right now is ma-king me feel something how,I’m excited,shocked,surprised,super happy and the same time,what I’m I even supposed to say..okay Crystal calm down…take de-ep breaths and tell him how you feel
I picked a bottle water and I gulped down the whole content..I can’t believe I drank all that
“Um..”I started”Ken…I um..”I cleared my throat and I sighed..why is this so ha-rd “um Ken I don’t hate you..its just you did something that uh…that made me dislike you”
“What did I do..whatever I did I’m sorry,I didn’t mean to
“Its okay Ken..”
“I’m sorry..what did I do”
“Okay..after our night graduation p@rty,we both got drun!kand we ended up having S-x and like you said you took my V card,I don’t regret it actually but..exactly the night of the second day,I decided to tell you how I felt,I also liked you and I was just bottling it up so I wanted to tell you once and for all because I knew I would be traveling soon..
So I went to your house and um..unfortunately for me,you were having S-x with another girl,I think her name is Martha,the girl that you were d@t!ngat that time..what I witnessed hurt me so much that I cried all night…the very time I wanna pour out my feelings you were having fun with another chic,it made it seem as if the thing we shared was nothing..I felt betrayed and heartbroken so I had to travel that same night..I didn’t want to come back but,I did because I thought..who cares if Ken doesn’t like me?I’m gonna go back and show him that I’m not to be toyed with but as usual,your charms blinded me and I ended up falling for you again,I told Bianca and Abby and they advised me not to give in to your annoyance anymore,it will only make me fall more…they said if you truly liked me you would confront me and of course it worked”
“Crystal..I’m..I don’t”he wiped his face and I [email protected] he crying?Ken is crying
He c@m£ to my seat and he fell on his knees
“Ken..what the hell?Stand up”I screamed
He held my two hands and he looked up to my face..he’s really crying…oh God this is unbelievable
“I’m sorry..I’m really sorry,I didn’t know,if I knew I would have come to you and apologized,Crystal I didn’t mean to break you I swear on my life,it just that after that night you said the S-x was nothing so..so I felt bad and angry and that prompted me into slee-ping with Martha,if I knew it would break you or…or make you sad believe me I won’t have done that,I’m a j£rk I know that okay..just..just give me a chance,I know I can make things right..just forgive me…I’m really sorry”
I pu-ll-ed him up and I hvgged him,even i alre-ady have tears in my eyes
“I’m sorry”he said with his face buried in my n£¢k and I sniffed
“Its okay,I’m not mad at you,you didn’t know..don’t blame yourself”
“I’m really sorry”he said trying to stifle his tears
I pu-ll-ed out of the hvg and I cleaned his face with my hands
“Look,it seems our problem is misun-derstanding..we misun-derstood ourselves and it brou-ght problems..turns out the both of us were just doing this all because of feelings and to me you’re not a j£rk..you’re an handsome j£rk”I said and he smiled,good..I made him smile
“I can’t believe I cried”he said pu-lling me close with my w@!st
“Yeah..feels good to see you cry”
He glared at me and I smiled wra-pping my hands round his n£¢k
“Yeah”I looked up to meet his eyes and he smiled
“I love you”he said and I look myl-ips in blu-shing like crazy
“I..I love you too”
It took me a lot of self control not to scream out,he smiled and he leaned forward,his eyes on myl-ips,he placed hisl-ips on mine and he captured it in a k!ss,I k!$$£d him back and he smiled in between k!sses
I got the guy people…I got the guy
“Oh..fv¢k..mmm”he m0@n ed as I rode him to heaven,threw my head back as I bounced on his di-ck,my bo-ob s bounced as I bounced and he took one of em into his mouth su-cking on it
“Oh God”m0@n ed out as I moved back and forth,my eyes almost rolled out of its socket due to the amount of plea-sure..he gr@bb£d my as-s and he pushed himself dee-per into me ma-king me to gr-unt,my pace reduced and he took myl-ips in his..giving my as-s soft squee-zes
I broke the k!ssand I bit myl-ips throwing my head back and I felt a warm liquid splash into me,I got off him and coll@psed beside him,that was out of this world
He pu-ll-ed me closer to himself with my bu-tt tou-ching his groin.
I’m really tired and the idiot was lying down enjoying himself while I did all the work,I feel like I nee-d a year’s sleep right now,he even ¢v-med inside me..gosh
“You okay?”he asked when he noticed I was quiet
“I wanna sleep”I whined
“I’m sorry,I made you work a little bit”he k!$$£d my shoulders
“A little bit?I rode for like an hour”I silently screamed and he laughed
“Now you know how tiring it is”
I sighed and I turned to face him
“You know you re-leased inside me right?”
“I’m not on drugs you know”
“What’s wrong in you having a baby for me”he asked with a sm-irk
“Nothing but..I still have a lot ahead you know..and a baby isn’t what I should be thinking of”
“Whatever,you’ll use some tomorrow”
“Its alre-ady tomorrow dummy”
“Its gonna be like..1am or something right now”
He glanced at the wall clock and he fli-cked his ton-gue
“Its 20mins past one”
“Wow..from like..11.30pm”
“I wanna sleep..good morning”I said and he chuckled
“Good morning”
I opened my eyes and I gro-an ed at what I was cudd-ling,it isn’t the normal warm and ha-rd b©dy and I’m not even perceiving the perfect sweet fragrance,I opened my eyes and I smiled,I’m hvgging my Teddy
“Good morning”it said and I chuckled..Rommy must have replaced himself with it,I pla-yed with the nose of the teddy and I giggled like a kid
I got up from the be-d and I went to my closet,I wore a bu-m short and one of his shi-t
I walked downstairs and I heard chattering from the kitchen,I walked to the kitchen and I rested on the doorframe smiling at my boys who were talking about something I don’t know
“So…Natty said her mama is gonna bring her baby brother soon”Mitch said
“Hmmm”Romeo hummed
“Yup…she said that her mama has her baby brother in her tummy and she’s gonna bring him soon”
“Wow..amazing right?”
“Yes,when is my baby brother gonna be in mama’s tummy?”Mitch asked and Romeo paused before he chuckled
“You want a baby brother?”
“How about a baby sister”
“Yes I want a baby sister”he squealed and Romeo laughed
“Well,your mama and I will work on that”Romeo said and I raised my eye brows…is this guy okay
“Speaking of your mama..”he turned and win-ked at me”good morning sunshine”
“Morning”I said walking to them
“Mama good morning”
“Morning baby”I pe-cked him on the forehead
“Mama..ancle Romeo said you’ll gimmie a baby sister”
“Um…that’s not a promise”
“But I want one”he whined and I laughed
“Actually,you’ll get a baby sister but not soon..you’ll surely have one but not now okay”I said and he nodded sadly
“This is all your fault..why the hell will you tell him that”I whisper yelled at Romeo and he shrugged
“Idiot”I spat and he win-ked
Romeo has gone out again…I have a feeling he’s hiding something from me,He’s been gone for almost two hours now and I’m missing him,I’ll surely ask him what he’s been up to but on a second thought,I don’t want to be nosy,I know my Romeo can’t cheat on me,maybe he’s doing some work or something..and maybe he’s just at Ken’s place
Even if he’s doing something and he doesn’t tell.me that’s enough for me to know that I don’t nee-d to know about it
I was coming out from the club when I felt something hit me ha-rd on the head ma-king me to go unconscious
I gro-an ed and I opened my eyes,I feel this ban-ging headache what happened,I looked around and I found myself chained to a chair,even my mouth was tapped
I looked round in fear and I trembled,how did I get here?the only thing I remembered is me being hit
When did I come here,there was no light in the room I was locked in except for a little light emanating from the little window
I heard a door creak open fear gr!pp£dme,foot steps c@m£ towards me and my breathing has become harsh due to the fear in me right now
The footsteps bec@m£ louder and harsher,the person finally st©pped at my front and bent to my height placing his\her hands at the arm of the chair I was chained to
The person was wearing a mask so I couldn’t see the face of the person,the person chuckled and shook his head,he reached for his mask and he pu-ll-ed it off
My eyes wi-de-ned and he grinned
“Hello Jason…I have a deal with you”he said and I started trembling,how is he here,how did he find me…what the hell is happening