Dear sunshine episode 21 & 22

Episode 21

( Troubled Hearts )


They finally got to Jessica’s house,,she dropped from the car but was surprised when Tyler followed her.

” Is mom in??” Tyler asked and she made a “seriously?” Look

” I don’t know,, why?” She asked

” What’s your own with that?? ” he snapped and lead the way,Jessica immediately ran forward blocking the way

” Hey Mister,, the last time I checked. This is my house not yours ” She said

” So??”

” I remember you telling that over and over when I sle-pt over at your house ” Jessica said and Tyler bite hisl-ips looking elsewhere

Jessica immediately turned and g@sped seeing her mom,,

” You,,sle-pt off at his house? ” Mrs Claire asked and Tyler faced Jessica to hear her excuse

” Actually mom,,,it was,,,it’s not what you are thinking,,, ” She muttered

” What am I suppose to think right now?? You told me you were with Erica ” Mrs Claire said and Jessica sighed

Tyler immediately gr-ab Jessica’s hand and pu-ll-ed her closer,,,

” She lied just because she doesn’t want you to worry,,,, nothing happened ” Tyler said and Mrs Claire raised her brow

” You two should come in ” She said and entered

Jessica breath out ha-rd ly and Tyler chuckled

” That’s not funny ” Jessica frowned

” I just saved your as-s,,I deserve a simple thank you ” Tyler said

” Don’t mention my as-s in this,,it’s annoying ” She snapped

” Yea,,you have an annoying as-s ” Tyler said and went in

” What?? ” she frowned and followed him

She ran upstairs to get re-ady,
” so,,where are you two enemies going this time??” Mrs Claire asked sarcastically

” Oh,,,,actually we are friends now ” Tyler smiled
” Really??? Good to know,, ” she chuckled
” We are studying together from now,, she’s my p@rtner for the year ” Tyler said and she nodded

” I see,,,” She said and walked out of the living room,,
” Hey,,am done ” Jessica said running downstairs
Tyler got up,,
” No goodbye? ” Mrs Claire asked moving toward them

( Troubled Hearts )

CHAPTER 21(cont’d)

” Bye mom ” Jessica said with a short smile
” Have this,,, I hope you enjoy it ” She said handing over a pack to Tyler which he took immediately and checked
” Wow,, thanks mother. I will eat this happily ” He smiled

” What about me?? Am starving too ” Jessica said
” I don’t un-derstand,, ” Mrs Claire rolled her eyes and walked away

” Someone is jealous ” Tyler chuckled
” Shut up ” She snapped and stormed out while Tyler keep on laughing.

” Are you driving or not?? ” she asked with a frown
” You can drive and get us killed ” Tyler replied and she laughed

” That’s not funny,am not that bad ” She said

They both got into the car and drove off,,,,


” It’s Jessica!!!!! ” Miranda shouted running into Jessica’s arms
” Miranda ” Jessica called with a bright smile and lifted her up

” I’ve missed you so much,, why don’t you come here more often?? ” she asked with a pout and Jessica chuckled

” Am sorry about that ” Jessica said
” I am here ” Tyler cleared his throat

” I know ” Miranda replied and Jessica laughed walking dee-per into the house

” Mother ” Jessica called Mrs James who was busy with the maid

” Oh,, Jessica,, come on ” she immediately opened her arm,,Jessica moved in and hvgged her

” You are here with Tyler? ” she asked and Jessica nodded

” Hi mom,,,” Tyler c@m£ in and k!$$£d her cheek
” hey son ” Mrs James smiled Innocently

” You should find something for her to eat,she’s probably starving ” Tyler said to the maid pointing at Jessica and Jessica Hit him pla-yfully

” Okay sir ” the maid replied

” It’s good to have you here Jessica” Mrs James said

” She nee-d to come with me,, we have things to do ” Tyler said dragging her out

” Gosh,,can’t I walk on my own for once ??” Jessica gro-an ed and he re-leased her

” I’ve never seen you dragging Cat this way,,it’s annoying ” Jessica added and he frowned

” Don’t ever bring her thi

( Troubled Hearts )

CHAPTER 21(cont’d)

” Don’t ever bring her up again ” he said
” Fine” she scoffed as they entered his room

” oh lord ” Jessica gro-an ed and coll@psed on the be-d
” Hey,,you are going to break it ”
” Then you buy another one,,” Jessica smiled

” Really?? ”
” Yeah,,,”

Tyler opened his closet and brou-ght out some clothes before going into the inner room,,,,he c@m£ out after few minutes.

” You took your bath ” Jessica said and he nodded
Jessica nodded
” Am h0t right?? ” He tea-sed
Jessica gro-an ed and rolled her eyes

” Must you always ask this annoying question??!!! ” she yelled and he chuckled before taking out the cu-pcakes

He took a bite and hummed ,,,

” Wow,,this is amazing ” He said
” Can I have one??” Jessica asked with her puppy face

” Nope,,this is for me alone ” Tyler said and moved away from her
” Stingy head ” She said

” I know ” Tyler replied

Just then a knock c@m£ up,,,

” Come in,, ”

The maid entered with the food,,,

” Thanks,,, ” Jessica said taking the cutleries

The maid bowed and went out,,Tyler moved closer to her

” Can I have a bite of the chicken?? ” he asked and Jessica bur-st into laughter

” No you can’t,, this is mine alone ” She said and Tyler smiled watching her eating.

Just seeing her smile means everything to him,,,he was so lost staring at her.

” Am full ” She muttered and took the orange jui-ce,, she gulped down half of it and faced Tyler.

” Is there something on my face?? ” She asked and he shook his head with a smile

He alerted the maid and in a minute she was in,,she packed the dishes away.

” Let’s start,, or it’s gonna get late ” Jessica said

” we can Start now,,on one condition ” Tyler chuckled

” Which is?? ”

” Let me k!ssyou ” he whispered into her ear and she froze before smiling

” On a condition too ” She said

” What is it??” Tyler asked

” Tell me,do you like me??” She asked with a sm-irk.

” I,,,don’t know. But I thi
21 D


( Troubled Hearts )

Chapter 21(cont’d)

” I,,,don’t know. But I think am going crazy because of you,,I find myself staring at you all day,getting mad when I see other guys with you,, I just want to be the only guy around you, I even got jealous and hit my best friend because of you. So,,,,you should answer the question,, do I like you??” He asked

” No you don’t ” Jessica replied sarcastically with a smile

” I think you are right,,,isn’t that more than like???” He muttered and immediately k!$$£d her without giving her a chance to say anything else,smashing hisl-ips against hers gently. She immediately responded to the k!sspu-lling him closer with her hands around his n£¢k.

He carried her and la-id her on the be-d still not breaking the k!ss,,

He smiled into the k!ssma-king it a little bit rou-gh and dee-per by f0rç£fully opening her mouth with his ton-gue,, different emotions race down her mind,that feeling she never felt before,not even when she gave her first k!ssto Andy,it felt so different with him.

He continue pu-lling her closer even though it seems impossible since there was no open space between them,,one of his hand c@r£ss!ngher cheek while the other one moving round her w@!st gently,,Jessica’s hand went up from his n£¢k down to his hair.

A soft m0@n escape hisl-ips,, Jessica who was running out of breath pu-ll-ed away from the k!ssto catch her breath. He smiled and rest his forehead on hers with his eyes not leaving hers for once. He stared into her eyes and she also stared back,,

He then reconnected theirl-ips,this time more rou-gher and hungrier. He bites herl-ips and she immediately gave him access to it,,soft m0@n s filled the room,she run her hands throu-gh his curly brown hair and pu-ll-ed him even closer.

Tyler m0@n s in plea-sure as his hand travel to the ti-p of her shi-t,,and then her th!gh,his hands feel so warm on her b©dy.

He finally re-leased herl-ips which was alre-ady swollen and k!$$£d her
He finally re-leased herl-ips which was alre-ady swollen and k!$$£d her n£¢k gently which made her m0@n on gently,,,

After a while he st©pped and and then stares at her,,,their eyes not leaving each other like it was some sort of competition



(💗Tyler & Jessica💗)

Chapter 22

” You’ve been smiling ever since you got home,,what happened?? ” Mrs James asked Tyler

” I got her,,finally ” he replied without thinking

” Finally got who?”

” Oh,,,I mean.,,,,,”

” Jessica?? ” Mrs James asked

” Well,,yeah. We are kind of,,,, couples now. Don’t tell dad ,,am not re-ady for his talk ” Tyler said before going upstairs and She chuckled.

” Wow,, tell me more ” Jessica’s mom said as she listen to her daughter’s story

” Mom!!! That’s all,,we only spent few minutes together ” Jessica said

” What?? Just that?? ” Mrs Claire asked

” Yeah,, just that ” Jessica snapped

She can’t possibly tell her mom about all the k!sses and tou-ching right? What teenage girl in her right s-en-se will tell her mom that?? Even though she knew her mom wouldn’t scold her, she will only ask her to be careful.

But right now,, she feels like she don’t want to be Careful with Tyler. Everything feels too great,,she’s really wh!pped alre-ady.

” Anyone home? ” a voice called

” Dad!!! ” Jessica ran out of the kitchen to welcome him

” Oh baby ” Mr Claire smiled and hvgged her

” Welcome dad” she said

” Thanks,,I guess am so early today. You are not asleep ” He joked

” Yeah, really early. What happened?? ” Mrs Claire asked also coming out

” I will be going on a trip tomorrow morning,,, so I have to prepare ” He replied and Jessica scoffed,,that’s it,business, business, business,,trip ,trip,trip. Her father rarely stays at home

” You didn’t tell me about this” Mrs Claire said with a frown

” I wasn’t informed until today honey,, am sorry ” He said and pe-ck herl-ips

Jessica cleared her throat before walking away,,

” Okay fine,,you can go freshen up. After dinner,we will pack your stuffs together ” Mrs Claire said

” I love you ” He muttered before going upstairs

” I love you too ”


” I guess am early today,,” Jessica murmured as she entered the clas-s,,just two students in

She sat down,,

” Hi Jessica ” The two students waved at her

” Yeah hi” She replied not surprised,, seems everyone is her friend now. But she doesn’t really like attention, yeah she’s not like Cat.

Like some charms,,all the students c@m£ in at the same time.

” Hey Bess,,” Jane and Erica said at the same time

” Morning ” She replied with a smile

Almost immediately Mr Huston c@m£ in,,,only Tyler and his friends are abs£nt.

” Morning Mr Huston ” The clas-s chorused

” Oh,,good thing those troublemakers are abs£nt ” He said

” Hope you aren’t referring to us ” A tiny voice which sounds de-ep at the same time asked. Of course, it’s nob©dy else than Frank. The clas-s laughed with the way Mr Huston reacted like he was shocked

” I guess not,,, ” Frank smiled

” Morning Mr Huston ” They all said and went to their various seats

Mr Huston sighed before starting again,,

” So,,,,what have you guys learnt so far?? From your p@rtners”

” Excuse me sir,,, can I plea-se change my p@rtner?? He’s useless ” Erica said raising her hand and the whole clas-s g@sped

Frank faced her with a surprise face

” I know so,,,” Mr Huston said

” Am not useless,, don’t say that again ” Frank said

” Am not joking,, we’ve not even,,,,”

” Just find yourself another p@rtner,, not like I care ” Frank snapped angrily

” Okay ,,that’s enough ” The teacher st©pped them

” So,,who will like to change p@rtners with Erica?? ” the teacher asked

” Me!!”

” I! I don’t have one! ” a girl shouted
” I am your p@rtner alre-ady ” The guy beside her said and she hissed which caused a loud laughter, some girls are really dramatic.

” Mr Huston me,,I don’t mind if I do it all alone,,just make me his p@rtner ” Another girl pleaded

Erica scoffed,,,

” Frank,, you can

Frank,, you can just make your choice ” Mr Huston said

” I’m not interested ” Frank muttered and walked out of the clas-s.

” Sunshine,Sunshine ” Tyler who doesn’t seem to care about what’s happening keep on whispering to Jessica

” Now what ” Jessica asked and faced him

” You look beautiful ” He muttered

” You’ve said that earlier ”

” Really?? When??” He asked

” Just now ” Jessica sm-irked and he scoffed

” That’s not funny,,” He said

” I didn’t laugh ”

” Jessica, Tyler,, you two get up. ” The teacher suddenly said

” Wow!!!” The clas-s chorused

” Why are you two chatting in my clas-s?? ” the teacher asked

” Is there a rule that we shouldn’t chat?? Not like you’re teaching alre-ady ” Tyler replied and Jessica almost laughed

” Still that doesn’t answer my question,, why are you talking in my clas-s??”

” We are sorry Mr Huston,, it won’t happen again ” Jessica said and Tyler scoffed

” It’s going to happen again ” He murmured

” I know ” Jessica snapped

” okay ” Tyler smiled

” Sit down and better don’t let it repeat itself ” Mr Huston said

” Acting tough now” Jessica murmured un-der her breath

The clas-s continued after that,,,with Jessica concentrating and Tyler staring at her face.

” Tyler,, am not running away,can you face Mr Huston?? ” Jessica whispered

” He’s ugly ” Tyler whispered back


Erica breath out sadly as she walked toward her locker,,she haven’t seen Frank since he left the clas-s and she suddenly felt guilty, why will she call him useless??

Just then she heard some m0@n s close to her,,she looked up and saw two students ma-king out just in front of her, she almost ignored them but it appeared to be Frank and a girl.

She never believe it’s going to hurt that much until she felt the liquid dropping from her eyes,,,

She moved toward her locker and carried her