Cold and blank Episode 14

(Perfect as-sas-sin)
Chapter 14
Crystal walked around the office cracking her br@in and thinking on how to fake her death.
Asher had come up with some ideas but Crystal saw it as foolish.
“I have an excellent idea” Crystal said and smiled wickedly. Asher looked at her and smiled back, he knew whatever Crystal said was going to work.
“So guys we were able to get the secret code. All that’s left now…” Xander said buts get interrupted by Kate.
“You said you nee-ded a female and none of the females agreed to follow you so which female….”
“A very pretty and able female” Xander said and Kate smiled knowing he was referring to Crystal.
The head of the dep@rtment walked in the office and gave Xander an angry glare.
“Good morning to you too sir” Xander greeted not knowing why he was angry.
“Agent Xander plea-se have your seat” He said and Xander went to his seat.
“About the case of the as-sas-sin” He started with and Kate becomes nervous.
“Agent Xander, it seems something has been distracting you lately that’s why your mind has not been on the case of the as-sas-sin lately. That’s why Agent Max has been able to give us a clue to finding out who the as-sas-sin is, Agent Max plea-se come in….” He said and a man walked in.
Xander looked at him and smiled, his smile made Max mad but he hid it with a fake smile.
Xander and Max are both colleagues in the same f0rç£ School, Xander had always been the best and that made Max jealous, his jealousy turned to hatred. When Xander graduated has the best Agent in Los Angeles, Max hatred de-epened and he vowed to do things Xander couldn’t do.
“Agent Max plea-se show us what you’ve found out” Xander said and he cleared his throat and asked the technician to connect his l@pt©p to the projector.
“Well as we all know, the as-sas-sin has never murdered a female”
“We all know that” Xander interrupted.
“Yes I know, and there’s always a Crystal on the dead’s person b©dy”
“We know that too” Xander interrupted again, everyone laughed silently.
“YES I KNOW, but what you guys haven’t noticed is this….”
Different female bodies with the same b©dy attributes but no head or eyes were shown on the screen.
Kate nervousness began to increase.
“You said the as-sas-sin has never murdered a woman but what of all this women that were killed alongside. Are they not human being too” Max said and looked at Xander
“Well, ill give you the answer to that, that’s because those females were dead before they were actually mutilated, after they un-dergoed different tests, it was found out that they are died days before the as-sas-sin striked and their death were either by poisoning, strangling or choking not by mutilation ” Max said and continued.
“Shocked right??, I was too. Now if this females were dead before the as-sas-sination. Who is the mysterious lady that follows the as-sas-sin’s victim to the h0tels or clubs and why does the all the females have the same b©dy features with the lady that follows them. I’ll solve it for you” He said and cli-cked something on his l@pt©p. A female’s b©dy but no face appeared on the screen, the b©dy really seemed familiar to Xander but his mind was drifted away to remember anything. Her n-ked b©dy was what his head kept on pla-ying.
Kate looked at Xander to see if he was concentrating, she smiled when she realized his mind was far away from whatever stupid Max was saying.
“Our Clue is whoever our as-sas-sin is might be a female with this type of b©dy, a very perfect structured b©dy any man would die for.
If the as-sas-sin is not a female then whoever is working with the as-sas-sin must be a female that lures the victims to their death. A female with good s£dûç!ng powers” Max said and Kate lets out a loud cough, she was near the technician, she kept on coughing ha-rd , her seat p@rtner gave her a paper cu-p of water, she pretended it sli-pped from her hand and poured on the socket ma-king everything go blank as sparks of fires c@m£ out of the socket.
“Am sorry” Kate apologized, Max sh0t her a suspicious glare. Kate knew he was trouble for them.
The screen had went off and the l@pt©p’s plug had been disconnected.
Stella sat down waiting for Xander’s father to walk down so they could talk.
“Stella my daughter in law what brings you here” He said as he walked down.
“I nee-d your help” She said and he smiled.
“Again, you only come here when you nee-d my help, so what’s the problem this time around. Do you want me to help you kill someone again or do you nee-d Papa’s d!¢k as usual”
“I nee-d three things, Firstly I nee-d your help to kill someone, secondly I nee-d some cash and thirdly I nee-d you to help me beg Xander”
“Oh oh oh, has he caught you fv¢king another man again”
“Again??, what do you mean by again”
“You know my son and I are close, thanks to the death of my sweet wife. Oh how I miss her”
“Shut up old man, you killed her”
“Yes but remember you did the finishing job after she asked Xander to marry you”
“Well that’s not what I asked, do you mean Xander knew I was cheating on him before”
“He sure did, he tells me that he wants to divorce but I say I don’t believe you cheated, I say I’ll only believe if he brou-ght evidence”
“He alre-ady does and now he’s going to call me to court and this time nothing can save me. We’ll get divorced this time around”
“That won’t happen, I’ll think of something”
“Better do because if Xander divorces me you’re also going down with me” She threatened and walked away.
………….. ……..
Crystal comes down from the cab and walks inside Jimmy’s house. She drops her ID CARD outside the house and walks in.
Nob©dy was inside but the doctor wasn’t locked.
She brings out a fake bomb from her bag and drops it on a table. Bombs were like fire crackers to Crystal, both fake and real. She sets the timer and sits down near the bomb, her phone rings.
“Speak” She ordered.
“Crystal you have to st©p whatever you’re doing now and come to the headquarters, there’s an emergency. A serious one” Asher said.
The voice Asher used was really serious, she sighed and st©pped the fake bomb then di-pped it back in her back and headed out, she bu-mps into Jimmy.
“You back??” He asked.
“Yeah but am going again, but I’ll soon be back” She said and left.
Jimmy looked down and saw her ID CARD, he picked it up but she had gone alre-ady.
“What’s the emergency, better be something serious” Crystal said and Kate walked in the office.
She explained everything that happened in the police headquarters to Crystal.
“Is that all” Crystal asked and Kate nodded.
“There’s no way Agent Max or Mac can know all this information about me without someb©dy helping him”
“What are you talking about Crystal” Asher asked.
“What I mean is we have a spy in here, there’s a rat here. The same way Kate is giving us information from the FBI. Someone here is also giving Agent Mac information and I’ll find out that person” She said and walked out of the boss’s office. She looked around, some people were busy with their phones while some were busy with their computers.
“WE HAVE A SPY HERE” Crystal yelled.
Everyone st©pped what they were doing and looked at Crystal. Crystal examined everyone faces then walked to a lady.
“Give me your phone” She said.
“Why, I am not a spy” The lady replied, Crystal got mad and sl@pped her so ha-rd arel-ips to-re and bled.
“I said give me your phone”
Crystal t©uçhed herl-ips and wiped the blood away.
“Have only t©uçhed you a little and you are bleeding, what if I start hitting you. You are too beautiful to bleed out you know” Crystal said and she quic-kly gave Crystal her phone.
“Good girl” Crystal said and throws the phone at a lady sneaking out of the headquarters.
“Where do you think you are going…. Sophie” Crystal said and walked to her. She pu-ll-ed her up and sl@pped her.
“How dare you, do you know the trouble you’ve put yourself in” Crystal yelled and sl@pped her.
“Like I care” She replied holding her bruised cheek.
“You think you are perfect, you met us in this business and decided to overtake us. Suddenly Crystal becomes the perfect as-sas-sin and Sophie becomes just sophie.
Have killed more than you but nob©dy sees that, you start controlling everyone including the boss. Am older than you with 5 good years, even older than your fv¢king bestfriend but you have no respect for me. You wanna instill fear in us because you’re the boss’s favorite. I don’t like you Crystal. I really wished you died. There’s nothing you can do now, I did not only give Agent Max a clue. I just s£nt him your ph0to. In the next 30 minutes. His phone would vibr@te and he would see your picture. Let’s see how you save yourself from this” Sophie said and laughed maniacally.
Crystal drove speedily to the police headquarters, Sophie was in the boot of the car all tied up and sed@t£d with a heavy dose. It’ll take hours before she wakes up
“Crystal plea-se calm down and probably slow down ” Kate said and earned an angry glare from Crystal.
“You wanna get the fv¢k out of the car”
“No speed up, speed up” Kate said and tucked in. She knew how worried Crystal was.
Crystal had always hated betrayals! betrayed by her mother’s wo-mb for bringing her to this wicked world, betrayed by someone she loved, betrayed by someone she trusted, betrayed by her own wo-mb for not being able to have kids again.
“WHYYY” Crystal yelled hitting the steering wheels of the car.
She pu-lls up when she reaches the headquarters.
“How many minutes do we have more Kate”
“16 more minutes”
“Cool there’s still a lot of time” Crystal said trying to give herself some boost.
She walked out of the car and Kate puts a cuff on her hands.
“Are you re-ady Crystal you sure you wanna do this”
“Yes” Crystal said and smiled then frowned immediately.
“The meeting would be over in the next 2 minutes. Everyone would be out of the meeting”
“Including Xander”
“Yeah including Xander” Kate said and saw the worried face on Crystal, she didn’t deserve all this.
Kate pu-ll-ed Crystal inside with handcuffs while Crystal pretends to be drun!k.
“Get in and woman don’t be stubborn, next time you would think twice before drinking and driving someone’s else car” Kate said and pu-ll-ed Crystal down to a sit.
“But the law says don’t drink and drive, they didn’t say don’t drink and drive another person’s car” Crystal said in a drun!ken manner. The policemen in the station kept on looking at Crystal’s th!ghs.
Agent Max was the first to come out of the meeting and just like every other men he was attra-cted to Crystal and his legs carried him to her.
“What’s her offense”
“None of your business Agent Max, you’re an Agent not a policeman” Kate replied. She hated Max more each minute.
Max glared at her and faced Crystal smiling at her.
“Your offense should be looking so Goddess like in this earth” Max said sma-cking hisl-ips lvstfully.
“I know right” Crystal said and stood up l!çk!ng herl-ips se-ductively.
“Sit down woman” Kate ordered.
“Kate don’t be a nas-ty woman. Whatever her offense is she doesn’t deserves to be in cuffs. re-move the cuffs now” He ordered, Kate sighed but smiled in her heart, Crystal plan was actually working.
“Fine” Kate said and re-moved the cuffs.
“Thanks” Crystal said and re-moved the gum in her point taping it on Kate’s forehead.
“That’s your reward” Crystal said to Kate. Kate sighed and walked away.
“So you want us to leave here or what” Crystal said tou-ching his che-st and clinging closer to him.
“We could have a quic-kie but that’s a waste of your heavenly b©dy. I’ll marry you so I can have you every day” Max said and Crystal chuckled.
“Doesn’t this station has a toilet” Crystal asked.
“Sure wanna use it”
“Yep” Crystal said and t©uçhed his d!¢k, he was so lost in her heavenly t©uçh that he didn’t realize when Crystal sli-pped her hand in his pocket and brou-ght out his phone then handed it to Kate who was standing at the back. She re-moved her hand from his d!¢k and moved back.
“I’ll be using the toilet now” She said and turned back but Max pu-ll-ed her back and dragged her close to him. His grip on her was so ti-ght.
“Finish what you started woman” Max said.
“I don’t wanna” Crystal cried.
“What’s going on here” Xander said and walked in.
“None of your business dude” Max said
“I think it’s my business. Loretta what’s going on here, what are you doing here ” Xander said and pu-ll-ed her away from Max.
“She was drinking and driving” Kate said.
“Seriously Loretta, why were you drinking”
“None of your business” Max sh0t at him.
“Interrupt me when am talking to her again and I’ll make sure you are not able to talk again” Xander threatened and Max got the message. He moved away from Crystal immediately and Xander pu-ll-ed her to him, he was so danm possessive and p@rt of Crystal liked it
“Seriously I don’t know why you were drinking and whose car is that”
“I don’t know, now plea-se st©p pu-lling me ” Crystal begged.
“You know I won’t, you might be stubborn but I am more stubborn” Xander said and continued pu-lling her.
Kate deletes the ph0tos from Max’s phone and also deletes the previous message, Sophie s£nt. She deletes it from the cloud so the ph0to can never be recovered.
She drops Max’s phone in the meeting office then walked out.
She drives the car where sophie is to a desolate area. Sophie had woken up alre-ady.
“Get out bit-ch” Kate said and pu-ll-ed Sophie out. Untied her and re-moved the tape from her mouth.
“So you wanna kill me right, Crystal has ordered you to kill me”
“Nope Crystal might be a ha-rd hearted woman but she’s actually kind hearted. She asked me to let you go, leave state and never come back”
“Oh really, well I knew she wouldn’t dare kill me. Stupid bit-ch”
“Well like I said Sophie, Crystal’s kindhearted but Kate’s not” Kate said and brou-ght out her gun
“What are you talking about”
“You are a risk to this business. I don’t take risks” Kate said and sh0t her in the forehead, a loud thud follows.
“bit-ch” Kate said and spat on Sophie’s dead b©dy.
“Get in the car now” Xander ordered.
“St©p commanding me like you own me”
“Oh sweetcheeks you don’t know anything”
“Sweetcheeks??, don’t call me that” Crystal said wi-dening her eyes.
“Those hazel eyes will be the death of me. Now get in the car”
“No, I’ll take a cab” Crystal said and walked to the road.
“Don’t you start now it’s not going to be funny” He said standing opposite her.
“I will not enter your car. What would you do. Hit me??”
“Nope Sweet cheeks . I would never hit you with my hand. There’s something else I could hit you with and trust me you would ask for more”
“fv¢k off” Crystal said looking at him angrily.
“OR ELSE I’LL I’LL k!ssYOU s-en-sELESS” Xander said and Crystal g@sped as she felt her heart beat fast.