coincidence episode 81



Adam checks the convenience again. Nothing.
No one was here. He turns to leave. Then he
heard it. He walks to the last door that is
closed, pushed it open. Locked.
Maybe that was out of usage, he turns to
leave. He heard it again, a tiny faded voice,,
His heart catches in his che-st, there was
someone there ”Who is there, who is there, i
have a gun!” he touches the bag of his shirt
He tries to for-ce the door open, it was
jammed, he lies flat on the ground, then he
sees her, her head facing the door, a tiny pool
of blood. ”Jesus Tinny-B!” he screams. He
stands up , he opens the door leading to the
next toilet, he climbs it and then peers to see
her state ”Oh my God!” he lifts himself higher,
and then climbs over, stepping on the toilet
set and then t the ground. He carefully picks
her up,,, ”Jesus Tinny-B, what happened, who
did this to you?” she was bleeding from her
head , her eyes closing and opening, he
reaches for his phone to dial 911..
”Christine..” she whispers
”What?” he tries to listen as he continues to
dial ”911 , i have a situation, Mayor’s house, a
woman has been hurt, she is losing
”Christine” she pulls at his shirt , he leans
closer ”Save them” she breaths
Then it dawns on him…
Them? They were in danger.
”Go..Go!!” Tinny-B breaths ”GO!!”
”Help is on the way!!” he says dropping her
carefully, he opens the door and is dashing
back into the main house, pulling out his gun.
Christine walks pas-s the hallway, she stops
and then looks for the gun she kept there, she
grabs it and then points at the two other
places she had the other guns hidden.
Jimmy takes two of them, the more the better.
He lets her go in first, he would make a grand
Kennedy sees them come in, he stays behind
the curtain he has moved to. He saw their
guns too. He decides to stay away from their
way, he can always finish up his business later
with Jimmy, and maybe Jaime, he just nee-ds
Alexander. He waits.
They are in the living room now, laughing and
talking about anything that matter.
Jaime has Alexander seated on his thigh, he is
whispering something into her ears . Jacob
has his wife roaring with laughter when she
walks in.
”Now isn’t this a sweet family gathering. Jaime
with his fiance and Jacob with his loving wife.
But do you know what’s wrong with this
picture, it should be me but here i am, left out
while that slut bitc-h takes my sp-ot”
”Christine, what are you doing here, how are
you even still here, who let you come in here?”
Gem states
”Oh, sorry, i thought i was family, isn’t that
what you said Gem, i am always welcome? So
i invited myself in plus, who is there to stop
me? All the guards aren’t inside the main
house, probably at the gate , i wonder the fool
who thought it wise to give them a night off”
she smiles
”Oh God!”
Jaime stands up ”Okay Christine i think you
should go home”
”No, i think i am the only one giving orders
around here” she shows them the gun,
Alexander and Gem gasps , Jacob stands up
”What nonsense is this..?”
”She has a gun Jaime!” Gem states pulling at
her husband
”Christine, what in the world, now this is not
funny, give me the gun and-” Jaime says to her
She points the gun to Alexander ”No Sir”
Jaime takes a step closer
”Oh baby, i think i have someone who would
love to see your grovel, come on in Jimmy!”
Jimmy walks in slowly with a smile on his
face..the two guns visible ”Hello Brother,
father…mama and future sis-inlaw, did we
interrupt a family moment? Sorry, we won’t be
long we just nee-d to get somethings out of the
way and we shall allow you go back…how you
go back though is the important thing” he
smiles ”So father, quick one” He dips his hand
into his pocket and then brings out a
docu-ment, ”I had my lawyer draw this up, this
is an official letter starting that you hand over
all your as-sets in value and liquid state to me,
i mean all, home and abroad, that you endorse
me formally for Mayor-ship and you pas-s on
all the signatory to all your accounts to me
including power of attorney. Here, sign this” he
drops it on the desk
”Jimmy, how dare you?” Jaime stares at him
”How dare you?”
”Oh Jaime, you do not see the big picture here
do you- i did tell you that if you don’t do what i
require, i would ensure you regret it.”
”I would only say this once. I do not know how
you manage to rope Christine into this but i
would give you a chance to walk away..and i
would not inform the police”
Jimmy laughs ”Which police, no one knows i
am here, i left, well supposedly and no guards
and apparently i don’t see cameras on here
so…you think anyone would believe you?”
‘Four against two, yes they will” Alexander spat
Jimmy smiles ”Yes, your smart mouth, God i
would be happy to put a bullet in your tummy
but i would leave the honour to Christine”
”Only a coward would attack his family
members unawares”
Jaime holds her ”No Alexander, don’t incite
him.” He steps in their middle ”Jimmy get your
gun away from her””
See i have no time for chitchat, sign the
papers father before i start doing damage” he
points at his father, Gem covers him
”Sign it”
”I rather die than sign it!” Jacob hisses
”Oh you will father if you don’t- sign it!!”
”Never! I won’t do it, all i have will go to
”Father, if that’s what he wants, sign it, we can
fight it later”
”You should listen to him, he is smart” Jimmy
co-cks his head to the side.
”Never!” Jacob spat
”Okay, that’s it!” he shoots his father’s right leg,
Jacob Gr0-ns hitting the ground, Gem screams
grabbing her husband as Jaime rushes to him,
Alexander drops to the ground to them…”Oh
My God oh my God!!
”Jacob!!!” Gem places her hand to his thi-ghs to
stop the bleeding, ”someone call 911”
Alexander reaches for the phone. Jimmy
shoots again, it misses her hands by a second,
Jaime pulls Alexander to him,
”I didn’t come here to play, i have two loaded
guns to drop each body parts with a few
bullets so don’t tempt me, sign the goddamn
”Look i just want to kill them all,” Christine is
”After i get my docu-ments” he hisses
Jaime stares at him ”You shot my father,
because you want his wealth, you put my
family in danger and-”
Jimmy co-cks the gun again ”Shut up Jaime,
Pops, this time i would put on in Gem, sign it”
Jacob Gr0-ns ”Never!”
Gem grabs the docu-ment crying already ”Sigh
it Jacob!”’
Jacob is stubborn ”If he can shoot me , he
would kill me even if i sign it, i won’t!”
”Father!” Jaime pleads ”I won’t lose you over
some wealth” he takes the docu-ments ”Please
sign it”
”All i have worked for is for my son to have all
i have, my son..and that is you, you have
proven yourself worthy, i won’t allow the fate of
all to be in the hands of Jimmy, for so long i
prayed that he was different, that he has
changed for the better, i hoped, even when all
these things were happening i hoped somehow
he is innocent. but now, all i see is that i have
been blind” he stares at Jimmy ”You do not
deserve to be loved, i curse you, i curse you”
Jimmy laughs ”Sign it or i swear to God i
would send your wife to meet my mother” Gem
is crying holding on to her husband, Jaime
stands up .
”You would have to kill me first!”
”No!” Alexander blocks him, ”No!” Jaime is
pushing her away, she is stubbornly rooted
Christine is ready ”You bitc-h stole my man, my
life, my wealth, bitc-h i would make sure your
wedding only happens in hell.” she caresses
the trigger
”Relax Christine, you would have your fun”
Jimmy stares at Christine and turns back to
them ” I won’t hesitate to kill you Jaime, i have
always wanted to do that but by sheer luck you
end up being saved..but there is no way you
can be saved, not with the bullet cutting
throu-ghyour heart.”
”If you want me, take me and let everyone go”
”No” All three of them chorus crying out
Jimmy laughs ”Sign it!” he screams again.
”No, if i die, all that i have will go to Him,
Gem would make sure”
Jimmy steps closer in anger ”Why did you love
him more than me? Why did you replace me. I
am your son, your only son- yet you loved a
bastard like your son, a fxxking stray dog!!!”
Jimmy cries out ru-b-bing the gun to his head
”He is a fxxking bastard, a child thrown in the
sea to die yet you rescue him like a dog and
your brou-ght him home, a fxxking dog which
you loved more than your own flash and blood”
Jimmy screams at him.
”He may not have my blood running throu-gh
his veins, but i raised him, i raised him, and
the moment i grabbed him in my arms, i loved
him . He is my son,the one who loved me
despite all..the one who walked down the
better path and became what he is- you left,
you emancipated yourself, you gave up on me,
on me- i never loved you less, i gave you all i
could afford, i reached out for you but time
and time again you became this for-ce of
darkness and you went away, lost in your
world, you only resurfaced when you were up
to no good. I raised him,and loved him and he
has loved you and respected you as a brother,
but all you did was hate him, hate Gem, hate
”Yes! for the only woman who loved me you
killed!!! ” Jimmy screams
”She killed herself. She loved drugs and the
men more than she loved me. She left me. she
left us and there was nothing i could do to
save her anymore. Nothing!!!!” Jacob cries out,
Gem is trying to still stop the bleeding.
”No!!! You killed her and took her away from
me, and then you married her, and then you
brou-ght him home. I hated you, i hated all of
you and all i ask that you give me what is due
mine, my money, my as-sets, all of it but you
refuse , you still refuse till this day. So..father,
infact i won’t kill you today, i would let you
watch while i kill your precious son, just the
way i made sure that she would never have a
child again.”
”Yes, that night, long ago i wanted to kill her
and her child, but she was lucky. She was. But
my happiness is that she became barren, an
empty woman, and i thought yes, yes- he
wouldn’t be able to have another child to
replace me. But i was wrong, that family who
ran off the road, i watched from the news how
you dived into the water, and you came up with
the child, the only survivor. I thought you would
drop him off at the orphanage but i saw the
way you looked at him, with tears in your eyes
and i knew then, that i had lost to that little rat
of a boy, who wouldn’t stop calling me brother,
and following me around like a shadow when i
appeared out of no where, a boy i had found
ways to kill but only found a way to survive.
The minor accidents at home, the almost
drowning, yes it was me Father, me!!.”
Jacob and Gem is too shocked to speak,
Alexander held on to Jaime ”Why won’t he just
die, why- the last time that fxxking bodyguard
died in his stead, every time someone always
manages to save him.. ” he laughs ”Have you
ever wondered where your Betty is hmm? How
she hasn’t shown up till now?”
”Betty!!” Alexander exclaims
”What did you do Jimmy?”
Jimmy laughs, Christine throws him a look ”At
the bott-om of the sea maybe eaten by sharks,
she saw heard something she shouldn’t have
and she was stubborn to threaten me saying
she would go to the police, her mistake, worse
was when she said she was going to tell you,
so like your pretty little dog you used to love,
that slut Betty, i sent her to hell, just thesame
way i sent Steve to hell”
”Jesus Jimmy, you are fxxked up!” Christine
Jimmy laughs ha-rder ”Atleast we are both
fxxked up, you killed your mother and that
scarecrow i believe is your friend
Alexander…tsk tsk is lost, the devil
would be pleased”
Alexander starts up, ”You killed Tinny-B” she
shrieks ”You bitc-h, you bitc-h!” she rushes for
her, Jaime grabs her pulling her back as she
cries out ”Oh my God!”
”I would kill you soon Slut, once Jimmy is
done with his epistle” she smiles ”She
shouldn’t have been stupid to be where she
isn’t nee-ded.. now are you done Jimmy?”
Gem covers her mouth and is shaking.
”You see, all these evidence found against me,
all true but you see, it would never be used
against me because i am a fxxking saint”
”Your mother would never be proud of the
person you have become” Jacob cries, tears
leaving his eyes
”No she would be glad that i made sure you
survive, and you will father, no son, no wife
and no will to live, you would join your
ancestors if i am nice enough to let you live
past a day,. now, enough chitchatting, sign the
fxxking docu-ment.
Jaime is staring at him, ”You touch anyone of
them in this room Jimmy, and i swear to God,
before i go down, i will kill you!!!” he folds his
fist, his che-st heaving up and down, his eyes
red, stung from blinding tears
Jimmy smiles ”Christine, shoot Alexander, in
the head”
”Gladly” she points her gun to her head.
Kennedy leaves the curtain and then makes his
way to the room , walking slowly. He had seen
Jimmy and Christine enter the other room each
having guns.
He pushes the door carefully, slowly, quietly,
and then he sees them, the Wellingtons on the
floor, someone had been shot, he sees Jimmy
pointing his gun to Jaime.
Good, someone nee-ds to kill that guy. He
wonders if he should wait .
Then he sights Christine and then follows her
gun to see that it is pointed to Alexander.
He pushes the door open, ”Drop your gun
Christine , no one touches her but me!”
Jimmy and everyone swing their attention to
”Hi Jimmy, Christine-” he turns to her
”Alexander, daddy has come to get you” he
blows her a ki-ss,
Alexander staggers backwards ”Father?”
”Father?” Jaime and everyone turns to her in
”Yes, father- ” Kennedy smiles.


From U.S. Bah