City mermaid episode 1 & 2

🛥️⛲ ~Sea Tales Pres£nts~ ⛲🛥️:
🧜‍♀️🏤City Mermaid🏤🧜‍♀️
🐬 Episode_1🐬
“Kapella!”. Mrs. Elijah’s voice rage as she moved out of the kitchen with a Pan.
“Almost up Mom”. A femanine voice replied from the floor above.
“Do I have to remind you that you’ve missed one week alre-ady?”.
“I know Mom so just drop the pan before you’re tem-pted to use it on me”. Kapella said as she walked down the stairs full of smiles.
She had an average height and her straight hair was in a big bun style that her Panama hat ba-rely covered.
Her blue T-shi-t and trou-ser matched with her enticing blue eyes.
Mrs. Elijah heaved as she retreated the pan.
“You’re beyond beautiful each pas-sing day and what could be the secret?”. She said returning to the kitchen.
“I eat sea food alot and I don’t yell at people”. She replied as she walked from behind.
“Ops! My bad, you should try Sea food everyday Mom”. Kapella said as she pe-cked Mrs. Elijah.
“Fish gives protein not beauty”. She replied dropping the pain.
“But I love to eat fish and fish alone, every other thing gets to taste gross”. She said.
“You’re 18, We shouldn’t be talking about this anymore, you enjoy Sea food than any other meal and so we provide it in abundance”.
“Why am I different? From everyone, what’s special or strange about me?”. She asked.
“You should get going you’re gonna be late”. Mrs. Elijah said as she tried to get herself busy.
“Are you gonna keep ignoring, I know I’m different from others, a big difference, you all get to eat normal meal, I try to eat much of it and I puke out”. She said.
Mrs. Elijah inhaled and turned back.
“Because you’re special, So don’t complain now and just move on with life as usual”.
“The fact that you always warn me not to tell anyone means there’s a secret”.
“You’re special that’s it, there are kids like you out there”.
“Yes..So don’t be ha-rd on yourself”. She said placing her hands on Kapella’s shoulder.
“I guess I’m re-ady now”. She sat as she squat to adjust her shoe.
“Mom, Where’s Dad?”. A ten year old boy said as he entered the Kitchen in his uniform and a backpack behind him.
“Steve, I’ll be with you in minute”. Mrs. Elijah said.
He took off Kapella’s hat and wore it.
“Give that to me”. She said turning back as he put it on.
“Mom, Do I look like Kapella.
Mrs. Elijah couldn’t help to but scoff as she took it off his head.
“You can never be me”. She grinned and he frowned angrily.
“Don’t be harsh on your brother, he’s just a kid”.
“One who doesn’t know his place”. She snapped.
“Give it to me”. He whispered.
“No”. She fired.
“I’ll tell Mom”. He whispered.
“She can hear you alre-ady, so don’t threaten me little bottle”. She said gripping his nose.
“Mom, Kapella didn’t make her hair!”. He announced.
She g@sped as she quic-kly covered his mouth.
She took off the hat and wore it for him.
“You look charming”. She stammered.
“Too late”. He whispered.
“Thanks”. He added and marched out with the oversized hat.
“Tell me it’s a lie, Daughter”. Mrs. Elijah said as Kapella turned back slowly.
Mrs. Elijah gr@bb£d the Barratte on her hair and re-moved it thereby unclasping Kapella’s hair.
Her long hair fell down freely past her w@!st.
Mrs. Elijah scoffed as she leaned against the kitchen cabinet.
“The Stylist was here yesterday, wasn’t she?”.
“No. She called back that she was too busy to come”. Kapella said.
“And you decided to have it your way, take a look at your hair, it ain’t normal, it….”.
“It looks like that of Disney Character, ra-punzel, although mine is ba-rely tou-ching the floor, it looks cute”.
“Cute or not, you know people mustn’t see this”.
“C’mon Mom, I get to cut my hair every week for the past…… I guess it since when I was born, you should take a break”. She said.
“It’s for a reason and you have to trust me on that”.
“Alright Mom, Just this week, I’ll make sure I clasp it well into a bud style like the one I had before you ruin it”. She frown.
“I’ll call the Stylist”.
“Mom, Am late alre-ady”.
“Fine, Go have your seat, I’ll do it”.
Kapella dragged her feet to the leaving room as the long straight hair followed from behind.
There was Steve seated, legged crossed with Kapella’s oversized Panama Hat on his head which covered his face.
“It’s time to hand it over Steve”. She said standing akimbo.
“Have some respect for Sherlock Holmes”. He whispered.
“Seriously?”. She said raging toward him.
“Oh, How about I tell Mom you took her Car yesterday, ra-punzel?”. He asked.
🌁🌁Phoenix High School🌁🌁
Students trooped into the gigantic buildings as they alighted from their various transit.
The Bus, some parents dropped off their kids and the Rich flaunt their flashy cars as they drove to the VIP garage.
A Dodge Viper GTS halt in front of the gate as it window slide down revea-ling Kapella and her Mom.
“And here we are, after trying to rip your little brother ap@rt”.
“Don’t start again Mom, He took what was mine, threaten or actual try to blackmail me and then drew sponge Bob on my hat, that was my favorite”. She snapped.
“You still Watch Sponge Bob, that kid show? “.
“Um..Maybe”. Kapella said and hurried out.
“What do I get to tell the Principal, that I puked for days after I stubbornly eat lot of pancake”. She added.
“I spoke with him alre-ady, Just go to school and be a good girl”. Mrs. Elijah is and she turned to leave.
Kapella turned back with a sm-irk.
“Don’t take off your br@celet, never take it off”.
“Seriously Mom, I’ve been wearing this since I was born, why would I take it off now?”. She asked.
“But Mom is it some sort of protec-tion object, was our ancestors Magicians, what does it do?”.
“Good day, Kapella”. Mrs. Elijah said as she wore her shades.
She hit the accelerator with her foot and the vehicle sh0t off.
“hush!”. She said as she turned back to the gate.
“Welcome back to Phoenix High, Kap….. I meant Faceless”. She whispered and marched into the compound as she adjust her black hat.
Kapella was walking throu-gh the hallway when she almost bu-mped into another student.
“Sorry”. She said raising her head up and their eyes met.
“Kapella!”. The Girl screamed as they hvgged ti-ghtly attra-cting the attention of everyone at the hallway.
She was dark skinned more of a black American with wavy hair.
“Cindy”. Kapella whispered.
“It’s been so long friend, you didn’t bother to call, I didn’t know your place and then you delayed a week before returning from summer break”. Cindy said frowning.
“I lost my phone during summer break, Good thing you don’t know where I live and I resumed late because I was sick for good one week”. Kapella whispered.
“Sick? Were you pregnant?”.She asked and Kapella punched her arm.
“Yeah. Pregnant with stomach disorder”. Kapella said.
“That’s bad but I know you’re fine now, babe, it will take more than a disorder to put Faceless down”. She said.
“Shhh someone is coming”. Kapella said as a boy approached them.
“Kapella meet my little brother, Francis”. Cindy said.
“I’m not little”. He snapped.
“Francis, meet my best friend, Kapella”.
“Oh she is…nice meeting you, my sister talked alot about you and she was right, you’re beautiful, Like she said I’m Francis”. She said stretching his hand for a shake but Cindy sl@pped it down.
“That will be all, Find your level, let’s go babe”. Cindy said as she held Kapella’s hand.
“Welcome back, Ella!”. Voices rang from different corners of the hallway as they walked toward a clas-sroom.
“Hi!”. She said as she waved at them.
“So cool to be popular right?”.Cindy asked.
“No am not”.
“Yes you are, Such a beauty beyond human reasoning, pretty good voice that melt people’s soul, you should go into pop singing”. Cindy said and she g@sped.
“You’re always good at ma-king jokes”. She said and they laughed.
“But I really meant that”. She said and they entered into the clas-sroom.
She waved back at the students as they welcomed her from the Summer break.
“It’s so good to be back”. She said as she sat beside Cindy.
“I can’t believe this how can Camping fee become two thousand dollars, this school is $h!t!”. A Student cursed.
“You speak like you can’t afford it”. Another said.
“Of course my parent can but it’s just too high and seems Faceless has retired”. He said.
“That’s right, I was planning to spend my fees when my parents ping it into my account but since Faceless isn’t showing up I’ll have to reconsider “. A Chubby Boy said and they laughed.
“Every advantage have a disadvantage”. Cindy whispered.
“That’s just right, hacking into school database ma-king it look like everyone paid for the sake of the poor but the rich takes it as an opportunity to lavish more”.Kapella whispered back.
“This is a school for the Rich, Ella, why do people come when they know they can’t cope with the fees”. Cindy replied.
“Everyone wants to be in the best school but reality is sometimes unfair”. Kapella said.
“I just don’t un-derstand why you chose to take this on yourself”.
“Cos I chose to and we’re going in tonight”.
“What!”. Cindy said in a low tone.
“We’re going in to do what we always do”. Kapella said.
“I thought you would return as a new Kapella, how long will you keep as The Faceless Hacker and for your info our school have upgraded in security aspect”.
“That isn’t st©pping us Cindy, that fee is to high even it’s to pay p@rt for them with fake transactions”. She said.
“Do I have to remember you that to do that you must use the School Control System, that means going to the Control Base, everywhere in the school is filled with c@m£ras and there are lot of guards now, stationary at the Control Base for 24 hours”.
“Good thing you made your observation, We’ll find a way out as always”.
Kapella opened her bag and there were several devices, Walkie-talkie, PDA and many unknown.
“Your parent can afford any fee Kapella… Why…”.
“Are you in or out Cindy?”.
“St©p asking the stupid question, you know I’m your p@rtner in crime even when you choose to embark on crazy risks”. She replied.
“That’s why you’ll always do my bestie”.
“I hope you un-derstand the Rich also get favored by this”.
“That’s right but I c@m£ prepared starting from Joe, I’ll clear every single transaction of his from the school database,Access his mail and delete every receipt he’s received from transactions,I bet he’s too rich to check them out talk less of download, ma-king it look like, he never paid a dim since he began High School “.
The entire building was filled with busy men and women who moved from one Computer System to another.
There was no idle hand except Mrs. Elijah who walked in dressed in a red ball go-wn.
She moved to the secretary’s desk and she recognized her immediately.
“I want to see Elijah”.
“A moment plea-se”. The Secretary said as she took the land-line.
She punched some certain numbers and placed the phone on her ear.
“Your Wife is here”. She said and paused.
“Alright”. She said and dropped the phone.
“You can go”.
Mrs. Elijah took her bag and marched to the office.
She was approaching the door when she saw the guard nodding as he t©uçhed the telecom devices in his ear.
“Welcome to Phoenix Consolid@t£d ma’am”. He said and as he pu-ll open the door for her.
She entered and he closed the door behind her.
“You should know I’m pretty busy every Monday, Honey”. Mr. Elijah said as he rose from his chair full of smiles.
“I knew that pretty well when I choose to marry a Cryptogra-pher”. She replied and he k!$$£d her.
“Perhaps you could spare some time”. She said.
“Sure. Come over”. He said leading her to the Grand Sofa where they sat.
“Let me guess, Kapella”.
That’s right, I’ll be brief, She’s eighteen now, we might not be able to control her as before “.
” Yeah. I thought of that “.
” She’s different from other humans and it’s only a matter of time before she tells someone “. Mrs. Elijah said.
” She kept the secrets for years “.
” I know and I’m saying, she won’t keep them soon, she f0rç£s her self to adapt to human meal even though she ends up puking. Ask various question about why she’s different from others and today for the first time, she asked about the br@celet, she’s curious “.
” Are you saying we should tell her?”. Mr. Elijah asked.
” I don’t know, she’s fragile but she also deserve the truth “.
” Then we do I think “.
” Seriously? I also want to but should I remember you the event that took place 18 years ago, I wanted us to have our honeymoon in Valencia, I wanted us to take a sh!pinstead I preferred sea transport because I loved sea wind but that was a mistake, the sh!pcruising on the Atlantic Ocean into the fog, do you remember “. She asked and he nodded.
A Sh!pswerve past a sea rock as it cruise the mighty ocean.
Pas-s£ngers on the deck yelled as they gulped in the content of the Soda bottle they held.
The Sh!ps speed slowly reduced as it approached the fog ahead.
“Here you go”. A man said as he lead Mr. and Mrs. Elijah to the dock.
“Thanks Marshal”.
“Have good night rest Elijah”. He said and they left while they entered.
“Miss sea traveler I hope you’re enjoying this”. He asked and she chuckled.
“It’s Mrs. Elijah now and yes, I always love Sea travel”. She said and as she k!$$£d him.
“I thought honeymoon was at Valencia”. He whispered.
“And who says location can’t be swap to Atlantic Ocean”. She said expecting him to laugh but he didn’t.
“You’re damn not ro-mantic”.
“Don’t you hear it?”. He asked.
“Hear what?”.
“The voice, the song”. He said and hurried to the transparent window.
“C’mon Elijah, it mus’nt be Valencia”. She moving toward him.
She gr@bb£d his arm to pu-ll him but paused hearing the femanine voice all around the sh!p.
🎶Up Where They Walk🎶
🎵Up Where They Run🎵
🎶Up Where They Stay All Day In The Sun🎶
🎵Wanderin’ Free – Wish I Could Be🎵
🎶p@rt Of That World🎶
🎶Charming Sailors🎶
🎵Come Down To Us🎵
“Do you hear that?”. She asked.
“I do”.
She put her face against the glas-s and looked narrowly into the fog.
She caught the slight reflection of a woman leaning against a sea rock and g@sped.
She made to speak but was interrupted as a heavy wind pushed the Sh!pdangerously to the left causing them to fall alongside every object in the room.
🐬 Episode_2🐬
The Electric bell rung loudly as the students trooped out of their various clas-ses.
“I missed the sound of that”. Kapella said legged crossed on the desk as she li-cks an ice cream.
“You haven’t eaten anything since you arrived at school”. Cindy said.
“Good observation, should I say am fasting?”. She asked.
“You literally have an ice-cream🍦”. Cindy said as she sat on the desk.
“Yeah, that’s right, well I don’t feel like taking anything”. She said.
“Oh since I know you, you don’t always feel like taking much”. Cindy said.
“I eat pancakes, potato ch!ps, corn bre-ad and….”.
“But you don’t eat much, I’ve noticed you since we were kids, our parents enrolled us in same school, here we are same High School and I’ll so kill you if we don’t go to same college”. Cindy said and she laughed.
“Well i don’t eat much cause I hate the school restroom”. Kapella said as she bite a big potion of the cream with her teeth.
“And now you’re pretty hungry cos I hear that rumbling”. Cindy said.
“Can you quit tormenting me plea-se?”. Kapella asked with a baby look.
“And why won’t I know the meal that my friend gets to over eat?”. Cindy said opening her bag.
She brou-ght out three can and dropped them on the desk.
“Canned fish”. She whispered.
Kapella’s eyes popped as she gr@bb£d one.
She broke the covering open and poured the entire content into her mouth.
Cindy g@sped as she took the other, broke open the seal and gulped in the content again and did same with the third.
She squee-zed the empty can and drooped or on the table.
“Quite spicy”. She said.
Cindy handed over a bottled drink to her and she gulped in all the content.
She g@sped as she turned to Cindy.
She raced off immediately and Cindy went after.
She pu-ll-ed open the restroom door and saw Kapella vomitting into the WC.
“Oh my.. I thought you were fine”. Cindy said as she squat beside her.
“Maybe and Maybe not”. She said and g@sped vomitting more.
“Hold one. It isn’t the meal, months ago you puked after taking citrius drink”. Cindy said.
“Would you pas-s me a toilet tissue or keep speaking”. Kapella asked.
“Oh sorry, sure”.
She hurriedly cut a piece from the room and gave it to her.
Kapella cleaned herself and flu-shed the vomit.
“Are you okay?”.
“Yes I am”.
“Hush! You scared me”. Cindy said pu-lling her cheek.
“Water only and water ever, note it”.
“Noted but why?”.
“I vomited all I eat so don’t make me use the strength left”. Kapella said.
“Oh you tell me and I give you three more canned fish”. Cindy said.
“Forget it”.
“hush! Don’t be harsh you can have it all and I have water as well “. Cindy said.
Kapella beamed a smile and pu-ll-ed her cheek
“Hey Sis”. They heard a voice and turned back to see Francis.
“What the hell are you doing here?”. Cindy asked.
“I’ve been searching for you all over the School, everyone have left for home alre-ady”. Francis said.
“Does that guarantee you to move into the female restroom?”.
“um..I thought this is the hallway”. He said looking around.
“You’re new here, don’t get yourself into trouble”.
“Worry not sis, I won’t get R@p£d”. He said and he gr@bb£d his ear.
“Ouch! St©p!”.
“I’ve warned you over and over again to watch your speaking”. She snapped as she let go of him.
“That’s harsh”.
“Go home, Kapella and I have some place to be”. Cindy said and he bit his lowerl-ips.
“Really? So I have to go home alone?”.
“Do I have to baby sit you, Go!”.
“You and Kapella.. Are you…”. He paused and scratched his head.
“One more word from you Francis…”.
“Fine, I was about leaving anyway”.
“Hi”. He added wanting to wave at Kapella but paused seeing Cindy’s stern look.
He hung his bag properly and left the place.
“Ignore him, brothers are pain in the as-s, quite annoying”. Cindy said as they moved to the clas-s.
“Really annoying you mean, I had a fight with my ten year old brother, I was so hungry that I forgot my food flask”. Kapella said.
“That explains why you’re hungry”. She said and Kapella nodded.
The hallways was deserted as they moved until they got to the clas-s.
“So any gist about Summer Break, let me guess you got a b©yfri£nd”. Cindy said as they sat on the desk.
“Yeah. A cute one”. Kapella said and win-ked.
“Wow! Seriously? I thought you were gonna remain single till college, What is his name?”. Cindy asked.
“PS5”. Kapella whispered.
“Oh seriously?”. Cindy said laughing.
“You’re not known for ma-king crazy jokes “. She added.
“That’s the truth, he’s cute right”.
“Well i said he, do have a problem with that?”.
“Not all all Queen, why won’t you be single when you reject all your suitors”. Cindy said.
“And why are you single?”.
“Same reason”. She replied.
“Um.. When do the c@m£ras go offline?”. Kapella asked
“As soon as the bell ring for closure”. She replied.
“Your uncle told you that?”.
“Have you forgotten he’s the Security an-alyst, I get to go throu-gh his computer”. Cindy said.
“You’re such a bad girl”. Kapella said as she handed over a can to her.
She opened it and gulped in all the fish content in it.
“If I am sure a bad girl then what are you Ella?, Your Dad teaches you all he learns since you want to go on same career path as him and you secretly put it into cyber crime”. Cindy said.
“It’s called Hacking”. She replied.
“Whatever. Now who’s the bad Girl?”.
“We both, The Bad Duo, Bad Girls in disguise of innocent personalities”. Kapella said.
“So what are we gonna be doing before 6pm?”. Cindy asked.
“As usual, Video Games”. Kapella sm-irked.
🌁🌁Phoenix Consolid@t£d🌁🌁
“I think we will st©p here for now”. Mrs. Elijah said as she rose to her feet.
“You should get back to work”. She added and he nodded.
“Alright, we’ll talk about it later”. He said and pe-cked her on the cheek.
“Sure. Bye”. She said as waved moving to the door.
He was returning to his desk when the land line rang.
He took the phone quic-kly and placed it on his ear.
“Yes Boss”. He said.
“Alright. I am working on it”. He said and dropped the phone.
He coll@psed into his office chair and exhaled heavily.
🏤🏤🏤Phoenix High🏤🏤🏤
It was dark alre-ady as the light system was the only source of illumination in the school.
The hallway seems deserted as there was no single soul pas-sing by.
In the clas-sroom was Kapella slee-ping on Cindy’s l@p while she la-id her head on Kapella’s back.
They suddenly jo-lt up hurriedly as the phone on the desk rang.
Kapella st©pped it immediately after and they breath hurriedly.
“Why did you make the alarm so loud?”. Cindy asked and they heard footsteps.
They quic-kly hid un-der the desk as the clas-s door pushed open.
A ray of light beam around the room and then vanished as the door closed.
“It’s the Janitor”. Kapella whispered.
“They guards should have gone home”. Cindy said as they moved to the window and looked out.
They could see men in uniform leaving the vicinity.
“Seriously? I thought it was 24 hours?”. Kapella asked.
“Yeah but shift method, a new team would come to take over in twenty minutes”. Cindy said.
“Have you stayed that long in school after summer break?”.
“I know you would do this so I stayed three times to take note of their modus operandi”. She said.
“Then we have to hurry, Twenty minutes might not be the case this time”. Kapella said as they moved to the door.
She open it and they peeped out but Cindy pu-ll-ed her back.
“Listen the c@m£ras are offline except those at the base”.
“That’s the main focus”.
“Such stupid people”.
“My Uncle is one of them”.
“Ops! Cool of them”. Kapella said.
They grinned as they moved out.
They took off their shoes to reduce noise and put it into their bags.
They got to the end of the hallway and peeped as they had two choices.
The Janitor could be seen k!ss!nga lady as he closed the entrance to door behind him.
“Seems our dear Janitor got himself a girlfriend”. Cindy whispered.
They glued themselves to the wall as he moved past them with the lady.
The Girls ti-p toed from their hiding and moved back slowly till he was out of sight.
They were approaching a door which had the ‘out of bound’ sticker when they saw a man in the room.
They quic-kly hide behind the wall and Kapella scoffed.
“I thought all the guards were out”. She asked.
“Seems one of them stayed back”.
“quic-k, you know what to do, the Principal Office it’s sound proof and here signal disrupter, he might try to call”. Kapella said handing over a PDA like device to Cindy.
“You’ve used it before”. She added and Cindy hurried away.
Kapella exhaled heavily as she adjust her bag.
Soon a soft chuckle could be heard echoing in the hallway.
The Guard looked around as he walked out of the Control Base, he close the door behind him and moved to the direction the noise was coming from.
That was when he saw the door of the Principal’s Office wi-de open.
He pu-ll-ed his G18 pistol from his holster behind him and aimed it forward as he moved it but was shocked to see the Janitor and a lady who was on br@ and bu-m sh0t.
“Alex, I didn’t know you were, I’ll excuse you”. He said and made to turn when there was a c@m£ra cli-ck followed by a flash of light.
The door closed swiftly and Cindy locked it with the key.
She retreated the c@m£ra as he drew out the key.
“I’m gonna make this trend”. She stared staring at the image on her c@m£ra screen.
“What the hell! Whereas the spare key?”. The Guard asked.
“It’s in my short”.
“Then get it”.
“It’s at the hallway”. He replied.
“fu-ck!”. He cursed.
“It’s Faceless, She’s at it again”. The Janitor said.
Cindy took the PDA like device and placed it on the door before she pressed the red bu-tton.
“Enjoy your stay”. She said and catwalks from the place.
“I could call someone”. The lady said as she wore her Jacket.
“Don’t bother, it’s Faceless”. The Janitor said as he coll@psed to the chair.
The Lady checked her phone and there was no reception.
“You know this is your fault!”. The Guard screamed.
Kapella wore the mask she took from her bag and Zi-pped it closed.
The mask was same as her skin color ma-king it look like she was faceless.
She alre-ady changed her dress to a black Jacket and short.
She pushed open the door and entered into the Control Base.
Every single c@m£ra in the room turned to her concentrating on her and her alone.
She posed in a funny way for the c@m£ras and did the John Cena’s you can’t see me act before sitting on the swivel chair in front of the giant computer screen.
She turned 360° before placing her f!ngerson the Keyboard.
Cindy rushed to the window as she had the sound of a vehicle.
She could see guards dropping from a Van.
“Damn.. Ella was right… They’re early”. She said and made to s£nd a message but there was no reception.
She quic-kly raced to their clas-sroom so she could be far from the device responsible.
She stayed low as she could hear her footsteps pas-sing by and could hear Masculine voices as well.
She typed a message and s£nt it to Kapella but heard a buzz behind her that caused her to fear.
It was a phone, Kapella’s.
She looked narrowly and could see the men moving toward the Control Base alre-ady.
“She isn’t taking her call, where could she be”. Mrs. Elijah said as she paced left and right.
“She’s at a p@rty”. Steve said from the floor where Mr. Elijah was helping him with as-signment.
“Go to be-d, Steve!”. She snapped.
“My as-signment”.
“That’s right”.She said as she coll@psed unto the couch.
“You worry your alot, am sure she’s at a friend’s place as usual”. Mr. Elijah said as out a pencil into Steve’s hand.
“What if not, what if she had found out what she is? Maybe a long time ago”. Mrs. Elijah said.
“You’re scared”.
“Of course I am, Anytime she stays late nothing else pla-ys in my memory than eighteen years ago”. Mrs. Elijah said as she closed her eyes.
Pas-s£ngers looked down from the dock as the pitch voices went high.
They couldn’t see anything in the fog only a few could.
Women, a lot of them “. A man announced.
” Yes… I see them… They got long hairs”. A women said as she g@sped.
A little girl looked down wondering what eveyone was staring at her when she saw a beautiful woman in the waters beckoning at her.
She screamed as she ran back to her parents.
Like magic men like they possesed began to jump into the water and screams could be ha-rd beneath.
No one could explain what was happening until a heavy storm hits the sh!ppretty ha-rd .
Like a tornado it surround the sh!pspinning it dangerously.
Those on the dock fell into the sea and only a few could hold unto one p@rt or the other.
“Fire!!”. Loud voices could be heard from afar as a red sh!pswerved for the scene.
The men on it seems concentrated on the ocean as they threw harpoons and sh0t arrows into the Ocean.
Mr. Elijah held his wife’s hand as the sh!pswerved dangerously.
It hits against a rock and the p@rt broke open.
“Are we gonna die?”. She asked as she held onto his hand.
“No. Not today”. He said.
Then c@m£ the most dangerous storm that wrecked the sh!pcausing it to sink slowly.
The other sh!phad gotten to the scene as the men fired more harpoons into the ocean and there was a sharp blackout.
Mrs. Elijah’s b©dy could be seen be a wood that was floating toward and island.
She suddenly coughed out and fell from the wood.
The cold waters jo-lt her to reality as she swam up quic-kly.
She got to the shore and staggered out of the water in her we-t go-wn.
“No, Elijah!”. She screamed as she raced for his we-t b©dy on the ground.
She held his nose and blew air into into his mouth but it wasn’t working.
“C’mon!”. She cried as she hit his che-st furiously.
He suddenly g@sped out vomiting water.
She chuckle in tears as he turned to her.
“No, Mrs. Elijah”. She said as she k!$$£d him pas-sionately.
“What happened? “. He asked as she rose from him.
She helped him up and he stared at the ocean before them.
There was various p@rt of the sh!pfloating still with luggages and even bodies.
“Sh!pwreck”. She said.
“Did Titanic just occur?”. He asked.
“C’mon, you joke with everything, we’re both alive that’s all that matters, seems our honeymoon would be here, The Sardinia Island “. She said as she leaned against his che-st.
Mr. Elijah g@sped as he stared narrowly at a p@rticular point.
“Seriously? We got married and you’re no longer ro-mantic”. She said as she raised her head her head up to him.
“What are you staring at?”. She asked but there was no response.
She turned back and there was a creature.
It was a beautiful woman who was half human, half fish.
Below the w@!st was fully a fish’s tail.
“Mermaid!”. Mrs. Elijah screamed as she hid behind her husband.
She peeped from behind wondering why he wasn’t scared.
The Mermaid had a harpoon thrû-st into it’s arm and tail.
And there she held a little baby in her arms still.
“She has a baby?”. She whispered.