Childhood sweetheart Episode 3 & 4

Episode 3
Exactly on the third month, Peter returned home earlier than expected, and he c@m£ back with flowers and the expensive jewelry and gifts he had bought specially for me and he had been practicing his apology speech the entire day, when he walked in to the room and saw me laying on the be-d, he had no idea that I had pas-sed out. as soon as he walked into the room, the first thing he sighted was the white neatly folded paper that says “re-ad me” it was a note I wrote few hours ago before my b©dy gave up on me and I bec@m£ unconscious.
“My love, I’m glad to be your wife and the mother of your children. I love you so much with all my heart and you’ve given me the best life I could have ever asked for, I am so lucky I got married to my CHILDHOOD SWEETHEART; you and it makes me so proud to be your wife and the mother to Alex and Kate, our children. My love, you are still the most handsome caring nurturing person I’ve ever met… you are truly one of a kind… make sure you live life with happiness and that same pas-sion that made me fall in love with you. Seeing you be the best Dad to the kids is the greatest thing I’ve ever experienced. I’m sorry I never appreciated you before now.
We grew up together, I have many memories, experiences, and life changes with you that I wouldn’t have otherwise. I remember you being there, just as excited as I was, when my brother was born. I remember holding you as you grieved the loss of your grandma. I remember moving to college together, and seeking your comfort when I was missing home. Graduations, first jobs, kids, all things I got to do with you, even though we suddenly drifted ap@rt, I’m thankful for the time we spent together and that’s why, I’m not going to bear any grudge against you.
So I thank God, for the countless memories I have because we grew up together. I Thank God, for giving me my best friend when he did. I Thank God, for our story, I’m sorry for turning myself into a nagging and unsubmissive wife and for turning our home into a war zone. I’m sorry for everything I did wrong.
On the day, I wanted to let you know that I was diagnosed with Kidney failure, that same day you killed me before the disease had the chance to kill me because you asked for a divorce and I can’t live without you. Ever since then I st©pped taking my drugs and today I’m letting myself die. It’s exactly three months, The doctor had told me that I nee-ded a quic-k kidney transplant or else I will die. But i prefer death, since you will not be with me anymore. For the past three month, I st©pped taking my medication and today, I feel very weird, weak and in a severe pain. plea-se take care of our children, and be happy with your new found love. Goodbye.”
As soon as Peter was done re-ading the letter, he was in tears as he ran to me, he tried all he could to wake me but I was not moving, I was unconscious but some how I heard him talking to me, “My wife, my love, plea-se don’t do this plea-se wake up” Peter had said in fear. He was so scared, He walked closer to me and held my left hand and he noticed that I was cold, he was so frightened. immediately he rushed me to the hospital. All throu-gh the drive to the hospital, Peter was in tears as he regretted Everything he did wrong too.
“Oh my God, what have I done? plea-se Lord give me a second chance, don’t let My wife die on me, I’m re-ady to make amends and I’m re-ady to make our marriage work, plea-se Lord, I nee-d a second chance” He prayed.
When he arrived the hospital, I was rushed into the intensive care unit. With the look of things, my chance of survival was very slim but the doctor didn’t disclose that to Peter because he saw he was devastated alre-ady. The doctor asked Peter if he knew about my Kidney disease and the nee-ded kidney transplant and he nodded yes.
“I guess it’s now or never, we nee-d to get a donor” The doctor said calmly.
” Doctor I will give my wife my kidney, plea-se what can I do plea-se tell me”Peter entered at once. I wasn’t surprised that Peter will give me his kidney, I knew how much we love each other.
But the doctor told him to calm down, “I will make sure your wife is stabilize first before the surgery, she is in pretty bad shape and some tests will be run on you, to confirm if your kidney will be compatible, what we don’t have is time but we will be fast as possible” The doctor concluded and he walked away.
Just as the doctor walked away, Peter fell into a de-ep thought.
He wondered when things bec@m£ so bad between us
“I remember Fidelia had been the center of my world, when did we st©p being friends, Fidelia didn’t even tell me that she had a kidney disease and to think I also demanded for a divorce, at the same time, oh God, plea-se save my wife, I promise I will never leave her, I have realized that I love her as always, I now un-derstand why she was loosing so much weight, I thought she was on a diet” Peter thought.
In few minutes, the doctor returned.
“Doc, how is my wife? When will I get to donate my kidney to my wife?” Peter asked coldly.
“I tried all I could but I’m sorry, we lost her” The doctor said calmly
“Lost who?” Peter asked as held the doctor’s shi-t with one hand and dragged him with the other.
“Calm down, Mr Peter, plea-se be a man, I un-derstand how you feel but there’s nothing I could do for your wife right now, I’m so sorry” The doctor said sadly.
Peter was threw into sorrow, he was devastated, he rushed to the intensive care unit, where i la-id lifelessly.
He began to cry on my b©dy. I saw him clearly but I wondered why he was not seeing me where I sat, away from my b©dy. When I couldn’t bear to see my Peter in pain, I tried getting back to my lifeless b©dy but I noticed I couldn’t.
“It’s because you killed yourself” a familiar voice uttered and when I turned around, it was a little boy in a white go-wn.
“I didn’t kill myself, I just let myself die” I corrected and the little boy smiled faintly.
“By the way who are you?” I threw in.
“I’m Peter, little Peter, we met when we were 8 years old but I died ever since we st©pped chatting and pla-ying” the little boy replied and i stared in confusion.
“I don’t un-derstand” I uttered coldly.
“Don’t worry you will un-derstand. I swore to love you forever and I will always love you” The little boy added.
I stared at the little boy closely, and then I noticed he looked exactly like Peter when he was still a boy.
In few minutes, The little Peter disappeared but the real Peter, the man I married, was still crying on my lifelessly b©dy
“plea-se wake up, my love plea-se wake up, I promise I will never take our love for granted, how I’m I going to take care of our children, all alone, I’m sorry that I left the lion share of parenting to you, I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention to your complain, I’m sorry that I concluded that you were nagging and unsubmissive. I’m sorry for everything I did wrong, plea-se don’t leave me, you are my only true love, plea-se don’t leave me, I can’t take care of our children like you did, you are a wonderful mother to our children. I’m sorry plea-se don’t punish me like this, I can’t cope without you” Peter said in tears. I began to cry too. I regretted letting myself die and I regretted the way, I lived my life.
I didn’t give myself a moment of Joy or peace. I was always bothered and worried. I let myself get depressed and frustrated. The Peter I thought was going to leave me was on my lifeless b©dy crying, the whole time.
The doctors and nurses tried everything to Console Peter but he was unconsolable.
But they had no choice but to take my lifeless b©dy out of the intensive care unit.
I stood beside Peter my beloved husband and it was a pity I was invisible to him. When my thoughts went to my children, I almost ran mad.
“They will be hungry by now, they had not eaten anything ever since, they returned from school” I thought.
Everything felt like a dream and I was wondering if I will ever wake up from this horrible nightmare.
Episode 4
It was on my funeral that It bec@m£ obvious that I died because my pictures were everywhere and
My parents, my friends and relatives were all in tears. The confusion in my Children’s face broke my heart.
Few months after, I found Peter doing all I always complained that he wasn’t doing. He bec@m£ a devoted single father to our children. He cooked them good meal every day, prepared them for school. Upon his busy schedule, he still brings fresh flowers to my grave. He had apologized a thousand times for everything he had done wrong and he promised he will never be with another woman for the rest of his life.
“I’m going to spend my whole life, taking care of our children, Fidelia my love, plea-se forgive me” he pleaded again.
I bec@m£ very sad, it was obvious that my family nee-ds me and I was so devasted as I wallowed in de-ep regrets.
“Peter loves me so much but why did we drift ap@rt if we love each other so much?” I thought in tears
“Because you st©pped being friends with each other, he bec@m£ bored and he began to lvst after another woman. You were not giving him a chance to explain, you were always judging and complaining. Your marriage bec@m£ like a difficult chore because you were always bugging him on what to do and what not to do, you began to sound like his mother and not like his childhood friend and sweetheart” Little Peter replied at once and I listened speechlessly.
Everyday, I noticed how lonely Peter was becoming without me and how he nee-ded a friend. Every night I visited him in his dream and he was always excited to see me in his dream.
Every night Peter dreamt he was alone in be-d. Then, I will crawled into be-d with him. Peter was so convinced it was real but when he wakes up he will be in tears. Just to make him feel better, Everynight I kept visiting him in his dreams.
At one point, Peter would put my leg over his b©dy. He will reach down to ru-b his hand up and down my smooth slightly stubbled th!gh. I will smile at him but He will just looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. He always wake up from his dreams in tears.
Many times he had asked himself
“How could i feel her leg if this is a dream?” I’ve never had a dream where I could feel and remember texture, but ever since Fidelia died None of this made s-en-se”
but as a ghost I un-derstood everything.
Most times, I reached towards my husband and all his s-en-se of texture will disappear. We will make love and everything will feel so real. Peter’s dream image started to fall ap@rt like a jigsaw puzzle. He always woke up in shock and would say “Oh my god”. He will be breathing really ha-rd . He couldn’t believe how real the dream was. He always had the de-sire to return to his dreams, where he will see me. To him, it felt like it wasn’t a dream.
Peter really felt like his br@in was losing it’s ability to tell the difference between the conscious and the unconscious. And I’m still bothered because Peter was somehow losing his mind.
He always wants to sleep, so he could get to see me.
“If you continue like this, he will go insane and no one will take care of Kate and Alex” Little Peter had told me.
I had to st©p coming to my Peter’s dream but still he will take slee-ping pills just to go to sleep with the hope of getting to see me again.
When I st©pped visiting his dreams, he always woke up in tears still
A year after I died, I noticed Bimpe, My husband’s ex lover, was trying ha-rd to reconnect with my husband.
Peter tried everything to avoid her but I guess my death made things easier for Bimpe.
No doubt Peter nee-ded a friend and ever since I st©pped coming to his dreams. He was always lonely and in de-ep thought. You can hi omeano on+2348137438356 to be added to story headquarters room for more exciting stories.
And gradually Bimpe began to s£dûç£Peter, she had invited her over to her house and she had promised to give him nothing but unforgettable plea-sure. But Peter kept declining.
But one-day, I was surprised to see my children sit by themselves as they were waiting patiently for their father.
It was almost 7:30 pm and my children were yet to have dinner. I forgot that was gone as I walked into the kitchen to make dinner for my children but I noticed I couldn’t t©uçh anything, everything in the kitchen including the pot were like a shadow.
I was so angry that I let myself die like that when I had two beautiful children to look out for.
In anger I walked away in search of Peter, my sweetheart, Little Peter c@m£ to me. And I had no choice to ask him where my husband was.
“I’m sorry, I can’t tell you because I don’t want to break your heart” Little Peter said.
I left little Peter and I walked away, I searched everywhere for my husband but when I couldn’t sight him anywhere, a strong f0rç£ pushed me to an unknown place.
It was a little ap@rtment and I wondered why i c@m£ there. But when I looked
throu-gh the living room window, i was shocked with what I saw, i saw my Peter with another girl, one look I could tell who she was- Bimpe.
“She finally got what she wanted. She finally got my husband, but how could Peter do this to me, he promised to be devoted to our children and to cherish my memories forever” I thought in tears.
” True but you are no more, there’s no connection between the dead and the living” little Peter entered and I got so pissed with his comment.
“Why do you keep following me around, I thought you don’t want to tell me where my husband is, what do you want? Yes I love you when we were children but now I’m not in love with you but with the grown up Peter but he has changed, he lead me to my death and now he is with his lover when he should be with our children, and they are very hungry, This is so unfair” I said in tears.
“Do you know that you can return to your children and you can get Peter back?” Little Peter entered
“How? Is that even possible because I’m died and buried.” I replied, little Peter could see the unbelief in my eyes.
“Yes you can, I gave you a lovely n£¢klace with a lovely pendant, when you turned 16, can you give it back and I will make this nightmare go away.” Little Peter said calmly
“No way, that’s the symbol of Peter’s love and Its so precious to me” I replied
“More precious than Your children, more precious than Peter, me?” Little Peter asked and I nodded no.
I was now willing to let go of the beautiful n£¢klace and pendant but I have forgotten where I had kept it all these years.
Little Peter consoled me and he told me to listen to big Peter’s conversion with his lover Bimpe before we go.
And I did.
To Be Continued