Bride to a heir episode 4 to 6


Chapter 4

Authoress Isabel



I glanced throu-gh the files on my table as I worked on them. Today has been very hectic.

I’m travelling to Pakistan in three days to settle some business matters. How I hope I have someone to lean on.

Someone knocked on the door
“plea-se come in!”

Mr Jang, secretary walked in as he bowed slightly in front of me

“Mr Kim?”
He called me as I lifted my gaze to meet him

I answered him

“About the stuffs you asked of me”
He said holding a file

“Oh!yeah. What about it?”
I asked as my face brightened up

“I’ve complied the names of the t©p three that pas-sed the test”
He said still holding the file

I asked in surprise

He’s really fast about everything. That’s why I love working with him.
I hope a personal as-sistant would work even more better than him

“Ji Eun Tak, Choi Jan Di and Park Hye Ji! They pas-sed the test”
He said smiling

“Oh! Really?”
I asked him

“Yes Mr Kim. Another test is gonna determine who qualifies”
He said stretching the hands towards me and giving me the file

I accepted it as I opened it
“Ji Eun Tak?”
I said facing him

“She has a three years experience as a Secretary”
He replied me

I fli-pped throu-gh the second page
“Choi Jan Di?”
I asked him again

“She has worked as a Secretary in some company before”
He said to me

I fli-pped throu-gh the last page..
“Park Hye Ji?”

“Ha! There’s something spectacular about this person”
He said sitting down

“What’s that?”
I asked in anticipation

“She has a very good education in business matters. She’s actually very intelligent. She pas-sed all the test!!”
He blurted out to me

“Oh! Really?”
I tried glancing throu-gh the girl’s picture as I was stuck in shock
This can’t be!!

The crazy Jughead driver??
Oh my!

“We can actually employ her to the Finance dep@rtment and…..”

“No! Employ her as my personal as-sistant!”
I shouted cutting him off his statement

He wi-de-ned his eyes in surprise

“Give her the job immediately.”
I said as I confirmed the picture to be the crazy girl

“But she hasn’t pas-sed the last test yet!”
My secretary tried objecting

“She’s gonna pas-s it. She has a running mouth. Just give her the job.
She’s the one I want”
I said handing the file to him back

“Yes Mr Kim”
He accepted the file back as he walked out of the office

This is my chance for revenge!
I never knew I could come to meet her this way

So her name is actually Hye Ji?
I can’t wait for her to start working with me

This is gonna be a sweet revenge
I’m gonna show her hell

“Park Hye Ji?”
I said once again as I grinned wi-dely…

I walked our of the restaurant where I worked p@rt time.
It was time to leave for another place

I pu-ll-ed my coat over my shoulder as I walked towards the subway station.

Taking a cab when I’m not late is just like wasting money. I’ll have to use the bus.

My phone rang up as I checked it
“A strange number?”
I whispered to myself

I picked it up immediately
I said

“Is this Miss Park Hye Ji?”
The voice echoed into my ears

“Yes. plea-se who’s this?”
I said

“The general secretary of Damueng company”
The man said

“Ah! Annag@seyo”
I said almost bowing to no one in p@rticular

“You’ve been employed Miss Park”
The man said as I covered my mouth in bewilderment

Oh my!
I can’t believe this

I asked

“You’re to come to the company tomorrow. Bye!”
With that he hanged up

I said even after he wasn’t on the call anymore

I really can’t believe this.
This is awesome
At last!

“I’m getting a job!”
I shouted to myself as I jumped up in joy…

Chapter 5

Author Isabel


Hye Ji is to come to the company today.
I’m gonna take revenge for all she has done to me

Embarras-sing me in a public area
Calling me a crazy punk
Calling me a punk

This is the time to take my revenge.
I’m gonna make her suffer for all.
She’s gonna regret coming into Damueng.

I’ll hate her the more she comes close to me.
I’ll turn her into my personal slave
She’s gonna be worked to death

I can’t wait to see the bewildering expression on her face when she finds out that I’m the CEO here.

I grinned wi-dely to myself as I await her arrival….

I dressed smartly clad in a white jean with a black coat. I don’t nee-d makeup because without it,I’m always beautiful

I sat in the lobby of the company waiting to be called in by the CEO.
I can’t wait to start working here

I looked around as I saw different staffs working delightfully.
I can’t wait to be one of them.

Someone walked towards me as he called my name

“Miss Park Hye JI??”
He called me

“Yes Ajusshi”
I later learnt to know that he’s the general secretary

“You can come on in”
He smiled at me

“Ajusshi, you were the one that called me right?”
I asked him

“Yes, congratulations”
He stretched his hand for a shake

I said bowing and shaking his hands

I adjusted my coat as I followed him
We got to the CEO’s office as everywhere looked well kept

“This will be your space, you’ll sit here”
He said pointing his f!nger to a wi-der space..

“Ah! I see”
I really loved the space

He knocked on the door as a voice answered
“Come on in”
The voice said

“Wow.. Nice voice”
I said to myself

I entered as I bowed without looking at the face of the CEO
Ajusshi waited by the door..

“Annag@seyo, I’m Park Hye JI”
I said bowing..

“Welcome Jughead”
The voice said..
Familiar voice

I looked up immediately
I was shocked to see the crazy punk
“Huh! Crazy punk? What are you doing here?”
I asked in surprise

“Pay your respects. He’s the CEO!”
Ajusshi screamed at me

I shouted in surprise

“You’re surprised right?”
He said walking towards me

“Huh? I..I’m..”
I suddenly lost my voice

“Welcome Miss jughead!”
He said tou-ching the ti-p of my shi-t and pla-ying with the bu-ttons

“I’m sorry Mr Kim!”
I said bowing and trying not to meet his gaze

“Wow .. You can apologize now. Interesting!”
He said smiling

“I’m sincere!”
I said to him

“Running mouth, embarras-sing me and calling me a p©rn star, I’m gonna make you suffer for all that!”
He said as he face burned h0t

I was shocked

“Welcome to my World, Miss Pretty !”
He said walking out on me

“Congratulations once again Park Hye JI!”
The general secretary said before he closed the door of the office gently

I wasn’t so sure if I should accept the congratulations

I was shocked beyond marrow..
Crazy punk is the CEO?
A bossy CEO?

What do I do?
Death should come now!!!
Chapter 6

Authoress Isabel



I pas-sed some files to my secretary as he looked at them before giving them back to me.

He scanned them well as he nodded his head twice in agreement to what he saw.

“Very practical right?”
I asked him as I still stared at the supposed files

“Yes but it’s okay”
He said looking at me

The files were for the contract we got. 500 million won!!
Very great contract!

I’ll be travelling tomorrow to sign them. Damueng company getting mas-sively great everyday.
I’m sure Dad and mum will be happy with me.

“Call me Hye ji, she has some files to work on”
I said without looking up

“She ain’t around yet!”
He said though whispering

I shouted in surprise

“She’s late on her first day”

What kind of jib does she think she accepted
“Coming late on a first day?”
I repeated

“Should I call her?”
He opted picking up his phone

I said abruptly

We continued with our work as I thought of the punishment to give my crazy PA…

Crazy but beautiful!
I grinned to myself


“I really don’t know!”
I said to Hyun Jung as I lamented on my new job

“You looked for that yourself, you weren’t supposed to run your mouth”
She laughed at me

“I’m in for this”
I said to myself

She raised her knuckles up
I only nodded my head

Her husband c@m£ in to meet us as he greeted me first
“Hye ji?”
He called suddenly


“Ain’t today your first day? You’re late!”
He screamed out

“Oh my! Jeez!!”
I rushed up as I walked out of her restaurant catching the fastest taxi

I’m dead today!!”

I rushed into my office as I struggled for breath..
I looked into his office as he pointed his hands signifying me to come in

I placed my hands on my che-st trying to pretend I didn’t un-derstand him
He nodded in agreement

“The crazy j£rk will skin me alive”
I whispered to myself as I walked into his office

“You’re late?”
He asked me as I walked up to him

“Huh? Yes”
I couldn’t meet his gaze

“First day!”
He said smiling

“I’m sorry Mr Kim”
I said bowing


“It won’t happen again! I promise”
I said without looking up

“There’s a punishment”
I looked up immediately

“I’ll do anything”
I said smiling

“This files”
He pointed His index f!nger to a bunk of files arranged on his table

I didn’t un-derstand him

“Work on them”
He smiled at me

I carried the files as I knew my death would come today.
Working on all the files meant death to me
I’m not sure if I’m going home today

I bowed to him as I walked away.
I got to the door as he st©pped me..

“Get re-ady for a trip!”
I looked back immediately

“A trip?”
I asked surprisingly

“A business trip to Pakistan”
He blurted out

Business trip?
Oh my!
I hate my job!
I hate the crazy j£rk also!