Bride to a heir episode 38 & 39


Chapter 38

Authoress Isabel


I’ll tempt you till you try something unpardonable _ Park Hye Ji?


I sat writing on my be-d. Ajumah had said it was surprising how I had made the room mine so quic-kly .

A little sanctuary. Fresh pink and white sheets on the be-d and framed ph0togra-phs on the desk.

Pink curtains on the window blinds, white wardrobe, everything was in order. Pink and white like a typical girl’s room.

Ph0togra-phs of my mum and dad, Hyun Jung and I when we graduated from high school, different ph0togra-phs.

Everything was always spick and span with the smell of air freshener .
I had cultivated the act to always call Mrs Na Ajumah and she didn’t dislike the idea either.

I opened the second page of my diary as I picked up my pen to write:

‘Dear Diary, it’s been long since I visited you. Things has been hectic for me. I suddenly got to be the bride to my boss and I’m living in his house. ‘

I opened the third page as I continued:

‘ Jin Ho talked about ma-king Mr Kim crave for me and I’m re-ady to do that. Nothing is st©pping me. I’ll s£dûç£him and I’m starting today. I’ll see you later diary’

I closed up the diary as I stood up, I was about to enter the bathroom when Ajumah knocked on the door.

“Come in”
She entered smiling

“Dinner is re-ady”
She said holding my hands.

“Okay, is he around?”
I asked as I meant Mr Kim

“Yes, dress well”
She turned as she walked out back.
I don’t know why but it seems like she’s on my side and I love that.

I opted to wear a white go-wn which didn’t even reach a half length. Very ti-ght..
I grinned wi-dely

I picked up my phone as I walked downstairs. He was alre-ady there eating dinner. I only joined him

He stared at me as his eyes to-re my clothes off me. I smiled to myself.
Ajumah dished out my food as I started eating immediately

I looked at him with one eye as he still stole glances at me. The silence bec@m£ awkward as we watched each other eat.

My phone rang saving neither me nor him.
Jin Ho?
Wow.. I picked up immediately

“Yes Jin Ho”
I intentionally mentioned his name as Mr Kim looked up

“Yes, I’m fine.. Oh tomorrow? Yes, don’t worry. Okay, bye”
I hang up smiling and expecting him to talk

And he finally said something
“You really have no shame, talking to the one who pla-yed love on you”
He said as I looked up

“Do you know what shame is? Living together with a nan who never trusted me when he claims to love me”
I said dropping my chopsticks and facing him

“You stabbe-d my back first”
He said calmly and facing me

“You never bothered to know if I was framed or not”
I screamed out

“Look, I don’t know why I’m having this conversation with you, I’m off. Enjoy your meal”
He stood up as I followed suit.

I gr@bb£d his arm as he faced me

He shouted

“You can’t have this conversation with me right?”
I asked in anger

“It’s useless talking like this with you, back off”
He said grinning

I turned to his front as I guided as didn’t want him to pas-s

“Go ahead!”
I shouted

“Move away!”
He said
This time I left his arm alone

“I don’t want too”
I smiled to him

“Don’t make me try something crazy”
He said shaking his head

“Go on, try it”
I smiled se-ductively

“Hye ji move!”
He shouted

“I won’t!”
I shouted back too. He ain’t the only one who got the voice to shout.

He got angry as he tried to push me towards the chairs. I got smart enough to drag him along

I slumped on the chair as he fell on t©p of me. The f0rç£ bec@m£ too much that hisl-ips landed itself on my ownl-ips

What an accidental k!ss!
He wi-de-ned his eyes in shock as he immediately re-moved hisl-ips from mine.

I pu-ll-ed him close back as I lockedl-ips with him. He tasted like honey as he didn’t even hesitate to k!ssme back.

The k!ssgot too tough as he pla-yed his ton-gue in my mouth.
This is getting interesting.

He ca-ressed my hair as he got lost in myl-ips. I tried my best to make him love it.

He found his hands to the hem of my dress as he pla-yed his hands with my th!gh.

He used the other hands to unZi-p my dress from the back. It bec@m£ uncontrollable as he made me we-t.

Mr Kim is lost!
This has to st©p today. I’m not going further.

I pushed him away immediately in pretense. He got the greatest shock of his life!

“What the hell are you doing?”
I asked shouting

“Shouldn’t I ask you that?”
He asked in surprise


“You s£dûç£d me”
He said calmly

“Why should I s£dûç£a crazy j£rk like you?”
I asked as he tried walking away but st©pped

“Zi-p up”
He said as he walked towards his room

What just happened?
Mr Kim k!$$£d me?

Oh my gosh!
It’s working. The plan is working
I love this!

Next time it wouldn’t be here, your room is the next and I won’t st©p you.
I’ll tempt you till you try something unpardonable..

Trust me!

I rushed into my room as I slumped on the be-d in horror.
What happened just now?
I k!$$£d Hye Ji..

I can’t believe this!
Oh my!

I rolled desperately on my be-d as I heard a knock
“Mr Kim?”
Hye Ji?

What the hell does she want?


“Your cellphone is with me, can I bring it in?”
She asked calmly

“No, never. Not possible. Get away”
I screamed as I heard her climb the stairs

She left!
I don’t know what might happen if she comes in.
She got me ha-rd !

Isn’t this a mistake living with her un-der the same roof?

I’m lost?
How do I face her tomorrow?
Chapter 39

Authoress Isabel



This is what I call a surprise k!ss, this is what happens when you tempt me so much_ Je Na…

I sat down in my office retaliating on the k!ssI had with that witch yesterday.

A w!tch? Yes, she’s a witch.

Tempting me all around. I almost tried something else this morning when she c@m£ downstairs with just a towel tied around her che-st.

I c@m£ out of my room as she h0t shocked and the towel almost c@m£ off her b©dy. Gosh!

Temptations everywhere!
The way she locked her mouth Ruth me in a pas-sionate k!ssstill repla-yed vividly in my br@in.

God! She tasted like chocolate candy. Very sweet. Her breath on me felt warm as I didn’t feel like leaving her even for a second.

She suddenly j£rked me off herself as I got surprised..

“Je Na st©p thinking about this!”
I whispered to myself as I concentrated on the files on my table

I nee-d to wake up and get to my s-en-ses but it seems by br@in isn’t working out..

There c@m£ a knock on the door as I signaled her to come in since it was her voice..

“Come in”
I said bowing and trying not to meet her gaze..

She walked towards me as she dropped some files on my table and tried walking away immediately but she turned back

“Perhaps are you shy ?”
She asked placing her hands on the table

I asked anxiously

“Because of last night?”
She laughed at me mocking me intentionally

“Why should I be shy?”
I asked raising my gaze up

She turned as I suddenly remembered my phone
That’s right!
It’s with her

“Wait a minute”
I said suddenly

She asked turning to face me

I stammered suddenly but she didn’t even bother to hear me out but she walked away instead

She’s just too rude.. Very rude
Crazy Jughead attitude!

I nee-d to receive a call from Mr Jang and I don’t want him to know all what’s going on yet

I hope she doesn’t receive the call..
If she does and blabbers her mouth, she’s dead!


I walked out of his office as I decided not to give him his phone yet. I still remember vividly about what happens last night..

He seemed shy and anxious. My plan is working. I have to meet Jin Ho during lunch for my work out.

My phone rang as I re-moved it from my jacket but it seems it wasn’t the one that was ringing

“Oh, Mr Kim!”
I removing his phone from the other pocket..
I looked at the caller ID
“Sweet Mi Rae?”

Who’s sweet?
That crazy look alike of a devil?

I picked up the call
“Why are you calling?”
I asked immediately

“Hye ji?”
She asked


” Why are you picking his calls? Doesn’t he have a hand?”
She blabbered out without waiting

“Maybe! I have all right to hold his phone”
I said smiling and walking into the Resources dep@rtment to drop a file

“Just because you’re just a crazy bride?”
She asked bluffing over the phone

“Of course, I’m still better than a best friend”
I walked out immediately after dropping the files

“You must be out of your mind”
She screamed

“Not like you, I’ll be holding his phone always so back off”
I hanged up immediately as another call creaked in..

Mr Jang?
I smiled within myself

“Hi Ajushi”
I happily greeted

“Hye ji?”
He asked over

“Yes Ajusshi”

“Oh! You’re with his phone now?”
He laughed as I joined in with him

“Does he knows you’re aware?”
I asked in curiosity

“No, he doesn’t but I nee-d to tell him”
He said worriedly

“Yeah, do that”
I as-sured him

“I’ll have to call on his business line then..”
He said

“Okay, bye”
I hanged up smiling

I have a lot of supporters by my side though..
I walked towards the cafeteria laughing

I nee-d more advises to win my groom’s heart.


I ordered my food as I saw Jin Ho from afar.
We waved his hands at me as I walked towards him..
We’ve bec@m£ the greatest of friends..

“Thank you Jin Ho”
I said after sitting down

“It’s okay but do you know something?”
He asked dropping the chopsticks

“What’s that?”
I asked anxiously

“You were a woman to me and even now”
He said smiling

“Jin Ho”

“I had no girlfriend, I only said that to make you jealous”
He said in laughter

“But.. You..”
I stammered not knowing what to say

“I had loved you since high school but I guess Its late now”
He said changing his expression

“I’m sorry Jin Ho”
I ba-rely apologized not knowing what to say

“You’ll forever remain a friend and a first love to me”
He said picking up his chopsticks

“I only wanted you to know this, I didn’t pl@yon your love, I only lacked courage”
He continued

“Thank you”
I picked up my chopstick too as I started eating and at the same time smiling

Few minutes later he tapped my hands
“Je Na is coming”
He said as I looked back

He’s walking towards us..
I tried to maintain my balance on myself

“Hye Ji get up!”
He said as I looked surprise
I thought he was only going to blabber

I asked surprisingly

“Just get up!”
He screamed

“I can’t!”
I said as I continued eating


“Stay out of this!”
He cut Jin Ho off

“Why won’t you stand up?”
He asked me again

“Because I’m not throu-gh with my meal”
I said facing him then smiling

“Then I guess this is right”
He said as he overturned the table pouring all the food away and breaking the plates..

“Kim Je Na!”
I screamed out his name for the first time
People watched us intensively
He didn’t bother about that

He dragged my hands up f0rç£fully as I followed him..
I don’t know what’s wrong

People only watched us

“Mr Kim”
I called to see if he’s going to st©p, my wrist hurts

“Just shut up”
He shouted entering his office and pushing me towards the table

“And what’s all this about?”
I asked holding the table as my hand hurts

“For blabbering all about!”
He said moving closer to me

“If this is all about the surprise k!sslast night, plea-se st©p”
I said holding the table still

He asked smiling


“This is what a surprise k!ss is”
He landed hisl-ips on mine immediately holding my w@!sts as I sat on the table

What the fu-ck!
Mr Kim k!ssing me?

He held me ti-ghtly as my b00bs rested on his che-st.
I got lost in the k!ss as I nee-ded to pl@yalong

My chance!
I crossed my hands over his n£¢k as I allowed my hands to do their jobs ..

Pas-sionately but se-du.ctively…
