b©yfri£ndepisode 5 & 6



(Who am I?)



Daisy and Dan both sat down peeling eyes as well as glaring at each other

It was alre-ady late and they wanted to sleep but Mrs Luna sat there supervising them

It was like hell for the both of them, their eyes were alre-ady burning up and they were starting to tear up

“Gosh…..I can’t Peel them anymore” Dan said and sniffed

“Shut up,will you? This is all because of you” Daisy sh0t at him and they both glared at each other even more

“Seems you guys nee-d more onions to peel” Mrs Luna said with her arms folded

“What are you still doing here? Aren’t you going home” Dan said with his normal rude voice and Mrs Luna scoffed

“I can sleep here if I want to, this is p@rt of my house too” she said

“But you’ve rented it out” Dan said

“Shut up you rude br@t” Mrs Luna said and wanted to hit Dan but he moved back a little

Daisy sighed and continued peeling the onions

Actually, ma-king Mrs Luna go to sleep will be a good idea for her to rest……

Suddenly an idea popped into her head

“That’s right,I can make her go to sleep” she thought to herself and smiled

“Mrs Luna, aren’t you thirsty? I’m asking because I’m thirsty and I wanna get myself a cold drink” She said and Mrs Luna nod

“Of course,I’m thirsty because of you guys” Mrs Luna said

Daisy stood up and walked to the kitchen,she took the glas-s cu-ps and poured orange drinks in it, then she put a slee-ping pill in one of the cu-ps and walked back to where they were

“Here is your drink” she said and handed the one with slee-ping pill to Mrs Luna

“Thanks” Mrs Luna smiled,she collected the cu-p and was about to drink it but she st©pped half way

“What? Why isn’t she drinking it” daisy blinked

“Hey daisy,are you trying to make me fall asleep?” Mrs Luna asked and Daisy stared with shock,wondering how she knew

“No…no” she stammered

“Then why am I seeing a tablet here?” She asked and poured the drink away

“Are you stupid? If you were going to make her fall asleep then you should have used something powdered” Dan said and shook his head



Dan stood outside staring at a mirror in his hand

His eyes were alre-ady swollen and red

And its all because of those onions he peeled

“My handsome face has been ruined” he gro-an ed

Daisy also c@m£ out with another mirror in her hand, she was also checking herself in the mirror

“I bec@m£ so messed up all because of a tyrant” she said and rolled her eyes at Dan

Dan looked at her and sm-irked

“I’m not going to say a word” he paused and folded his arms
“By the way, why do you keep on speaking to me like we are the same age? How old am I?” He asked

“You?” Daisy and kept quiet for a while as if thinking of what to say

“He won’t believe me if I tell him I don’t know his age, but with his look, he looks more younger than I am” she thought to herself

“Well…….you are 20 yrs”she said

” then how old are you? ” Dan asked
“I’m 22” Daisy replied

“Then why are you d@t!ngme if there is 2 yrs difference between us?” He asked and Daisy sighed

“Enough with the questions! Its not like I’m d@t!ngyou because I want to” she yelled and walked back inside


Jackson sat in his room checking out some of the ballerina company do¢v-ment when Maria entered

Maria is someone who has fallen in love with Dan for 5 years now
She is a close friend to Jackson but she is also one of those who doesn’t know exactly how Dan looks

Dan doesn’t have interest in her so he ba-rely talks to her

Jackson also likes Maria despite knowing her feelings for Dan

“Hey, what happened to Dan?” She asked as she entered

“Maria?” Jackson called and stood up
“Where is Dan? What happened to him?” She asked as tears gathered in her eyes

Dan’s secretary, Fred,had called her to tell her that Dan died

“Maria…..” Jackson called and moved closer to her

“What I heard….its not true right?” She asked,Jackson closed his eyes and sighed

“I’m sorry Maria.. But its true” he said and she sat on the be-d and bur-st into tears

“Why? Why did he die? I couldn’t even know what he looks like….so why did he die?”she said as tears dr!pp£dfrom her eyes

Jackson moved closer to her and hvgged her
“Its okay” she said and patted her back

“If Dan didn’t die, you wouldn’t have remembered me” he thought to himself


Daisy was washing some of her clothes and the one Dan had on before when Dan c@m£ out with a towel wra-pped around his w@!st

He just finished bathing but had no clothes to wear

“Hey,get me some clothes” he said and sat down
“What do you take me for? A maid?” Daisy sm-irked and continued what she was doing

“Then…. What am I going to wear, if I am your b©yfri£nd, you should at least have my clothes or un-der wears” he said but Daisy ignored him

“Hey,I’m talking to you” he said and kicked the bucket Daisy was using to wash the clothes

“Hey!!!!” Daisy yelled and poured water at him

“I just finished bathing you fool” Dan said and wanted to pour her water when they saw Mrs Luna behind them

“Are you guys fighting again?” She asked
“No!we were pla-ying…. You know water game” Daisy said sarcastically and sh0t Dan a deadly glare

“Dan, I brou-ght you some clothes” Mrs Luna said and handed him a bag full of clothes

“Oh….thanks, I had nothing to wear anyway” he said and walked inside

35 minutes later…….

He c@m£ out and saw Daisy laying on the floor fast asleep

He bent beside her and moved his head closer to hers

“Now that I look more closely, she’s beautiful” he said and was about to t©uçh her face when daisy suddenly opened her eyes

Seeing Dan’s face close to hers,she punched him and his nose started to bleed

“I’m bleeding” Dan winced in pain and glared at her
“I won’t let it slide, I’m always overprotective when it comes to my face” he said and poured a bowl of soapy water on Daisy’s face

Mrs Luna and Drex both stood downstairs watching the both of them fighting

“Are they little kids or what?!” Drex grumbled and shook his head

“Drex,go and settle them” Mrs Luna said

“No,the last them I did,Dan punched me”

“We are using another method” Mrs Luna said and whispered something to drex

Dan and Daisy were still fighting when Drex walked up to them

“EVERYb©dy St©p!!” he said in a thun-derous voice and they both froze

“Drex?what are you doing here?” Daisy asked

“I’m Drex Luna and I’m going to be you guys babysitter from now on” he said

“Babysitter???!!!” Dan and Daisy chorused and looked at each other with shock

“Yeah, babysitter, I’m going to teach you guys how to love one another” Drex and smiled evily



(Who am i)

Drex sat with his two legs crossed watching both Dan and Daisy

“Don’t you have a martial art clas-s to attend? You should go” Daisy said to him and he shrugged

“I will just skip the clas-s and babysit you guys” he said

“Do you do martial art?” Dan asked him and he nod

“Yeah, I am pretty good at it, I have been doing it for 5 years now” Drex said proudly

“I want to learn martial art too, you gonna teach me right?” Dan asked and Drex grinned

“No thanks, I’m not interested” he said and looked at Daisy

“Big sis,you haven’t been going for your ballerina clas-s ,is something wrong?” He asked and Daisy sighed

“I was kicked out” she said

“Are you a ballerina? It doesn’t suit you” Dan grinned and Daisy glared at him

“Shut up before I throw you out throu-gh the window” she said

“You guys can’t be fighting all day,you are not little kids” Drex said

“That’s why you should st©p babysitting us and go, we are not babies,who babysit adults this days?” Daisy said brushing her hair

“Its not like I want to babysit you guys too but my insisted, she said she’s gonna kick me out if you guys fight again” Drex gro-an ed

“Okay,we won’t fight, at least for your sake” Daisy said and patted Drex

“I would appreciate that” he said and started fanning himself “Why is it so h0t in your house, its like I’m gonna suffocate” he said

“You should take off your shi-t if its h0t” Dan said
“Should I?” Drex said and took of his shi-t

Dan g@sped as he started his b©dy

“Wow…your six sacks are nice” he said and daisy shook her head

“Its Six packs fool” she said and walked to the room

“That’s what I said” Dan sh0t at her
“But you said six sacks” Drex said


Dylan walked to Mrs Luna’s restaurant

He sat down, looking around, it was so obvious he was looking or waiting for someone

“Young man,you are here” Mrs Luna approached him with a smile


“Is there something you would like to order”

“Mac & cheese would be good” Dylan replied

“What of something to drink?” Mrs Luna asked still smiling

Dylan had no idea why Mrs Luna kept smiling at him

“Coke would do” he said

“Okay, it would be re-ady in some minutes” Mrs Luna said but refused to leave

She still had a smile on her face

“You must be in a good” Dylan said

“Of course,I am, I’m just surprised to see another handsome guy after Dan, if you were a girl,I would have married you off to my son” she said

Obviously,Dylan had no interest in whatever she was saying

He continued to look around
“Is there Someone you are looking for?” Mrs Luna asked

“Yeah…..there is this lady that works here, she’s pretty and hair is long too,do you….” He couldn’t complete his statement before Mrs Luna interrupted

“Do you mean Daisy?”

“Daisy?,is that her name?” Dylan asked and Mrs Luna nod

“To be honest,she’s not that pretty, but why are you looking for her?” Mrs Luna said and the door opened

Daisy and Drex both entered with Dan behind them

Mrs Luna made a signal for them to come over

“Young man,meet the D³” Mrs Luna said pointing at the three of them

“D³?” Dylan asked

“Yeah, they are Daisy,Dan and Drex, Drex is my son while Daisy and Dan are couples who lives upstairs” Mrs Luna explained and Dylan arched his brow

“Couples?” He asked
“Yeah,they are b©yfri£ndand girlfriend, by the way young man, what’s your name?”

“My name is Dylan, nice meeting you guys” he said

“I don’t think its our first time Meeting” Dan said glaring at him

“I don’t think so too,as usual you are rude” Dylan said, glaring back at him

“Why do you like picking up a fight with Everyone” Drex whispered to Dan

“Daisy, You and Dan should go fetch some firewood, Drex, you should help me serve the customers” Mrs Luna said, trying to st©p a fight that was about to break up

“Fetch firewood? at this time? Its alre-ady late” Daisy murmured

“You should go before it gets more dark” Mrs Luna said, pushing both Dan and Daisy outside

Dylan watched Daisy and sighed “Gwen,you were alive” he thought to himself


Daisy and Dan both walked to the forest with a flashlight in Daisy’s hand

“That Darn Mrs Luna, She keeps doing what she wants because I’m still owing her the house rent” Daisy grumbled “its so dangerous here” she said looking around

“You should pay her back as fast as possible, and…. If you are scared, you can just hold unto me, I’m not scared of anything” Dan said proudly and brushed his hair out of his eyes
“He must be kidding me” Daisy said to herself

They heard a sound that was just like that of a wolf and Dan quic-kly his behind Daisy

“Did you hear that sound?” He whispered and Daisy sighed

“You said you were not scared” she said

“I’m not scared” Dan said and adjusted his clothes, he moved forward and was walking ahead of Daisy

“Hey,watch out its a snake” Daisy suddenly yelled and Dan his behind her panicking

“A…..snake” he stammered and hvgged her

Daisy on the flashlight on the snake and she sighed

“This snake is not a poisonous snake” she said but Dan was alre-ady shivering

“No,its poisonous, it just smiled at me, I saw it” he said with his eyes closed

“He’s killing me” Daisy sighed and tired to dis£ngage the hvg but Dan held her more ti-ghtly

“The snake must be crazy,it smiled at me, I saw it, I don’t like snakes so why is it smiling at me” Dan said

“Hey!!the snake didn’t smile, we both saw it” Daisy yelled out in frustration

“No..it smiled at me, I saw it” Dan said but Daisy was surprised when she noticed him crying

“Hey,are you crying?” She asked