Bound by love episode 24 & 25

Bound by love

The doctor just stared Mr Edwards, unable to speak thus ma-king him loose total control of himself.
“But what doctor?” Mr Edwards asked again but this time with a slightly raised voice as he hit his folded fist on the doctor’s desk.
The doctor breath in and out heavily. “He nee-ds an urgent operation which means the affected hand will be cut off and if the operation is not carried out in the next one hour or there about, we might just loose him coz the poison keeps spre-ading ra-pidly every second and that’s very dangerous,” he concluded.
“What?” Mr Edwards exclaimed in shock, then pu-ll-ed out a chair from un-der the desk and sat down camly. “I shouldn’t have gone to rescue her,” he muttered. “So doctor, you mean my son will loose his right hand?” he asked just to be sure of what he’d heard.
“Exactly sir,” the doctor replied.
“So after risking my life just to save Daniels daughter, my son’s arm will now become the sacrificial lamb,” Mr Edwards thought as he placed his elbow on the desk and buried his head in his palms.
The doctor was moved to pity as he watched the retired General displ@ysuch de-ep emotions. “plea-se sir, take it easy on yourself,” he pleaded.
“This is unbelievable doctor, Is there no other way out?”
“I’m afraid sir, that’s the only way out.
Mr Edwards sat still and stared at the doctor without knowing what to say or do…
The unrest had died down. Most of the ritualists were killed while others were arrested. They soldiers had lost seven of them during the battle.
Joy, Jeffrey and the two guys were bundled and put into one of the hillux while Felix’s and the bodies of the dead soldiers were put into another hillux and drove straight to the General hospital where the dead bodies would be put into the mortuary.
“That battle was a tough one but I’m glad we made it,” the General said to one of the soldiers as he opened the door to the jeep his driver had come with as instructed. “Six of you are wonded. Three should join me in my jeep with my driver, the other three should make use of my car and the rest should enter the hilluxes. We are all going to the General hospital so the wounded ones can have their injuries tended to,” he concluded and entered the jeep while the soldiers did as instructed.
Minutes later, the whole forest area looked very dark and deserted as if Nothing had happened there…
Time checked -8:30pm
Mrs Edwards, Nath’s mum, sat on the couch in the sitting room, looking dead worried as she kept glancing at the wall clock and dialing her husband’s number from time to time. “What could be wrong,” she pondered as she stood and picked up the remote on the centre table, then walked to the television and switched it on to see if she’d get any information while still trying her husband’s number.
Minutes after she had switched on the television and walked back to her seat, A report c@m£ up where the forest was shown with dead bodies of ritualist littered around. The report stated that the battle to rescue the daughter of the most renowned Mr Daniels was brou-ght to an abrupt end immediately the retired General’s son was stabbe-d by one of the ritualists as he tried to rescue the daughter of Mr Daniels from being killed and it also stated that Nathaniel Edwards, the son of the retired General’s was in a state of coma at the General hospital and the chances of his survival was 50/50.
“Jesus!” Mrs Edwards shouted as she quic-kly stood up and rushed to the be-droom upstairs to pick her car key.
Minutes later, she c@m£ running down the stairs again and headed to the door, only to realise in her haste that she had picked the key to the house. “Oh God! plea-se save my son, my only son,” she cried and rushed back upstairs to get the right key.
“AK, take care of the house,” she shouted out to the house keeper as she descended the stairs the second time after hearing the reports on the television. After much chaos, Her car was seen speeding on the highway and heading to the hospital…
Mr Edwards was still arguing with the doctor over his son’s life.
“Sir plea-se, we can’t let him die, let’s carry out the operation,” the doctor pleaded again.
“No, my son’s hand will never be cut off okay, no operation will be carried out on any p@rt of his b©dy,” Mr Edwards shouted, stood up and left the doctor’s office, slamming the door behind him…

Bound by love

After Mr Edwards had left, the doctor sat quiet for a while thinking about the issue at hand. “What if someone goes inside Nath’s ward and finds out that I was lying, what would become of me?, how could I have been so stupid to accept doing something so risky, something that could back fire against me,” he thought wordlessly. “No!” he shook his head negatively. “I have to call Mr Peter right away,” he said out loud, picked up his phone and dialled Mr Peter’s number which he picked on the first ring.
“Hello doctor, have the operation been carried out?” Mr asked excitedly over the phone.
The doctor sighed de-eply and spoke up, “No sir, Mr Edwards strongly disagreed and I don’t think I want to do this any longer,” he answered.
Mr Peter chuckled, “You are joking right?”
“No!” the doctor replied sharply.
Mr Peter laughed over the phone a bit, then st©pped laughing and sad seriously, “Be prepared to face the wrath of the oath.”
“It seems you haven’t heard your occultic group has been destroyed, so you are absolutely powerless now,” the doctor smiled.
“You seem to forget I was the second in command and I’m capable of getting another group to do my bidding besides you can’t back out now, do you know the risk I took before escaping from the battle field, do you know the danger I’m in if Nath isn’t dead before 12midnight?” Mr Peter shouted over the phone.
The doctor was beginning to shudder in fear coz he knew what’s next. “plea-se sir…” he began.
“Shut up!” Mr Peter yelled. “I give you thirty minutes to convince Edwards to allow the operation to be carried out so you inject him with the killer substance, if not you are doomed afterall I asked you to kill him inside the ward but you objected and brou-ght this idea just to avoid suspicion so you better act fast,” he fired in annoyance and ended the call.
“Hello… Hello…” the doctor said but the line was dead. “Oh no, what have I gotten myself into,” he lamented and placed his head on his desk…
Gold sat beside Nath on the hospital be-d. She wondered why he still nee-ded to un-dergo the operation when he looked sound with a bandaged arm and why the nurses had acted weird and refused showing her the ward Nath had been admitted into, “Something isn’t right here, she thought and tapped Nath lightly on the left arm. “Nath!” she called and t©uçhed his face.
Nath stirred and opened his eyes a little, then closed it back.
“Nath! It’s me, your love,” Gold said softly.
Nath stirred again and this time, j£rked open his eyes, “Gold!” he smiled happily and sat up.
“Sweetheart,” Gold smiled too. “Thank God you’re awake.”
“I’ve missed you so much,” Nath said tiredly as he reached out t©uçhed her face too.
“I’ve missed you too,” Gold said, then suddenly st©pped smiling, “Something isn’t right,” she added.
“What’s wrong?” Nath asked.
“I think the doctor and nurses has something up their sleeves,” Gold said, then told him what transpired between the nurses and herself and how she had taken risk by checking from ward to ward for him.
Nath sighed de-eply and pu-ll-ed her close to himself with his good arm not minding her blood stained clothes, “A soldier that couldn’t be killed in a fierce battle field can never be killed by his enemies outside the battle field,” he said.
Gold smiled again, “I love your courage, thanks for saving my life again the fourth time,” she appreciated.
“I love you Gold, so nothing is too much for me to do for you, even though I never knew who the soldiers said was caught in the web of ritualists, I couldn’t st©p thinking it was you when I heard the person was a girl, that’s why I followed them to the battle field,” he concluded.
“I love more Nath,” she smiled, stretched her head towards hisl-ips and within a twi-nkle of an eye, they were both lost in the world of ecstasy and pas-sion as the devoured each other’sl-ip.
Then suddenly, the door opened and Nath’s parent, Gold’s dad and the Army General walked into the room and stood staring at them quietly
Nath, who’s eyes were closed while they k!$$£d felt someone was watching them, So he opened his eyes, only to find out that they were caught in the act…
To be continued…