Bound by love episode 17 & 19

Bound by love




Nath, despite of himself looked very scared as he heard the gun sh0t and quic-kly stood up. “Could it be Dad has come to rescue me?” he looked around, then started moving forward. Then suddenly he heard footsteps and rustling of leaves behind him and a voice ordered him to st©p which he obeyed and turned round. “Joy!” he called in shock while Joy just stood staring at him with a smile on her face. She was dressed in a black t©p and black leggings and on her leg was a black high heeled shoes, she also had a gun in her right hand.

“How did you find me?” he asked still in shock.

Joy still smiling, moved closer to him. “I followed you secretly after you had confronted Jeffrey and I’m here to save your life but only on one condition,” she said and st©pped smiling.

Nath was baffled, “What condition?” he asked and folded his arms in anticipation.

Joy walked and stood infront of him se-ductively, “You will have to denounce Gold and make love to me here and now,” she said seriously and ru-bbe-d her left hand on his che-st.

Nath felt irritated, “Never, you b—h,” he yelled, held her hand and dropped it down f0rç£fully.

“Really,” Joy chuckled.

“Yes!” Nath replied sharply.

“Then you have to die,” She said, c0cked the gun and pointed it on his forehead.

At that moment, Nath regreted not putting atleast up to two defense device into his trou-ser pocket. “Is is how my life will end?” he thought as his heart started thumping fast in fear..





The students outside looked scared as the hillux full of armed soldiers drove into the compound, followed by two cars and pu-ll-ed to a st©p at the field which was on the right handside from the school gate.

The vice chancellor who was still walking up and down the path way that led to the gate almost had a heart attack as she she saw the tons of soldiers who jumped out one after the other from the hillux. She knew great trouble awaited her coz the soldiers didn’t come for anyone ap@rt from Nath and Nath was nowhere to be found. Then she summoned up courage and walked up to where they cars were parked just in time as Mr Edwards opened his car door and got out.

“Goodafternoon sir,” the vice chancellor greeted as she stood infront of Nath’s dad, looking visibly shaken.

“Save the greetings madam,” Mr Edwards said angrily. “My son is in danger and I want to see him now,” he ordered and glanced at the soldiers who had positioned themselves in strategic points, ever re-ady for action.

“I’ve s£nt out search p@rties plea-se and they are yet to return,” the vice chancellor replied still shaking in fear. She had never been so scared in her life before.

“My son was un-der your care and If I can’t find him in the next thirty minutes, prepare to face my wrath,” Mr Edwards shouted and leaned on his car.

The Army General who was alre-ady out of his car, walked to him. “plea-se sir, take it easy on her, I will order the men to go round the bushes and forest to look for him,” he pleaded calmly and moved closer to the soldiers to issue out orders.

Minutes later, the soldiers where seen filing out of the University’s gate in search of Nath.





Mr Daniels, Gold’s father threw his phone on the be-d in anger. He had just received a call that his daughter was missing. “Unbelievable!” he shouted. “The Vice chancellor has a lot to explain,” he fumed, walked to his wardrobe and started bringing out the clothes he wanted to put on.

Mrs Daniels, his wife who heard his voice from the kitchen downstairs, rushed upstairs to the room to find out what was wrong.

“Sweetheart!” she called immediately she entered the room. “What happened?, I heard you shouting,” she asked as she walkedd and sat on the edge of the be-d.

“Nevermind,” the husband said and tried to look calm coz he knew if he told her, she would faint coz she was hypertensive.

“I demand to know, plea-se don’t hide anything from me,” she pleaded and stood up.

“I said it’s nothing,” the husband snapped.

“And I demand to know,” the wife said with a slightly raised voice.

“Fine!” the husband frowned as his anger beclouded his s-en-se of judgement. “Gold has been kidnapped.”

“What! No, it can’t be,” the wife screamed and fell down…



Bound by love
Mr Daniels quic-kly turned and bent over his wife in fear. He regreted ever telling her about their only daughter.
“Honey, baby, plea-se don’t do this to me, I beg of you plea-se,” he pleaded as he squ-atted beside her and shook her vigorously but she wasn’t breathing.
“John!” he called out in a loud voice while he carried the wife the wife out of the room.
“John open the gate now!” he kept on shouting as he rushed downstairs with the wife not minding her weight.
“Sweetheart, plea-se just be strong for me,” he kept on pleading as he entered the sitting room. “That Vice Chancellor must surely pay for this and if anything happens to my wife, she’s doomed,” he soliloquized, dropped the wife on the couch and rushed to open the door. “John! Is the gate opened?” Mr Daniels asked from the varenda.
“Yes sir!” c@m£ the reply.
“Alright come in and help me plea-se,” Mr Daniels said and went back inside to carry his wife to the hospital…
Gold quic-kly sat up from the ground she lay. She had also heard the gunsh0t and wondered where it c@m£ from. Inspite of her pains, She stood up and ti-ptoed to the door and realised that was the only door to the building, then she saw one of the boys slee-ping on a bench a little distance away from the door.
“Thank God I wasn’t tied up,” Gold breath. She prayed silently that her strength should carry her to where she would see atleast any means of transportation. Looking up from the door post, She saw that everywhere that surrounded the house was a very thick forest. Forgetting where she stood, she g@sp loudly in shock, “How will I leave this place now, I can’t enter this forest. But come to think of it, how can someone build just one room ap@rtment inside a forest,” She thought quietly to herself, then an idea struck her and she moved closer to the guy who l@yon the bench and tapped him lightly on the shoulder ma-king him to j£rk open his eyes.
“You, get back inside now!” the guy shouted as he sat up but Gold knelt down infront of him.
“plea-se I have something to ask of you,” Gold pleaded.
“What?” the guy asked sharply.
“My father is very rich and I know you kidnapped me because of money coz you don’t have work to do” Gold said and placed her palms together.
The guy felt irritated. “Are you trying to insult me?” he asked.
“No, I just want you to help me escape, my dad will pay you any amount.”
The guy li-cked hisl-ips as he heard any amount, “Okay, I will help you,” he smiled, revea-ling his broken brown teeth.
“Oh thank you very much,” Gold stood up happily.
“Okay, let’s leave now so no one would come back and find us here, just follow me quietly,” he said and stood up, then picked up his gun and walked towards the forest while Gold sighed de-eply and followed him, praying that nothing bad should happen to her, little did she know that she was going out from frying pan into fire…
Nath stood staring at Joy as he tried pu-lling himself together. “But you said you loved me right?” he asked and then smiled.
“Yes!” Joy replied and dropped down the gun, “Very much,” she added and smiled too as she started carre-ssing his che-st again.
“Do you trust me?” Nath asked again.
“Yes I do, with all my heart,” She answered and k!$$£d him lightly on thel-ips.
Nath’s smiled wi-de-ned as an idea struck him, “k!ssme more plea-se,” he requested which made Joy stare at him in surprise.
“Are you sure about this,” She asked happily.
“Very sure,” Nath replied and t©uçhed her hair se-ductively. “Gold plea-se forgive me,” he thought silently in his mind.
“Oh Nath!” Joy whispered. “I love you so much,” she said and started k!ss!nghim furiously like she wanted to tear off his mouth.
Nath smiled ruefully as he k!$$£d her back. He felt very terrible that he was k!ss!ngsomeone else when he should have kept himself for Gold. “I pray she’ll be able to forgive me when I tell her about this,” he prayed silently as he started fondling Joy’s br£@st slowly.
Soon Joy was lost in a world of ectasy and great plea-sure and didn’t know when Nath collected the gun from her till he had pushed her down ma-king her fall backwards with a loud thud.
“Nath!” She screamed in shock as she looked up at him.
“You b—h, now it’s time for me to kill you,” Nath yelled as he c0cked the gun and pointed it at her…

Bound by love

Joy’s shocked face suddenly turned to a smile thus ma-king Nath look back in surprise to see two guys walking towards their direction, one was masked while one wasn’t but looked very mean.
“Do you really think you can kill me?, Nath Edwards!” Joy laughed and stood up, then dusted her clothes.
“What games are you pla-ying?” Nath asked as the two guys were still walking towards them.
“Love game,” Joy smiled and folded her arms.
“This is weird Joy, I mean how can you be so desperate?” Nath asked and folded his arms too.
“I love you Nath but if you push me, I will wipe out your as-s here and now,” Joy said as she st©pped smiling and looked more serious.
Nath laughed out loudly ma-king her stare at him as it was now her turn to look surprise.
“What’s funny?” Joy asked and nodded at the two guys who had st©pped walking to keep coming.
“You are just funny. Do you really think you can kill me with this toy you call a gun?” Nath chuckled, then unfolded his arms and stared at the gun admiringly.
“Wow!” One of the guys who was masked exclaimed as they now stood by Nath’s side thus putting him in the middle. “You really have guts,” the guy said and pu-ll-ed off his mask.
“Felix!” Nath shouted and moved back a little as he couldn’t believe his eyes.
“Yes!” Felix replied. Then he added “Presido” as an after thought.
“Are you also in this stupid game?” Nath asked further and glanced at the gun in his right hand.
“What do you think? That I was your friend?” Felix asked and smiled. “Come on Nath, you are surrounded by unfriendly friends.”
Nath moved closer and stood infront of him, then placed a hand on his right shoulder. “But why?, why are you doing this?” he asked staring de-ep into his eyes.
Felix ignored his question and said instead, “Your dad c@m£ to school earlier today with an army of soldiers just to look for you and to rescue you I guess.”
Nath smiled on hearing that. He knew his father would surely come to rescue him but then he st©pped smiling and re-moved his hand from Felix shoulder. “So, what do you really want to do to me now?” he asked.
Felix face bec@m£ mean as he turned to Joy who had been silent all this while and she nodded again. “Nothing, just want you to denounce Gold here or be killed,” he replied.
Nath giggled, “You guys are just bunch of fools especially you Felix. Very well then, if it’s because of Gold that all this is happening, fine! kill me coz I’m ever re-ady to die for the love of my life,” he said with a renewed confidence and handed the gun to Felix.
Felix couldn’t say a word nor collect the gun, he just fixed his gaze on Nath, wondering what made him feel so strong.
Nath smiled, then bent and dropped the gun at Felix feet, “plea-se don’t think twice, just kill me coz I can’t wait to die,” he said and raised up his two hands high in the air…
Mr Daniels paced to and fro the hospital’s reception while the two nurses kept running in and out. He knew how much he had suffered the last time he had brou-ght his wife to the same hospital when she had fainted due to shock. “Oh God! plea-se save her,” he prayed silently.
Then the doctor on duty walked into the reception. He had a permanent smile on his face, as though he would break bad news to a patient with a smile. “plea-se sir, calm down and come with me,” he said to Mr Daniels who had rushed to him immediately he’d emerged from the corridor, then he turned and headed back to the ward where Mr Daniels wife had been admitted.
Mr Daniels immediately rushed to the be-d his wife l@yand sat beside her, then ca-ressed her face with his right palm. “Doctor! How is she?” he asked and turned to the doctor.
The doctor heaved a hvge sigh of relief. “Well we thank God, at first we lost all hope coz she had completely st©pped breathing but after about two dosages of injection, she was able to breath again.”
“Oh thank God!” Mr Daniels exclaimed. “So what next now?” he asked.
“She’ll be fine, all she nee-ds now is a good rest and enough sleep but you’ll have to go home and get her something to eat,” the doctor said.
“Okay doctor,” Mr Daniels said calmly.
“Good, I’ll be in my office incase anything comes up,” the doctor said and left.
After the doctor had left, Mr Daniels wondered who could have kidnapped Gold. “Could it be Edwards has a hand in this,” he muttered silently to himself…
To be continued..