Boss lady Episode 15 & 16

in-sert 15🔞
Now, as we stand three feet ap@rt and stare at each other, I feel the full distance that comes with spending so much time ap@rt, a moment filled with the electricity of a first meeting and the uncertainty of strangers. Until that moment I had not un-derstood that this was a story about lonely people, about abs£nce and loss, and that that was why I had taken refuge in it until it bec@m£ confused with my own life, like someone who has escaped into the pages of a novel because those whom he nee-ds to love seem nothing more than ghosts inhab!tt!g the mind of a stranger.
my wife felt like a stranger to me, if I try to t©uçh her, she might refuse or for just a short while.
why do you look so worked up? ” Elisha asked.
nothing man ” I said taking a sip of my whiskey.
where is madam ” he asked
I don’t know, she ba-rely home ” I said
is it why you look tired?” he asked.
she is a different person when I c@m£ back ” I said
man, you know women they are moody” he said
I hope that mood changes because I miss my wife ” I said
He laughed ,he left after an hour.
I was off today I wanted to spend time with my wife but she wasn’t anywhere to be seen. . she c@m£ back around 17.
hey ” she said
mi amor ” I said
you are drun!k” she said getting the glas-s from my hand.
why do you smell a man’s perfume? ” I asked
you are drun!k” she said
am not drun!kto tell that you are wearing a man’s perfume” I said
I met an old friend; he is the one who I hvgged ” she said
oh ok” I said
she went to take a shower. later she prepared supper for us.
Caleb I am tired ” she said
when have you been tired having S-x with me, your husband? “I asked
am tired today ” she said
Sharon is a S-x freak and I know how much my wife enjoys S-x. but her refusing was really worrying me.
where are you going?” I asked
am going to see maria, her baby isn’t feeling too well ” she said
let me go with you I take a look at the baby” I said
she alre-ady took him to the hospital ” she said
what time will you be back” I asked
2hours time ” she said
she k!$$£d my cheek and walked away.
I started planning for her birthday, since today was her 27th birthday, I was planning a surprise p@rty for her …
I thought she was with you ” I asked maria.
me ” she answered surprised
maybe I didn’t get her ” I said
maybe ” she said
the weird p@rt was that the boy, she was talking about was running up and down.
it’s really nice that you are planning a p@rty for her, too bad it’s only for the four of you ” she said
I nee-ded some family time ” I said
anyway, I wanted to see her, tell her that I c@m£ to see her ” she said
I started planning for our dinner, I cooked and set the table with candles and flowers.
daddy am sleepy mummy is not coming ” he said
she is let’s wait a little bit longer ” I said
ok but am tired ” he said yawning.
Sharon took longer than expected. after giving the boys they food, I took them to be-d…
I decided to go to be-d as well …I have a history of ma-king decisions very quic-kly about others. I have always fallen in love fast and without measuring risks. I have a tendency not only to see the best in everyone, but to as-sume that everyone is emotionally capable of reaching his highest potential. I have fallen in love more times than I care to count with the highest potential of a man, rather than with the man himself, and I have hung on to the relationsh!pfor a long time (sometimes far too long) waiting for the man to ascend to his own greatness. Many times, in r0m@nç£I have been a victim of my own optimism
the pain I felt after what Sharon did was unbelievable.
in-sert 17
What do you do when the one person you want comfort from the most is the one who ~caused your pain? How can I want so desperately for him to wra-p me up in his arms but also want so much for him to leave me alone? Love is never su~ pposed to hurt. Love is supposed to heal, to be your haven from misery, to make living fv¢king worthwhile. I did the searching and remembering, she did the disappearing and ~the forgetting. The shattering of a heart when being broken is the loudest quiet ever. To make one person the center of your world is bound to end in disaster. There are too man~ y factors outside your control. It hurts to love. It’s like giving yourself to be flayed and knowing that at any moment the other person may just walk off with your skin.
as I entered the house, I found my birthday cake on the table. there were gifts on the table next to my cake, I opened the first box, it was a beautiful dress and matched shoes …
oh my God ” I whispered.
I went to my room and found him slee-ping peacefully. I got a call from Andrew.
hey ” I answered
hope you got home safely ” he asked
yes, thank you for the best birthday” I said
you deserve the all world my queen” he said
I want the world” I giggled
I will get you that my queen ” he said
am sleepy my love, can we talk Tomorrow ” I said
I love you” he said
Goodnight” I hung up
I took a shower and joined Caleb in be-d, how am I going to explain to him. I woke up very early and prepare jr for school. I stood by the bus station as we waited for the bus.
mummy where were you? ” he asked
when darling ” I asked
yesterday, daddy planned a beautiful day for you ” he said
I know baby I saw it ” I said it.
the bus c@m£ and picked him up.
as I was about to walk away a car st©pped.
hey beautiful” he said
hi ” I said
where are you heading to? ” he asked
home ” I said
do you mind taking you? ” he said
no thank you sir am alre-ady home” I said
am Anthony “he said
okay Anthony” I said
what’s your name ” he asked
am Rose ” I said
do you mind giving me your line Rose? ” he asked
I have somewhere to be ” I said
your number and I won’t bother you ” he said
I knew this man wasn’t going to give up so I gave him my line and I went back home. I found Caleb watching TV.
morning babe ” I said
he was quite
babe,” I said
he got up and I followed him.
babe plea-se hear me out ” I said
hear what Sharon that you lied about you being with maria, maria was here looking for you ” he said
oh sheet ” I thought to myself.
where did you go? ” he asked
okay fine, I went to the boutique” I said
boutique didn’t I get you people to help you with the boutique ” he asked
yes, but you want those girls to steal from me ” I asked
I trust those girls ” he said
are you slee-ping with those girls? ” I asked
excuse me ” he asked.
you have heard ” i said
Sharon even if you starve me forever, I wouldn’t go looking for anyb©dy to satisfy me ” he said.
I know I cheat but I forgot the rules that never make your p@rtner feel left out …
let me go watch soccer I have work later. I gr@bb£d his hand and I pinned him to the wall.
I started k!ss!nghim …the S-x I gave him, I doubt he will work properly.
I was thinking of having another little one ” he said
Caleb why ” I asked
mi amor, look I even told you when you were pregnant with malumbo that I want a lot of kids ” he said stro-king my hair.
a baby will ruin my life now.
am not re-ady for a third baby ” I said
when. will you be re-ady? ”he asked
I will let you know and you know that I will be going for attachments soon ” I said
your attachment won’t you be doing them here” he asked
I was thinking kabwe” I said
for how long” he asked.
a month” I said
that’s far amor, you know you are a mother what will happen to the boys ” he asked
it’s not like you won’t be around” I said
Sharon you are not going anywhere, are you going mad, malumbo is 3 he is still a baby ” he said
he is a boy, baby you can’t take care of him, why are you selfish” I yelled
he got up and put on his bo-xer and looked at me.
it’s not fair ” I said
Sharon you call me selfish, I work my bu-tt off to put food on the table, to take you to school. you drive an expensive car, your clothes, and you are here saying am selfish” he asked
when Caleb is upset, he will call me my name …
I can’t go for attachments because of my kids really am going to kabwe” I said
you are foolish Sharon ” he said
I sl@pped him.
never in your life call me that, I sacrificed my family because of you and here you are calling me foolish “I said
I miss my wife this woman right here is not my wife “he said walking out.
I broke down, when I calmed down, I got re-ady and went to the mall to meet maria.
chitalu has grown” I said looking at her son.
you don’t want to come and see him, next time you will hear that he is married” she said
I have been busy ” I said
with what ” she asked
life ” I said
my phone rung and it was Andrew, I ignored it.
you fought with Caleb” she asked
I nodded
instead of talking to him you are here ignoring his calls ” she said
he doesn’t want me to go to kabwe ” I said
what’s in kabwe ” she asked.
my attachments” I said
Andrew kept on calling.
why can’t you do them from here ” she asked
kabwe is better ” she said
Sharon do you want to find another woman taking care of you family” she asked
God forbid will that happen” I said
wait, you will know God ” she said
the reason why I want to go to kabwe it’s because a man I met last week works in kabwe and I wanted to be with him.
“babe what’s going on, I haven’t seen you in a week am going crazy plea-se call me back, I miss you so much ” Andrew.
I cli-cked my ton-gue. I didn’t start slee-ping with him because I wanted love, I sle-pt with him because I wanted just wanted to for fun.

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