Bloody Samaritan episode 2 & 3



GENRE:- r0m@nç£



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“Can’t you talk?” My manager asked and ban-g his hand on the table angrily.

Mr clerk, can you see what you caused, this baldhead man is gonna give me hypertension today.

“Am very sorry sir, it’s a personal issue” I said. “Am giving you the last chance, consider yourself fire if you come late again” my manager said.

“Thank you very much Mr manager” I replied happily.

“Don’t thank me just get out of my office!” He said and I secretly roll my eyes at him and turned to walk out of his office.

“Adele come back here” he said and I turn back immediately. I don’t really know what this man want from me.

“Sir!” I said. “Have you think about what I told you?” He asked.

“no sir, I don’t have time to think about it” I replied. Just imagine this baldhead man asking me out.

“I will advice you to think about it fast!” he said. “Alright sir” I replied him.

“you can go!” Phew that’s a relief. I walked out of his office and rest my head on his office door and breathe out in relief.

“Adele what happened to you, wait…. Don’t tell me the manager have sacked you, oh poor girl” she said.

“God why did you give me a friend like this f00l” I said out loud and she roll her eyes at me.

“Are you tired of seeing my face in this place?” I asked.

“No, you look pitiful when you walked out of the manager office, so I concluded that he has sack you” she said.

“That baldman can never sack me because he hasn’t gotten what he wants from me, all men are just useless”

“My father and brothers aren’t useless, I have warned you times without number to st©p saying this nons-en-se” she said.

“To you am saying nons-en-se, but to me am talking from experience, my dad is a very useless man, have you forgotten what Collins did to me, he pla-yed me just because I decided to give him a chance and now this baldhead man is asking for out, am not even lucky when it comes to relationsh!p” I said to her.

“but the manager isn’t that old, he is just 35, so I don’t see anything wrong in it” she said.

“Can to just listen to yourself, a married 35 years old man is asking me out and you’re here telling me that you don’t see anything wrong in it, just stay away from me today, you aren’t a good friend” I said and walked away and she run after me. “Adele I am very sorry” she said.


Nathan walked to his car and the driver opened the car door for him immediately and he sat at the owner seat.

Wyatt drag lei to the back seat. “Wyatt!” Nathan called.

“Boss” Wyatt replied. “Are you cr*zy, did you expect me to seat with this f00l” Nathan asked angrily and Wyatt drag Leo out of the car immediately.

“Am very sorry sir” Wyatt replied. “Lock him in the booth!” Nathan command and Wyatt drag him to the booth immediately.

“Wyatt be warn I won’t think twice before killing you if you try that nons-en-se with me again” Nathan said.

“Am very sorry sir” Wyatt said with his head bow. The driver parked the car at the garage and Nathan c@m£ down from the car.

“take him to the torture room I will come pl@ywith him later” Nathan said.

“Sir your mum is inside” the security guy said and Nathan walked inside his house with a smile on his face.

“Mum” Nathan said and Mrs O’Brien stood up from the chair and hvg Nathan.

“I have missed you my son” Mrs O’Brien said and Nathan smile at her.

“You didn’t tell me you’re coming” Nathan said with a smile. “Yeah I wanted to surprise you don’t you like it?” Mrs O’Brien ask.

“I love it mum” Nathan replied. “You c@m£ back early today because your maid told me you went to work” Mrs O’Brien said.

“Yeah, I come back to rest and I will like to visit one of my charity home today” Nathan said.

“Am very proud of you son, I will like to go with you” Mrs O’Brien said.

“Alright mum, hope Sandra has entertain you?” Nathan asked.

“Sure she has, she’s a very good girl” Mrs O’Brien said and Nathan smile at her.

“You look young and beautiful” Nathan said. “All thanks to you my darling” Mrs O’Brien replied.

“You deserve it mum” Nathan said and walked inside his room.

“Nathan where are you going to?” Mrs O’Brien ask. “Going to check on one if my friends” Nathan replied.

“Aren’t you going to your charity home again?” Mum asked. “Am still going, I won’t take long” he said and walked out.
“Leo!” Nathan said and move closer to him. “Sir am very sorry I will pay back your money tomorrow” Leo said.

“No I don’t nee-d the money anymore, you told me you want to use the money you borrowed for business but I found out you used my own money to marry” Nathan said.

“Am very sorry sir, What did you nee-d sir?” Leo asked.

“I nee-d your life!” Nathan replied with a small. “plea-se don’t do this to me, I have family to take care of” Leo said and Nathan bur-st into laughter.

“My father also have family to take care of, before they killed him, Wyatt am going out with mother, I don’t want to meet him alive when I come back, you know what I mean” Nathan said and walked out immediately.

“plea-se sir I promise to pay back your money” Leo said and bur-st into tears. “It’s quite unfortunate that you will end your life here” Wyatt said

“You’re back!” Mrs O’Brien said with a smile. “Yes mum, let’s go” Nathan said.

“I saw a very beautiful and honest girl on my way here today, I really wish you can see how beautiful she’s” Mrs O’Brien said.

“Mum don’t start plea-se” Nathan said. “What did I start, am just trying to tell you about the beautiful and honest lady I met on my way here, is it bad for me to gist with my son” Mrs O’Brien said.

“Mum I know where you’re driving to” Nathan replied.

“Adele come inside the car let me drop you off” Mr Roger my manager said.

This baldhead man just wanna frustrate my life.

“Thank you very much sir, am not interested” I replied politely.

“Adele did you still nee-d your work?” He asked and I nod my head. “I will advice you to enter the car now if you still wanna keep your work” he said and I rush inside the car, I am not re-ady to lose my job now, not now that am saving for mum operation.

He drove inside our compound and I met dad outside with two of his bit-ches.

He was giving me a weird glance as I stepped down from the car.

I wave my hand at my manager and he drove off. I roll my eyes at my dad and was about to walked inside before he dragged me back.

“Who’s that guy that dropped you off?” He asked.

“It’s none of your business” I replied. “It’s my business because I am your father” he said and I bur-st into laughter.

“Did you just called yourself a father?” I asked angrily. “Adele I don’t wanna see you with any man until you clock 35 years” he said.

Is this man being serious here. “Am sure I am not the one you’re talking to” I said.

“Adele I know what am saying, stay away from guys” he said.

“Okay, I have heard you” I replied with an eye roll. He should just let me in so I can give mum her drugs.

“And lastly you can’t enter inside this house if you don’t give me your salary” he said.

“what did you want to use it for?” I asked. “I want to use it to pay my darlings off” he said pointing to the two girls in his front.



GENRE:- r0m@nç£



Don’t copy or repost 🙅🙅🙅



“What did you wanna use my salary for” i asked him “I want to use it to pay off my darlings” he replied and I left out a mocking smile.

“Alright I will give the salary to you when they pay me” I replied. “What’s today d@t£?” He asked.

“Today is 15” I replied. “Oh my bad, you can go in now, I will pay them off from my savings, and you will give me back when they pay you” be said.

“Alright sir” I replied with my head bow, am not re-ady for him now, I nee-d to give mum her drugs, but I will come back for him.

“You can go in, your mum is in the living room waiting for you” he said.

“Thanks sir” I replied and walked inside the living room. “Am back mum” I said and hvg her happily.

“Welcome my princess, your hair look untidy what happened to you?” Mum asked.

“Nothing mum, I don’t even have time to comb my hair this morning” I replied. “Let me go and prepare your food” I said.

“No your father have given me food” Mrs clerk replied.

“Why did you collect food from that useless f00l?” I asked.

“Adele that’s harsh he is your father you shouldn’t be insulting him like that, and he is still my husband no matter what” can you imagine mum is still defending that useless man.

“I warned you not to accept food from that man again, that man can poison you” yes he can someone that doesn’t care about his wife feelings.

“No he cant, he is my husband and he loves me so much” did mum just say love, let me just control my laughter because I don’t want her to feel bad.

“he love you and he was bringing different type of young girls to this house, he doesn’t even care about you, he has the money for your operation, he doesn’t wanna re-lease it because he’s very stingy” Adele said.

“Princess let’s forget about your father, go get me my drugs” I know what she’s trying to do, but am not gonna push it.

“Alright mum” I replied and rush to my room to bring her drugs, the last time I kept the drugs in mum room Mr clerk throwed the whole drugs in the wastebin.

Am sure you guys know who am referring to as Mr clerk, I don’t just feel comfortable calling him my dad.

“Mum we are here” Nathan said and open the car door for her mother to come down.

“Thank you very much my darling” Mrs O’Brien replied and c@m£ down from the car, Wyatt also come down from the car, he faced Nathan, “Sir I have ki….” Nathan cough lightly, cutting Wyatt off and Wyatt nod his head in un-derstanding and whispered “I am sorry” to him.

“darling I am very proud of you this place Is so big and beautiful” Mrs O’Brien said looking around.

“yes mum let’s go inside” Nathan said and hold her mother hand.

“Mum sit down here I will be right back” Nathan said and drag Wyatt to a corner.

“Wyatt what has come over you” Nathan said and gr-ab Wyatt by his n£¢k, squee-zing it ti-ghtly.

“I am sor…..” Wyatt stuttered. “Wyatt don’t think I can’t kill, you trying to tell my mum that I asked you to kill, isn’t?” Nathan asked angrily and throw his ha-rd on the wall.

“Ahhh” Wyatt wince in pain and stood up immediately. “Am very sorry sir, it won’t happen again” Wyatt said.

“I won’t tell you not to try it again, because I will kill you if you try nons-en-se with meal again” Nathan said.

“Am very sorry sir” Wyatt said and Nathan turn to leave.

“Sir I have s£nt your house address to miss Jane black, she will be in the house in few hours time” Wyatt said.

“Call me when she arrives” Nathan said and went back to meet his mother.

“Baby take me to the garden” Mrs clerk said and Adele smile at her.

“alright mum” Adele replied and wheel her mum out.

Mr clerk bur-st into laughter when he saw Adele and her mother.

“Oh my poor wife, sickness made her look older than her age, did I tell you guys that she’s a sickle cell?” Mr clerk ask the two ladies he sat down with.

. “Are you for real?” One of the lady asked and Adele st©p wheeling her mother. She placed her hand onn her w@!st waiting for her father response.

“Yes, she looks ugly now, that’s the more reason I abandoned her” Mr clerk replied.

“She stink!” One of the lady said. “This is what I have been waiting for” Adele said and move closer to the lady, she gave her a resounding sl@p and the lady hold her cheek in pain.

“Baby, she sl@pped me” the lady said angrily. The other lady stood up and sl@p Adele.

Adele kick her ha-rd on her stomach and she fall on her bu-tt.

Adele sat down on the lady stomach and started giving her the beating of her life.

Mr clerk stood up angrily and move closer to Adele. Adele pushed him with all her power and he fall down flat on the floor, she stood up from the lady stomach and walked to her father side

Adele f0rç£fully opened her father mouth and pour sand on it.

“Adele st©p it” Mrs clerk said and bur-st into laughter.

“I think this guy is màd” the ladies said and ran away.

“I have warned you time without number to st©p insulting my mother in front of your bit-ches, will you be happy if I Insult your mother like that” Adele said and stood up.

She clean her hands and move closer to her mother.

“Adele why did you beat him?” Mrs clerk ask. “Mum don’t tell me you’re crying because of this man here” she said pointing to her father.

“Why did you beat him?” Mrs clerk ask again. “I didn’t beat him, I only teach him some lesson” Adele replied.

“Sir the lady is outside!” Wyatt move closer to Nathan and whispered to his ear.

“Alright?” Nathan replied band stood up. “Mum I will be right back” Nathan said and went out of the house.

“hi handsome” the lady said with a smile. “You’re Jane right?” Nathan asked and the lady nod her head.

“I found that very offensive, can’t you reply me with your mouth?” Nathan said.

“Yes am Jane black” the lady replied with a smile.

“you aren’t that beautiful as I expected, anyway you’re still manageable, let’s go in” Nathan said and the lady walked after him.

“Mum meet my girlfriend jane” Nathan said and Jane open her mouth in shock.
