Blood and wine episode 10

🍷Blood And Wine 🍷

Chapter 10


😏Sebastian’s point of view😏

“We’ve checked everywhere in the west territory, no one seems suspicious. The neighbors said they hadn’t seen any one there” Rafael said.

I sighed, ru-bbing my hand throu-gh my face.

“What about the east?” I turned to his twin Andres.

“Nothing, we are still sweeping throu-gh”

“Isn’t it funny that we don’t know what she looks like. We’ve been searching everywhere for someone we don’t even know” Daniel said, rising from his seat.

That was true, all this while we’ve been searching for Pedro’s wife, and we didn’t even know how she looked like. She could be right un-der our noses and we wouldn’t know.

What was wrong with me? I usually think well about this stuffs. I was usually smart about this.

Was I getting distracted?

A memory of Amaya dancing flashed in my mind and I sat up straight, not allowing myself to be distracted.

“Andres” I moved towards the twin who was standing so emotionless before me. The twins had been scared for life, they showed no emotions, if they didn’t eat I’ll conclude they were robots.

They trusted no one. No one at all.

His pale blue eyes turned to mine. “You’re good with the computers, I nee-d you to run a background check on every person Pedro had come in contact with. He must have had a wedding, or something. I nee-d every database concerning any girl he’s been with the past few years”

“You know that is going to be ha-rd . Pedro isn’t dumb. He’s smart, if there’s anyone out there as smart as you, it’s him. He isn’t a powerful drug Lord for nothing. He keeps his personal issues, very personal” Rafael said ma-king eye contact with his twin.


“Does it look like I give a fv¢king damn?! fv¢king no! I want every system looking for her! The sooner we find her, the sooner we bring Pedro to his knees”

“Isn’t it weird that he isn’t turning the whole Mexico upside down looking for her?” Daniel asked again.

That was true. If something of Pedro goes missing, he always reacted very angrily. Once his drug trucks got stolen, he racked throu-gh the whole city, looking for it. It resulted to the death of many citizens. Innocent citizens within that area. Let’s just say if someone takes any of Pedro’s property, he bec@m£ a monster, if he wasn’t alre-ady.

“You think she’s really missing? Or he killed her?” Daniel asked again.

The twins exchanged glances.

“I don’t think so. Remember the rumor about Pedro loving his wife, Victoria’s secret recorded that this most expensive n£¢klaces, matching ones were bought by him, a heart padlock and a key gold n£¢klace” Rafael said, and his twin nodded.

“That means whosoever she is it’s a probability she’s with the other p@rt of the n£¢klace. And Pedro is with the other” I said, this was the closest we’ve ever gotten to finding Pedro’s wife.

“How come the media didn’t get Pedro’s wedding story. He’s very powerful, of course there has to be something about it”

“As I said before, Pedro knows how to cover his tracks and keep the media away. He’s very careful. He has a lot of enemies, he was probably scared that one of them would kidnap her”

Andres spoke after a while of keeping silent.

“Then him killing her would be out if it. It sounds like he must have loved her” Daniel said.

I laughed. Yea Pedro loves someone, how ironic. He was as much as a beast as I was.

My heart ached a little, what if Amaya.

Shut up heart! I can’t think of her now.

What about those smooth legs, those eyes, my God, thosel-ips. And tho-

“Are you listening, Seb! Seb!”


“Yea what?” I snapped out of my daydream, the boys watched me intensely. But Rafael spoke up.

“You’ve been distracted this few days”

“You mean he’s been distracted since that servant girl showed up” Andres deadpanned. “We’ve noticed it. You usually zone out whenever we are speaking to you about important matters”

What? That wasn’t true.

It is!

Oh shut up, subconscious!

“You’re just ma-king this up”

“You know we’re right. The other day we were talking to you about the amount of drugs that was sold. She walked in to drop the drinks on the table and your eyes were on her legs the entire time”

“You’re losing focus, Seb. You nee-d to keep your mind in line” Daniel said, looking at me with sad eyes.

Who were they to tell me what to do?

“And for what? A mere servant who c@m£ from the streets, she’s nothing but a poor wre–”

Andres didn’t have the time to complete his statement as I slammed my fist to his face. He fell to the ground Immediately, looking at me with wi-de eyes.

His twins remained were he was, I could feel his anger radiating off him. But he knew better than to approach me.

Even Daniel remained were he was.

No one has the right to insult Amaya, slave or not. Not my business.

She was important to me! She was important to me!

“If you ever say anything bad about her, I promise you, I’ll cut off your ton-gue before you have the chance to say any more!” I threatened, gr-abbing Andres shi-t and staring daggers at him.


He coughed up a little blood, his cheeks alre-ady turning a bright red. He curled hisl-ip.

“Remember who you’re talking to. I’m the boss here! I own you! You answer to me! Another word about Amaya and I’ll hang you by your intestines, and leave it outside for the vultures to have a good feast!”

Andres nodded a little, and I let go off him, getting up to adjust my sleeve. His brother ran to him, gr-abbing him up and he wiped the blood smeared on his face with the back of his hand.

The anger radiating off him was visible, and I knew he was trying to st©p himself from attacking me.

“Are you ok?” Daniel walked up to them, and they shifted away from him, as if he was going to attack them.

Like I said, they trusted no one.

“I’m good” Andres muttered, freeing himself from his brother, as he struggled to get his footing.

My heart stung a little at my outbur-st, I didn’t mean to attack him. I’ve never attacked any other them. I trusted them. They were like brothers to me.

Why did I suddenly jump to Amaya’s rescue?

It was true she was just a slave, nothing else.

You think? My subconscious asked.

I sighed. Running my hand throu-gh my hair. I walked towards my window, overseeing the backyard.

The memory of Amaya dancing there that night flashed in my head and my heart skipped a beat.

That was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life.

That night, my heart had been saved from it’s depression. That was the first night I had sle-pt peacefully without any nightmare.

“We are leaving, is there anything else?” I heard Rafael ask with gritted teeth.

I turned to see the boys standing firmly, anger written on all of their faces. I sighed.


“I still nee-d a background check on all the girls Pedro had been with. Double our men in the boarders, I want his wife found soonest, you’re dismissed”

Without another glance, they all left the room, I didn’t miss the way Andres slammed the door, very angrily, I was surprised it didn’t fall.

I ru-bbe-d my hand over my eyes, I was tired and angry.

Mostly at myself.

I sighed, removing my tie, letting it hang over my n£¢k.

I nee-ded something to calm me. I nee-ded someone.

I picked up my phone and dialed the kitchen.

One of the girls answered.

“Tell Amaya to come to my office now”


💋Amaya’s point of view💋

“No st©p! Get that crab away from me!” Elena screamed running around the kitchen as Diana chased her with a dead crab, we we’re supposed to get cooking, but then the girls thought it would

be fun to pl@ya little.

It’s been two weeks, and I felt closer to the girls. It was as if we were siblings, and we’ve known each other for a long time. They treated me as one of their own, even though Isabel, who didn’t

speak often, she asked how I was once a while. She was so quiet you’ll ha-rd ly notice her standing behind you. Creepy as hell.

Of course my relationsh!pwith Rosa was still the same, she hated me and used every opportunity to snap at me, but these days we haven’t been noticing her pres£nce. So we pla-yed more often.

Daniel, was still as charming as always, he tried talking engaging me in conversations, I could say he was like a friend to me.

The twins, well, I don’t know why they were like that. But they ignored everyone that wasn’t Sebastian, they ha-rd ly talked to Daniel too. They kept to themselves, talked to no one, laughed with no one. Sometimes I wondered why they were like that. But I avoided them at all cost, and

once I felt one of them glare at me. But as soon as I turned, I didn’t see anyone. Weird. They usually ignored me.

Then Seb, I could say we had gotten a tiny inch closer, I still danced for him every single night, and sometimes he asked I stay for a while in his arms. It was the most beautiful thing ever, and I never wanted to leave, ever!

I laughed again when Elena sli-pped falling to the floor, everyone else joined as Diana dropped the crab to the floor, clutching her stomach.

“It’s not funny” Elena gro-an ed, getting up from the floor and taking a good feet away from the crab she watched with pure disgust.

“It is, you should have seen your face before you went crashing to the floor” Brenda said, cutting the tomatoes and putting them into the large pot.

“Pas-s me the knife” Cara said between laughter.

“Sorry” Isabel turned to Elena before going back to washing the plates.

Everyone stared at her for a few seconds, before laughing again.

“Guys st©p it, she was just being nice. Don’t mind them Isabel” I said, Isabel didn’t even acknowledge I was talking to her so I turned away, not everyone wanted to speak. Some loved the

comfort of their mind. (Eg, me)

“Don’t add much salt to the sause, Rafael doesn’t like it” Brenda said, leaving the tomatoes to and meet Maria who was adding the salt to another pot on the cooker.

I rolled my eyes, “Your obse-ssion with Rafael is creepy”

“It’s not, he’s just cute” She smiled.

“The guy doesn’t even smile” Elena ch!pped in, wiping her Sk-irt.

“That’s what makes him more handsome” Brenda defended.

“Why does he frown so much, he seems sad. Beneath all that facade is a sad man. The same as his brother” I said.

“There’s a rumor that Pedro did something to them. I don’t know what it is, but they’ve been throu-gh a lot. Pedro is a monster!” Cara who hadn’t been talking said.

“Yes! We don’t know the whole gist, but we heard he killed thier parents when they were younger”

My heart skipped a beat and I looked down at the mention of Pedro, if there was anyone who deserved to die. It was him. He has scared so many people. Hurt many people, killed parents, orphaned children.

He was a beast in the b©dy of a man. He was heartless, cruel and he deserved a terrible death.

My stomach clenched, and the sudden smell of food irritated me. Since it was still early in the morning, and I was pregnant, it was only normal I felt nausea.

I turned away from the kitchen muttering a small excuse to go to the toilets. The girls continued their gossip and my stomach felt more heavy and the bile was slowly rising to my throat. I held unto

my stomach sl@pping my hand to my mouth so I wouldn’t throw it up to the floor.

I ran quic-kly throu-gh the hallways, getting closer to the room, I made a turn and slammed Into something, someone rather because of the ha-rd muscles and b©dy heat…

I looked up.

I didn’t know which of the twins, but according to the small dot on the side of his face, I remembered Diana’s description, it was Andres.

The look he gave me was enough for the vomit to run down back to my stomach. I gulped, stumbling back a little.

Those green eyes of his never left me as he racked my b©dy with an uninterested stare.

I shifted a little, and his eyes st©pped at my stomach.

There was something about the way he looked there, as if he knew. I was trying to hide it well, I even exchanged my uniform with Isabel’s because she was bigger than I was so I could hide the

bu-mp that was starting to show.

It was almost four months alre-ady, and it was only a matter of time before everyone would notice.

What would I do then?

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know there was someone coming” I said after trying to find my voice, even though I was literally shaking Inside, there was something creepy about him. And the scar that ran

down his face didn’t even help cool me down.

He didn’t speak, instead his eyes went to my n£¢k.

I coughed, unable to stand his intense stare and proceeded to walk away when he gr@bb£d me back with so much power and slammed me to the wall, my heart skipped a beat and I closed my eyes in fear.

I wanted to scream but the words wouldn’t come out. The strength he used to pin me to the wall was almost crumbling my wrist.

“There’s something about you, I don’t know what it is but I’m going to find out” he said, and I opened my eyes to see him glaring at me, my voice still stucked in my throat.


“You alre-ady have Sebastian fooled. But he sees with his heart, and that’s what makes him weak.

I don’t care about emotions, I only care about the facts and my instincts. And it tells me you are danger. I can smell it. I can feel it. And I’ll get to the bo-ttomof it, I’ll find out who you are, and I’ll expo-se you to Sebastian. So he can see for himself the person he brou-ght un-der his roof. You’re dancing to steal away his heart, too bad your good dancing can’t get to me because I don’t even have a heart” Andres said with so much venom, and his clos£ness to me made me realize he had

a small bruise in his face.

“Whosoever you are Amaya I won’t st©p until I get the truth” He re-leased my wrist and I clutched it, ru-bbing it as it started to bruise.

“And for the record, I know you’re pregnant. I know it not for Sebastian. Because it’s just been two weeks, the bu-mp doesn’t show until months after. Just wait till he finds out it isn’t his” Andres said,

before walking away not sparing me another glance.



