Billionaire’s bride episode 31



Gold POV ?

Stella is the one driving since I don’t have a license. Stella and me are at the front while Khloe and Penny at the back.

“Do you even know where we are going?” Khloe asked

“I don’t know, do you ever shut up” Stella hissed and rolled her eyes. If Khloe doesn’t get killed first Stella is definitely to beat her up.
Penny was asleep at the back.

“I think we are being followed..” Stella said adjusting her side mirror.

“Maybe it’s just a coincidence” I said until I heard a bullet hit the car waking penny up.

“What happened?” Penny asked

“We are being followed” Stella said still driving as slow as ever

“Speed up Stella!”

“This is the fastest i can go” Stella Yelp

“At this rate you’re gonna get us killed” Khloe spat

“You know what lets switch” I suggested

We switched while the vehicle was moving and I had to say it was really dangerous.

“Nice going girl…” Stella gave me a thumbs up until we collided with something.

“They are still on our trail….” I felt them bu-mp their car into ours and increa-sed our speed running fas-ter than ever.

“Way to go gold” they all cheered as we thought we’ve lost them.

“You’re not fast enough cafe girl, they’re still onto us”, Khloe said

“What do we do now?” Penny cried as all eyes were on me, I tried br@instorming for a solution and also focus on the road at the same time.

“Gold I’m really sorry, you’re right I never liked you one bit because of all the stories I’ve heard about you but seeing how you risk your life to protect me, plea-se forgive me…..” Khloe cried out.

“It’s alright I forgive you Khloe….” I said as another bullet pas-sed throu-gh and broke the side mirror.

“Okay everyone look un-der seats, this was Joan car and I know that she Nevers leaves without a gun or two she might have stashed some un-derneath the seat”.

“I found one..” Stella said as she pu-ll-ed one from the glove comp@rtment

“Me too” Khloe and Penny echoed the same time.

“What do we do now, should we shoot them” Stella asked nervously

“We don’t have to kill, we have to loose them so we nee-d to pop their wheels that will make them loose balance all you guys have to do is to shoot without getting sh0t.”

“Focus on the road we got this” Khloe as-sured

The radio started ma-king some funny noise and tunned to a station by itself

“Hello ladies…” We heard a familiar voice but I couldn’t recognize it because of the high frequency, everyone bec@m£ silent.

“Who are you?” I asked

“It doesn’t matter, my goons are after you and they won’t st©p until I get what I want”

“You won’t get the princess over my dead b©dy” I spat

“Funny you think I want the princess, I want the girl behind the wheel. The princess has something I have so her death is inevitable, I’ll make you a deal you guys st©p and I’ll let you all live and spare your princess life….” It said

“And if we refuse?”

“I’ll kill you all and come for you myself” the voice threatened

I thought of what to do, TRUST NO ONE I remember the advice Embrya and Sonia always told me.

“I refuse your offer”

“You know I could kill you,.my goons are still after you”

“I don’t fv¢king care, I’ll never agree to a devil like you”

“Don’t make another mistake Gold it’ll cost you your life…” I bec@m£ creeped out how does this person know my name

Another bullet pas-sed throu-gh and blast off the radio.

“Okay girls let’s do this, you know what to do”

Penny and Khloe stuck their head out and sh0t at the two tyres.

“Two tyres down but they’re still onto us” Khloe said

” The engine, we nee-d enough f0rç£ to st©p the engine, we nee-d to sh0t the engine until it b!ows..” Penny said as Khloe nodded and they stuck their head out again and continued shooting until we heard an explosion.

“We did it…..” They both rejoiced and c@m£ back in.

“Gold watch out…….

Aiden POV ?

I sat down in my office and tried to contact Gold but she won’t pick up, maybe her phone died or maybe she’s taking a late shift, I just hope she’s okay.

I switched on the TV

It was a yellow car like a taxi as my phone rang.

“Yes…….what do you mean dead” my eyes wi-den in shock. This has to be some twisted game that Ava is pla-ying.

“I don’t have time to explain, you have to see it for yourself” she explained and I hung up angrily.

I tried gold’s number again but she still wasn’t picking up it kept directing to voicemail, I nee-d to go see what Ava is talking about I’m sure Gold will come home.

Lukas POV ?

My telephone rang.

“Sir…..” It spoke

“Is the deed done?”

“He was injected with the syrup before the surgery” he said.

“Was the DNA planted before the surgery?” I asked

“Yes we worked with the DNA you s£nt to us, the plan is in place, the government are on their way….”

“Good you did well I won’t have to kill your daughter…when the government come them the DNA sample and the fake tape and I might spare your daughter life…” I said as I heard the girl cry.

“Are you crying?” I asked in disgust at the nurse.

“No sir, it’s just that you’re nee-ded before the authorities get here or else the plan will fail” she said in a sob.

“I’ll be there in less than an hour if the government arrive before me I nee-d you to stall them”. I hang up the phone and smiled in victory, the princess may not be dead but when gold comes back she’s going to be surprised.

I dialed another number.
“Are the papers re-ady?” I asked

” They are re-ady and copied..

“Good meet me at the airport.” I said and hung up.

I sat down in my pri-vate jet as my lawyer sat next to me and submitted the files I asked for.

“Thank you, you will receive your money and one more thing, I don’t care how you do it but when we get to Australia I want you to burn Richa-rd b©dy along with his possession he must pas-s throu-gh the same process when he killed my family….

“Yes sir….”

Two Knights down one more to go….. Aiden.

Gold POV ?

My eyes slowly opened, I struggle to free myself from the air bag, my head hurts as I try to recollect what happened.
Stella was unconscious it seems the airbag impact affected her she looked like she wasn’t breathing, Khloe let out a cough but Penny la-id unconscious.

I remember what happened while trying to escape we almost hit a vehicle and I tried to divert and ran out of the lane and collided with the tree.

Penny and Khloe gradually woke up but Stella still hasn’t.

“Oh my God is Stella okay?” Penny asked

“I don’t know help me get her out of her seat”. I said

I carefully open the door and got out of the car before any glas-s marked my skin.
Penny was covered with bruises and blood,. Khloe was limping like she twisted her ankle.

Khloe pushed back the air bag as me and penny carefully carry Stella out of the car. Khloe g@sp in shock and try to hold back her tears.

Stella got the most hit, her skin was pierced with glas-s pieces and her b©dy was covered with her own blood, she lost a lot of blood, she looked lifeless like she was dead.

“This can’t be, it’s all my fault” I cried and fell on my knees, Stella is dead.

“Gold it wasn’t your fault, don’t be so ha-rd on yourself…..” Penny pated my back trying to console me.

“Yes gold it’s not your fault” Khloe added.

“But you heard that strange voice he’s after me, I’m the reason we were followed and Stella ended up dead.”

“It’s not your fault”, Khloe said and brou-ght out a phone.

“This is Embrya phone, I couldn’t let it go, it’s the only thing that she left for me” she said

“How could you, that thing is the reason they were able to track us down”, I yelled

“I said I’m sorry……

“Sorry, that won’t change anything” I yelled

Khloe fell to her knees crying while I turned away and slowly started walking away from them

“Gold she’s breathing”, Khloe said and I st©pped on my tracks.

“She’s really breathing, we nee-d to get her to the hospital” Penny said.

“How it’s 3:00am and we are in the middle of the woods?” I asked

Penny took the phone from Khloe hands “Maybe we can use this to call for 911”

“If we do that they’re going to track us down” I took the phone and smashed it.

We were still thinking of what to do when Khloe brou-ght out a pendant that looked like a distress bu-tton.

“This is the only connection I have to the palace, embrya gave it to me and said I should only use it in case she dies and times of emergency, that the Resistant will come to my aid…..

“What is the Resistant?”

“The Resistant are group of allies who swore to keep me safe after my parents died, they are our only hope….if I press this I don’t really know what will happen but one thing I know for sure is they’ll be able to track us down and take me back to England and save Stella….”

“We don’t have any other choice right now, Push it……” She nods and push the bu-tton on her pendant.

Jayden POV ?

“She won’t wake up, she took an overdose we can only pray for a miracle” the doctor said.
Joan is the only key to this mystery and I’m more nervous considering she’s pregnant with my twins.

“Your highness, she’s alive” I looked at the door to see Damon leaning on it with a tablet in his hands

“I know she’s alive Damon, she’s unconscious…” I said

He opened the tablet as a red dot glowed.

“No sir, not the lady, I mean Princess Khloeretta is alive….”

“Where is she??” I asked getting up.

“She’s somewhere in the woods in US, we’re waiting for your orders Sir…”

“Go with the troops immediately, I’ll stay with Joan till she wakes up” I said as he nodded and left.

I turned to Joan “plea-se wake up.……..
