Beyond reach episode 3 & 4






…..It was our wedding night, I had dreamt of how beautiful and lovely it would be, I had re-ad books on marriages, and the exciting exploitation on wedding nights too, even some friends who had gotten married had told me alot, I was just having a fairy tale idea about it, couple with the fact that I was married to the most handsome, and eligible man I had known….

I had my bath and l@yon the be-d, soon,my husband joined me

we are married at last dear , I said, I can’t believe I am officially Mrs Tochukwu Ebubechukwu, I am very happy to be your wife dear “I said…..

He just wore a faint smile without saying a word,,, he re-moved my clothes, in a rather aggressive manner, and had ha-rd S-x with me, it was very painful….

I had been told to experience some pain, but I felt T wasn’t handling me with care, especially been my first time,,,neverthe

less, I didn’t take it to heart, I thought it was all because I was new to it.

the next morning was our Thanksgiving service,,,

“Honey let’s get re-ady for our Thanksgiving service i said

must we go to church for Thanksgiving, can’t we just tell God thanks from here “he said, it felt like I didn’t hear him right

come on na, you can’t possibly be serious, I had said, I know you are tired, well I am too, but we have to complete our wedding activity.. After much talks ,he slowly went to the bathroom…

We arrived at our own Thanksgiving service very late, the pastor and members gave us a Starr as we walked in

the wedding night must have been too glorious that the latest couple had to come this late, the pastor said and the congregation laughed,, I believe that was to ease the tension…

We arrived home after Thanksgiving at about 2:00pm

“what was that nons-en-se your pastor was talking about,,,, fooling me in the pres£nce of his congregation, what’s so special about that dead and frustrating S-x I had last night “T said

What are you talking about honey, are you saying my S-x is dead,,, I know I am new, but plea-se T honey, I am willing to improve and learn if you will teach me

“so after all you did and said,, this is just you. I thought your pri-vate p@rt is made of gold after all “he said, I didn’t un-derstand all he said, but I just hoped everything was fine.

Unfortunately he didn’t st©p,,, all the guys in this area were singing your praises as if there is non like you,, after all the shakara, I gat to see what’s in between your legs….

I was so mute, I had lost my voice, I looked at him

“Tochukwu, do you mean to tell me that you got married to me just to prove to other guys that you could have me and not because you love me genuinely,,, some tears drop were coming down alre-ady from my eyes

“yes my darling wife, I approached you actually when I c@m£ to this area newly just the way I am, you can’t remember right, well don’t bother, because you didn’t even look at me twice, probably because I wasn’t wearing a well ironed trou-ser and sleeve and I was told you are a no go area by Alex and some of your admirers,, I told them T gets what he wants, they said you aren’t going to let me in, because you are deputy Jesus ,,,so I watched you, studied you, and of course I found out you were a churchy type, I had to become a church boy, and of course committed, and then, bomb,,you stupidly fell into the tra-p, to make matters simply easy, you didn’t take the warnings from your pastor man and your mom,, well my Darling,welcome on board “he said smiling wickedly

“You are a devil, and so evil, you deceived me, I said crying,,wondering why God had allowed me fall into this kind of temptation,,

welcome to hell baby,,, now that we un-derstand ourselves,, plea-se maintain your lane, you weren’t worth the trouble, I have tasted girls, and my dear you are nothing, you wouldn’t want to provoke the devil ,would you….he laughed in a rather sarcastic manner,,,,I watched him laughed out,,,my head and eyes were spinning all of a sudden,, I had made the biggest mistake of my life, marrying a man who doesn’t love me,,,,I didn’t look outside his neatly ironed trou-sers and sleeves,, I didn’t look outside his been the first in all church activities,, actually he was too perfect, he was always available,, indeed I was his target and I fell woefully…

There is more to life, and marriage than one could see,,i fell in love with his dressing I guess.

I sat down frustrated, not knowing what to do or who to turn to,,,,,I thought about my dream home and all I ever hoped forrrrrrr

Just then, Junior’s voice brou-ght me back to reality, I had forgotten I was in pres£nt day alre-ady as T’s wife and mother to his child,, it was 2am,Junior had woken up and he nee-ded to eat…..

I carried my baby and started feeding him, with some tears drop flowing down my cheeks,,

T’s snoring was ma-king the whole night more miserable


…..I was a prisoner in my own home,,,T had st©pped me from going to church,, my mother and pastor had talked to him about us not coming to church,, he didn’t tell them he asked me to st©p coming, he changed the story that he wanted us to start a new church,,, the pastor and mom though didn’t un-derstand why he wanted us to Change our place of worsh!p, but they had to respect his decision as the head of the family and allowed him, if only they knew it was for a different motive we didn’t change church, he just st©pped me from going and he doesn’t go either…..
I had become a shadow of myself,, two months into our marriage I bec@m£ pregnant,,, it was supposed to be a thing of joy to newly wedded couple when expecting their first child,, but when I told T, he said that was all on me, he wasn’t re-ady to be a father that I should terminate the pregnancy, I refused and he said I was on my own,,, indeed I was on my own from the first day of my conception to the day I gave birth to junior,, he had no mercy on me,,, I wondered what I ever did in my life to deserve all that I was going throu-gh….
You know that feeling when you think you had done everything to be right, only for it to be completely wrong… I thought I was BEYOND REACH to irresponsible men, unfortunately I found a devil right inside the church….
I will go to be-d every night in regret and pains….
I was going crazy and I knew I nee-ded to talk to someone, but who? was what I didn’t know,, I was too ashamed to tell mom anything,, T had become the God of my life,,,
I was nothing to him,,, how can everything change in a second, even the feeling I thought I had i wasn’t sure any more…
I loved him, but I didn’t see all these coming,
If I am to apologize, I didn’t know for what, should I apologize for being a vir-gin?
Should I apologize for been beyond reach to all guys,
Should I apologize for not listening to my mom and pastor before saying I do?
Should I apologize for not been the best in be-d…
Oh my God I was going insane….
Nevertheless I decided to give it a sh0t,,
One evening after he had come back from work, I served his favourite meal of vegetable soup and fufu, had a pack of his favourite fruit jui-ce, wore one of the finest pyjamas I could get,, he was looking at me like he was seeing a different person….
Junior was alre-ady fast asleep,, I sat next to him and watch him eat
Am I dying soon? he asked,,,
God forbid honey, why would you say that” I said
So why all these? he asked..
Can’t I plea-se my husband “I said and He looked at me, and started eating…..
I allowed him,,, when he was done, I Knelt before him…
“My husband, I may not be a perfect wife, I may not be all you wanted in a wife, but plea-se give me a chance to make things right, let’s give this marriage a chance,, I know you don’t love me, but plea-se let’s live in peace, for the sake of our son, and perhaps you will grow to love me….” I pleaded
“So this is the reason for all these drama,,, any ways, I shall love you only when I see anything loveable about you,,,,for now, you are nothing to me…
I watched him walked away, I sat down hopelessly on the floor, more confused..
T was treating me like i was nothing to him, he talks to me only at will,, we were living like roommates rather than couple…..
I went to my pastor when it was obvious, I couldn’t handle things myself, the pastor was very shock when he heard all I said
“I told you to Pray first before rushing into marriage, but you didn’t listen,anyways this is no time to abolish blames but time to get solution,, he s£nt for T several times ,but he didn’t go, so the pastor decided to visit him at home, unfortunately he wasn’t home, and the pastor had to wait for him to come,,, when he c@m£ home towards evening, he met the pastor,,, he never expected that, the pastor talked to him for so long trying to get him to the right path,,, he pretended he had heard and he will change…
I was happy at least peace will reign in my home…
But that was a dream that wasn’t going to come throu-gh,,, immediately the pastor left, two h0t sl@ps landed my cheeks
“so you had the guts to report me to that pastor of yours,, you even had the effrontery to bring him to my house in my abs£nce, so you are having an affair with that man” T said and I couldn’t believe my ears, he was accusing me of infidelity, worse with a servant of God….
At this point I got the picture clear that indeed T is a monster, and had no human feeling….
“I shall deal with you, he said
About a month on, T called me one evening and said we are packing out of the house we were, saying he’s tired of the area, he wanted us to move to other p@rt of the city,,, I didn’t say anything because it wasn’t going to count anyways,,,
Have you seen a new place? I asked
yes, we shall leave in two days “he added…
I started putting things in place, and washing those that nee-ded washing….
I had called mom that we were packing out, she asked of our new address and I told her I was going to let her know,,,,
It two days we were re-ady to leave, it was early morning when the driver c@m£, we loaded our things inside the big truck, and we moved, only to know that we were relocating actually,,, we were going to port Harcourt….
I was shocked when he told me……
I didn’t know what to say or do.
My husband was taking me to another city and didn’t think it was okay to let me know,
how wicked can he be.