Beyond captivating episode 52

Beyond captivating
Episode 52

Authors pov:
Half a mile to the north Phyllis crested the hills and coasted down along with his speed race bike which was flying with the angry wind
The moment the yard c@m£ into view he sm-irked,
The entire place was a shambles….

rusted metals and tattered cars were scattered at the front…it was a deserted area looking exactly like some place out of the century …
He by pas-s few bushes and zoomed into the yard which was un-der the glare of artificial light …he st©pped and twisted on the keys
a long face with a prominent cheek bones, a blade straight nose, compressed mouth and a rage in high GQ was seen, as he re-moved his helmet.

Almost hurriedly he lit up a cigarette cause staying a minute away from it now felt as if his lungs is gonna freeze ..
He puff the smoke to airs and Stared evilly to space
the nee-d to have Lucas Tyson’s blood on his knife killing and torturing him little by little before hunter finally b!ow off his head got him laughing …
“Finally” he got off.

his bike then moved forward towards his guys who were having fun on their little round table…..
The sight of gins, ha-rd wines and hem battered the whole table as they discussed on whatever …
“Boss” their thick voice thick as the hem they are l!çk!ng rant throu-gh the air
When they saw him emerges
“Show your face bastard” they suddenly heard Silvia cry out …

Phyllis stared sideways at Silvia who was tied to the middle of the yard ,,shouting and sweating as she struggled on the rope …
She was a good fighter so was Her father….he had very well remember those times Silvia and himself had spend sitting down to chat after training for the day, she was his first crush, despite the battalions of women he had sle-pt with after he left the kungfu school heaven knows he still had that feelings, ap@rt from getting revenge on his twin sis maybe it was one of the reasons he wanted to kill Lucas Tyson so bad, he looked At her from afar guilt stirred inside of him at the pain, anger, and exhaustion he saw in her eyes

But he knew feelings has no place in the process of revenge, he just had to do this to lure Lucas Tyson down here, he hopes Silvia un-derstand sooner. ..
He ignored her and stare back at the guys.
“Hope non of you l@ya f!nger on her”
“Not a f!nger” hunter said as he puff his hem smoke to airs …

“And the fine boy,” the other whose nick name was blade asked as he gulp back a sh0t of gin
“Bet he should be on his way by now,”
“Bastard, am gonna beat you like a kid that you are” Silvia shouted once more …
“If you are br@ve enough, come loose my hands and we’ll see who ends up begging ..”
At the sound of that Phyllis laughed wolfishly, he drew his head back and fired a stream of smoke into airs..

“Really, are you serious about this Silvia, you are a woman with seven ribs remember” he called ..
“Show your face to me dumb as-s, bastard, nit wit, “Silvia shouted at the t©p of her voice although she was tired and about to go crazy but whomsoever it was looking tall and strong down the yard had call her name as though he knew her all his life ……

She just wanted to see him, see whom might be after Lucas and her life
“Crazy fool, come on, you weakling, scared of me huh, scared am gonna beat ye baby as-s down..”
On hearing that Phyllis brows pu-ll-ed together a little lower over his eyes suddenly a whoop of laughter bur-st out from his men before he could adjust to what she just said..
“A baby as-s ” the guys taunted at the edge of laughter.

Phyllis stepped back suddenly reeling on his temper, fighting to maintain a resemblance of cool at the disgrace Silvia just inflicted on him ..
he didn’t remember Silvia ever having a ton-gue like a tungsten steel razor blade,
With fury he sl@pped his hand over the old table that instantly scattered along with the sound of glas-s, bottles and litters of hem the guys were feasting on …
Immediately the guys st©pped laughing
he choked down his temper and moved towards Silvia,.

A muscle tickled on his jaw and his brows were pu-ll-ed together ma-king him look like a wolf …he clenched his fist ha-rd …his temper rushed to the fore ..
at that moment…..
he was ever re-ady to do the battle for a just cause and damn the consequence
He made a sound on his throat as he took a more aggressive step forward…
“Jesus Christ”

The sudden sight of him made Silvia’s eyes go wi-de, she knew there was always something wrong with the guy and yes her guess was right it was Phyllis, it was Phyllis …she g@sped out with shock….
Nothing but meanness and petulance was in his eyes right now as he moved before st©pping few feet away from her, his gaze held hers long enough to set a tingle of nerve at the base of Silvia’s n£¢k…

“I don’t wanna hurt you Silvia, but yet you keep asking for it ” he frowned
“What did you want Phyllis, why are you after my life and Lucas ”
Silvia gave a snort of disbelief at the monstrous look on his face ..
“No” he shook his head grimly and moved more closely to her …

“Not yours but Lucas Tyson’s”
rage shuddered just beneath the surface of his voice which had shocked Silvia to the extreme, for a moment Silvia simply stared at him cataloguing every aspect of him, his furtive dark eye thin brows, the grimly brown plain shi-t that reveled his che-st and biceps ,,
the Phyllis she knew then was nothing as the same as the young man in front of her right now, what has gone wrong ,
“Why are you like this Phyllis, what has gone wrong” Silvia asked softly
He wasn’t replying as he inched more closely this time ….

“back off” Silvia cried
He smile and lifted a hand to brushed a strand of hair from the corner of her cheek…
“Nothing, I just wanted revenge that’s all”
“Revenge ,”
“Of course revenge” he inhale his cigarette and puff the smoke right at Silvia who fell into a coughing fit
“Bastard” she coughed
“Tsh tsh Easy, easy, you will be okay baby” he hissed and took a casual step away from her
Tears was on Silvia red eyes as she glared back at him …

“what did he do to you bastard, what did he do huh”
He laughed and glanced at his wrist watch …
“He should be here soon, he’s gonna explain what he did himself”
“you’ve turn into a psycho phyllis”
“Yea I know” he conceded her view with a nod
Suddenly they both heard a voice outside shouting ..
“am here okay, just leave her plea-se, don’t hurt her, plea-se “….
Silvia heart skipped when she realised it was Lucas’s voice,

“my god Lucas”
She struggled on the rope and glared in rage at Phyllis whose face was on hers he laughed a wolf laugh before ordering his guys to go outside and get him…
“Go get the fine fool in here” he reached his cigarette back to hisl-ips and took another long pu-ll
“Leave him alone you bastard” a sheen of tears glared at Silvia’s eyes as she struggled on the rope …

“Don’t worry Silvia, his death is gonna be slow and steady …more in rhythms you are gonna enjoy it, I promise” he smile
“No no plea-se don’t hurt him ”
The feeling of inside turmoil, uneasiness and anger r!pp£dthrou-gh Silvia, she looked over Phyllis shoulder at his two ugly men their bazooka guns propped against their left shoulder as they both moved to the entrance and out.

Silvia glanced at the entrance in fear
“Let’s talk it out Phyllis plea-se, don’t hurt him ”
“I have no problem with you Silvia, don’t you get it , that fine boy nee-ds to be thought some lesson, he doesn’t deserve to live” he cussed out, Silvia felt panic squee-ze her throat as she struggled more against the rope…
There ……when she glanced sideways, she wi-de-ned her eyes at the sight of Lucas …..
“Get in there you fool” the guys pushed him aggressively.

Lucas tries to hold his stand but he couldn’t he staggered so ha-rd before summer salting face flat on the floor …when she saw blood sliding out his nose and fore head she cried out …
“Lucas-sssss” gosh his skin is so delicate
“Christ, My back” lucas gro-an ed
“Lucas-ssssss” Silvia cried more
At the sound of that, Lucas stared sideways gro-an ing in pain only to see Silvia tied like a criminal who was about to face a firing squad …

He cursed out and struggled up, non of what was happening really make s-en-se to him, but the sight of her crying out his name made him struggled, launched across the room and raced towards her like a mad man,..
“Silvia are you okay, my God I was worried,”
He stumbled in front of her, g@sping out in pain …
He slid the blood coming out of his nose with the back of his hands, and stared into the exhaustion in Silvia’s eyes …
“You shouldn’t have come Lucas”
a tirade die inside his che-st at the tears strolling down her eyes.

“Its okay silvia, I’m sure they want money am gonna get us out of here okay”
“Run Lucas, get out ” Silvia whispered more, between tears,
“Not without you my love”
He k!$$£d her sweaty fore head, stro-ke her hair, cleared her tears and brushed we-t hair out of her eyes..
“its gonna be fine ”
The sound of sudden laughter made him turn only to see Zion , His laughing face was on him as he puff a smoke towards his direction …he couldn’t believe his eyes.

“What kind of a game is this Zion,” he frowned…
“Shut the fv¢k up fool” Phyllis cursed at him, anger knot like a fist in his gut almost hurriedly he s£nt a fury punch that made one of almighty lucas Tyson kneel gave out on him……
Lucas was about s£nding his when Phyllis gave him another ha-rd right again, this time Lucas stumble to the dirty floor …
“Jesus Christ ” he hold on to his bruisedl-ips and glanced at it …. the moment he saw blood he cursed viciously..

“You little sh*t”
“Leave him alone Phyllis” silvia shouted
“plea-se” she cried more..
Lucas swallowed in pain and scrambled to his feet, mouth twisting in a grotesque grimace to ward off the tenderness on his mouth..
Phyllis c@m£ at him again with both fist flying catching him in the belly and in the nose with the other …one would tell he was really a karate, cause this time Lucas went flying skidding back another five feet on the ground ….

He doubled over as blood sp©tted from both nostril in a h0t red stream …..
“Leave him alone you bastard” silvia struggled on her rope, but all she was saying went unheeded to phyllis, he had no business with her, he just wanted to kill this bastard alre-ady and get over it.

“Whitney ,,,,,you killed my twin sis huh ,,,am gonna cut off that long d!¢k of yours right here Lucas Tyson” Phyllis shouted in rage…
Shock streamed out of Lucas as he stare up at the man he knew as Zion, what was really happening, he cleared the blood off his nose and winced …Whitney was his twin…how is it possible, silvia was calling him phyllis…non of this make some s-en-se
Throu-gh the haze of pain, rage and hatred, when Phyllis saw Lucas Tyson kneel coming up, he raced towards him and kicked him so ha-rd ..

Again Lucas went spawning back wards gro-an ing throu-gh clenched teeth….
“Leave him alone phyllis” silvia cried out, she couldn’t stand the sight anymore, the bastard is gonna kill the man she loved ….at that she cursed herself for ever leaving him……
Phyllis guys were trying to tell him to calm down so they could get on with the plan alre-ady ..
But never was he listening
the mere sight of Lucas alone

All the pent of rage c@m£ rolling out like flood waters from a bur-st dam…
To hell with whatever anyone was saying …he just wanted to kill this bastard and get it over with.

He didn’t try to stem the flow, he’d been holding it back for so long, he was sick and tired of it, he let it all out, all the anger, all the hurt, all the fury he’d been storing up for years,,
He fell on Lucas, swinging and landing two ha-rd b!ows before Lucas reversed their position, this time he was able to s£nd three ha-rd b!ows on Phyllis who hold on to his n£¢k .., they clenched their teeth and both roll across the yard …gr-unting and sweating each straining for upper hands, although Lucas was bigger but being a karate Phyllis was stronger..
“Come loose my arm you bastard ” Silvia shouted, but non was answering, not in the moment of tough wrestling…..

She glanced sideways shocked to see a man who hurriedly put his f!nger to hisl-ips …
He hide himself at the back of the steel and glanced at the knife that had earlier flew out of Phyllis boot, he couldn’t use his gun not at the sight 25 caliber pop guns or 357magnum autocratic ten inches bazooka guns, he didn’t want either Lucas or Silvia dying so he just has to do this smartly …his throat ti-ght£ñed as Silvia whispered to him …

“Can you loose this, am a good fighter, I can take them down I promise?? ”
“Those guns are no ordinary guns miss” he whispered back ”
“I know how to go about it, just loose this plea-se”
They both stare at the knife the moment he nodded ..

“Only if I am able to get that, the rope is thick”
Lucas couldn’t thick, he was in pain, confused and head throbbing as he struggled to survive, all he was aware of was the blood roaring on his ear and the acid burn of anger on his veins,
He fought blindly not really seeing Zion or Phyllis when he had rolled on t©p of him again and started swinging on his head …
The rest of the monologue rushed out in a gr-unt as Phyllis finally barrelled on Lucas ..he started hitting him on the face along with a curse….

“Bastard, you killed my sister, am gonna kill you huh, she was my life, for crying out loud…”
“enough of this boss ”
Phyllis men gr@bb£d him by the shoulder and hauled him to his feet,
Still with a series of rou-gh j£rk, he struggled on their hold but they were fast to haul him aside ..
“Bastard” he shouted …
Lucas scuttled wiping blood away from hisl-ips as he got to his feet,
“You are fv¢king crazy zion” he cursed
“How dare you” Phyllis struggled but his guys was fast to sat his bu-tt on a chair
“Hunter go tie him to the fv¢king steel ” he shouted …

Hisl-ips was split, his nose was bleeding, his left eyes was beginning to puff up and darkened…
half of the bu-tton has been r!pp£doff his shi-t ma-king him look more weasel like than ever…he su-cked in a mouth full of blood and spat out ..
Lucas was able to do this thanks to Silvia who had taught him few moves at the last place he had taken both she and Jamie which was the martial art museum, the most glamorous place in all of S.A filled with histories of kungfu and artist image of all martial art experts ….it was the most interesting moments of his life, for crying out loud he was able to make use of it, which got him sm-irking as Phyllis men hurl him to his feet …

The front of his plain shi-t was spattered with the blood still flowing from his nose, an inch long cut angled across his cheek bones, his knuckles were scalped and bleeding …
He tried to stem the flow of blood with his fore arm as the hvge guys dragged him up.
His gaze went to Silvia whose eyes went hvge with flame at the sight of him …
The guys tied him to the steel and raced their bazooka guns at him all re-ady to pu-ll the trigger.

Silvia panicked in fear and whispered back to the man …
“How is it ”
“Almost “….
“now done” the man whispered back
“Not yet guys” phyllis st©pped the guys and moved towards him
“You killed my sister huh bastard, you paid my uncle a hvge cash, why huh, so he could bery your sin, you killed my sister” he tap him on the face like he would tap a kid.

“I didn’t kill Whitney okay,” Lucas scolded,
“Piece of sh*t” Phyllis cursed out and hit his fist on his stomach, Lucas shouted and gr0@nin pain
“You told her to ab*rt her pregnancy ”
“What if” they turn only see silvia standing like a warrior of time, anger and utmost fury was burning in her eyes as took a slow step …
“How did she loose the rope” Phyllis tapped both blade and hunter who were also shocked to see her.

“We all have our choices to make Phyllis, what if he said so, your sister chooses that p@rt, she agree to it and she’s gone ”
“How dare you Silvia” Phyllis base voice snarled…
Silvia laughed and took another step ..

“Tell your guys to put down their guns, and if you all are br@ve enough, face me with your fist”
She bounced her legs to the side in a double step and eased her hand to a blade scale ..
Lucas on the other hand watched in utmost amazement as Silvia displa-yed her kung fu steps…for crying out loud what kind of human being is this woman….
Phyllis still reeling on his pain watched the moves she made …instantly he knew that was a blade scale kungfu …but he couldn’t fight not now.

“Drop your guns and get her” he shouted at his guys ..
“Little woman, back off now” hunter threatened
Silvia took a slow step and shook her head,
“You should be the one backing off ugly” she warned …
“Go get her sharpener” hunter pushes the youngest of the three towards her
…the moment silvia saw the guy racing forth, she picked on her feet and raced, more in a “take it its yours” in a movie called Troy …she raced her dimmak fist
“Take this you ugly”

“Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Gbuaaaaaaaaaa”
there they all watched,, mouth wi-de-ned with an hvge eye as sharpner flew into airs like kite then landed motionless in one su-cking breath
“Did sharpener just fainted” blade blurted out
At the sight of that Silvia sm-irked…
She glanced at the shock on Phyllis face and then at the other two guys …
“Come get me if you can …..come on yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”
She raced further.