Betrothed episode 6 &7

🌃✨🌇She has supernatural powers🌃✨🌇
🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️Episode 6💋💋
💋💋Mr. Cohen is a scientist💋💋
“Really??” I asked, “That is a pretty big thing to do and she
doesn’t know that werewolves exist in the world.”
“Yeah, we know, but James loves her enough to marry her. And
in the world of werewolf, it is forbidden for werewolves to marry
human.” Beth said, “So that’s the only way for them to be together.”
My eyes wi-den.
“Don’t worry, Mr. Cohen could take care of everything.” Beth said,
“He is good at inventing medicines.”
“Inventing???” I asked.
“Yeah, Mr. Cohen is a scientist. He always invents medicines like
these.” Vicky said.
Wow!! I met a scientist that is rich and a royalty I thought.
“I also heard that the girl’s ancestor are werewolves, but her
parents not.” Valerie continued to talk.
These girls do know awfully a lot of gossips.
Sunny quic-kly glanced at her watch and g@sped.
“Oh no!!! We have to hurry!!! The dinner is almost starting!!! We
only have 1 hour and a half to get re-ady!!!” Sunny exclaimed.
“We don’t nee-d to hurry. We have plenty of time left.” I said, “I
take only 20 minutes to dress!”
Everything st©pped and they g@sped like I said the worse thing in
the whole world.
“What?!” I said, “I do.”
“Oh no, you did not just – I mean, really??” Sunny said.
“Yeah, what’s the problem with that?” I asked her.
“Nothing, I didn’t know there was people that takes only 20
minutes to – ”
“No time, we have to hurry.” Vicky said.
They quic-kly wra-pped everything up and walked out the door to
let me wear my bathrobe.
I opened the door and they quic-kly took my hand to set me down
in front of the mirror.
I looked in the mirror. I looked different, instead of just night black
hair, my hair was shiny and it looks soft. I even looked more relaxed
than usual. I felt like it was magic that washed over me, ma-king me
beautiful in just a second. I smiled at the girl in front of me. It was
ha-rd to believe that girl was me.
The maid didn’t even have the time for them to look at me in the
mirror; they just worked and worked and worked – still talking. I didn’t
even listen to what they were saying this time. I was just staring at
the mirror, who become more and more beautiful each second. They
helped me put on a light dress that aren’t too fancy. Than they
helped me put on my make – up.
“You’re done!” exclaimed Valerie. She beamed at all of her ha-rd
work on the make – up.
“Oh, thank you, I never – how can I thank you?” I asked.
“Oh, it’s nothing, I could do this everyday.” said Valerie.
“No, you don’t have to. That’s a lot of work.” I said, feeling like I
am asking too much.
“Oh, no! We have 10 more minutes left.” exclaimed Vicky.
“I’ve got the shoe!” exclaimed Sunny, who rushed in the room,
holding my shoe high up in the air.
“High heels?” I asked.
They nodded.
“No, I can’t,” I said, “I can’t walk on high heels.”
“I’ll try to find another pair, ok?” Sunny said and ran out the room.
I really don’t walk on heels. There was this one time when I was
trying to walk on heel, but I end up twisting my ankle.
She ran back in with a pair of flats. “Here.”
I quic-kly sli-pped it on and they lead my down the stair, down to
the dining room.
Everyone was there waiting for me.
“Sorry for the delay.” I said looking at Mr. and Mrs. Cohen.
“It’s ok,” Jason said and my eyes drifted over to meet his. I stared
at him for a few second, before he got up and helped me to my seat.
I felt weird. I felt like I don’t belong here with everyone. I never felt
so elegant and fancy in my life.
My eyes drifted over everyone, I have to shake my head a little to
st©p the staring.
“Everything is re-ady to eat!” said Mrs. Cohen. She snapped her
f!nger’s and all of the maidens c@m£ in with trays of food in their
“Let’s eat as much as you can, welcome yourself,” Mrs. Cohen
said and clasped her hands.
I smiled and nodded. I don’t want to be disrespectful anymore.
The maiden la-id the trays down and I took a good look at the
food. They were beautifully arranged and my mouth watered a little. I
realized how hungry I was and my memories of this afternoon were
“Vanessa, honey, welcome yourself to eat,” said Mrs. Cohen,
“You didn’t even t©uçh the food yet and 2 minutes pas-sed.”
I nodded.
“Is not your kind of appetite?” asked Mr. Cohen and frowned.
“No, no, no, it is, I just don’t know what to eat first. Everything
seems so delicious.” I said.
Everyone laughed.
“Just get everything if you like. You have to eat something before
eating your medicine.” Mr. Cohen said and I started eating.
“Oh, honey, we forgot to tell you,” Mrs. Cohen said, “Jason’s
brother is coming over, 3 days from now. His name is James.”
I looked at her.
“Yeah, he is coming to stay for a few days, right?” Jason asked.
Mr. Cohen nodded.
We talked about James and about his girlfriend.
By the time the dinner was over, I was extremely tired. I bet it was
pas-s midnight.
“Don’t forget to take your medicine.” said Mr. Cohen as he walked
up the stairs.
I went to the kitchen and gr@bb£d a cu-p of water before taking
the medicine.
“How was it?” Jason asked me in the kitchen.
“Great, just so tired,” I said, “Now get out of my way, I want to
sleep.” I dragged my feet which hurt like crazy and f0rç£ my eyes
open, which was ha-rd ly opened.
“nee-d help?” Jason asked and chuckled at me.
“Hey, st©p laughing at me, I am extremely tired.” I said and
sl@pped him on the arms.
“Fine, just tell me something, how do I look?” he asked, while
climbing up the stairs.
I turned at him and looked at him. He was still wake away. I bet
he was always up this last at night.
“They nee-d a lot of help, whoever picked your clothes.” I said and
dragged along; the stairs seem “Fine, just tell me something, how do
I look?” he asked, while climbing up the stairs.long right now.
“Really?” he asked, sounding as if it was an unexpected answer.
I really didn’t mean what I said, but I didn’t care.
I threw the door open and threw myself on the be-d.
I could hear Jason undress, but I dare not to open my eyes. But
when I feel the be-d sink a little, my eyes flew open.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, turning to face him.
“Going to sleep on the be-d.” He whispered.
“No, you can’t. You can’t sleep on the be-d.”
“What?” He said.
“You can’t sleep on the be-d with me.” I said and shifted myself to
the farther end on the be-d.
“Than where will I sleep?” Jason said, sounding more awake.
“On the sofa.” I said.
“No way!!!!” He said, “I will never sleep on the sofa. Not in a
million years!!!”
“Well, sleep on the floor than.” I said.
“Never.” He said.
“We can’t sleep together. I will never fall asleep. I never sle-pt with
someone in my life and I never will.” I said. Remember when I was
younger, saying I will stay a single forever.
“Well, I can’t sleep on the floor or the sofa.” He said.
“You have to. Fine than, I am moving to another room.” I said and
got up. I gr@bb£d a pillow when there was a knock on the door.
“Come in.” said Jason.
“What’s going on in here?” asked Mrs. Cohen in a quiet voice,
who was in her night rode.
“Nothing, everything is fine, we give getting re-ady to sleep.”
Jason said.
“Why’s there a pillow in your hand, Vanessa?” asked Mrs. Cohen.
“Oh, I was planning to sleep on the sofa.” I said.
“The sofa?” she asked with disbelief.
“Jason?” she said, “How can you let her do that?”
“I was the one who planned it, I am feeling uncomfortable.” I said
quic-kly and Jason looked at me.
Mrs. Cohen chuckled, “Vanessa, you will get used to it. Just sleep
together for one night and I am sure you will get over it.”
I didn’t say anything.
“Now, sleep together for tonight and Vanessa, do you nee-d me to
call them to come in and help you take off the dress?” asked Mrs.
Cohen. By the them, I knew right away it was the girls.
I quic-kly shook my head and blu-shed.
“Alright now, let’s go to sleep. And did you take the pills?” she
I nodded, “Good night.”
She left the room. I gr@bb£d my clothes that Sunny was
complaining about and throw it on. The dress was ha-rd to take off.
I put the dress on the hanger and got into be-d. A few minutes
later, Jason l@ydown next to me. I moved as far as I can to get away
from him. I clutched the blanket in my hand and my heart beat fast.
“You really feel this nervous about me next to you, right?” he
asked and I jumped a little. I didn’t say anything.
He silently got up and left the be-d. I watched him at the corner of
my eyes, as he went to the closet and gr@bb£d another blanket and
pillow out. He went to the sofa and l@ydown.
Then, there was a long silent. I guess he fell asleep. I couldn’t
sleep even when I was sleepy before.
I got up and walked over to the window. I sat at the window seat
and opened the window a little.
I can smell that leafy smell like trees were just cut down. I stare at
the moon.
The wedding will be held, two weeks after the full moon I thought,
that’s so close from now.
I leaned on the wall and stare at the forest out there for a long
time, before I fell asleep.
🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️Episode 7💋💋
💋💋Vampire and the Ring💋💋
The next morning, I woke up on the be-d, with the blanket on t©p
of me.
Weird how I end up here. Hope I didn’t sleep walk.
I slowly got up and I went to the bathroom to get re-ady for the
I went down stairs to the kitchen, because I was hungry.
“Vanessa, aren’t you suppose to be in be-d right now?” Mrs.
Cohen asked.
“No, why?” I asked.
“Don’t you feel sick?” Mr. Cohen asked.
“No.” I said, “What’s the matter?” All of those worry faces were
around me.
“Let’s talk about this after breakfast.” Mr. Cohen said. Jason
looked at me and I looked away.
The maiden made a heavy breakfast for me, I don’t even think I
could finish it. I quic-kly ate it anyways, shoving it in my face.
“Vanessa, are you sure you are feeling ok?” Mr. Cohen asked.
“Yes, I am positive.” I said and sat down on the couch when I was
“That’s unusual,” Mrs. Cohen said and Mr. Cohen nodded.
“What’s unusual?” I asked.
The looked at me and said, “You are suppose to be sick after you
eat the medicine. It is a pill to wake your inner self up.” they
“Wait, you mean the ‘inner – self’ is a werewolf inside me?” I
“Yes, but I don’t know why it is not working.” they said.-
“Maybe if she eats it long enough, it will work.” Mrs. Cohen said,
“The werewolf is probably de-ep asleep.”
“Sure you took the pills?” Mrs. Cohen asked.
“110 % sure.” I said.
“I have to investigate on this case. This never happen before.”
Mr. Cohen said and ru-bbe-d his chin.
“Is it possible that my wolf would never wake up?” I blurted it out
by accident.
“Never, that never happens before. I don’t think it is possible that
it could happen, because it has to wake up. But in your case, the pill
before the new one that I have prescribe, it for your wolf to calm
down. We have to make the wolf fall asleep, because you don’t know
how to control it. The inner you is very wild and you can’t control it.
But the silver pill wakes the wolf up. Now that you are grown up, you
are able to control it.” Mrs. Cohen explained.
My head spun.
“May I be excuse?” I asked.
They nodded, “I know this is a lot to sink in, but soon you will deal
with it. Now go up stairs and rest for a wait.”
I got up and headed for the stairs.
I walked into the room and threw myself on the be-d.
I l@ythere on the be-d thinking to myself. What happens if my wolf
wakes up, but I still don’t know how to control it?
And what will happen when I can’t control it, will I become weak
like before?
The door opened and Jason walked in. He went to the computer
and turned it on. I was still lying on the be-d. I turned on my head to
face him.
“What are you doing? I am bored.” I said and got up, walking up
next to him.
“Nothing, just the wedding.” he said and I looked at the screen.
I walked over to sit on the window seat.
“Can at least a day pas-s without the wedding being mention?” I
asked and looked out the window.
The forest looked different in the daylight. Instead of the creepy
and dark one, it was full of green and I could hear the animals, since
the window was open.
“I am sorry. You’re right, the wedding is far away and it is
uncomfortable for it to be mentioning every second of the day.” he
said and got up.
I looked at him, “Tell me,” I said, “Do you want this wedding,
He stared at me for a while, “Well, this wedding is a big p@rt of
my life. It is something that I want to remember for the rest of my
life.” Than he looked away, “I want to marry someone that I love and
that person will . . . love me back.”
There was a moment of silence in the room, an uncomfortable
“What happens if the person you’re marrying to doesn’t . . . love
you back?” I asked. It was weird asking this question and it felt weird
when it c@m£ out of my mouth. The atmosphere shifted, it was
awfully silence and I feel it was uncomfortable to ask a person that,
but I have to know.
It was quiet for a whole minute. I thought he forgot the question,
when he finally spoke, “Can we drop this subject?”
I looked out the window.
I wondered to myself, How am I going to survive?
“Jason,” I said, “I have a lot of questions about – ”
“I said don’t bring the t©pic up.” Jason said.
“I’m not,” I said.
“Than what is it?” He asked and sat down on the sofa and run his
hand throu-gh his hair.
“Is there such things as mates in werewolf world?”
“I was wondering is it true that you could only love your mate and
you can’t pick who your mate is.” I asked. I felt silly.
“Where did you hear that?”
“Stories? Fairy tale? Fantasy?” I questioned myself.
“Well, it is true because your mate is chos£n by your soul. And
you have to love your mate no matter what. You are not f0rç£ to love
your mate, but you just naturally love your mate. Your mate is your
other half. If your mate dies, than you can never love someone and
you will die along with your mate. Even if you did love someone, you
don’t have that type of feelings that you get from your mate. In some
rare cases, a female werewolf could have more than 1 mate. But in
that case, the werewolf happens to get angry and fight. They would
fight for the female and the last one standing is proven to be the real
I nodded.
“Is it true that werewolf eat raw meat?” That question disguised
me, but I have to find out.
He chuckled, “Unfortunately, yes.”
I g@sped and said, “Ewww!”
He laughed.
“Oh, let’s move on to the next question.”
“Wait, so you are saying that after I am not sick, I can really eat
raw meat and think it is the best thing in the whole world?” I asked.
“Yeah,” Jason chuckled.
Than I paused, I left a thought wonder.
“And you are also saying that we are . . . mates?” I asked really
I almost think that he didn’t hear me and let that question leaves,
but he answered me instead.
“I guess, because my mom and dad won’t make me marry
someone that I can’t love.” Jason whispered, and I didn’t think I
would hear that, but I did.
“Oh,” I said and than there were silence in the air. I looked out of
the window and leaned on the wall.