Being alone Episode 17 & 18

I walked into the lecture hall with my peplon go-wn, clutching my handbag and wondering what the lecturer would say to me. I had come to school with Kamsi that day, we got a seat and sat down but my period pain wasn’t helping me so I had gone to a chemist to get some drugs. The midwife I met there helped me with warm water instead and asked me to relax a bit. Now, the menstrual pain has st©pped but I’m 20 minutes late to clas-s.
Mr Ofor was a no nons-en-se man. He took the smallest of things serious. I was very good at his course but I just don’t want to get into his bad books.
Me: Good morning sir.
I greeted with the most tender voice I could give. All eyes were now on me and I wished I had just stayed back at the clinic.
He looked at his wristwatch and gave me a scornful look.
Mr Ofor: Lady, you’re 22 minutes late for this clas-s.
Me: I’m sorry sir. I was at the clinic. I’m sick.
Mr Ofor: Sick? Which clinic are you coming from?
Me: Toks pharmacy.
Mr Ofor: Because I’ll go and confirm. Give me your ID card right away.
There was a loud murmuring from the clas-s. I looked at them and some were shaking their heads, asking me not to give it to him.
Me: I’m sorry sir, I don’t have it here. But if you wish to confirm, I will go with you.
He frowned his face immediately. That was what lecturers were known for. They found any reason to take your ID card, then they’ll ask you to come and take it later. Once you’re in there office, they’ll give you conditions; either to bleep them, get your ID card and pas-s their course or you take your ID card and keep on carrying over their course.
Mr Ofor: Alright. Go and sit down.
I silently said “thank you Jesus” and walked over to where Kamsi was seated.
After lectures, Rose, Kamsi and I decided to pick a cab to thri-llers and have lunch. It had being two months since after Roses’ visit to the house and since then, Gospel and I haven’t set eyes on each other and I loved it that way.
We got to thri-llers and ordered same meal; fried rice and chicken with yoghurts. We ate amidst taking pictures and laughing at our smiley faces.
Kamsi: So I think its time I say this.
We asked her what it was about and she said we should guess.
Me: Ted has proposed?
Kamsi: Nope.
Me: You’re pregnant?
Rose: Wtf! Say no plea-se.
We all laughed.
Kamsi: I’m not pregnant
Rose: Then what?
Me: What is it?
She cleared her throat and looked at our curious faces
Kamsi; Someone has being on my n£¢k for a while now.
Me: Better tell him that Ted is in the picture o.
Kamsi: Shuu! Wait let me finish first.
Rose: You don’t know your sister fa?
Kamsi: He’s being disturbing me for you, Amanda and in fact, I just texted him our location and he’ll be here soon.
I frowned immediately. Rose and Kamsi stared at me as they didn’t un-derstand my countenance.
Me: Why nau? You would have told me first.
Kamsi: Amy I know you very well. You would’ve gone home straight if I’ve told you.
Me: And you think I can’t go home now?
Rose: I’ll just bundle you back to this place and get you tied to a sp©t.
Me: Its not funny Rose.
Rose: I’m sorry.
Kamsi: Come on Amanda, you’re beautiful and people have the right to admire you.
Rose: I don’t know why you’re acting so reserved. Open up and socialise girl. Let them admire you, let them approach you.
Me: Hey! Now I smell a conspiracy. You both are in this right?
Rose raised her hands.
Rose: I’m not. But I want you to socialise that’s all.
Kamsi: Exactly.
Me: Okay. I’ve heard you two. Who’s he?
Kamsi giggled and we looked at her expectantly.
Rose: Talk nau.
Kamsi: Most handsome guy, our chapter.
Rose: Wow! Hillary?
I sat down there, looking at the entrance. He chose to enter the very minute his name was mentioned. I’ve seen his pictures everywhere in school, he’s even my friend on Facebook but I’ve never had a chat with him. Seeing him facially now, I couldn’t help but wonder why he took pictures because he looked more handsome than in the pictures.
If I had said breathtakingly handsome for Ken, Hillary is then the beauty god. I fell for his colour immediately which were a bit darker than my chocolate complexion. I watched him approach our table with a smile and I looked away, silently wishing that I can disappear because he looks too handsome to be seen with him.
Ever heard of beauty being intimid@t£d by handsome?
His steps were gracious, very gracious. He walked to our table with a permanent smile. His tooth were gaped and he knew how to flaunt them with his smiles.
Hillary: Hi ladies.
We took turns to say our greetings and I wondered where my shyness had gone to.
He took a seat beside me and I could feel his eyes all over me.
Hillary: So, hope you girls are enjoying your meal, yes?
I giggled as usual. Who ends statements with rhetorical questions?
Kamsi and Rose replied in the affirmative so he turned to me.
Me: Of course. Though, you’re a little late.
Hillary: Had lunch in school.
Me: Okay.
Hillary: So I’m Hillary Thompson, final year student of microbiology.
Me: Wow! Amanda, radiogra-phy,100 level.
Hillary: Nice. Very nice.
Me: Thanks.
Hillary: Very much welcomed. Can I ask for a favour?
Me: Of course.
Hillary: Would really love to know more about you, yourself and yours.
I chuckled, finding his words S-xy and funny at same time
Hillary: Is that a yes?
Me: To what?
Hillary: Dinner tomorrow. To tell me more about yourself.
I gave Kamsi a glance and she was smiling and nodding. Rose was doing the same thing.
Me: Okay then.
He pas-sed me his phone and I put in my number. He called me immediately and I saved it.
Hillary: You’ll text me your house address and I’ll come and pick you then yes?
Me: Its okay
Hillary: 6:30 yes?
I laughed, throwing my head backwards..
Me: Yes plea-se.
He smiled before turning to Kamsi and Rose.
Hillary: I beg to be excused now girls. Thanks for giving me a “me” time with your friend. I appreciate.
Kamsi: Its okay Mr handsome.
Rose: No. No. What if I don’t agree with that?
We all turned to her to know what’s wrong with her.
Rose: So you c@m£ here, not even an introduction or something, you just went straight to business and forgot there are other girls these side of the table. Not fair if you ask me. Besides, its not because you’re familiar with Kammy means its same with me.
By the time she was done, we were all smiling;
Hillary: Sorry damsel. I was taken away by the thoughts of this girl that I forgot she was with her friends. Forgive my manners plea-se.
Rose: You’re ma-king it up to me.
Hillary: Fine. How?
Rose: A selfie.
We all laughed. We all tool selfies with him before he left, not before registering a pe-ck on my forehead.
Kamsi: Aha. I can see you like him alre-ady. Look how you’re smiling
Me: He’s a nice guy. yes?
We all laughed as I mimicked his misuse of the word “yes” in his own S-xy way.
Rose: And he’s too cute to be real. Amy, you’ve got to pl@yyour cards well.
Me: Of course. The way you’re pla-ying your cards well with Ken and Kammy is pla-ying hers with Ted.
They rolled their eyes at me and I smiled.
We finished our lunch and went home, with each of them trying her best to give me a thousand and one reasons why I should be with Mr handsome (as if he’s even asked me out).
The ride to Golden Royale h0tel was a silent one. We just kept on stealing glances at each other as he drove into bisara road.
Kamsi was quic-k to tell mum about Hillary. She had called me to her room and asked me so many questions like if I was re-ady to move on, if I had gotten over Gospel, if the new guy was good for me. I did tell her that I liked him but he was yet to ask me out. She had showed her concern, saying she didn’t want any of her children to get hurt again, me especially. We had hvgged each pas-sionately and I had sle-pt in her room that night.
I woke up the next morning to her voice, asking Kamsi to come wake me up and help me pick out an outfit for my dinner. That was how I ended up wearing a black handless go-wn which showed off lots of my cleavages. I had worn a blue wedge which had made me stand tall and clutched a blue purse. You should have seen my face. It went from Chimamanda Okoye to Celebrity Rihanna. I looked absolutely cute and I was afraid Hillary won’t be able to recognise me anymore.
When Hillary had driven into the house, I thought it was to cancel the dinner but was I wrong? He c@m£ in to greet mummy and Kamsi before we stepped out hand in hand after mum had a little chat with him and asking him to take care of me and bring me back in one piece.
The universe always favours the just because as soon as we stepped out of the house, the first person we ran into was Gospel. He didn’t respond to our greetings because he was staring at the way Hillary had held my hand in his.
If you don’t appreciate someone another person will worsh!phim/her
Now, we were sitting in a honeymoon suite at Golden Royale. I don’t know why I felt comfortable enough to follow him to a room. The room was well decorated. A table was set alre-ady and I quic-kly did a calculation that he had booked a reservation. Two waiters and a waitress were also in the room which made me more relaxed. They used our phones to take pictures after which they shifted from earsh0t.
Hillary: I guess you’re used to these luxuries alre-ady?
I scoffed, trying to make it sound S-xy though.
Me: Are you kidding me? Why would you say that?
Hillary: I was at your house few minutes ago remember?
Me: Oh yes. Still doesn’t beat a student who rides a Venza.
He tilted his head to a side and smiled.
Hillary: You’ve won.
Me: I always win. Just tell me what I want to know alre-ady.
Hillary: And what is that? Can’t it wait till we’re done eating?
Me: Okay. I’ll serve.
There were varieties of meals on the table that I didn’t know where to start from. I looked at Hillary in confusion and he smiled before calling on the waiters. He had called the girl by her name and I was surprised. I didn’t say anything till they had served us and poured our wine.
Me: Thank you.
The girl nodded with a smile and they left. We began to eat, with me, looking for the very moment to pop in my observation. And of course I got it. The very moment he picked up a serviette to wipe the sides of hisl-ips.
Me: Guess you’re alre-ady a regular guy here that you alre-ady know their names. Wonder how many girls you’ve given same treatment.
He paused his l!pbefore bringing in a smile;
Hillary: Sorry to disappoint you,none.
Me: I….
Hillary; I’ll tell you. There’s a club house here. My dad and his friends are registered members here so this is just one of our rights. Its wrong for you to think so lowly of me.
Guilt and shame washed over me. He dropped his fork and stood up, leaving the dinning area and going dee-per into the room. I stood up and followed him.
He got to a point and st©pped.
Me: I’m sorry. I’m not used to having dinner in this flamboyant way. I’m also surprised that you called her by her name so I just had to ask. I’m sorry.
He turned to me with a smile.
Hillary: Its okay. Let’s go back and finish our meal then I’ll clear all your doubts.
Me: You ain’t angry anymore?
Hillary: I’m not.
He led me back to the dinning area and we resumed our eating, stealing glances at each other and thinking the other doesn’t know each other.
We were done with eating and were sitting on a double couch. I had a glas-s of chamdor in my hand, waiting anxiously to hear about his background.
Hillary: Maybe when you st©p looking at me with those dreamy eyes, I’ll get back my sanity and kill your curiosity.
I smiled and looked away but he placed his hand on my jaw, cu-pping it and ma-king me face him.
Hillary: You’re beautiful y’know?
Jesus! Will he just get a normal voice than this one that’s alre-ady s£nding shivers down my spine.
Hillary: I’m lucky to be with you now. And I’m going to utilize my time as I don’t know if we’ll still talk after tonight.
I looked up at him immediately, my br@in s£nding different versions of what he meant by that.
He stood up and backed me.
Hillary: When someone is as beautiful, curvy, S-xy, intelligent and calm like you, I find it difficult to speak. But I’m going to do that tonight. I’ll speak to you Amanda, about my feelings for you.
I dropped my glas-s on a side table and swallowed ha-rd . He turned and sat down just where he was some minutes ago.
Hillary: The day you had come for registration with the other girl, can’t remember her name, I had seen you from afar. I loved the way looked around with these your lovely big eyes. I thought you would be able to see de-ep into me. I wanted to come to you at the admin block but I noticed the other girl was giving you orders, ma-king you carry her bag and I felt uncomfortable. I had thought you were not even our student.
I closed my eyes, remembering the incident of that day. I was on a milk colour polo and a jean baggy short, together with my trainers. It was my best set of clothes but I began to think otherwise the moment we stepped into the school and people started giving me odd looks. Nenye had made matters worse, she had added to my misery by ma-king me carry her handbag and throwing orders at me like she was a princess and I’m her servant.
I wiped the tear from the edge of my eyes and opened them. Hillary was looking into my face so I looked away.
Hillary: I didn’t see you again afterwards. I went to that girl and asked after you but she denied ever knowing you. I had always followed her, trying to see if I could set my eyes on you again but it didn’t work out. Seven weeks after registration, you c@m£ to school as a different person. I didn’t recognise you at first because you weren’t that girl I saw that day. Your dressing, steps, your smile, it was all different. I made enquiries to be sure if you were the one but nob©dy knew you too well.
He paused and tucked my weavon behind my ear.
Hillary: That day at the cafe, when the other girl had come to you and your best friend, I confirmed it all. I knew it was you. The pain I saw in your eyes that day told me it was you. I had to do something that was why I approached your best friend Kamsi. And look where we are today.
He held my hands and I was f0rç£d to look at him.
Hillary: I love you very much, I sincerely do love you Amanda. Forget the transformation because I know you’re still that girl I had seen during registration. You made your way to my heart and you’ve habited there, not willing to share with anyb©dy. All I ask for is a chance, a chance and if I’m not that guy you want, I’ll let you be.
Gospel’s words c@m£ rushing into my head, “r@p£ victims can’t stand relationsh!ps”. The tears formed in my throat and I let them fall, taking my hands away from Hillary and clutching them like they were going to save me.
The confusion on his face said it all and I know i nee-ded to give him answers.
Me: Behind this face, behind this smile is a sorrowful heart, a condemned one. They ruined me, they took everything from me and left me like this, empty and without support.
He frowned at my words but it didn’t st©p me.
Me: I’m sorry Hillary,I can’t accept to be in a relationsh!pwhen I know I can’t really get involved. When I know I can’t make relationsh!ps work. Where I will be a catalyst that will destroy that relationsh!p. I can’t do it. I’m sorry.
Hillary: What do you mean? What are you saying?
Me: You want to know? Of course I’ll tell you.
And without mincing words, I told him everything, from start to finish, including Gospel. I expected him to walk me to the car, take me home and never contact me again. But he proved me wrong. He enveloped me in his arms and let me cry my heart out. We remained in that position for a good number of minutes before he pu-ll-ed me up;
Hillary: Did you visit a counselor?
I shook my head negatively
Hillary: When are you starting your exams?
Me: Next week.
Hillary: Once your exams are throu-gh, we’ll go to a counselor. She is a very good friend of mine and she’ll help you out of this. Whatever your past was, doesn’t and won’t change the fact that I love you and always will.
Was I surprised? Yes I was. I looked at his face and he was smiling.
Hillary: The way I feel about you, no amount of what you went throu-gh will change that fact. And I promise, I’ll make your life perfect that you’ll never remember that you once had a bitter past. I promise. (he placed his hand on his che-st as he said I promise)
I couldn’t control myself as I hvgged him lovingly.
Me: Thank you.
He pu-ll-ed away from me and held my hands.
Hillary: Look how you ruined your beautiful face.
I smiled and he handed me his handkerchief, leading me to a mirror and asking me to recompose my face. After I was done, with most of the make ups gone, we went back to the couch………..

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