Beautiful mistake Episode 1

By vir-ginia As£nath
With all the misery she went throu-gh, she still found love and hope to keep on fighting. On her wedding day everything changed. She got involved in an accident and lost her new made memories but recalled her first lost memories. She met a new mom and family who gave her life a new meaning.
He made a mistake on his wedding day but turned out to be a beautiful one.
Find out what happened in the story ‘Beautiful Mistake’
Episode 1
Cindy’s POV
It was always my dream to have a wedding and today is a dream come true. Getting married to the love of my life is my greatest joy. I walked down the aisle and even though nob©dy walked me down I was still overwhelmed. As the priest was conducting the program I looked around but couldn’t detect where the two were. The only people I can say are my relatives though am not sure.
‘If there is anyb©dy who wants to cancel this wedding, come out now or remain silent forever,’ the priest announced. His words brou-ght my attention back. I have always been afraid of this moment. I was staring at the priest when I noticed he was staring at the door. I looked beind and what I saw shocked me. Karen walked in with her mom beside her and was wearing a wedding go-wn. I looked at Alex and he was smiling. I felt warm tears on my cheeks. She c@m£ in front both smiling, I couldn’t watch anymore and I ran out.
‘Cindy,’ I heard Myve calling my name.
I didn’t st©p, instead I took the car and drove off at a high speed.
My eyes were teary and I couldn’t see clearly.
‘Watch out,’ I heard shouts. I tried wiping my tears but it was too late. I hit on a tree and everything went blank.
Clara’s POV
I was driving to my nephew’s wedding when I heard shouts. I drove to a safer place before going to where the people were gathered. It wasn’t ha-rd to get to the front due to my status. The girl had alre-ady been gotten out of the car. She had blood coming from her left arm and her go-wn was now red. I felt pity for her. I took her to my car and headed to the hospital. I know I will miss the wedding but saving a life is more important.
Clara’s POV cont.
I was attended to fas-ter and the dragged her to the emergency room. I was silently praying she wakes up. I don’t know what is happening but I feel connected to that girl. After what seemed like forever the doctor c@m£ out.
‘Are you related to her?’ The doctor asked.
‘Yes,’ I replied scared.
‘We were able to save her but she lost the baby,’ he said.
‘How is she now?’
‘Actually from the theory I know this is the second time she is loosing her memory. It seems she went throu-gh a lot before she lost her first memory and she has recalled. She is stable though asleep,’
‘Can I see her?’
‘Yeah, you can. Buy food she will wake up hungry due to the drugs,’
‘Ok and thank you,’
‘Its my job,’ he said and left.
I looked at my watch and it was almost 6:00 in the evening. I called Alex and he picked almost immediately.
‘Aunt you didn’t attend my wedding,’ he said though from his voice he wasn’t okay.
‘Am sorry son but am at the hospital,’ I said.
I was trying my best to remain strong, but inside I was weak.
‘Which hospital?’
‘I will s£nd you the address,’ I said before hanging up.
Alex’s POV
I just got home and was from the bathroom when my aunt called. I stared at my wife who was at the dressing mirror but I feel irritated. I don’t feel anything for her, I wonder what changed. There was a girl who ran away during the wedding and it was almost cancelled. Who was she and why did her cry break my heart? I have so many questions but right now all am thinking about Is my aunt. She raised me up and made me who I am today. I picked my keys after dressing and was about to leave when she spoke.
‘Where are you going and this is the first night as husband and wife?’ She asked with a sm-irk.
‘My aunt is in the hospital and I have to see her,’ I said calmly.
‘How is your aunt supposed to be p@rt of my business,’
I stared at her in shock. This is not Cindy. Cindy can sacrifice her life for someone else. I didn’t want to start arguing so I left without a word to the hospital.
Karen’s POV
How could he leave me here. I hope that useless aunt of his dies, I don’t want her to be a threat. I called my mom.
????Mom he left.
????Why did you let him go?
????I tried to st©p him but couldn’t. His aunt is in the hospital.
????And how is that supposed to be p@rt of your business? If he happens to meet her then consider yourself single.
She said and hanged up.
I threw the phone away frustrated.
Alex’s POV
I met my aunt on the corridors with food bags.
‘What happened? Where are you taking all this stuffs?’
‘I brou-ght a girl who was involved in an accident. The doctor said she will be angry when she wakes up,’ she said but seemed in pain.
‘Who is she?’
‘I don’t know all I know she had a wedding go-wn and right now she lost her memory and her baby,’
‘That’s bad,’
‘Am sorry I didn’t come to your wedding I could leave her alone,’
‘No problem, let’s go and see her,’ I said and she led the way.
As I got inside the ward I felt like my eyes has been opened. My Cindy, she looked pale with a bandage on her head. I felt a Sharp pain in my heart to see her in this condition. What really happened? I got married to her? I left her in the house? Does she have a twin?
‘I pity her and the baby,’ my aunt snapped me from my thoughts.
‘My baby,’ I don’t know how the words c@m£ out of my mouth.
‘Don’t keep me waiting on the alter,’ I said jokingly.
‘No I won’t, I have a surprise for you,’ she said happily.
‘What is it?’ I asked curiously.
‘I will tell you tomorrow,’
End of flashback.
Those were the last words we talked over the phone, the night before our wedding.
‘My baby,’ I said again as warm tears flowed freely.
‘Do you know her?’
‘I was supposed to marry her and the baby was mine,’
‘I don’t know aunt,’
‘Who did you marry?’
‘I don’t know,’
‘There is something fishy,’
I wish I could explain but I can’t.
Alex POV
Just then an idea struck me.
‘Where are you going?’ My aunt asked.
‘To get answers,’ I replied.
I hope I will get the answers I nee-d.
‘From where?’
‘Don’t worry aunt, I will be back,’
‘Take care,’ I heard her shouting but right now I have one mission, to get answers.
I got into home and the house is open. I went to my room and what I saw shocked me.
‘Karen,’ I called angrily as she jacked from the be-d.
‘Am not Karen,’ she answered back.
‘What do you take me for, huh? A fool?,’ I asked in anger.
I dragged her by the hair and pushed her to the wall. I don’t hit ladies but she crossed the line.
‘Leave me alone, you are hurting me,’ she yelled.
‘Hurt, am hurting you, right? Hurt yet Cindy is in hospital fighting for her life,’ I yelled at her.
‘What happened to her?’ She said faking tears.
I couldn’t hold it anymore as I landed a sl@p on her. I could see shock in her eyes.
‘How did you fool me?’
I waiting for her answer but just stared at me so I sl@pped her again which led her to fall on the ground. I wanted to hit her again when my phone rang.
‘She is awake,’ aunt said over the phone.
I felt some hope rising in me. I kicked her before leaving. I wonder why people can be so wicked.
Karen’s POV
‘You will pay for this Cindy,’ I yelled at the empty room.
Because of her, he hit me. I took my phone only to realise it broke when I threw it away.
I took the small phone I always walk with and called mum.
‘He hit me mum,’ I said in tears immediately she picked as I ru-bbe-d my cheeks.
‘He found out,’
‘Hope you didn’t tell him the truth?’
‘I didn’t,’
‘Good, I will find what to do, for now am busy. He will come begging you,’ she said and it made me smile.
‘Okay,’ I said and hanged up.
I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked horrible.
Cindy’s POV
My eyelids were still heavy but I managed to open my eyes.
‘Where the hell am I?’ I asked shocked.
‘You are in the hospital,’ the strange woman answered.
I recollected everything and I remembered my mom.
‘They will kill her,’ I said and tried to sit up, but the pain in my head couldn’t allow me.
‘I want to see my mom,’ I yelled at her and the door opened. At the door stood a very handsome man.
‘plea-se get me out of here,’ I pleaded with him.
‘It won’t be good for your health, Cindy,’ he said.
‘Am not Cindy, am Joy and I want to get out of this place. They will kill her,’ I yelled at him. Why on earth will he baptise me a name without my concert.
Alex’s POV
I know its my fault she is this way. We tried to calm her down but she couldn’t so we called the doctor who injected her.
‘She lost her memory and she will experience panic attacks but she will get well after some time,’ the doctor said.
I looked at her and she sle-pt peacefully. She looked beautiful even in her sleep. The doctor left after a while.
‘You nee-d to get rest,’ I said to my aunt who seemed exhausted.
‘I will stay with her,’
‘No nee-d I will, go to the h0tel at the junction and get rest,’ I said.
After so much persuasions she agreed. It was alre-ady 12:00am. I rested my head beside her. It was supposed to be the best day, but it turned sour.
Clara’s POV
I woke so early, actually I didn’t sleep. I took a bath and went to re-lease Alex. He was still asleep when I got in.
‘Go and freshen up, I will remain here,’ I said after waking him up.
Alex’s POV
‘Am fine aunt,’
‘You are not, go and take a bath,’ she said more like a command.
‘I don’t stink,’ I said with a sm-irk.
‘You do, now leave,’ she commanded.
She so authoritative.
‘You win,’ I said with an eye roll.
I drove home only to get that bit-ch in my kitchen.
‘What the hell are you doing?’ I asked.
Anger was rising in me.
‘Am preparing breakfast for my darling,’ she said se-ductively.
She walked closer to ca-ress me and I pushed her to the floor.
‘Ouch,’ she said in pain.
‘That serves you best. Don’t ever t©uçh me with your filthy hands,’ I said and went upstairs. I lost my baby because of her and my love is in the hospital almost going crazy.
If she knows what is best for her, she should leave this house.
I went to the bathroom and let cold water cool my b©dy. As the water c@m£ to contact with my head I felt some relaxation in my mind.
I had just finished dressing when that devil c@m£ in. I walked towards the door and she blocked me. I didn’t have the energy to talk so I pushed her away.
‘Is it a mistake to love you,’ she shouted from behind but I just left.
Karen’s POV
I don’t think it was a good idea for mum to make me get married to him. I know I love him, but all he does is to hurt me. I nee-d to act fast to avoid getting more hurt.
I took a bath a dressed in a more comfortable dress. I applied makeup to hide the bruises on my face before going to the mall. He had planned a honeymoon in Spain for him and Cindy but he hasn’t taken me. I will just enjoy myself.
Karen’s POV
I was done doing shopping when I bu-mped into someone on my way to the counter.
‘Sorry,’ I said picking up my stuffs.
‘It’s okay, let me help you,’ c@m£ the angelic voice.
I looked up to meet a very handsome guy but not as handsome as Alex. He helped me and paid for me.
‘Thank you,’ I said heading to my car.
‘Can I get your contact,’ he said.
I dialed my number in his phone and left. I drove home smiling. He seems rich, I will inform mum about the new catch.
Alex’s POV
Cindy woke up and she is a bit calm. She was just seated in one corner staring at as like someone who is lost.
‘Cindy, eat this,’ I said handing the food to her.
‘Am not Cindy am Joy,’
‘Okay, allow me to call you Cindy,’
She nodded and took the food.
‘Where did my mom go?’ She asked after a while.
‘She died,’ I said.
‘Will they kill me to?’ she asked in tears.
‘No they won’t, I will protect you,’ I as-sured her.
I moves closer and hvgged her.
She was still crying.
‘I want to get out of here,’ she said.
‘You will but not now,’
‘I have stayed here long enough I want to leave,’
‘Not so long,’
‘Who are you and why are you so caring? I was with my mom when I was young, how did I end up here?’
‘You will recall everything with time.’
Alex’s POV
It has been two weeks since she was admitted and she has been responding well to the medication. She will be discharged tomorrow. Am on my way home to finally chase Karen out. Even after all I have been doing to her, she isn’t leaving. I got home and she was busy watching a movie.
‘You are back?’ She asked concerned.
‘No am leaving,’ I replied with an eye roll.
‘I have prepared lunch,’
‘Am not hungry,’
‘Why do you hate me?’
‘Is that meant for me?’
‘Who else is here?’
‘You are a monster. When are you leaving this house?’
‘This is my husband,’
‘Am not your husband and if you don’t want to leave then am leaving,’ I said and ran upstairs.
I just remembered I have several houses so I will leave this for her. I packed and rolled my stuffs downstairs.
‘plea-se don’t leave, I love you,’ she said kneeling down.
‘Get out of my way before I do something you will regret,’ I shouted at her.
I could see fear in her eyes but she wasn’t moving. I pushed her away and walked out. I was almost driving when I realized I forgot a ph0to of I and Cindy. I went back inside and found her still crying on the floor. I went to what used to be my room took what I wanted and went back out but she blocked my way.
‘What does she have that I don’t?’
‘She has a heart, dignity, conscience and respect. Now can I go?’ I asked pissed off.
‘I can change for you,’
‘Love isn’t f0rç£d and I pray you find someone who will love you unconditionally. You should start changing for him,’ I pushed her away and left.
I went to my other house and told the maids to prepare the rooms. I sighed after unpacking some personal stuffs the rest will be taken care of.
Alex’s POV
We just got home. She was once in this house, maybe she is recalling.
‘The food is re-ady,’ the maid said.
‘Ok we will be there,’
‘Let’s go am starving,’ she said smiling.
One minute she is happy and the other she is sad. My aunt was alre-ady on the table and Cindy served the food.
Two months later
Karen’s POV
I got inside the house to meet a lady in my kitchen.
‘Who are you?’ I asked calmly.
‘Am supposed to ask you that question,’ she replied rudely.
‘What are you doing in my kitchen?’
‘This is my fiancées house and am free to do anything I plea-se.’
I think she is trying to test my patience. This is the house Alex left for me. I have the do¢v-ments, in return am to leave him in peace. I got married one month ago. We didn’t wed Michael moved in with me when I found out I was pregnant.
‘I don’t care of who you are but just leave my house,’ I said and pushed her towards the door. For the one month I have stayed with Michael my life has been a living hell but this is too much.
‘You are the one to leave,’ she yelled at me.
I picked the glas-s full of water on the kitchen table and poured on her. She wanted to hit me but I got hold of the hand. I may be pregnant but not sick nor weak.
‘Let me go. You can blackmail Michael with a fake pregnancy but not me,’ she kept on shouting though at last she left.
Karen’s POV cont.
I went to the study room and cried.
I don’t know what she told that girl to come and insult me. After some time I heard a loud knock on the door. I wiped my tears and opened the door only to find Michael standing there angrily.
‘Why did you hurt her?’ He yelled at me.
‘Don’t act dumb. Why did you hurt her and s£nd her away?’
‘Excuse me, this is my house and am sick and of your maltreatment,’ I said.
Am tired of being beaten and yelled at every single day.
‘You aren’t supposes to talk when am talking,’
‘What will you do, hit me like you have always done?’ I asked.
I can’t imagine I can be this courageous. I spoke boldly but de-ep down in my heart I’m scared.
‘I will hit you and chase you out on the street,’
‘This is my house and you are the one to leave,’
‘It seized to be your house the day you signed this do¢v-ments to transfer it to me,’ he said and handed some papers to me.
I stared at the papers with my mouth open as I tried to remember when I did it.
‘You fooled me. I wasn’t in my right s-en-ses, I was drun!k,’ I said in tears as I teared the papers.
‘Those are just ph0tocopies, I have others,’ he said and walked out on me.
‘I hate you,’ I shouted at the empty room.
He lied to me, yet he was never rich and now he has taken away my house. I called my mom and she said I go to the house.
‘What happened?’ She asked the moment she saw me.
‘He took my house,’
‘And you let him have it?’
‘What was I supposed to do? He always beats me. Am tired mum,’
‘Terminate the baby before it grows then I will get a man to marry you,’ she said and walked upstairs.
Is this woman really my mom?
I can’t get rid of my child. I picked my stuffs and took them to my room.