Bad boys of b Kay high episode 94/95

( Crazy Cinderellas… )


By, Naomi Cindy B



They stayed like that for minutes as if they’re the only ones in the ward and surprisingly, Jewel isn’t crying, instead she’s smiling slowly, it was Kingsley who did the crying this time

Others just watched joyously, too happy that she’s back

They broke the long hvg and Jewel wiped the tears off Kingsley’s face

“I missed you so much” she said

*I missed you insanely” he replied

“You’re still as handsome as I can remember” she said and he smiled

“You’re still my pretty girl” he said and Jewel looked down at her b©dy, she smiled sadly

“Am I really still pretty?, My b©dy” she said

“Shhhh, don’t say that again, your skin will be treated and you’ll be ok, ok?” Kingsley said and she nodded then hvgged him again

” plea-se don’t leave me again, it was so ha-rd , waiting is the ha-rd est thing I’ve ever done ” she said

” Your j£rk is going nowhere anymore, I’ll always be right beside you” he replied, pu-lling away from the hvg gently and k!ss!ngher forehead

“I love you Jewel” he said

“I love you Kingsley, very much” she smiled and that was when she saw her sisters and parents

” Mum dad” she said, wi-dening her arms

Rosie rushed into her arms and they hvgged dearly

“Priceless Jewel” Rosie said, tou-ching her hair fondly

“Mother I missed you”

“Daughter I missed you more, I’m glad you finally c@m£ back and I’m sorry for everything you pas-sed throu-gh cos of everyone” Rosie said

” It’s ok mummy,I deserve everything cos what I did was wrong, stealing is not the best but I wasn’t aware then, all I had in mind was to save us all from poverty” she replied.

” I’m sorry for not being a good mother, I should have told you it’s wrong, I should have prevented you from doing it but I’m so useless” Rosie said

” Don’t say that again mummy, you’re the best mum and you’re not useless, I love you so much” she replied and Rosie smiled

” Thanks for being safe, thanks for coming back”

“Dad” Jewel smiled as Joey hvgged her

“Sweet daughter”

“Best dad”

“I’m sorry for being a useless gambler and a drun!k, I’m sorry for not standing by the family when I was supposed to do that, sorry for being like this” he said, patting her

” It’s ok dad, but I hope you’ll be a better dad from now on, plea-se change completely and make us happy” Jewel said

” I will, trust me I will, thanks for coming back, thanks for going throu-gh everything just because of us” Joey said

” It’s ok dad, I love you” she replied with a smile.

” I love you daughter”

” Sissys” Jewel said and the three of them hvgged her at the same time

“I’m sorry for forcing you to the club, sorry for suggesting the makeup” Pearl said

” Sorry for doing that make-up, I’m so sorry” Love said

” I love you Jewel” Beverly said

” It’s ok beauties, I love you guys” she replied

“The dermatologist will be here soon, she nee-ds to start work on your skin” Kingsley said and she nodded

” I guess the school exams started alre-ady” she said

“Yes, we wrote the first paper today, maths” Kingsley replied

” How was it?, Did you do it well?” She asked

“I woke up last night and re-ad till daybreak, luckily I was able to solve all the questions” Kingsley replied

” I trust you , you’re a math guru” she replied and he smiled, taking her hand

“What did you guys do?” She asked Pearl

“English, but the questions were tough” Pearl replied

” So???” Jewel said

” We did it, trust us we tried our best” Love said

“Great, so I’ve missed the English exam” she said sadly

” I got your question from the supervisor, you can write the exams anytime” Kingsley replied

” Really?, Then I’ll write it tomorrow, I’ll write it here” she replied

” No you should rest first” Rosie said

“You don’t nee-d stress” Joey added

“It’s not stress dad mum, I can do it, what subject are we writing tommorow?” She said

” Maths” Pearl asked

” Kingsley bring the English and math questions tommorow, I nee-d to re-ad tonight I’ll write the two tommorow, trust me” she said

” Are you sure?” Kingsley said worriedly, slightly squee-zing her hand

“Yes baby” she replied

“Ok agreed” Kingsley replied

“Beverly when are you guys starting exams?” Jewel asked

” Thursday, with technical drawing” she replied with a pout

” I trust you’re good to go” Jewel said

“Sure” Beverly smiled and the dermatologist entered immediately

“I nee-d this ward for only the two of us” she said with a smile and everyone excused them.


The Elliot’s**

“So…. cheers to Jewel’s survival, to conquered enemies,to good health and more fame” Jax said, raising his cu-p of wine and everyone cheered, drinking after that

“I’m the happiest today” Veera said

“Are you planning to get drun!k?” Richmond said

“Nope, drun!kenness is not for me so I plan to quit alcohol” she replied

” As if you can quit” Romina murmured

“I got a new loving family, the Mendoza’s are the best I swear” Veera said

” You can say that again” Cas-sy replied beside her

” Thanks sis, we’re the best right?” Veera said.

“Sure, cheers to that” Cas-sy said and clink glas-ses with Veera

” No this is not right…no…, the Elliot’s are the best, right baby brother?’ Natalie said

“Sure, cheers” Richmond replied and clinked glas-ses with her before drinking

“Artemis no family can be like the Styles right?” Jax said

” I swear it” Artemis replied and hit knuckles with him

“The Bennett’s are the greatest of all time” Ronny said

” Sure” Ryder said, hvgging him

” Yes baby brother” Rommy replied and Ronny gave her a killer look before clinking glas-ses with her too

“I’ll join B-KAY high next school year, I should be resuming with you guys in s£nior clas-s” Cas-sy said

” I can’t wait, new bit-ches will join the school too, I wanna set some as-ses straight” Veera said and everyone laughed

” The graduation p@rty will be lit” Rommy said

” I know right?, But Kingsley said our graduation p@rty will be a month after the s£niors conclude their final exams, Jewel’s skin treatment will be over before then so she’ll be able to attend with him” Cas-sy said

” So juniors can enter” Ryder said

” Sure” Veera replied

” I’m not a student yet, will I be allowed in?” Cas-sy said

“I told you Mendoza’s are special, you’ll get to go in baby” Veera said

” I’m glad” Cas-sy replied

“Has Len gone for the inspection of the automobile company?” Richmond asked

” No he’ll do that tomorrow” Cas-sy replied

“He told me he’s going on a d@t£ today” Artemis said

” He has a girlfriend?” Jax said

” Sure, I have an handsome brother what were you expecting, she has a really beautiful girlfriend, she’s a secretary in a middle clas-s company, her name is Ashley, here’s her picture” Cas-sy said, showing them on her phone

“Whoa!, She’s pretty” Natalie said

“I know right?” Cas-sy replied

” So what about you?, You don’t have a b©yfri£nd?” Rommy asked and Cas-sy looked away shyly

” Not yet, I hate all guys in my former school, besides being poor, they’re another reason why I dropped out, they’re always disturbing me” she replied

” You’re pretty, you can pas-s for a model so you don’t expect them to let you be” Jax win-ked

” I have a request” Ronny said

” Ok” Richmond replied

“Can I….join The Kings?” He said

“The president’s son?, Join us?” Richmond said

” Will your parents even allow that?, I doubt it” Jax said

” Mum and dad can’t say no to anything I want so it’s fine, you guys should just say yes, or am I not handsome enough to be a model?, I don’t have the shape?” Ronny said

” Not that, you and Ryder are one of the most handsome in B-KAY” Richmond replied

” So????” Ronny said

Jax looked at Richmond

” Yes” they chorused

” Swear it” Ronny said

“Swears” Jax said and Richmond smiled

“fv¢k!, So when are you guys introducing me?, When is the next ph0toshoot?” Ronny asked

” Friday evening.. whoa we’re about to get more popular, the president’s son is joining us” Richmond said

” Cheers to that everyone” Cas-sy said



Next day, B-KAY island**

Since they moved in yesterday, the arrangements has been made and now they’re living comfortably in there

It’s a glas-s house but enclosed in the island, surrounded by blue waters and sky, it’s always cold but heater is available

“I’m just gonna sit here comfortably and enjoy myself till next year when I’ll resume school” Cas-sy said, hanging her hand on Veera’s n£¢k

Veera just finished preparing for school

“Pray for me, I’m writing my math exams today” Veera said

“You’ll perform excellently well” Cas-sy said

“Thanks baby” Veera replied and pe-cked her

“Should we both travel for the summer holiday?” Cas-sy asked

” Where do you have in mind?” Veera asked

“Uhmm… Spain” she replied

“Cool, but can I really leave Ronny for a month?, I don’t think I can do it” Veera said

” You can, let’s spend two weeks” Cas-sy replied

” It’s still too long”

” Ok .. one week” Cas-sy said

“One week” Veera smiled and stuck hands with her

” Babies” Len said from the big rich living room, eating cookies and watching TV

“Big brother, how was your d@t£ with Ashley yesterday?” Veera asked

” The best” Len smiled

” When are you going for the company inspection?” Cas-sy asked, settling down beside him

” By 10″ he replied

” I’m off to school!, Where’s Kingsley?, Did he leave without me?” Veera said

” I’ll never do that” Kingsley replied, coming downstairs with Josh and Ria

“Mum, dad, I’m off to school” Veera waved, pu-lling Kingsley out

“Bye pretty” they waved as she left the house with him

“Isn’t this place cool?, The best place I’ve ever been , living in an island is my greatest dream and it c@m£ true” Cas-sy said

” When are you guys starting work?” Len asked

” Next week Wednesday or Thursday, we’ll be introduced on Tuesday” Josh replied

” Cool, well.. Ashley will be coming home with me tomorrow, to see you guys” Len said

” We can’t wait to see her again” Ria smiled.



“Maths done and dusted, tomorrow is ethics, that bloody subject” Romina complained after they finished writing the ethics exam

“Don’t worry, just re-ad” Veera replied

“I will” Romina complained

” I’m so tired” Veera said

” Ok we’re done for the day, what next?” Love said

” Let’s re-ad for tommorow” Pearl replied

“Love, Mr Joe called for you” a student said from the door

” That stern teacher…I’m dead” she said she left the clas-s with the girl who led her to the front of the second lab

“Here?” Love asked

“Yes, she’s coming”

“She?” Love said

“Me” Lincoln said from the back and Love swiftly looked back

The student rushed off

“So it’s you” Love said, Lincoln is moving closer slowly

“Yes it’s me” Lincoln replied, she’s in her school uniform, maybe she c@m£ here from school

“What do you want from me?, Why did you have to trick me out of the clas-s” Love said

” To tell you to stay away from Ryder” she replied

” Really?, Why?, You’re his mother?, I don’t get” Love said

” Can’t you see the clear handwriting on the wall?, I’m in love with him so back off”

” He introduced you to me as his friend so I don’t know what you’re talking about, next time if you try this I’ll make sure I make you regret it” Love said sternly and started walking away but suddenly felt Lincoln pu-lling her hair from behind

“I’m not done talking, come back here!” Lincoln said, pu-lling her hair ha-rd

Love hit her elbow on Lincoln’s stomach from behind and she let her go, Love faced her and gr@bb£d her two ears ha-rd , pu-lling it r0ûghly

“Aaar!, Let me go bit-ch!” Lincoln screamed, trying to free herself but Love pu-ll-ed it more

” My ears!” Lincoln winced

” Next time if your stupid mind is telling you to come and try this with me again, your ears won’t listen” Love said and Ryder appeared with Ronny

Lincoln was f0rç£fully taken away from her and her ears are freaking red alre-ady

“Ryder she …

” St©p talking I saw everything from the beginning and now you’ve succeeded in ma-king me hate you, get out and I don’t wanna see you again” Ryder said to Lincoln

” Ryder you can’t do that, I love you and that’s why I got jealous and….

“Leave!, Leave right now” Ryder said

“He just told you to leave” Ronny said and when Lincoln started crying, Ronny pu-ll-ed her away, Love is still breathing heavily

“I’m sorry” Ryder said

“It’s not your fault” she replied slowly

Ryder c@m£ closer and raised his hand to her hair, arranging it with his f!ngersand her cheeks turned red again, she blu-shed greatly

“Gosh! Love” she thought

Ryder smiled and after arranging her hair, he hvgged her

“Ryder” she said surprisingly

“Just stay ok?, Sorry if I’m trespas-sing” he replied and rested his head on her shoulder


B-KAY hospitals**

Pearl is walking into the hospital with a nylon containing apples, she actually went to get it since Jewel said she’s craving for it

Her phone rang and she giggled when she saw it’s Love

“Are you buying the whole apple sto-re?, You should be here by now” Love said

“I’m alre-ady here, st©p being a pain” she said and laughed, not realizing she’s in an hallway alre-ady , she bu-mped into a guy and her nylon of apple fell, the guy almost fell but held himself

“I’m so sorry” she apologized quic-kly

“Are you blind?, Can’t you see?, You almost knocked me down you ugly thing!” The guy yelled

” I’m sorry” Pearl said again

“You irritate me, today is bad enough and now you ruined it completely you bit-ch!* The guy ranted and tried to sl@p her but a hold on his hand st©pped him

“I’m saving you from humiliation, if you sl@p her do yo know what she’ll do to you?” Richmond said and moved closer to the guy

” She’ll kick your ba-lls and make them fall” he whispered before throwing off his hand

” She said sorry, must you pour out your frustration on her?, The two sorry she said, return it” Richmond said

” Why would I do that?”

” You know who I am, should I arrest you for trying to sl@p my friend?” Richmond said and it’s clear that the guy is scared

” Sorry…I’m sorry” he said and rushed off

” It’s ok now” Richmond said , facing Pearl with a smile and picking the apple nylon for her

She made to take it but he refused

“You’re taking it to the ward right?, I’ll take it let’s go” he said and Pearl smiled

” Thanks” she said, following him and staring at him allthrou-gh


Romina brou-ght her car to an halt in front of the Styles mansion and inhaled ha-rd

Ronny advised her to go apologize and she’s trying that out

She breath in and out more than ten times before coming out of the car

She walked slowly to the door and hesitated before ringing the doorbell

It was Jasmine who opened the door and her heart skipped beats when she saw his eyes

“Hi” she said, shifting uncomfortably on her sp©t

“Why are you here?” He asked

“Are you the only one at home?” She asked

“Yeah, Artemis has gone to work and dad isn’t around as well” he replied

” Then….can I come in?” She asked, picking on her f!ngers

Jasmine opened the door and she c@m£ in, he smiled secretly before closing the door

“So…why are you in the house of a Casanova?, You’re not scared that I might r@p£ you?” He said

” It’s not like that….I was just immature and being childish, I’m sorry” she said

” About?”

” Calling you a Casanova even when you’ve changed, hurting your feelings even when I’m aware that I have feelings for you too, plea-se don’t snub me again, it hurts” she replied

” It’s ok ” he said

” Really?” She asked, smiling lightly

” Yes, you apologized so it’s cool now” he replied and they both went mute for some minutes

” So….can we….d@t£?,… Can you be my… b©yfri£nd?” She asked shyly

“No, I have a girlfriend alre-ady” he replied

” Huh?”

” Yes so it’s not possible anymore, I’m sorry” he replied, trying to see her reaction

” Oh…..I guess I c@m£ late” she said with a sad smile and decided to save her tears till when she gets to the car

She started walking out and Immediately she got to the door…

“Don’t t©uçh the knob” he said and she slowly turned back

He took few strides towards her and she backed the door, looking at him with hopeful eyes

He rested his hands on the door, caging her in

“I said that to see your reaction and I’m sure you’ll cry when you get out” he said

” You… don’t have a girlfriend?” She asked

” How will that be possible when you’re all I think of?” He said and she smiled

He suddenly gr@bb£d her w@!st and pu-ll-ed her closer

“I never st©pped loving you” he said

“I love you Jax, so much” she replied, tou-ching his right cheek gently

He took her hand and k!$$£d the back of it

“I love se-x though” he said flatly

“I don’t mind, you can have me anytime you want, just promise me that you won’t leave me like Grady” she said

” St©p mentioning that name, and leaving you will be the only thing I won’t be able to do” he said, letting his fresh breath brush her face

” I love you Jax” she said

“I love you Rommy, k!ssme” he replied and Romina hanged her hands on his n£¢k before crashing herl-ips on his hungrily…