arrange marriage with troublesome lamela episode 40

??❇Arranged Marriage With Troublesome Lamela☸?

?Sunday Precious Ene

⚠Don’t copy or repost⚠

Chapter Forty

Writer’s POV

Lamela pulled up in the parking lot, she grabbed a leather bag from the next seat and walked out. Yes she actually bought a present for granny Tessy…..

Hi Sanchos Lamela waved at him

Hi he flashed her a smile, she returned it and headed to the room.


Granny Lamela screamed happily

Mela….Granny Tessy smiled and drew her into an hu-g

Hi mum, hi Dad She waved at them, they were seated like they were waiting for her….

So you guys didn’t go to work today? That’s new Lamela crea-sed her brow

Yea we didn’t Mr Duventus replied dryly

So why did you send for granny? Any problem? She asked and took a seat…

We have to talk Mrs Camella spoke up

Okay…..about what if i may ask?

Lamela how is Charlie? Mrs Camella inquired

Charlie is good….She shrugged

So how is your marriage going? She asked again

My marriage is going well….you didn’t care to call but nevermind, i owe no grudges against you She brushed it off….

Mela do you nee-d anything to eat? Granny Tessy smiled

Hmmmm…no thank you She gave it a thought and rejected.

Lamela remember the time you were against the idea of getting married to Charlie….Mrs Camella began

Yes i remember but it wasn’t a bad decision anyway….Lamela smiled

Mrs Camella and her husband stared at each other weirdly

So we gave it a thought and realized that Charlie isn’t the right man for you, he’s a philanderer, he’s arrogant…..imagine the way he spoke to me at the hospital like who does that? That dude is fuc-king disrespectful…..She shuttered

Wait……Lamela cut her off, when you wanted me to get married to him, you never knew he was a philanderer? You never knew he was arrogant? Why bring that up today of all days….with all due respect mum, you have no right to say shits about my husband to my face….he’s arrogant yes i know, he’s a philanderer yes i know…..i don’t give a damn about that and i never will, a playboy can change if given the chance…..Charlie will change, that I’m sure Lamela raised her voice

This will not be as easy as we thought Mrs Camella whispered to her husband

She’s in love with him honey….just drop it….the deal ain’t ours then Mr Duventus whispered back and Mrs Camella gave him a look that could kill….

How’s grandpa Lamela asked granny Tessy, he ba-rely relate with the family after the death of Claudia…..

He’s fine Granny Tessy shrugged, you know how precious Claudia was to him, it’s un-derstandable that he’s mad at your parents She explained….

Since nothing important is here to talk about, I’ll like to leave Lamela muttered glancing at the watch….here, i brou-ght this for you She handed her the leather bag

Wow! Granny Tessy held her che-st….she opened it…

Perfumes….thanks Mela…you’re the best She blew her ki-sses, Lamela collected them and placed them on her heart….

OK mum, dad…I’ll be on my way She announced….

You can’t leave….we aren’t done Mrs Camella raised her voice….Honey Her husband held her hand but she pulled it out….

Now sit Lamela She ordered

Lamela rolled her eyes and returned back to the seat….

Speak your have thirty minutes outta my time She ordered

No….I’ll be the one to decide on that She smi-rked

Lamela…The family want a divorce, Charlie ain’t the right man for you She announced

Wow! Just wow! She clapped her hands….Really? Mum what the fuc-k do you take me for?

Mela….Granny Tessy called trying to calm her down

Don’t Mela me, i won’t calm down…what does this family take me for? First it was Mela get married to Charlie…..Mela did….you don’t have to love him were grandma’s words to me and you….she pointed a finger at her home….what’s a happy union without love were the words you quoted and now i married him, now i feel something for him Then the next time you wake up and come up with lame excuses like he’s arrogant….he’s disobedient, who the fuc-k does that concern? Who the fuc-k are you to mess with my emotions? What gave you the impression that i’ll divorce him? You don’t have a say in this, we are cool, we love each other and that’s exactly what matters She purred

Lamela…..listen to your parents Granny Tessy advised….they want the best for you…

Don’t tell me that She glared at her….don’t fuc-king tell me to listen to them, listening to them led to the death of Claudia….she was fuc-king framed by her husband….The husband mum chosed for her Lamela raised her voice….My sister roth in jail because of all of you, she died because of you all……Why? Because you’re the one who always have something to say, why? Because you’re a control freak……why? Because she wanted to please you and what happened to her? You turned your back when things went wrong…you can’t try thesame shits with me….I am Lamela Lolly Petty not Lamela Duventus, the day i said my vows was the day i broke free from your chains….that was the day i decided that I’ll never allow you or anyone else to control my life….i owe this family no obligation She yelled….

Enough Mr Duventus yelled….every fuc-king thing she said stabbed him like a thousand thorns, it awoken memories of Claudia he have being trying to forget



Mum….dad…believe me i didn’t do it, i wasn’t the one who get the drugs there…it was Maxelle….he’s trying to frame me cause i found out some pretty bad shits about him Claudia fell to her knees crying….The cops were handcuffing her

Grandma….Grandpa…granny Tessy help my mother, she’s not a criminal, she didn’t do it Ten years old Stella pleaded with her parents on behalf of her mother….her eyes were blood shot red….

Enough…..Mrs Camella’s voice echoed, you fuc-king did it, Maxelle is a family friend, look she pointed at his parents who were present at the scene…..they brou-ght him up uprightly….i tried my best, i thought you would turn out like your sisters but no, you chose your own path….frame she said Mrs Camella chuckled, i doubt that…..

Dad believe me, i didn’t do it, it was Maxelle, i found out something about him, i have evidences Claudia cried….

A criminal remains a criminal, you did it, you have always being finding ways to leave Maxelle….now you left and a drug is found in your custody and the next thing you thought of was placing the blame on him, painting him as the devil when the real devil is you Mr Duventus yelled and she flinched

No….i loved Maxelle…it turned out that he’s a criminal She hiccu-ped

You lied young lady, you never loved my son, my Maxelle is no criminal, the real criminal is you Maxelle’s mother yelled

I…..i am not Claudia hiccu-ped

Who are you to call my sister names? Your son is the real criminal here, my sister have evidences….i swear that i’m gonna send that bastard of a son to jail Lamela yelled, she was also at the scene, her eyes were too red due to endless crying….

How dare you Maxelle’s mother yelled and jumped on Mela…..they began dragging each other’s hair and ripping each other’s dress……

Take her cops……she deserves it, a criminal deserves to face the law Mrs Camella shuttered and Claudia was dragged out…..

Don’t grandma…..don’t Stella held her leg but she flinched it making her to fall….

I will kill you bastard….i will kill you Lamela screamed and continued punching Maxelle’s mother… sister ain’t a criminal She screamed with each point


Must you always bring that day up? Must you? Mrs Camella yelled

I must Lamela shuttered, that showed that you failed as a mother, you believed a family friend over your child and then what happened?…..


March 10th

I’m sorry Mr Duventus, I’m sorry Mrs Camella, she was gonna implicate me i had no choice Maxelle pleaded

Lamela fulfilled her own part of the promise she made to Claudia….Claudia found out about some shits her husband was involved him… first she doubted when her private investigator told her about what he had gathered……Her doubt was cleared when she sp-otted Maxelle pulled a trigger into the head of a lady in their apartment….yes it was a room he told her never to step foot in no matter what…..the day she entered was the day things changed….after that day she believed her private investigator….he was right when he said Maxelle was working for a drug lord, he handled his shits…..Maxelle became violent after the incidence, he beats her up, leaving fresh bruises on her face and other part of her body, all this she told Lamela and was advised to leave…….one way or the other Maxelle found out that she was planning to blow his cover and now he planted some drugs in her bag……she was caught by the cops and her parents who she happened to reveal his secret to doubted her….only five people believed her……Lamela, Her daughter, her grandpa, Lisa and her bestfriend Maxel.

I told her you will roth in jail, now face the law Maxelle Lamela spat on his face…..

You mean that she was innocent? Mrs Camella stood dumbfounded she still can’t believe it……

No…….Mr Duventus screamed… can’t be, she was right all along

The cops arrested Maxelle….Lamela worked hand in hand with her sister’s investigator……when they had gathered enough Evidences she showed it to her parents, they still didn’t believe……but when they witnessed it….and when he admitted that he really framed Claudia they regretted…’s too late because Claudia already died in jail……

You as*hole I trusted you Mrs Camella yelled

Cover the cops and seal the area….One of the detectives ordered…..

Maxelle was dragged out…..He was caught murdering an aged man, who he works for, they don’t know…..

I’m sorry……..Mrs Camella fell to her feet…..I should have trusted you…..


I won’t allow you to rule my life………if I’m tired, I’ll divorce him myself, you have no say in it…….Lamela added and stood to her feet.

I’m outta here…….

La…… Mrs Camella stuttered, she was in tears

Lamela twisted the doorknob open, she made to leave but stumbled on Daisy, she was entering the house at thesame time….

Something flashed throu-ghher face when she saw Mela…..She bowed her head and ran into the room quickly.

Fear? Why is she scared? Lamela wondered and shook her head

Maybe i’m just thinking things….but she really look like Maggie……..She stared at her retreating figure…..

Whatever she rolled her eyes and shut the door