Arizona episode 70 & 71

( His Crazy Queen… )


By, Naomi Cindy B



Vince held Arizona in his arms for so long and when she finally hu-gged him back, he smiled gladly.

“I missed you Ariz, thanks for coming out, thanks for making me see your face again” he said, ti-gh-tening his hold on her.

“Candy…” She whispered.

“Queen, I promised to go throu-gheverything with you remember?, So don’t do this ok?, Let’s go throu-ghthe pains together” he said and she sniffed.

He broke the hu-g and wiped the traces of tears on her pale face before smiling at her.

“I’m sorry” she said, touching his face gently.

“It’s ok, I un-derstand you perfectly, it’s ha-rd to take it all in at once” he replied and held her hand to his face .

“But Vincent what should I do?, I dunno what to do…it’s so confusing and…and I….I dunno what to do” she said and he started stro-king her hair.

“Before anything, you nee-d to eat first, please” he said.

“I seriously have no appetite” she said.

“You’ve been starving for four days” he replied.

“Don’t talk as if you ate too” Blaze replied from behind.

“You didn’t eat?, Why?” Arizona asked with concern.

“How would I eat when You’re not eating?” He replied.


“I promise to feed you, you’ll eat from me right?” He asked and she nodded slowly.

“That’s the spirit” he smiled and suddenly swept her up in his arms.

He took her downstairs and placed her on a dinning chair.

“I’ll be right back” he said and gave her a forehead ki-ss before rushing into her kitchen.

Arizona sat quietly, waiting for his return.

“eonni” C@$$idy said, sitting beside her.

“C@$$idy” she replied, looking at her guiltily.

“Big sis stop, stop looking that way I don’t like it, no matter what happens you’re still my big sis and no one’s gonna take you away from me, I love you so much” C@$$idy said affectionately.

“I’m sorry for keeping the secret from you guys, I…

“We don’t want to hear sorry big sis, the fact that you’re out is bliss, I love you” Adam interrupted.

“You guys don’t hate me?, I’m Arizona Farley, not Banks” she replied.

“No you’re still Arizona Banks, please don’t change to Farley, don’t leave us, keep being our big sis…. I promise to always greet you respectfully always, we’ll go for sisters shopping spree, I’ll buy you a peach coloured car please..” C@$$idy pleaded.

“If I promise to stop being rude, will you stay?, Will you remain Arizona Banks?, Please big sis” Adam said and Arizona smiled despite the tears that’s we-tting her face already.

“How can you guys he so sweet” she said with a silent sniff.

They both came closer and hu-gged her ti-ghtly at a time.

“I love you guys so much, I really do” she said.

“We love you too big sis” they chorused and Blaze smiled as he watched the lovely scene.

They later broke the hu-g and they both wiped her tears.

“Don’t cry anymore please, you’ve cried enough” C@$$idy said.

Arizona nodded, looking at them.

“What’s going on prese-ntly?” She asked.

“Arielle, Mr Farley, madam Moon and Mr Lee were arrested and the court trial is today” Adam explained.

“Prescott bled till death after confessing about his ra-pe escapades, he ra-ped fifteen girls till death, including Chrissy” Blaze said.

“Blaze” she smiled at him and he came closer, they hu-gged closely.

“Don’t lock yourself in again please…we love you, Vince loves you more, he cried so much when you were in, don’t do it again, let’s just go throu-gheverything together” he said.

“I’m sorry for everything” she replied.

“That you’re out is the most important, we’ll help you get back on your feet” he smiled as they broke the hu-g.

Vince came out of the kitchen with a tray of rice, noodles and kimchi.

He placed it on the table and sat in front of her.

C@$$idy held her hair as Vince started feeding her the short noodles and she kept taking it .

“She must finish it” Adam said.

“Of course” Blaze replied and Vince kept feeding her till the noodles finished, he poured the rice into the sauce and started feeding her rice too.

“I’m full” she said after taking some spoons.

“Sure?” He asked.

She nodded and C@$$idy called a maid who packed the plates .

“Bathing is next right?” Blaze said.

“Yes, you nee-d to bath” Vince replied and she nodded.

He took her upstairs and made to leave but she held him.

“Help me” she said.

He took off her gown and undies then carried her na-ked body into the bathroom.

He dropped her in the tub and she kept staring at him as he made her clean.

“I’m not usually like this, but right now I’m just tired, my hands feel numb and my lim-bs too heavy” she said .

“I un-derstand Ariz, it’s normal after four days lock in” he replied and she held his hand.

“You won’t leave me no matter what,right?” She asked, looking into his eyes.

“There might be thousands of ladies in the universe but I see just you, only you” he replied and she smiled slightly.

“I love you” Vince said and her smile grew wider.

He finished up and carried her back into the room.

She regained some strength by then so she creamed herself and put on something thick.

“Help me tie my hair into a bun” she said, turning her back on him.

He swept it up and when he remembered how this same hair fell on her shoulders when he saved her from Arielle and the bad guys fifteen years ago, he smiled.

The moment her hair fell on her shoulders and some on her face that day, his seven years old self lost his breath and that was the beginning of his feelings… for her .

He finished rolling the bun and turned her to himself.

“Stay strong for me” he said.

“I will” she smiled and hu-gged him.

He did same and they stayed in each other’s arms for long before dise-ngaging.

They went back downstairs and Rita and Paulson came in immediately with Yang.

“Baby!” Rita shouted, rushing to hu-g her.

“eomma” she smiled.

“Please continue calling me that, you’re my daughter no matter what Arizona” Rita replied.

“Yes, I’m your daughter mum, I love you” Arizona replied and hu-gged Paulson.


“Thanks for coming out to us daughter, I love you so much” he replied, patting her back.

“I love you more dad”

“Boss” Yang hu-gged her next.

“Ligament” she smiled.

“Yeah you can call me that a million times, I’m Ligament” he replied and Vince smiled.

“You’re the best PA one could ever have, PA like a brother” she said.

“You’re a boss like a sister too, you can be frustrating at times and your mood swings can be crazy but trust me you’re the best, I’ll forever be loyal” he replied and she smiled, breaking the hu-g.

She looked around and realized she really has people who care about her, people who want her to be happy, people who want the best for her, people who wish her well.

She decided to face this once and for all.

“Arielle was se-ntenced to life imprisoned, Moon got three years” Paulson said.

“Gary got three too, Mr Lee got same ” Rita said .

“All these while she has been beside me, I didn’t know, and about Arielle…” She sat.

“Our fate is callous, we never had any pleasant memory, everything was unpleasant” she said.

Vince squ-atted in front of her and held her hands.

“You don’t have to feel guilty, it’s not your fault, blame it on fate” he said.

She nodded and hu-gged him.

Rita and Paulson exchanged happy glances.

“Wanna go on a trip with me to clear your head?” Vince whispered into Arizona’s ear.

“Where?” She whispered back.

“Just anywhere, let’s go far away, my exams starts on Monday so we still have three days” he replied.

“Let’s go to Jeju island tommorow” she said.

“Sure” he replied.



Vince waited in the car and Arizona went in alone.

The cops greeted her respectfully but she’s not replying.

She was taken to the right place where she sat on a chair.

She waited patiently till Moon-Joo was brou-ght.

“Arizona” she said, sitting in front of her on the other side of the net.

“Are you ok?, You look sick, did you get Ill?, Did you….

“Do you expect me to be ok after the bombshell you threw five days ago?” Arizona asked expressionlessly.


“I un-derstand why you had to drop I and Ariana in the orphanage, the only issue I have with you is selling Arielle, it ruined her life completely, it did!” Arizona interrupted.

“I’m so sorry daughter, I wasn’t thinking, hunger made me do it, I just didn’t want to die and I wanted a good life for her too…

“You should have dropped her in the orphanage and maybe she’d be lucky enough to be adopted into rich families like I and Ariana, you caused it Moon-Joo, you did” Arizona wiped her tears.

“I know, all I want right now is forgiveness, please I…

Arizona closed her eyes.

“It’s not time yet” she said and a cop took Moon.

“No… Arizona!, Arizona I’m sorry!, I’m sorry please look at me!, My baby!!” She cried as she was taken in.

Arizona opened her eyes and Gary was taken in.

“Arizona…” He whispered, looking at her.

She smiled sadly . “The great Gary Farley is my dad…br@vo” she said and the smile vanished.

“That’s what everyone knows but to me, Paulson Banks is my dad, I can never accept you no matter what, I hate you” she said.

“I deserve it, I obviously do” he cried.

“You ra-ped her, you made her have unwanted babies, yes we’re unwanted because we’re product of ra-pe, you might be un-der the influence of alcohol but still…it’s all your fault….it is” she said bitterly.

“I’ll never forgive you, not now actually” she said and he continued crying as he was taken away.

Arielle was brou-ght last and when she sat, they both started staring at each other.

Maybe because their hatred for each other blinded them, now their slight resemblance is glaring.

“Why are you here to see a bi-tch like me?” Arielle said.

“We’ve been hating each other all these while, not knowing we came to the world same day, same route” Arizona said.

“Leave, stop making me feel like killing myself, guilt is drowning me already, stop pushing me more ha-rd” Arielle replied, wiping her tears.

“I wish you were parented well, bad parenting made you into a monster who can do anything to get what she wants” Arizona said .

“I bullied you in elementary one to two, I bullied you ” Arielle cried.

“You actually bullied I and Ariana” Arizona said.

“How?, You’re the only one who attended Unicorn, I didn’t even know you had a twin back then” Arielle replied.

“Ariana attended Unicorn too” Arizona said.

“But only Arizona Andrews is in the yearbook what are you talking about!, I bullied my two sisters?, I really did?, How?, Tell me how!!” Arielle yelled and the cops appeared, taking her.

“Tell me how it was the two of you!!, Tell me!!!!” She shouted as she was dragged away for-cefully.

Arizona stood and walked out of the station, meeting Joy by the door.


“Miss Arizona..” Joy hu-gged her .

“How have you been?”

“I should be asking that instead, you went throu-gha lot in the last few days, I’m sorry about what mum did” Joy replied and Arizona broke the hu-g.

“How exactly are you related to her?, Did she… really birth you?”

“No, she picked me from the streets, I was homeless” Joy replied.

“And now you’ll have to live alone?” Arizona asked.

“Of course”

“You don’t mind living in our mansion right?, Stay with C@$$idy” Arizona said and Joy smiled.

“You know the mansion right?, I’ll give mum a call so you’re free to go today, I mean now” Arizona said and Joy hu-gged her again.

When they dise-ngaged, Joy waved before entering a taxi.

Arizona entered the car where Vince is waiting.

She sighed and he held her face.

“Shall we go to Jeju island?” He said and she smiled before hu-gging him.

“Yes, let’s go” she said.

He ki-ssed her hair and the driver drove off.



“That’ll be all for today, everyone must read and digest the two pages I picked out” the teacher said.

“Yes sir!” The students replied and he left the cl@$$.

Avery’s head is still on the table, afraid to look up.

She has been tagged A CRIMINAL’S SISTER and everywhere she goes, people jeer at her.

Summer still hasn’t been found.

A piece of paper landed on her and she raised her head, another one came then empty kegs.

The students started booing and mocking , throwing things at her.

“I’m not Summer!!” She yelled out.

“But you’re her sis,you once indicted Blaze for stealing, what @$$urance is there that you’re not a killer?, Same blood flows in your veins” a student replied.

They resumed throwing things and Adam heaved.

“You guys should stop being childish!” He yelled and silence prevailed.

“So because her sis is a criminal, she’s a criminal too?, How irrational” he said.

“Everyone has a criminal they don’t know of in their family or around, does that make us criminals too?, Think please, and stop being rash” he continued and they relented.

“Nice speech bro” Trevor said.

Avery sat back and Blaze left the cl@$$ immediately.

Havana followed.

He met C@$$idy outside .

“se-nior Blaze can we talk?”

“Blaze we nee-d to talk”

Havana and C@$$idy said at a time.

“Oh se-nior Havana, I’ll talk to him later” C@$$idy quickly said and walked away.

Havana took Blaze’s arm and pulled him to a corner.

“What?, I’m not Adam” he said when she finally faced him.

“Give me a reason why you’ve been avoiding me Blaze, why?” She asked, looking at him for an immediate answer.

“I dunno, I just felt like I nee-d to keep my distance from you …. And… Adam” he replied awkwardly.


“Yeah, you guys look good trust me, you both look good together” he said.

“But Adam is not my boyfriend” she said.

“But you like him” he replied.

“Says who?” She replied.

“Your actions” he replied, looking away.

She moved to where he’s looking at.

“Ok I agree that I got fooled by his dimples at first but I was being childish then, i was oblivious of what I wanted” she replied.


“Why are you acting ha-rd, do you know how ha-rd it was for me since you’ve been avoiding me?, I felt like I’m unimportant, I couldn’t stop thinking about you and…..I wanted to talk to you badly and I. I… missed you..

“Why?” He asked, finally looking at her.

“I don’t know, my heart is beating so fast right now” she replied.

“And?” He asked.

“I…..I,.. like you Blaze, no it’s not that, I love you and….

Blaze pushed her suddenly and her back thudded on the wall.

His li-ps thudded on hers Immediately and she instantly stood on her toes to catch up with the pace.

She held his sides, tugging gently at his shirt as he ki-ssed her ha-rd.

Adam watched with a broken heart from an angle and when he turned to go, he saw C@$$idy in tears, she’s also watching.

C@$$idy ran away immediately

Adam took another glance at them before leaving quietly.

Blaze broke the long ki-ss and Havana kept looking him in the eye.

He stepped away from her and she kept leaning on the wall.

He turned to go but after taking three steps, he looked back at her.

Another glance at her li-ps, he retracted the three steps and came back.

He stole a gasp from her li-ps as he carried her in his arms, holding her legs to himself

Her hands went to his shoulders.

“I love you” his li-ps moved.

“I love you more Blaze” she replied and didn’t have to wait long before his li-ps caught her own again.