another world episode 1 & 2



It’s raining heavily today and it’s my birthday. It happens every year. The rain, the lightening, the thunder, the wind….it happens every year on my birthday.

If it were to be some people they’ll think they are blessed but it’s like a curse to me because I can’t celebrate it with friends. Most of my birthday I celebrated with my parents, it’s no big deal. Just bake a cake sing into my room, blabla blabla. But not this year. Am twenty one today. And this god forsaken rain won’t let me go out, I hate it. m sick am tired of the birthday routine every years.

I stood up and lock my door. I went back to my bed and grab my phone. It there was a message from Alex. My boyfriend….He must have sent it by 12 on the site but I open it late because it’s already 3am and the useless rain have been falling non stop.

On a normal note, see the message as a girl should make me happy and put bu-tterflies in my belly but no….it made me frown and deleted the message.
Alex was a perfect guy…too perfect….every woman dream man. I mean he was rich, handsome, hardworking, intelligent….speak of anything….he has it all but why don’t i love him?…….

See how Gem met Leon in the ‘Ceo is her bodyguard’ I’ve read that novel more than 4 times…..why can’t my life just be like a fairytale?.
I should break up with him yes…..but if I do….I’ll lost my job… will my sister and her husband…..and we’ll lose this big house too.

Let’s not talk about me… a simple girl….I read stories from STAR am a novel addict. And I always stay on line 24, 7, for a new post.

The CEO IS HER BODYGUARD just ended….I read it over and over again until it heard a knock on the door.
“Nina open the door…it’s your birthday………” Mom said
“Go away!!!” I said
“Come on baby don’t be like this……open the door or I’ll get the spear keys!” Mom said. I was suspicious. Why was mom only talking?. (Thunder stormed again, followed by the lightening).
“I hate this day!!!” I curse and open the door. A man was kneeling at my front with a box of ring on his hands. (God….this is not happening!!!!)
“What’s going on?” I asked as I manage to force a smile.
“Happy birthday baby!” Alex said.
“Yeah….!!!, So why are you on your knees?” I asked as if I don’t know
“Josh Nina…..will……..w.w…..will….you marry me!!?” He asked. ‘NO!!!!’ My mind yelled.

I was in daze. Everyone was waiting for my answer. I haven’t saying anything and am not worried at all.
“Oh….she must me shocked……put the rings on her finger already!!!” Mom broke the silence and i glared at her. Alex slide the ring into my fingers smiling. He stood up and ki-ssed me li-ps. I felt disgusted.
“Excuse me!!” I yelled and run back into my room. I locked the door.
“No…no…no this can’t be happening…..this must be a dream……wake up…..wake up Nina…….” I said and slap myself “ouch!!!!” I gro-an in pains. “This is real……!” I said and look at the ring in my finger. It was gold….and i hate gold. Silver is the purest and beautiful. How can he not know!!!!!!” So many thoughts run throu-ghmy mind and my mom opened my door with the spare key.
“What do you think you’re doing?” She yelled
“Nothing mom….!” I said
“Better….then come outside…your fiance is waiting for you…” She said. Hearing the word fiance I almost fainted.

I step out still in my night pajamas. It was dad’s… was big and oversized….but it’s free.

“Nina can you go change?” Alex asked.
“Why?, It’s not like am leaving the house or something….and it’s no special day!” I said
“Are you mad at me for proposing to you?” He asked looking worried
“Oh…no…no…no….don’t mind her….she’s just angry at the weather” mom cut in.
“Oh……okay…..uhmm we have a date tomorrow…I’ll come pick you up by 8” he said
“Am busy tomorrow” i lied. New stories will be uploaded tomorrow by 8…I can’t miss it. I’d rather be with my novels than with him.

It was late in the night. “Nina go eat your food before it get cold” Runa said.
“Am coming….I’ll just read the preface of the story……..’Another world’….sound interesting” I said.
“STAR novels will not kill you….or infact it will kill you” she cursed. “Go eat now if the food get cold you’ll be sick” she warned.
“Runa mind your own business…..I said I’ll eat” i said and she slam my door and left, probably to her husband and kids…..I don’t care to know.

I opened the page. I read the preface and commented on it ‘I want to be trap in a novel world too, maybe in one of your novels admin Lixzie’. My stomach gro-an. I went into the kitchen…by then it was already to 10. The food was really cold. Who cares….I quickly eat it like that and return to my bed.
I look at the ring on my fingers…I pull it off and put it at the cupboard. I wanted someone like Leonel….. someone who can set the flames in me burning. Well it’s just a story…. nothing much.

I fell asleep after reading the CEO is her bodyguard again….I mean I can never get tired of that novel……oh and the novel Natasha too……I read Natasha before I fell asleep.

In my sleep I felt pains in my stomach….. extreme pains when made me wake up……I wish I had listen to Runa….I’d have eaten my food early…..are my stomach hurts……
I took some pain relief medicine……and went back to bed. I roll over to the other side of the bed but I fell…..I opened my eyes and I was still falling….it was like i was falling from the sky…..I started shouting…. hoping I’d wake up if I want to land like normal nightmare but I landed ha-rd on the ha-rd floor…..
What is going on???……., I look around and…….I was in……. another world……………



(Kingdom of Vansham)
Queen Elsa rushed out of her chamber. The eyes of the shimmer was opened.
“Your majesty” a guard greeted her. She nodded and walk into the room.

The Shimmer was a younger girl but was ageless…..she have lived for thousands of years.
“Great one” she called. “Has the gods finally answered my prayers?”
“Yes…..yes…. they’ve sent someone…..they’ve send a wife to the second prince…..the….the river bank…..send men to the river bank…!!!!” She yelled.

Queen Elsa sent men to.the river bank.
“Please…. please let it be a good one!”
“Mother!” Kai called. He kept a perfect distant from his mother.
“Kai…..the gods have sent someone!” She said
“Mother….can you just stop!!!, The gods doesn’t exist….the only good in here is me….”
“Kai enough… have to forget about Victoria…..she belongs to your brother now…you have to move on!” She yelled back.

(The sky turned dark and there was lightening and wind)
“No!, She was mine until you all took her away from me!” Kai said. He was now angry.
“The gods said she wasn’t the one for you!”
“The gods go to hell!” Kai said and the lightning strike louder. Kai was the ice prince. He has the power to control wind, lightning, rain and the snow.
“Kai….Kai please….am doing this for your own good!” Queen Elsa said.
“I’ll be in my chamber!” He said and rushed away.

The weather was dark everyone in the palace were in fear. The Ice prince was angry again. On one dare made a mistake.

My bu-tt hurts. I frown. What kind of useless dream is this?.
I look at the night sky…it was dark and heavy….the wind was heavy….. suddenly it began to rain.
“Oh great….it rains in my dreams too!!!” I said and ran to a tree shade. “Ok now Nina….it’s time to wake up……let’s wake up Nina…..” I slap my cheeks, pinch my flesh, seize my breath, but it didn’t work……

Something moved closed to me in the bush.
“Whose there?” I asked. I was scared to death but wait!, This is just a dream….why should I be scared. “Show your face you coward!”
“Hey….that’s harsh…..!!” I heard a voice. It was a male voice…not too sharp.
It moved out of the Bush… was a monkey….yes….a monkey.
“A monkey?,…., Haha….you’re trying to scare me?, Show yourself!” I yelled.
“Who are you referring to?” The monkey spoke. A monkey talking!!!
“Hahahaaaaa…..hahaha….this…this is funny….hahahaaaaa….a monkey… speaking…in…in my dreams….”
“Are you nut?, Who’s dreaming?” It asked again
“Hey talking monkey….”
“It’s Moo…my name is Moo!” It said
“Moo?, Monkey?…., Am not surprised…’s a cute name” I said and it smiled. A smiling monkey….this is crazy.
“Why are you here?, You don’t look like you’re from here!” He said
“No….am not an animal like you….”
“Hey am not just an ordinary animal…am a higher animal…. look I was marked” he said showing me a scar.
“Okay…am sorry….am Nina….you can call me Nina” i said.
“What realm are you?” It asked.
“What?” I asked.. because I was confused
“I mean what realm are you from…..”
“Am human…..!” I said and it twitched like it was shocked.
“Hu…..human?” “Let me see” he hold my arms and his eyes opened. “It’s true…’s true”

Suddenly the ground seem to be vibrating
“What’s….what’s happening??” I asked
“It’s okay it’s just my uncle!” Moo said.
I felt something behind me. As I turn around I saw a very big big big monkey… not a monkey a gorilla…..
“Hhhhhaaaaaaaa!!!!!” I yelled and……..I felt dizzy……and the sharp pain in my stomach again……..

I opened my eyes. I was outside of my house……it was strange… did I get outside of my house……or…..I…I wasn’t dreaming????
I ran and started knocking on the door. Runa opened up.

“Nina…where have you been….we’ve been looking for you everywhere…..Alex is about to go crazy!” She yelled.
“I…i don’t know…..I…I was in bed” i said.
“What trick did you do?, Because the door was still locked…..did you disappear?” She asked, I know she was joking but it sound true.
“Runa….Runa…you have to listen to me……I….I think I was trapped in a novel….I don’t know but I think…..I…..”
“Nina…..really….., I told you to stop reading those hilarious on line novels….now you’re acting weird!” She frown
“No Runa…you’ve got to believe me am serious…..okay….I can prove to you am serious……how did I get outside?’ I asked her.
“Jesus Nina……did you hit your head hard?, I’ve got to tell Mom!”
“Runa…..Runa…….” She wasn’t going to believe me I know. But I know I’ve got to do something about this.I know something was wrong I know I was in another world I felt it. Even my wrist still have the injury when I fell from the sky. Someone got to believe me I mean anyone. Or as Runa said was really crazy? No how then did I get outside my house.
Yes….yes Kate (my best friend and co STAR reader) shell believe me…. she’ll listen to me.

The guards got to the river bank….they search and search but no one was there. They sent words to the queen that there was no one at the bank.
“What you are searching for?” Moo asked on of the guard
“Oh it’s a high ranked spirit animal….we greet you and we came in peace” the guard said “the queen sent us here to bring a girl, but we can’t find her…..”
“You mean Nina?” Moo asked.
“You mean you saw someone…a girl?”
“We’re is she?”
“I don’t know….she disappeared…..” Moo said

The guards brou-ght Moo and his uncle to the palace.
“I greet the royal majesty the queen!” They both kneel as a respect to a royal from the spirit animals.
“Tell me….did you see her….. where is she?”
“I don’t know she….she just disappeared when she saw my uncle here” Moo said
“How does she look like can you tell me anything about her?”
“She was beautiful… beautiful and have a nice and Angelic voice….oh…Nina….she said her name was Nina” Moo said
“Nina….. Nina!!!” The queen rush back to the shimmer.

“We couldn’t find her….she left before the men get there…. please….please help me”
“My queen……I can’t do anything….the gods won’t allow me…but don’t worry I’ll pray….I’ll pray, I know the gods have plans….. believe me…they always do”……………………….