Annabel’s little secret Episode 10

Little Secret
(What happened to her?)
Episode 10
Esther’s Pov:
I took out the pen and opened the diary curiously to re-ad and just then, the door of the bathroom opened and she walked out.
Her eyes dilated at the sight of the diary in my hands.
“What do you think you’re doing?” She snarled and c@m£ to me in a full f0rç£, snatching the diary from my hands.
‘Have you gone nuts?” She barked.
“What makes you think you have the right to go throu-gh my diary? Can’t I have some privacy?’
I opened my mouth in shock and was too stunned to even say a word.
What…what the hell is that?
I stood up on my feet and scoffed.
“Annabel, are you alright?” I asked, transfixed in shock.
‘Yes, I am. And I think you and your sisters should just stay out of my way” she replied angrily and left the room with the diary.
I g@sped and turned to look at the door in shock.
Is that Annabel?
How can she get so mad over her diary?
How could she speak to me in such manner?