Alexandra season 2 episode 10

(Finding Her)




“Andra” I muttered and they all turned to me. “It’s Andra”

“What are you talking about” Titi asked me.

“I can Recognize Andra’s writes ups, quotes and drawings or designs from anywhere and I could swear on anything that this diamond ‘💎’…” I pointed at it for them to see. “….was designed by Andra, the white wings by its sides speaks of br@very, bold and love, and then the ‘family’ carved inside it speaks of the unity of family or a nation, in compilation, the diamond means a br@ve and bold family united in love” I concluded and watched them to know if my explanation Sank in but instead Titi and Lola bur-st into laughter, dad twisted his brows at me and mum just stared, for a moment it looked like she believed me so I decided to use her as my weapon.

“Mum, this is Andra, you know very well how much she loves family even though she doesn’t leave her room to go anywhere else in the house but she always has us in her heart and she portrays it in her diamond drawings, if you doubt me, go to Andra’s room when we get home, open her drawer and check her sketch book, you will see all her diamond drawings exactly like this one” I persuaded.

“That is rediculous, even if that’s true, a lot of people might have the same idea with her” Jenny stated.

“It is 0-1% possible that two different people will have the same idea of the same thing” mum stated and I smiled.

I’m getting my sister back and my Alex.

“Honey, I suggest we check this out, what is the worst thing that can happen?” She asked confused looking dad.

“The worst thing that can happen is showing up at the door step of the owner of a very rich wine industry and then start asking them if they kidnapped our sister and made her their label designer, let me tell you what they would do mum, they will throw you back to prison and this time around, not probation but real prison” Titi fired.

“Why are you getting all walked up about this, we are trying to find your sister here, if we see any clue, we should use it without question” dad fired back at her.

“Dad, plea-se don’t misun-derstand it…” Jenny ch!pped in. “What Titi is trying to point out is that this man could be richer than the president himself and it is not advisable to show up at his house or his company without appointment and then ask him if he has seen your daughter, the dude might lock us up in his wine jars.” She stated and dad looked like he was beginning to reason with them.

I have to do something, I know what they are trying to do but i won’t let it happen, whoever that owns this wine industry must know something about Andra and Alex and I’m not missing this Chance.

“Aren’t you guys fed up of running around all the time without hope looking for them, the only original clue we’ve found so far, you want to ignore it, I don’t know about you but I’m definitely taking the next flight to Baritana to find my sister.” I barked and took another sip from my wine, God this wine is good, can’t wait to meet the owner, I wonder if he has a son… No, no no, Alex is my focus plea-se.

“And I’m not gonna sit here and watch this opportunity to see my daughter again pas-s me by, she must have put to be-d three months ago, my baby might be so scared.” Mum cried and dad hvgged her.

“Fine, I’ll go and check it out” dad said.

“I’ll go with you” mum muttered and dad nodded.

“I’ll go too” I added.

“What about school” Titi asked me.

“School can wait until I find my sister” I stated.

My phone beeped and I stared at it, WhatsApp message from Titi and Jenny in our sisters group chat.

*what are you up to* Titi asked.

*so you really want her back that much* was Jenny’s message.

*why are you two so datf, if you keep acting like this mum and dad will start suspecting you, at least act like you are happy and tell them you would want to go too* I replied. I had to act as if it was just a plan.

*oh, you should have told us* Jenny replied.

“Umh dad, I think we all should go” Titi stated.

“OK” dad replied.

“And maybe you should also inform Alex’s family in case they would wanna come along” mum suggested.

“Yea, I’ll call his father after dinner” he replied.

Three waiters wheeled a trolley towards our table.

“I guess that’s for us” dad said.

“Finally, it’s been a long night” Titi breathed out and we laughed, actually I had to f0rç£ out the smile.

My mind was occu-pied with worry and nervousness, what if Alex And Andra are…. No, they can’t, he belongs to me, Andra shouldn’t make me hate her again, I wanna change my ways towards her but if she and Alex have become…. Ughrr I won’t take it lightly.
I’ve lost my appetite alre-ady.



“Who was that?” Mum asked dad when he c@m£ back to the dinning after answering a call, he kinda looked happy and worried at the same time, I guess that’s why mum asked.

“That was Andra’s father, he said something about finding a clue that can help us find the kids” he replied referring to Alex And Andra.

“Really” Aiden asked him. He kinda has been restless ever since the disappearance of the duo by something tells me that he wasn’t actually worried about Alex but Andra, which got me wondering if he really loves her or if he was just bluffing.

We’ve all missed Alex and I really can’t wait to see him again.

If only PROM NIGHT didn’t happen, I knew or rather my brothers and I knew that those witches were involved in that set up but because of our crazy hunger for ma-king fun of him, we would have helped Alex out. Thank goodness we all broke up, though I still love Lola and wish we could get back together but I’m done with high school nons-en-se, that prom night was the end of it, I’ve moved on, if we were meant to be, I’m sure it will happen.

My brothers and i has been regretting not doing what we should Have done for Alex but regrets doesn’t change anything. All we pray for right now is finding them and find a way to remedy the situation that is if Alex will ever forgive us, we haven’t really done anything wrong to him, we just tease him like normal big brothers do to their little brothers unlike how Lola and her sisters treat Andra, gush that girl has suffered, she must have given birth by now. Can’t believe Alex is now a father, lol.

“What clue did he find” I heard Jake ask.

“Something about a drawing blah blah blah, all I care about is that they found a clue that might lead us to finding them” dad replied.

“I’m coming along” mum stated.

“Us too” I added.

“You boys have school” dad said.

“You are talking About our brother here, there’s absolutely no way we won’t go” Jake stated.

“Alright, fine you can come along” mum replied.

“After dinner, I’ll call Haily to get the jet re-ady” dad stated and went back to his food.


🏙Baritana City🏙


“Where’s Kcee” Alex asked me as he walked out of his car, he was just coming back from the factory and Kcee his as-sistant hasn’t reported yesterday sales since morning.

“Haven’t seen him” I replied as he took Diamond from me.

“Oh, thank you so much, she’s been given me trouble since morning, haven’t rested one bit” I breathed out.

“Really, you’ve been disturbing mummy since morning huh?” He asked her as he tickled her while she laughs cutely

“This girl is so annoying, she’s been crying since she woke up but just because daddy carried her, she suddenly remembers how to laugh” I complained and crossed my hands on my che-st as I watched her.

“Oh come on, don’t be jealous, she loves me more than you, deal with it” Alex flared and I hit his arm, he giggled and pe-cked my cheeks. “I missed you so much” he confessed.

“Dude you were just gone for few hours” I replied.

“Well I missed you for few hours” he said and I laughed, he joined me while Diamond giggled.

“Awwww” Alex and I cooed at her and she blinked her cute big brown eyes, Alex k!$$£d her cheek and I ca-ressed them.

“Lunch is re-ady though” I informed Alex.

“Thanks dear” he pe-cked my cheek and made to walk in but I called him back.

“Can I have my baby back now sir”

“I’m sorry ma’am but I want to go and eat with my baby” he replied.

“Dude she’s just three months old, she can’t eat what you eat” I said to him.

“She’ll start today, right Dee” he called her by her pet name which he gave her, lol, crazy guy, though I love it, Dee.

They walked in, leaving me in my wonder land.

I looked around the vast compound and still tears threatened to fall, I haven’t gotten used to the fact that we are rich now, living in a palace called a house and the crazy p@rt is, the house is in the city just in a quiet zone.

The first time we got here, I got scared of it, the city, the people and the government, Alex was so close to asking his agent to find another place for us, a little far from the city but I had to st©p him, I nee-ded this, I nee-ded to get closer to the people to be Able to help them with this law.

Also, we finally gave our company a name few days after Diamond was born or rather Halen gave the name, she was all over diamond three months ago, I miss her, they refused to move in with us, they said they would die happily now that we’ve become a comfortable family and they would be glad to spend the rest of their lives in the country side.

Well we never forget the Sunday lunch tradition, we always visit every Sunday.

Our label was designed by Kcee three months ago, but I gave him what to design, a lot has really happened these past months, lol.

But the best p@rt is That Alex and I are really getting close and I’m so happy about it, I really can no longer deny the fact that I’m in love with him and the way he acts around me, I think….

“Good day ma’am” I heard Kcee breathing behind me, I turned around.

“Kcee why are you so late, he’s been looking for you” I asked him.

“I’m so sorry ma’am, I actually reported at the factory, very early in the morning but I got a call at the seaport concerning a sh!pment to Korea, I had to go settle it” he stated.

“Well is it settled now” I asked.

“Yes, everything is fine now” he replied.

“OK, and Kcee, I’ve told you to st©p calling me ma’am, you are really older than I am” I said to him, it’s really weird to be called ma’am by a 23 year old guy, I’m just 18, though I’ll be 19 soon and Alex will be 20 in few months time.

“But you are my boss” Kcee argued.

“I know but plea-se, try not to be calling me ma’am” I asked and he nodded. “He’s having his lunch inside” I said to him.

“OK I’ll go check on him” he replied and walked out.

Kcee happens to be a graduate of marketing and we hired him as our first delivery guy, but as things excelled, we decided to put him incharge of the sales dep@rtment and he’s really doing well, very respectful too, we doubled his pay and try our best to make him comfortable.

Few minutes later he got out.

“He s£nt me on an erand at the factory, I’ll see you later” he stated and I nodded and waved at him, he entered his Honda and drove off.

I sighed and walked inside, time to make trouble, those two are gonna suffer in my hands today 😜, trouble mode activated 😂🏃‍♀️.


“We’ll see to that sir” the chief of staff stated reffering to a malfunction in traffic light of one p@rt of the city.

“You better” the middle aged Mayor warned.

“We’ll get the ICT team to work on it right away” the young chief of staff stated and bowed a little before walking out.

The Mayor sighed when he realized he was alone. His desk phone suddenly rang and he walked to it and picked it up.

“Yes K” he answered.

“It’s her sir” a young voice of a man said from the other end of the phone.

“It can’t be, she’s dead, a thousand years ago, I personally….” He looked around the quiet room one more Time to be sure he was alone before talking again, when he was sure nob©dy was listening, he spoke again. “.. I personally ate her heart which is why I’m still alive” he whispered.

“But it’s her, I’ve talked to her, dined with her, she’s the same person you keep telling me about.” The voice said.

“So she c@m£ back, but how is that possible, wait unless…”

“A reincarnation sir” the voice completed the mayor’s statement.

“Yes, cause when I saw her on her porch that morning, I felt her power, it’s all over her and it burns like fire, and I don’t think she knows what or who she is” the mayor stated.

“Not at all sir” the voice replied.

“Good, K make sure she doesn’t get to know, because if she does, I’m dead, so don’t let her know and she should also not know that her kind still exists, I nee-d to wipe them all out and if I get her first before she finds me out, do you know what this means K?” The mayor asked.

“Another 1000 years of living on earth” K replied.

“Yes, so make sure she doesn’t find out what she is until I find a way to terminate her” the mayor stated.

“Yes sir” K replied.

“Good job boy” the mayor stated and hung up the call.

“Oh great queen Bollitovah, watch how I’ll destroy you again, eat your heart again and wipe your kind out of this earth” he muttered to himself.


Andra loves ma-king trouble eeh, Alex and Dee don suffer for that girl 😂

This mayor mmmh, is like you don’t know the meaning of power pas-s power, until u meet Andra 😂