Age episode 26

AGE( it is just a number)


Episode 26


Haunted past


ha-rd in Castillo



Shadows and echoes pla-yed on my s-en-ses warping shapes and sound as I watched the appalling sight in front of me…

Stiff bodies, Injured persons were been carried into the ambulance

Am I dreaming? Is this for real? I thought within, staring down at my hand and yes it is real , Kim’s blood was still in my hands……

“oh no! Kim! I muttered as tears rolled down my eyes..Arrgh! she took a gunsh0t in my stead , everyfu-cking injured persons here got hurt because of me……

I was pained , hurt and scared at the same time knowing I caused this $h!t myself, I really regretted the day I met Austin…..

Speaking of Austin , where is he? Is he among the attackers? If yes, was he caught …….

with a heavy heart, I looked around the hvge compound for sign of traces of him but found none , Jasper dead b©dy laying on the ground was the only “thing” in view ……but wait a minute ! Isn’t that Justin?

Fear crippled me , freezing every muscle in my b©dy as I stared at the chubby man in handcuffs been led into the waiting police van ….

Is Austin this Desperate that he had his boys from London come hunt me down? Does it mean he is still out there? … Damn! this is messed up …….

A light tap on my shoulders snapped me out of my thoughts and I quic-kly look in the direction to see Richa-rd …..

“hey man! Are you alright?” he asked , breathing ha-rd and I nodded slowly

“Steve! where is he?” I asked in whispers, leaning against the wall as I watched students trot out of the school building

“he went with Kim in the ambulance”. he answered and I was f0rç£d to smile

It was obvious Steve likes Kim!

“But what exactly is going on? Who were those men? what business do you have with them?” Richa-rd asked in a rush as he paced up and down the sidelines and I exhaled de-eply

“They are Austin men”. I answered truthfully

“Austin Rivera! the man who blackmailed you! how? ….. I mean that man has hurt you a lot, why can’t he just let you be?”he continued as I clutched my fist ti-ghtly

“I don’t know ! I really don’t know”. I yelled, hitting my fist on the wall and that was the exact minute my mum drove in

Mum! why is she here? I wondered, tucking my left hand into my pocket as I walked slowly to her car.

Instantly, The car skidded to a halt and to my surprise,the door to the pas-s£nger seat flew opened and Hazel hopped out , rushing to hvg me

I smiled inwardly, she is the exact person I nee-d at the moment!

Catching her in my arms , I wra-pped my hands lightly around her careful not to let the blood on my hands stain her as she buried her face in my che-st

“I was so scared ha-rd in , the news made it look so terrible”. she rasped , whimpering in my arms

“I know”. I agreed, resting my head on hers as l listened to the sound of our heart beating…

We stayed like that for a while and then I pu-ll-ed out of the hvg to stare at her face …..

her hair were tangled! her eyes red and puffy!herl-ips pale!

I exhaled de-eply, why does she like crying?

“Baby!” a familiar voice suddenly call from behind me and I glanced over my left shoulder to see my mum running towards me

Oh right! when will she with the baby calling?

“Baby!” She called again when she was closer and I sighed , turning to face her

“Hey mother!” I greeted, running my hands throu-gh my hair and on seeing the blood on my

hand, she screamed loudly attra-cting the curious stares of the cops officers including my dad

” we are alright!” I said aloud, signalling to my dad and he nodded slowly, looking away

“No ha-rd in! You ain’t fine , what is with the blood in your hands”. My mum insisted , talking in whispers and before I could respond, she continued

“Is it the girl’s blood? but erm …your dad told me she wasn’t hurt that much”. She quic-kly added as I bit at my lowerl-ips, cursing silently

if she alre-ady knows about it why is she ma-king out a big deal about it?

” it is a bullet wound mum and those $h!t do bleed like hell”. I stated , staring intently at Hazel as I searched throu-gh her blank gaze

She was confused and I knew it

“What girl?” She mouthed at me and I

looked away to avoid more of her questions

I was in no mood to explain the details of what happened to her, she will surely get her answers from my mum since the news clearly didn’t give the full story……

“Mum!do you by any chance know the hospital she was taken to? I asked picking my words and she nodded with a light smile

“Ontario hospital!!!!

Immediately, I leaned over to give Hazel a brief k!ssand then made for my clas-sroom ….

Entering the clas-sroom, I found only a few students so I quietly picked up my backpack and ran all the way to the car lot where I met …Hazel ….

Oh no! not again!!!!

“Are you gonna see Kim?” she asked , resting her back against my car

“Yes!” I answered truthfully as she nodded slowly

“Alright! we will see at home”. She simply said and then ran off to meet mother …..

heaving a sigh, I watched her go : then opened the car door , got into it closing the door behind me and on starting the car , I drove off to the family hospital, Ontario……..



Getting to the hospital, I parked out in front and on st©pping the car engine, I alighted from the car to see ” the gossips” questioning a police officer…


With my head bent low, I strode throu-gh the crowd to the hospital and on entering the reception, i was greeted with a shocking sight

Right in the reception, Steve was seated on the floor crying and when I say crying, I mean wailing his eyes out without even minding the scene he was causing ….

Oh no! This is so bad!

quic-kly, I rushed to him, squ-atting beside him

“Steve!” I called as he slowly shifted his gaze to me

his eyes were alre-ady swollen and his veins stood out on his n£¢k

“what is wrong?” I asked in whispers and he opened his mouth mumbling some words but all I heard was the name “Kim”

I bec@m£ alarmed

“Kim! Is she alright? did anything happen to her?” I asked in a rush and he sighed, shaking his head

“She refused to see me , she wants to see you and you alone”. he stated as he bur-st into fresh tears and I wi-de-ned my eyes in surprise

Is this it? because of a girl? unbelievable!

“So have she been attended to? where is she?”I probe-d on and he nodded , pointing to a sliding door adjacent to us

“her wounds have been tended to , you can go see her”

Straightening up , I adjusted my clothes as i walk up to the sliding door

I slide it open and walked in to see Kimberly laying on the big be-d

Seeing me , she smiled weakly as she gestured me to sit beside her which I did …..

an awkward silence follows which I broke it with a nervous chuckle

“So how is the arm? I asked , staring at the alre-ady bandaged arm

“Fine! she answered, trying not to meet my gaze and I sighed in frustration

“Why did you do it?” I directed the same question that have been eating me all up to her

” you should know the answer ha-rd in”. She said pla-ying with her hands shyly

“That you like me ?” I asked to be sure and she looked up at me , nodding slowly

“It can’t happen Kim and you know it”

“I know but I can’t just control my emotions”. She rasped as tears welled up her eyes …

“No Kim! You can do it ,you just have to open your heart to someone who genuinely loves you” I said referring to Steve and as if re-ading my mind, she asked

Steve right???

I nodded , “and how did you know?”

he told me himself”. She simply answered as she continued pla-ying with her f!ngers

“I like him too but not like the way I love you”. She quic-kly added and I was f0rç£d to smile wi-dely

“Just give it time and the love will flow naturally”.I advised her

She was quiet for a while and then she smiled softly

“I can see Hazel has taken all of the special places in your heart”

“No Kim! You got it wrong there, you also got a special space in my heart”. I said trying to make her happy and it worked , her eyes lit up

“And what special space is that?”She asked excitedly

“The space of a true friend”. I answered truthfully and to my upmost surprise, she jumped on me and hvgged me ….

“Thanks ha-rd in!”

“No! I should be the one saying that , thanks for saving my life”. I said in appreciation as she wra-pped her hands ti-ghtly around me …….



Mike Peterson



With my mouth wi-de opened, I stared into my l@pt©p in surprise

Jasper dead! Justin arrested! No it can’t be , it really can’t be

“Oh no! Austin! the cops will soon be here ! what are we going to do?Noah asked , shaking in fear and yes he was right , the police would soon be here

Reasons! Justin couldn’t endure pain and with a little torturing, he is sure to confess

I was so damn confused and nee-ded to think straight …..

“We got enough money right???”I asked Noah and he nodded his head sheepishly..

“Good! get me my covers, we nee-d to leave now” I instructed ma-king him sigh in relief

“I nee-d to l@ylow and when the coast becomes clear , I will strike again and this time around I will take them all by surprise……




Hazel Dakota



Laying on my be-d , I glanced at the wall clock for the umpteenth time

It was alre-ady late evening and ha-rd in was yet to be back …..

I sighed sadly

Is he still with Kim? If yes, will he be spending the night with her?

I was so confused and unhappy at the same time but what can I do? She saved his life so I have no right to complain….

Sitting up , I reached for my phone and was about dialling his number when I heard someone knock

“Come in”. I answered and immediately , the door flew opened and Nina walked in holding a dustpan and waste-bin

Oh yeah ! the mystery girl!

“Ma’am! I am here to clean up your room”. She stated with a light bow

Clean! So she can plant a bomb in my room! Hell no

“Don’t worry, I will clean it up myself “. I snapped at her and her eyes grew wi-de in surprise

“But ma’am! that is not possible, you are ha-rd in’s.. erm Sir ha-rd in’s wife to be”. She said and I swear, I heard the mockery in her voice and that was it, I could not take it any longer

“Get out of my room”. I thun-dered at her and she gave me a long long before sauntering out of the room …

What the hell? did she just jeer at me? I really nee-d to tell ha-rd in, he really nee-ds to do something about it

The sound of a car driving into the compound disrupted my thoughts and getting off the be-d , i looked out of the window to see it was ha-rd in’s…

I smiled inwardly, he will spend the night in my arms


Picking up my phone from the be-d , I walked out of my room to his room and on entering, I sat on his be-d waiting for him

Finally! after a long wait , the door to his room creaked opened and he walked in with a large smile

“ha ha! I knew you would be here” he said, tossing his back pack on the floor ; then pu-ll-ed off his shi-t, joining me on the be-d

” welcome”. I greeted him, maintaining a straight face and he sighed as he pu-ll-ed me closer to him

“I know you are angry but It will be unfair to leave her like that , she saved my life you know”. he apologised, b!tt!g my ear-lobe and I clutched the be-d sheet ti-ghtly to st©p myself from laughing but soon gave in , I laughed out loud and ha-rd

“Good girl! I love the way you laugh”.he remarked as he continued b!tt!g my ear-lobe

“No! St©p it! plea-se st©p! I am still angry with you”. I screamed loudly and he st©pped , ma-king me to face him as he pu-ll-ed me onto his l@ps

“And what should I do to make you happy my love?”he asked, tou-ching my n!ppl!s throu-gh the go-wn I was wearing

“Nothing much , Just don’t lie to me ever”

“Alright! I won’t!”. he said as his hands search for my Zi-p but I was quic-k to st©p him

“Why Haz!”he asked, searching my gaze as if looking for answers and I chuckled seeing the plea-sure in his eyes

“Well! well! I nee-d to talk to you about something first”

” And what is that? Can’t it wait?”he asked with a sm-irk and I smiled, shaking my head negatively….

“It is about Nina”. I quic-kly added

“Nina! what about her?did she say anything mean to you?” he inquired, knitting his eyebrow

“Nope! I am just a little bit suspicious of her ,actually I overheard her talking to a person on phone and from the look of things, it seems they both know you”

he stared at me for a while and then laughed

“And how is that possible miss?”

I scoffed , “do I look like a joker !I am damn serious, she talked to a person called Anne and I think they both know you”. I repeated but this time around, my voice was louder

“Anne!” He repeated with disbelief written all over his face and I nodded

“Do you know her?” I asked , studying his facial expression

“Erm yes I mean no how will I know her”. he stuttered and I nodded slowly knowing he was lying and to sum up my point , he pushed me away from him gently , stood up , pick up his shi-t , put it on and then stormed out of the room

“ha-rd in!” I tried calling him back but my voice c@m£ out in whispers….

What the hell is going on?



ha-rd in Castillo



“Anne! Is Hazel really sure about what she is saying?”I thought within as I climbe-d down the stairs to the maid quarters

I mean I know for sure that she Anne would have been out of the juvenile prison house but why the hell is she in South Tacoma?

Damn! It can’t be , there must be a mix up from somewhere and I will find out today……..

Kicking the door to the first room opened, I walked in to see the girl Nina typing into her phone smiling

Seeing me , she hid the phone un-der the pillow , got off the be-d and rushed to stand in front of me

“Sir ha-rd in! how can I help you?” She asked , fidgeting as he pla-yed with her hands shyly

“Anne! who is she to you?” I asked, ignoring her question and she froze on the sp©t

“Erm Sir I erm don’t un-derstand erm what you are talking about”. She stuttered as I sm-irked evilly

“Really! then let me rephrase the question, where the hell is Anne?” I half yelled

“Anne! where is she! who is she!” She asked , scratching her hair and that was when I saw it , the stricken resemblance

Damn! I cursed silently as I recall Anne telling me about a kid sister who looks exactly like her

Why didn’t I notice this earlier?

My heart beat increa-sed as I heard a loud ban-g in my head

Did Anne s£nd her kid sis to spy on me? If yes , why ?

“Enough of the lies kid! I know who you are, where the hell is Anne?”I repeated and this around, she clutched to my clothes ti-ghtly

“plea-se Sir ha-rd in, don’t throw me out of the mansion, I love it here”. She pleaded as I eyed at coldly

Is she for real?

“Fine!but firstly, you nee-d to tell me where your sister is”. I said hoping she would agree and she did

She let go of my cloth, rushed to be-d , picked a paper along with a pen , wrote into it and then rushed back to me

“Here! this is it”. She said , handing me the paper and I nodded , staring at it

“Good! get re-ady to leave the mansion as soon as I return

having said that ,I walked out of her room to the garage and luckily for me, I was still with my car keys

Seriously! Does she think I will let a sly like her stay in the mansion?

Opening the car door , I got in closing the door behind me and on starting the car, I drove to the address written on the paper

No 2 ! Teddy block, off Beacon hills school!

Come to think of it , She even stay so close to my school, unbelievable!



In what seems like an age , I parked in front of a modern building covered with thick bushes

Really! Of all places, why did she choose to live here?

Offing the ignition, I alighted from the car and walked up to the front porch , the door was slightly ajar so I pushed it opened and on entering, I c@m£ face to face with Anne

“Anne!” I called in disbelief as my eyes roamed all over her

She was so different and when I say different, I meant she was pregnant

“Jayden!” She called , holding the sofa as she stood up

She was clearly aware of my coming, her loud mouthed sister must have called her!!!!

“What happened?” I asked still in shock

“I got out of prison two months after you left , I was almost done with my prison terms remember?” She reminded and I nodded abs£ntmindedly as i was lost staring at her protruded tummy ……..

I went back to my little home in London and was told my mum died of an illness and also , about my little sister who was living with an aunt here in south Tacoma…

And with the little money I had on me , I took the next available flight to south Tacoma….. and believe me when I say I could not st©p thinking of you , I couldn’t forget you….

I spent all of my days crying as I held the only picture I have of you , my actions got my aunt pissed and she threatened to burn your picture but the moment she saw the pics clearly, she froze on the sp©t …..

” ha-rd in Castillo! Is this not ha-rd in Castillo?” She repeated in shock

I was confused and speechless, I never knew you as ha-rd in Castillo but with the way she describe-d you , I knew for sure you were the one…..

” wait! wait! I half yelled , signalling her to st©p and she did

“Your aunt! She knows me ! Who the hell is she?” I asked , looking around the room as she smiled light

“Miss Benson”. She answered and I went stiff

Miss Benson! My literature teacher! Is that why she wasn’t all surprise when she knew I was Jayden Winthrop? because she alre-ady knew…..

Mehn! This is messed up

“Can I continue??” Anne asked snapping me out of my thoughts and I nodded


I began stalking you , taking pictures of you and spent the whole day dreaming about you …..

I wanted you back! I wanted you beside me so on seeing the vacancy post in front of your gate that a “personal maid was nee-ded” , i pleaded with my sister Nina to go for it and her Innocent charms did the magic ….

Your mother took a liking to her and employed her ……:

“Really! So you s£nt your kid sister to work as a maid because of your selfish interest?” I snapped at her as she li-cked herl-ips

“No Jayden! You got it all wrong, she likes it in the mansion”. She defended herself and I scoffed.

“Oh too bad I am gonna kick her tiny as-s out once I return to the mansion!” I retorted

“You wouldn’t dare!” She threatened and I laughed loudly

“And why wouldn’t I ! I have no business with you an…. I tried to say but she cut me off

“Of course you have a business with me “. She yelled , pointing to her baby bu-mp and that was it , I flared up

” what the hell are you talking about you bit-ch?Are you asking for a death wish!”

A fli-cker of fear crossed her face which she quic-kly replaced with a sm-irk

“The baby in here belongs to you”. she repeated with a tiny voice and I laughed out bitterly

“baby! what baby! this is all bull $h!t! I was always careful not to pour my stuff into you”

“Not all the time Jayden”. She snapped at me and I bit at the lowerl-ips in anger knowing she was right , she was the first girl who got me “S-x crazed”and that explains why I kept on drilling her even though i had no feelings for her…..

“Why are you trying to deny me? Is it because of Hazel, your maid turned girlfriend?” She yelled , trying to t©uçh me but I took a step backward

“Don’t ever call her a maid” I warned and she withdrew her hand, placing it on her w@!st

“Oh I see! because she is carrying your child right? hello! I am also carrying your child”

“Shut up!” I barked at her and she flin-ched a little, coll@psing on the sofa

“I ain’t interested in being a father to that bastard of yours”. I fired at her

“then get re-ady to loose your girlfriend because I will tell her all about us without leaving a stone unturned”She fired back at me and my breathing increa-sed

“Are you threatening me?”

“No! I am just letting you know , the choice is for you to make”

“You can go to hell for all I care!”I cursed at her, retreating my step as I walked out of the house

“And if you dare fire my sister , you will have yourself to blame”. She called after me …..

Confused, I ran all the way to my car and for the first time in three years, I cried so ha-rd for the helpless teenage boy .. Jayden Winthrop…..

My past! they keep on haunting me and i am getting drown in it ………
