Advantage episode 3 & 4


Episode 3

My supervisor asked me to give a receipt to

a secretary in the admin office. I got to the

admin office but the secretary’s seat was

empty. I waited for few minutes before she

c@m£. I handed over the receipt to her

stating who s£nt me. She appreciated it.

I opened the exit/entry door to the admin

office when I met a familiar face about to

enter the office.

Me: Good morning ma

Woman: Good morning, my dear.

The look on her face showed she was trying

to remember where she might have seen

me. Well, I didn’t let her think too long

before helping out.

Me: I helped mummy locating….

Woman: Yes! Galacious, right?

She Interrupted.

Me: Yes ma

Woman: What a name! I’m Mrs. Williams.

What are you doing here?

Me: I work here, ma

Mrs. Williams: Oh! Really?

Me: Yes ma

Mrs. Williams: Ok. Hmm, when do you


Me: 5 ma.

Mrs. Williams: Good. Why don’t you st©p by

tomorrow after work at my house? We nee-d

to talk.

Me: Hope no problem ma?

Mrs. Williams: At all, dear. Grandma would

be glad to see you, and I also have things

to discuss with you.

Me: Ok ma.

Mrs. Williams: Take care and be careful.

Me: Ok ma thank you ma.

I wondered why Mrs Williams would want to

see me at her house. Probably to have a

drink as an appreciation for the as-sistance I

rendered to her mother. I wasn’t expecting a

reward for what I did. Albeit I have been

curious on how the inside of the Mrs

Williams house would look like. I had to

wait till Tuesday evening to figure that out.

It was past six in the evening later that

day. I was in the parlour watching TV. Mom

went for a church program with my Ayo. I

heard a knock on the door.

Me: who’s there?

Voice: Udenme

Udenme? What could she be looking for?

Ayo is not at home. I thought.

I ba-rely opened the door. My right hand

was on the door and the other on the wall.

Me: hi

Udenme: hello

Me: Ayo is not in

Udenme: I know.

Me: oh ok.

Udenme: won’t you ask me to come in?

Me: oh sorry. plea-se come in…… and have a


I opened the door a bit wi-der and held the

door while she walked in and took her seat.

Me: what should I offer you?

Udenme: Really? Someb©dy is becoming


Me: Well, don’t blame me. Almost all our

visitors are mom’s. I don’t really have

friends that visit.

Udenme: not even your girlfriend?

Me: Na na. Don’t have one.

Udenme: Really?

Me: yeah

Udenme: well, then I will like fufu with afang

okazi vegetable soup with……

Me: huh?

Udenme: yea. I’m not done yet.

Me: I’m sorry we don’t have that.

Udenme: I know you won’t, but since you

asked what you can offer Instead of telling

me what you have and I’ll choose which

one I prefer.

Me: ok ma. We have….

Udenme: don’t bother.

Me: you sure?

Udenme: of course I’m sure. I live next door,

if I nee-d something I can get In the house.

Me: alright then.

I sat down. There was silence for awhile

before she continued the conversation.

Udenme: You know I haven’t spent a week

yet and I’m alre-ady missing Calabar


Me: Well that’s Inevitable, where you have

been for…..

Udenme: Since I was born.

Me: You can imagine. I’m sure Grace and

my sister have been keeping you company

Udenme: Yea. You know isn’t It awkward

how close your mom and my sister are.

I chuckled

Me: my mom is very tolerant. I took after


She chuckled.

Udenme: It goes both ways.

I heard mom’s voice. She was exchanging

plea-santries with one of neighbours.

Udenme: Isn’t that your mom?

Me: Yea. She’s early tonight.

Udenme: Ok. Lemme take my leave then.

Me: c’mon she’s not going to complain

Udenme: don’t be so sure, she might not in

my pres£nce. You know I’m not my 12 years

old sister.

Me: hmmm

Udenme: Na so. Thanks for the company.

Me: Anytime

Udenme: So I can check in around 1 am?

We both chuckled.

Me: Well, I’m cool with that.

Udenme: I hear. Later.

Me: Ok then.

I helped with the door, while she stepped

out. Several thoughts filled my mind. Is she

hitting on me? Or perhaps she just felt like

talking to someone? Whatever it was, time

would tell.


Episode 4

I knocked Mrs Williams’ gate and a man,

which obviously was the security man,


‘’Good evening Sir’’ I greeted with a little

bow. ‘’Evening my son’’ He responded.

‘’Madam asked me to come’’, I quic-kly

explained myself. ‘’Ok, wait here. I’ll be

right back’’ He said and shut the gate.

Few minutes later he was back.

‘’oya come’’ he instructed and led me In.

The second I got in the Air-conditioned

nearly blew me off my feet. The parlour was

mas-sive with large paintings on the wall.

There was a picture of Mrs Williams, a man,

which I as-sumed was Chief Williams, and

their children (two females and a male).

One of the ladies in the picture looked

familiar. I could swear I’ve seen that face

before. Wait a minute! It was Princess. I

could not believe my eyes. I wouldn’t nee-d

Chinenye to get to her after all. I thought.

‘’That’s my family picture’’ a voice

whispered from behind. I turned around and

it was Mrs. Williams.

‘’I thought as much. Good evening Ma.’’

I greeted with a little bow. ‘’Evening my

dear’’, she responded. ‘’That’s me, my

husband……your boss’’ she narrated

pointing at the picture frame and smiled

after the last word. I nodded and smiled


She continued, ‘’right here is our son, Kola.

Here Is Tola and the princess of the house,


‘’Wow! It’s not just the house that’s

beautiful, the people living in it are as well’’

‘’Thank you, dear’’

‘’plea-se have your seat’’. She offered and

sat on one the sofas. I gladly accepted the

offer and sat on the opposite one. She

called out a name and a lady c@m£ to the


Looking at my direction Mrs Williams said

‘’She’s here to get you whatever you want’’.

Whatever? I’ve never been that lucky.

‘’water will do’’ I ordered. The lady left to

get the water.

‘’How is mummy? I asked referring to her

mum—–Princess’ Grandma. ‘Mummy is

fine. She went out with Princess. They

should be back very soon’’


The lady brou-ght Eva table water with a

glas-s cu-p in a tray. She placed it on a

table. Just in front of me.

‘’Thank you’’ I said to her. ‘’you can go

back to your room. I will call you if I nee-d

you’’. ‘‘Okay, ma’’ she responded to Mrs.

Williams and left the parlour.

‘So Galacious, since when have you been

working at the factory?’’

‘’After my WAEC, ma. Trying to gather some

funds to ease the bill off my mum when I

get admitted.’’

‘’That’s so thoughtful of you. How much do

you think you can gather from your

earnings at the steel company, and how

long will it take to gather enough for your

years In school?’’

A car horned and we could hear the sound

of gate opening.

‘’Actually ma, I don’t really know how much

that will be enough throu-gh my years in

school, but I believe what I will gather

within these few months at the factory

should suffice for my first

semester….covering the school fees,

accommodation and feeding. I can also

work at the end of each semester.’’ I


”Nice! You have really planned it all out.

Well, do you know why am asking these


‘’Not really ma’’

‘’Hello everyone!’’ Grandma greeted

cheerfully, standing at the door way. ‘’Hello

mummy’’ ’’You’re welcome ma’’,

myself and Mrs Williams responded


‘’Where is my …..’’ Mrs Williams was about

to ask a question but couldn’t complete the

s£ntence before she was interrupted.

‘’Right here mum’’, Princess walked into the

room, sat on the cushion beside her

mum and side hvgged her. ‘How was it?’’

Mrs. Williams asked her daughter. ‘’ superb

mum’’ she responded

cheerfully.’’ ‘’Good. You will gist me later

when I’m throu-gh with my guest’’.

Princess nodded and stood to her

feet. ‘‘Hello’’ Princess waved at me as

she made her way out of parlour. ‘‘Hi,’’

I responded with a smile. ‘’Galacious, this is

my daughter Princess you saw in the

picture.’’ Mrs. Williams Introduced. I


Grandma and Princess left us.

Mrs Williams explained how she was willing

to support me throu-gh my school. She

advised me to st©p the factory work and

also request to meet my mom for further

discussions. I agreed. Who wouldn’t?

It wasn’t the academic discussion that was

on my mind that moment, I could not just

get Mrs Williams’ daughter out of my head.

Did Princess even recognize me? I asked


Her mom must have noticed I was lost in

thought when she asked ‘’Galacious, are

you still here?’’ while I was sitting opposite

her. ‘Yes ma.’’

‘’Call me tomorrow. Let me know what she

thinks.’’ ‘’Thank you, ma.’’

‘’Okay dear. Good night’’ Mrs Williams

ended the discussion and headed for the


I was about to turn and take my leave when

I heard Grandma’s voice. ‘My son, I heard

you’re leaving without eating?’ ‘I’m sorry

ma, maybe next time. I’m running late’’

‘’Okay, dear. plea-se extend my greetings to

your mum.’’ ‘‘I will ma.’’