A two faced lover episode 5

A Two Faced Lover

(episode 5)

Revenge isn’t always a suitable approach to solving relationsh!pissues but

most times, it is the best because some ill mannered people nee-d to have a

taste of their own medicine once in a while. If you can’t eat it, then

don’t serve it. You can’t expect to have your way all the time while

treating people badly and like trash. Everyone has their limits and once

you push them beyond that limit, get re-ady for anything that happens next

because they will come at you with all the strength they have got left.

Saint had stepped on so many toes and it was his turn to get stepped on so

he knows how it feels. Women are nurturers and have the ability to give

back to you in ten folds whatever you give to them. Rose had nurtured the

pain Saint inflicted on her heart and it was time for him to receive it

back in double portion. Well, it seems as though the battle line had just

been drawn!

Immediately the interviewer instructed his media crew to cut Rose’s call,

they swiftly did so and the call was disconnected. After the awkward phone

call session ended, the entire interview studio was dead silent. Everyone

gave each other an awkward stare and they all redirected their stare to the

man on the h0t seat, which was Saint.

Due to the fact that no one saw that bomb coming, it took a little while

before the interviewer got back to his s-en-ses and continued the interview.

In order to be professional, the interviewer covered the severe awkwardness

with laughter and told Saint that things like that normally happened on the


“Wow, that was unexpected but not to worry, we get calls like this from

disrespectful callers who intentionally want to pl@ygames. Let’s take a

commercial break and we will be right back” The interviewer said and they

went on a short break.

Immediately the c@m£ras st©pped rolling, Saint took a de-ep breath as he sat

there still short of words. The interviewer tried to cheer him up just so

he could get himself back together for the next round of the interview.

While Saint sat there still in shock, the interviewer walked up to the

media crew to instruct them not to receive any more calls after the

commercial break.

While everyone conversed from a distance, Saint couldn’t bear their low-key

comments about him. Unable to bear the side eyes and distant murmur from

the crew, he got up and shamefully walked away from the interview studio.

Immediately he left, the interviewer hurriedly ran after him.

“Where are you going to? We still aren’t done with the interview and the

commercial break will soon be over” The interview guy nervously said, “I’m

sorry but I can’t do this, I can’t continue with the interview” Saint said

and hastened his steps out of the building. On seeing that there was no way

they could st©p him from leaving, the interview guy ran back to the studio

to continue with the show because the commercial break was almost over.

A day that was supposed to be a good one turned out to be a disaster after

one phone call, so imagine what would have happened if it was two phone

calls. There was fire on the mountain alre-ady because everywhere was h0t;

Saint was highly devastated, the interview host and media company were

pissed at him for walking away, Rose was angry that she didn’t say more

than she did, Saint’s manager was b!owing his phone up with calls and his

potential clients were also calling as well.

There was just so much happening at once and it almost drove Saint crazy.

For once in his life, he gets to experience first-hand what it feels like

to be in real pain and heartbreak. He was extremely furious with Rose for

her actions and wanted to head down to her office and unleash his anger on

her; but at the same time, he knew that his past actions had made her

ruthless so she was re-ady to go down any path with him.

As people kept calling Saint from all angle, he was also calling Rose

back-to-back but she unfortunately wasn’t picking up. He called her

countlessly and screamed out in anger whenever the phone rang till the end

without being picked. “Aaaahhhhhh” he gro-an ed in pain as he drove; “where

did I meet this kind witch from? This girl has killed me, which kind of

girl is this one that I carry myself and give? I must deal with her, she

doesn’t know who I am” he angrily said.

While it seemed like the whole world was about to come to an instant end on

Saint’s p@rt, Rose was busy smiling at the office all throu-gh that day. She

even went as far as buying food for her colleagues and everyone was

surprised and even began to inquire if it was her birthday.

Have you ever felt that unexplainable good feeling that overtakes a person

after they repay someone back for a bad deed that was done to them?

Majority aren’t familiar with this payback feeling because they usually

don’t like to take matters into their own hands but rather leave the

Revenge to God. Well, either ways, there’s this feeling you get when

someone pays for something horrible they did to you. It doesn’t make you a

bad person to feel that way, but rather makes you human because bad people

deserve to have a taste of their own medicine every now and then. Rose

wasn’t a horrible person for feeling happy after supposedly ruining Saint’s

image on national television; not after how he led her on, sle-pt with her,

broke her heart and humiliated her to t©p everything up. Haba! Who wouldn’t

get pissed and lose their common s-en-se of reasoning?

One of the worst things that can happen to a person’s emotional and mental

health is to see the person that inflicted pain on them, walking freely

like nothing happened while they suffer. No one deserves to take trash and

die in silence while their abuser lives their best life as if someone isn’t

going throu-gh pain at their expense. Saint set the music, so it was his

turn to dance to it!

That day was such an emotionally draining day for Saint as a lot of people

were on his case. The interview had gone viral and got so many people

talking about it. Saint’s social media accounts were b!owing up with

comments of different opinion and criticism concerning the interview. The

ladies Saint had sle-pt with in the past opened fake accounts and expo-sed

him the more on the comment sections.

Things actually went beyond that as days pas-sed by. Sponsors started

pu-lling out from Saint’s seminars and he also lost major gigs with Big

media houses. The tour he was on before the incident had to pause because

his sponsors weren’t willing to go ahead with their initial deal.

Just when we thought the worst had happened, it turns out that it was

actually just the beginning. While everyone was still digesting the

interview incident, another bomb was about to be detonated.

Turns out that some of the ladies Saint had Brutally manhandled in the

past, started reaching out to media houses, blogs and vlogs for interviews.

Most media houses turned them down but some desperate ones took up the

offer and made do¢v-mentaries with their stories. What made matters worst

was the fact that these ladies didn’t know each other personally so they

all contacted different media houses on their own. Due to that, there were

so many stories from different sources concerning one man which was Saint.

Imagine having numerous confirmation to a p@rticular rumour, wouldn’t the

tendency of believing it’s authenticity be on the high? The different

stories that filled the Internet gradually began to break the ‘Halo Effect’

that had surrounded Saint’s personality and image for a very long time. His

die-ha-rd followers began to slowly lower their voices during arguments on

the Internet, as the scandal and allegations began to get more convincing.

Due to the backlash from the media and also all the financial loses Saint

was incurring, he fell into depression and lost weight in no time. Things

bec@m£ bad that he even st©pped showing up at public gatherings so as to

avoid side eyes or distant murmuring from people that knew what was going

on. It killed Saint slowly to realise that everything he had worked ha-rd

for years to get, was gradually going down the drain. It felt as though he

had hit an irrecoverable low moment in his life and it killed him daily

whenever he recalled that Rose was the master person behind all his misery.

At that point, if there was someone Saint hated with pas-sion and wanted

dead, then it was Rose. If God gave men individual privilege to rule the

world for just a second, Saint would end Rose’s life the very minute that

power was conferred to him. While he was eating himself up and wallowing in

depression, Rose was busy laughing at any new article or video about him

that hit the Internet. “Na wa oh! So this man have enemies to this extent?

It took me to talk before all of them gradually began to crawl out of their

shell. Wow!” She shockingly said.

Due to the fact that Saint was alre-ady going throu-gh so much heartache,

Rose decided to re-move her hands from his matter and backed down on every

plan she was initially having to further run him down. She felt he was

alre-ady going throu-gh so much and there was no nee-d to further add to his


Unfortunately for Rose, while she had decided to let go of Saint and move

on with her life, he was about to fl!pthe coin and deal with her

mercilessly for ruining his life. Something unexpected happened one fateful

day that almost led to world war 3.

It happened one evening that Rose was at a shopping mall buying groceries

and wasn’t aware that Saint was in the same mall. He c@m£ there to meet up

with someone that was contemplating on offering a gig to him that would

bring money to his pocket. It’s been a rou-gh couple of months and it

greatly affected Saint’s financial status. At that point, he was desperate

for any gig that could bring him money, as a lot of sponsors and clients

abandoned him due to the dent on his image.

Saint finished up with his meeting and was heading towards the parking lot

when he caught sight of Rose. “Is this who I think it is? I just pray it

isn’t her” he said as he took steps to get closer to the person. Before he

could even reach where the person stood, she turned and looked towards his

direction; Lo & Behold, It was Rose!

Immediately Saint’s doubts were confirmed, he rushed to where Rose stood

and before she could even figure out what was going on, a big sl@p landed

on her cheek from behind. After receiving the sl@p, she furiously turned to

see who sl@pped her and was extremely shocked when she realised it was


Without wasting a single second, Rose retaliated and landed a h0t sl@p on

Saint’s cheek too. She furiously gr@bb£d his shi-t and said; “You must be

mad, you will kill me today!”.